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Traditional Feast of Corpus Christi (Thursday after Holy Trinity Sunday)

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Priests Prayer Team

This is a gentle reminder that on a weekly basis a number of our Priests celebrate in private at 8pmon a Thursday worldwide, the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament and the Priesthood, just as Jesus did on Holy Thursday. In parallel a number of us as Intercessor Prayer Warriors For our Priests are simultaneously also …

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Father Blount on the Divine Will

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Luisa’s Titles Jesus Gave on her Birthday – April 23

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Global 24 Hours of the Passion

For Global 24 Hours of the Passion click link below   

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Your Defense of Luisa Piccarreta and the Divine Will – Theological Response

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Alejandra Acuna’s Response to the Pause of the Cause of Luisa Piccarreta

My greetings to all of you in the Divine Will.          I have been asked if Luisa’s Cause has been paused or suspended.          The Cause is still in the Vatican and has Not been definitively suspended…it continues in the Vatican. However, it is currently paused, for various reasons.  It is not being given the …

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Our Father Prayer in Aramaic as Jesus Taught it

  Words to Our Father Prayer in Aramaic Abun d-bashmayo Nithqadash shmokh Tithe malkuthokh Nehwe sebyonokh Aykano d-bashmayo Oph bar`o hab lan Lahmo d-sunqonan   Yowmono washbuq lan Hawbayn wahtohayn Aykano doph hnan Shbaqan l-hayobayn Lo ta`lan l-nesyuno Elo paso lan   Men bisho metul d-dylokh Hi malkutho whaylo wteshbuhto L`olam `olmin Amin  

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Audio Round of Lent in the Divine Will

Without Music With Music

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Our Lady of Marienfried Thrice-Admirable Queen, Mother, and Mediatrix of All Graces

Our Lady of Marienfried Thrice-Admirable Queen, Mother, and Mediatrix of All Graces (1946, near Pfaffenhofen, Germany)   From:   As the pleas, requests, and warnings sent to mankind by a merciful God through His Immaculate Mother at La Salette and Fatima went unheeded, He sent that same loving Mother once again to warn a prideful …

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