The Redemption Shows God’s Love for Man by Fr William G Most Rom 5:8 said, “God proved His love.” Now, if someone desires the well-being of another, and starts out to procure it, but then runs into an obstacle, and if a small obstacle will stop him, the love is small If it takes a …
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Mar 13
How the Redemption Operated
How the Redemption Operated by Fr William G Most Introduction There is some confusion today as to how the redemption produces its effect It is not enough to say that Jesus redeemed us by dying, or even that He was obedient These are of course true But we must penetrate much more deeply. Part of …
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Mar 11
The Privation of Jesus and the Effect it Produces. How Jesus Suffered the Privation of the Divinity.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/12/23 – Vol. 15 The Privation of Jesus and the Effect it Produces. How Jesus Suffered the Privation of the Divinity. I felt I was dying of pain because of the Privation of my sweet Jesus. If He comes at all, it is like flash that escapes. Then, as I …
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Mar 10
Encounter with a soul in Purgatory. Difference between Jesus and the Virgin.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/11/00 – Vol. 3 Encounter with a soul in Purgatory. It continues almost always in the same way. This morning I saw Good Jesus more afflicted than usual, threatening a great mortality of people, and I saw that in certain towns many were dying. Then I passed by Purgatory, and …
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Mar 10
How, in Creation, God Gave the Rights to Possess the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/10/27 – Vol. 21 How, in Creation, God gave the Rights to Possess the Kingdom of the Divine Will. I was following the Acts of the Supreme Volition in the Creation according to my usual way, and as I arrived at the Point when God issued the Creation of man, …
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Mar 10
Padre Bernardino Bucci’s Prayer Request for 50th Anniversary
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Mar 10
Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 8, 2014
Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 8, 2014 Feast of Saint John of God GREAT NEWS!!!! Again, thank you for your prayers. Success appears very close. The Jury in McCarthy v. Langsenkamp rendered its verdict Friday which seems quite favorable to the devotion becoming widely available and not subject to the control restrictions claimed by …
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Mar 05
How only Jesus was the Author of her (Luisa’s) state of sufferings, and because they forced Him to, He has permitted a pause. How in God there is Absolute Rest; outside of God, work.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/6/31 – Vol. 29 How only Jesus was the Author of her (Luisa’s) state of sufferings, and because they forced Him to, He has permitted a pause. How in God there is Absolute Rest; outside of God, work. I continue to live amid the bitternesses of my present state. The …
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