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Luisa Encloses All the Goods

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Luisa had a good word for everybody

“Luisa had a good word for everybody, a word of hope” The Testimony of Eugenia Carvelli 4/18/2018 Miss Eugenia Carvelli died on April 13th at the age of 93. She was one of the lucky people who knew the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Eugenia was born in Catanzaro on 10 March 1925. She was …

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Luisa’s Mission is Immense

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Luisa’s ‘Yes’ Still Exists

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Formed in the Divine Fire

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Happy and Blessed Birthday Pope Benedict XVI – April 16

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Divine Purity


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Novena for Luisa’s Birthday – April 14 – April 23

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Luisa, Head of a Mission

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“Nuclear fission in the…heart of being”

“Nuclear fission in the…heart of being”: The Eucharist as the Sacrament of Transformations in the Teaching of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI June 11, 2014 by Fr. Donncha O Haodha Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s use of the image of nuclear fission—…in a positive sense, in order to explain the Eucharistic mystery—is contemporary and striking, and apt …

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