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Msgr. Paolo Rizzi, the new postulator of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta meets the Association

Msgr. Paolo Rizzi, the new postulator of the Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta meets the Association.

We received a great gift from our Celestial Mother during this Marian month, on the eve of the centenary of Her appearances in Fatima: the presence, in our midst, of Msgr. Paolo Rizzi, the new postulator of the cause of beatification and canonization of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Msgr  Rizzi, incardinated in the Diocese of Vigevano, since 1998 is an official the Secretariat of His Holiness, in the General Affairs Section. He is also the postulator of the causes of canonization of Venerable Teresio Olivelli and Blessed Tommaso Reggio.

The meeting with Msgr. Rizzi began at mid-morning on May 12. After the visit to the Cathedrals of the cities of Barletta and Trani, in the afternoon  the meeting with Achbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri took place. The Bishop expressed  the hope that the process of beatification would achieve its goal for the benefit of the faithful throughout the world awaiting this act of the Church. Then he saw a provisional coincidence in the fact that this assignment fell on the 70thanniversary of Luisa’s death and on the centenary of the apparitions of Fatima. In fact, he enlightened the strong link between Fatima’s message and Luisa’s mystical experience. Finally, he stated the constant concern of many bishops throughout the world, who, through their letters, invites him to pursue the path he has undertaken.

Afterward, Msgr.Rizzi visited the tomb of the Servant of God in the Church of Santa Maria Greca and the House – Museum where he also met some pilgrims coming from the Philippines, Ireland, as well as from Italy who welcomed him with great joy and cordiality. Moreover, don Sergio presented the archive and explained all the documentation contained in it and that it is essential for the continuation of the Cause.

There then followed an initial meeting with the members of the Governing Council during which the postulator answered some questions regarding the Status Causae.

In the evening Msgr. Rizzi met the whole family of the Association during anassembly at Luisa Piccarreta Parish Center. At this meeting, after presenting to him all the various groups and activities of the Association, some testimonies highlighted the interest and love for Luisa and the Divine Will, especially the desire to be the spokespeople and evangelizers of such message, to leave everything to recovered the Whole, that is God and His Will.

Finally, some songs of adoration and praise, always characterised by the Divine Will, concluded the evening and brightened the moment of festive fraternity that followed.

Mgr Rizzi honored us with his presence the next day too, on May 13, at mid-morning, when he had a second meeting with the members of the Governing Council. During this encounter, they dealt more deeply with matters relating to the cause and the spreading of the message of the Divine Will in the world. Then he visited the exhibition dedicated to Luisa Piccarreta, which was inaugurated last  April 24 by the Archbishop and entitled “Seed of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

It was a fruitful and fertile exchange of reciprocal enrichment that transmitted to us so much hope and a strong desire to continue our commitment both to the Cause of Beatification and, above all, to the charisma that Luisa left us, that the Divine Will be fulfilled “on earth as in heaven“. Fiat!


Paolo Rizzi 

He was born in Mortara (PV) in 1963. He was ordained a priest in 1990 and incardinated in the diocese of Vigevano. Hegraduated with a degree from the Pontifical Urban University of Rome. He attended the course for postulators at the Congregation for the Causes of Saints and the course of administrative practice on special processes at the Congregation of the Sacraments. He served for two years as vice pastor and for six years as caretaker pastor. He worked as a teacher of Religious Education, in Italian lower secondary schools and a professor of canon law at the Seminary of Vigevano. Since 1998 he is an official the Secretariat of His Holiness in the General Affairs Section. In 2003 he was appointed Chaplain of His Holiness. He published books, works and articles of contemporary history, canonical law and hagiography in local and national periodicals.


Antonella Bucci

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Feast Day of St. Philip Neri

Litany of St. Philip Neri

Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
pray for us.
Holy Virgin of Virgins,
pray for us.

Saint Philip, -pray for us.
Vessel of the Holy Spirit, -pray for us.
Child of Mary, -pray for us.
Apostle of Rome, -pray for us.
Counselor of Popes, -pray for us.
Voice of Prophecy, -pray for us.
Man of Primitive Times, -pray for us.
Winning Saint, -pray for us.
Hidden Hero, -pray for us.
Sweetest of Fathers, -pray for us.
Martyr of Charity, -pray for us.
Heart of Fire, -pray for us.
Discerner of Spirits, -pray for us.
Choicest of Priests, -pray for us.
Mirror of the Divine Life, -pray for us.
Pattern of humility, -pray for us.
Example of Simplicity, -pray for us.
Light of Holy Joy, -pray for us.
Image of Childhood, -pray for us.
Picture of Old Age, -pray for us.
Director of Souls, -pray for us.
Gentle Guide of Youth, -pray for us.
Patron of thine Own, -pray for us.
Thou who observed chastity in thy youth, -pray for us.
Who sought Rome by Divine guidance, -pray for us.
Who hid so long in the catacombs, -pray for us.
Who received the Holy Spirit into thy heart, -pray for us.
Who experienced such wonderful ecstasies, -pray for us.
Who so lovingly served the little ones, -pray for us.
Who washed the feet of pilgrims, -pray for us.
Who ardently thirsted after martyrdom, -pray for us.
Who distributed the daily word of God, -pray for us.
Who turned so many hearts to God, -pray for us.
Who conversed so sweetly with Mary, -pray for us.
Who raised the dead, -pray for us.
Who set up thy houses in all lands, -pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
-Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
-Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
-Have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
-Christ, graciously hear us.
V. Remember thy congregation.
-R. Which thou hast possessed from the beginning.
Let Us Pray.

O God, Who hast exalted blessed Philip, Thy confessor, in the glory of Thy Saints, grant that, as we rejoice in his commemoration, so may we profit by the example of his virtues, through Christ Our Lord.
R. Amen.

St. Philip Neri, Giandomenico Tiepolo, Church of San Polo, Venice, ARSH 1745-1749


Christ Crucified with St. Eusebius, St Philip Neri and St. Mary Magdalen; Pierre Subleyras, ARSH 1744

In order to begin well, and to finish better, it is quite necessary to hear Mass every day, unless there be some lawful hindrance in the way.
-St. Philip Neri


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Anointing with the Holy Spirit one with Luisa

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Novena to the Holy Spirit in the Divine Will – Begins May 26, 2017

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Prayer for the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven

Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven

May 25, 2017

Abba Father,

In the Name of Jesus,

in the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit,

Under the Mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

with All the Angels and Saints,

through the Intercession

of the little daughter of the Divine Will

Luisa Piccarreta,

on the Solemnity of the Ascension,

Lord Jesus, with the Insignia of a New Innocent Adam, You Ascended into Heaven, Impetrating with Your Death the Kingdom of the Divine Will. You Who Prayed for two thousand years, Let the Light of the Divine Will Vivify and Heal all human wills and Transform them. Cast the Root of Your Divine Will into all hearts, Laying the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth, in the midst of the human generations. (V26-5.12.29)

Blessed Mother, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will, being Present in Heaven at the Great Feast of the Ascension of Your Divine Son, Jesus, may you enclose in us the Operating Life of the Divine Will that Luisa possesses. Jesus, Our Savior and Our King, Make us Ascend in the Divine Will, One with Luisa. (Day Twenty-nine – The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will)

One with Luisa and the Blessed Mother, may we accompany You Lord Jesus in Your Ascension into Heaven. May we say, ‘How Beautiful You are – All Majesty, Clothed with Most Refulgent Light.’ May we be the first children of the Kingdom of Your Divine Will and receive the Grace to lay down our lives in order call everyone to Live in this Kingdom, so Holy. May the Beauty, the Enchantment, the Peace of the Divine Fiat be given to everyone, through Luisa, whereby Fulfilling the Mission of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Lady, Mother and Queen of the Divine Will. May we become like the New Adam and New Eve, possessing the Inheritance of Jesus and Mary through Union with the little daughter of the Divine Will Luisa Piccarreta. (V34–5.20.36)

Echoing Luisa’s prayer, we pray: ‘I leave and I stay.  I leave for Heaven to Beatify It, to reach my Home and to make Known to everyone my Dear Jesus, whom I have enclosed in my act. May everyone Enjoy Jesus and Love Jesus. I also remain on earth, as my Life, as well as my Support and Defense for All my brothers and sisters.’ (V35-1.24.38)

Please accept this humble prayer

and make it Your Command.

May the Coming of the Kingdom

and the Fulfillment of the prayer to You,

Our Heavenly Father,

“May Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven”

be all Accomplished and Completed

in Your Most Holy Divine Will.


Fiat! Amen!


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Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

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Gospel Reading for May 24, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Contesting Truth is Sin Against Holy Spirit

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