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Feast Day of Saints Timothy and Titus


On Jan. 26, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, close companions of the Apostle Paul and bishops of the Catholic Church in its earliest days.

Both men received letters from St. Paul, which are included in the New Testament.
Eastern Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Christians also venerate the saints, but do not combine their commemorations. Instead, the Byzantine tradition remembers St. Titus on Aug. 25 and St. Timothy on Jan. 22.
Pope Benedict XVI discussed these early bishops during a general audience on Dec. 13, 2006, noting “their readiness to take on various offices” in “far from easy” circumstances. Both saints, the Pope said, “teach us to serve the Gospel with generosity, realizing that this also entails a service to the Church herself.”
The son of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father, Timothy came from Lystra in present-day Turkey. His mother, Eunice, and his grandmother, Lois, are known to have joined the Church, and Timothy himself is described as a student of Sacred Scripture from his youth.

After St. Paul’s visit to Timothy’s home region of Lycaonia, around the year 51, the young man joined the apostle and accompanied him in his travels. After religious strife forced Paul to leave the city of Berea, Timothy remained to help the local church. Paul later sent him to Thessalonica to help the Church during a period of persecution.
The two met up again in Corinth, and Timothy eventually journeyed to Macedonia on Paul’s behalf. Problems in the Corinthian Church brought Timothy back for a time, after which he joined Paul and accompanied the apostle in subsequent travels.

Like Paul, Timothy endured a period of imprisonment in the course of his missionary work. His release is mentioned in the New Testament Epistle to the Hebrews.
Around the year 64, Timothy became the first bishop of the Church of Ephesus. During that same year, he received the first of two surviving letters from St. Paul. The second, written the next year, urges Timothy to visit St. Paul in Rome, where he was imprisoned before his martyrdom.

Ancient sources state that St. Timothy followed his mentor in dying as a martyr for the faith. In the year 93, during his leadership of the Church in Ephesus, he took a stand against the worship of idols and was consequently killed by a mob. The pagan festival he was protesting was held Jan. 22, and this date was preserved as St. Timothy’s memorial in the Christian East.
In contrast with Timothy’s partial Jewish descent and early Biblical studies, St. Titus – who was born into a pagan family – is said to have studied Greek philosophy and poetry in his early years. But he pursued a life of virtue, and purportedly had a prophetic dream that caused him to begin reading the Hebrew Scriptures.
According to tradition, Titus journeyed to Jerusalem and witnessed the preaching of Christ during the Lord’s ministry on earth. Only later, however – after the conversion of St. Paul and the beginning of his ministry – did Titus receive baptism from the apostle, who called the pagan convert his “true child in our common faith.”
St. Paul was not only Titus’ spiritual father, but also depended on his convert as an assistant and interpreter. Titus accompanied Paul to the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem during the year 51, and was later sent to the Corinthian Church on two occasions. After the end of Paul’s first imprisonment in Rome, the apostle ordained Titus as the Bishop of Crete.
Paul sent his only surviving letter to Titus around the year 64, giving instructions in pastoral ministry to his disciple as he prepared to meet up with him in the Greek city of Nicopolis. Titus evangelized the region of Dalmatia in modern Croatia before returning to Crete.
Titus is credited with leading the Church of Crete well into his 90s, overturning paganism and promoting the faith through his prayers and preaching. Unlike St. Timothy, St. Titus was not martyred, but died peacefully in old age.

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 26, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Laboring in the Field of the Soul

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 25, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Those Who do not Believe Remain Empty

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 24 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Here are My Mother and Brothers

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Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph

January 23

Espousal of The Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph

The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph

The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph

Hail, holy Mother! giving birth to thy Child, thou didst bring forth the King, who ruleth the heavens and the earth for ever and ever. [Ps.] My heart hath uttered a good word. I speak my works to the King. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Hail..

Imbue Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord, with the gift of heavenly grace: that having been exhorted to salvation in the childbearing of the Blessed Virgin; in celebrating the solemnity of her espousal we may be granted an increase of peace.  Through our Lord.

We beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be helped by the merits of the Spouse of Thy most holy Mother, so that what we cannot obtain of ourselves may be given to us through his intercession.

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Gospel Reading for Jan. 23, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Living in a Divided Kingdom

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Victory of God’s Happiness

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Victory of God’s Happiness

Brothers and sisters, Fiat!

After the Christmas season ordinary life returns with its rhythms and the normality of haste and of the commitments of everyone. This is why the words of the Scriptures that the Liturgy proposes to us today, might seem inappropriate to us: “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy. ” Of what light is it spoken in this dark time, and what is this joy in a life that has returned to banality and ordinary difficulties? These are the questions that the ordinary man asks in the face of the economic crisis and the TV news, in a political climate that is so degraded.

In truth, we often prefer to cultivate a sense of sadness and dissatisfaction, because it puts us away from the need to compare ourselves with the newness of the Gospel. Those who are happy and those who are well can help others and take care of them, but those who are sick are not required to do so.We prefer to cultivate discomfort, lament, dissatisfaction because they put others in a position of taking care of us, enough to feel sorry for us, and so we are free from all obligations. Of course, we don’t always think of this, because, over time, it becomes a habit and a spontaneous way of being. But we should ask ourselves: is it worth living like that? Is it Worth rejecting the proposal to live in joy and with a light that illuminates our way, rather than in the grayness of a life that is always insatisfied?

But where does this joy come from? The prophet Isaiah speaks of a joy that comes from the harvest and distribution of the war booty,”they rejoice before you as people rejoice at the harvest, as warriors rejoice when dividing the plunder.” It’s a happiness that comes from having sown, with patience and perseverance. It comes from having cultivated, from having tilled the land and uprooted the weeds so that one can now finally enjoy the results of the work done. It is a joy that comes from having fought a good fight against the evil force that crushes the weak, against the resignation condemning everything to always remain the same, against the temptation of selfishness and of the closure and finally to be able to share the spoils of a life freed from evil and made more good.

The Gospel tells us that the seed is the Word of God. It, at Christmas, was made flesh, that is, it has become something that everyone can meet, listen and experience. It was sown in the ground, we too saw that it in the poverty of a manger was offered to us as Good News:at first God was distant and unknowable, He is now within our reach, near and helpful. So the apostles met Him on the shore of Lake Galilee, as a word addressed to them, a direct and demanding word: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men“. Without half measures or reassuring preambles, Jesus speaks and asks to follow Him, He asks us not to stand firm on the on the seashore but to put out into the deep. There, there are fish, there we can make the abundant fishing that feeds so many people and gives joy. It’s true, on the shore it is safer and less tiring, but is it worth spending your life to prepare your nets, bent over your little things, arranging your business, without ever putting out into the deep and plunging into the wide horizons of life beyond yourself?

Peter, Andrew, James and John trusted that word and the Gospel tells us that they kept it as a precious seed sown in their lives. Their life was hard, they were always traveling and willing to meet the needs of their brothers and sisters, but their life was full and happy, not whiny or sad. They were able to fight the good fight against the selfish instincts and the difficult nature of each of them and at the end they obtained a life blessed by God as a spoil.

Why don’t we make this perspective ours? Complaint and dissatisfaction are as a prison that shuts us in to make us feel more sheltered and safe, but then it becomes a cage that takes away the freedom to be happy. We welcome with joy the release that the Lord Jesus came to bring us: we can escape the sad fate, and we can cultivate day by day a new life, sources of peace, seeds of generosity, plants that become trees able to give relief and shelter to so many people.

A life lived in this way is the fullness of God’s joy, it is the song of His victory over evil and world. When the Divine Will dominates on earth, then will there be perfect union between Heaven and earth. One will be the order, one the harmony, one the echo, one the life, because one will be the Will. Even more, in Heaven many mirrors will be seen, and the creatures, reflecting themselves in them, will look at what the Blessed in Heaven are doing.They will hear their chants, their celestial melodies, and by them imitating what they do – their chants, their melodies – there will be the life of Heaven in the midst of creatures.

The “Divine Fiat” will place everything in common, and there will be the true life of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. Then The Divine Volition will sing victory, and the creature will sing the hymn of her triumph.

The human will has produced so much evil as to form the unhappy state of the poor creature; it changed her lot, her fortune. Since God is happy by nature, everything that came out of His creative hands in Creation, came out with the fullness of happiness; therefore, everywhere, inside and outside of man, perennial joy and happiness flew.

The human will, instead, drove this sea of true and perpetual peace out of itself, which, driven out, took refuge in the womb of its Creator, who had delivered it so that all of His works might be happy. To see man unhappy, to see that the sea of His happiness is not enjoyed by the one who was the owner of it, is always a sorrow for Him.

Now, one who lives in the Divine Will calls this sea of happiness once again into herself, she removes from God the sight of the unhappiness in the poor creatures, and she makes Him twice as happy, because He sees that God’s happiness follows its way toward His children. Therefore the Divine Will will put all things in place and will remove the unhappiness produced by the human will which, with its poisonous slobber, knows how to embitter everything and make everything turbid.

What a consolation for a father to have and see the crown of his children – all happy, rich, healthy, beautiful, always smiling, never crying! how God enjoys, and feels Himself swimming in his own happiness and that of children! He feels within Him the happiness of His children, because it is His own thing and can enter into Him; while unhappiness is something extraneous to Him, which does not belong to Him and has no way to enter into Him. He feels the sorrow of seeing it, but not of feeling it, and as Father, He loves and wants everyone to be happy.

Let‘s make Isaiah‘s exultation ours:”you have shattered the yoke that burdens them, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressor.” Yes, God frees us from the yoke, from the bar and rod if we, with readiness, deepen our love for Him and His Word, more than for ourselves and our sadness.

don Marco

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Prayer for the end of Abortion

January 22, will mark the 44th anniversary of Roe v. Wade,

the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal in the U.S.

  Pray the Command Prayer to End Abortion:

Abba Father, in the Name of Jesus

In the Unity and Power of the Holy Spirit

Under the Mantle of Mary,

with all the Angels and Saints,

through the intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

take my humble prayer and make it Your Command

to end abortion throughout the world

that all may be accomplished and completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.



Since that tragic decision,

more than 59 million

children’s lives have been lost to abortion,

and many others suffer from that loss

— often in silence.

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Love Jesus for Everyone

Love is the greatest of the fruits of the Spirit and, from a certain point of view, it contains them all.  It is the most desirable fruit because “God is love” and God, in creating man, made of him “a complex of love”.  It is Jesus Himself that tells this to Luisa when He affirms that the nerves, the bones, the flesh of the creature are fabrics of love.  And God, after having woven them with love, let blood flow in all the particles, as if covering them with a garment in order to give them life of love.  So the creature is none other than “a complex of love” and she moves for no other reason than for love.  At most there can be a diversity of loves, but always for love she moves.  There can be divine love, love of self, love for creatures, evil love, but it is always love.  Nor can she do otherwise because her life is love, created by the Eternal Love, and thus raised by an irresistible force of love.

Love is therefore the center of human existence.  It’s not only a feeling, nor only an act of will, but fundamentally it is an act that involves feeling, will, patience, memory.  Love is centered in relationship.  Its parameter is that which is good for the other.  Love starts from a relationship with God.  It is above every law, it surpasses every law, it is not subject to any law.  Jesus even tells Luisa that love is not subject to death.  There is no power, there are no rights over love.  Love is eternal and one who loves is eternal with God.  Love fears nothing, it doubts nothing, and it converts the same evils into love.

In the Old Testament, the word love is understood as the love that pushes one to make a gift of self for the beloved.  There is no love if there is no “you”.  Love is an inexplicable spiritual force ingrained in the person.  In the people of Israel, the idea of love expresses relationship with the God of the Covenant and it is clear that the love of God precedes the love of man and of His people.  We read in the book of Deuteronomy: “You will love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength”.  The “all” repeated three times with emphasis helps us to understand that the author is exhorting us to commit the totality of our energy to making arise, from the feeling of love, a conviction that governs our whole way of living.  He basically tells us that in order to fully live our relationship with God, we must engage our whole personality (heart and soul).

In the New Testament, we read in the first letter of John: “We love because God has loved us first”.  The love of God is unmistakable, unconditional, immeasurable, infinite.  He loves each one of us in the same way.  How can we love with such a love?  We certainly couldn’t do it without divine intervention.  God provided, He compensated for our inability and He made us capable of loving as He loves, obeying His Will.  “I pray that you, being rooted and grounded in love…may be filled with all the fullness of God” (Eph 3:17,19).  God, therefore, loves us madly and ardently desires to be loved as He loves us: but how?  By living in His Will.  In fact, Jesus always reiterates to Luisa how pleasing it is for God to see the creature living in the Divine Will, because she lives of God’s reflections and, while living of His reflections, she absorbs in herself the likeness of her Creator who loves her with an eternal love.  Jesus then emphasizes that whoever truly loves God does not get bothered by anything and tries to convert everything into love.  According to the dose of love that an action contains, even if it be an indifferent one, thus increases its weight, because God doesn’t look at the work, but rather the intensity of the love that the work contains.  He reiterates still that love encompasses everything, binds everything, gives life to everything, triumphs over everything, embellishes everything and enriches everything.  Love is jealous of everything, even a thought and breath, though it may be honest.  It wants everything for itself and thereby gives the soul, not natural purity, but divine purity.

One can therefore say that love is wisdom, it is obedience, it is sweetness, it is fortitude, it is peace, it is everything.  And if all of the virtues don’t have life from love, at most they can be called natural virtues.  Love, however, changes them into divine virtues.  So in everything, love must be enough.  When the soul decides to exercise a virtue, she forms the seed of that virtue.  By repeating those acts, she forms the water in order to water that seed in the ground of her own heart.  And the more she waters that seed, the more the plant grows beautiful and green, ensuring that it immediately produces fruits from that seed.  Therefore, the repeating of our “I love You” to Jesus procures the water in order to water and form the tree of love.

All of the saints are the lovers of God.  Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus in a cry of joy exclaimed: “My vocation is Love because Love embraces everything and it is eternal”.  Luisa Piccarreta wrote a true hymn to Love:

“In every moment, at every hour, I want to always love You with all of my heart.

In every breath of my life, breathing I will love You,

in every beat of my heart, I will repeat love.

In every movement of my body, I will embrace love.

Only of love I want to speak, only love I want to look at,

only love I want to listen to, always about love I want to think.

Only with love I want to burn.

Only love I want to consume.

Only love I want to taste, only love I want to satisfy,

only of love I want to live and in love I want to die.

In every instant, at every hour, I want to call everyone to love,

only and always with Jesus and in Jesus I will live forever, I will plunge into His heart

and together with Jesus and with His heart, love, love, I will love.”

Again Jesus, through Luisa, indicates to us the signs of knowing if one loves only the Lord:  if the creature is filled to the rim with God, to the point of overflowing outside; when she thinks about, searches for, speaks of, and loves God alone, and all the rest does not seem to exist for her.  Rather, the rest bores her, bothers her and, at most, she gives the dregs and the last place to that which is not God.  Those who love Him are united to Jesus as branches are united to the trunk of a tree:  Can there ever be separation, forgetfulness, different nourishment between the branches and the trunk?  One is the life, one the purpose, unanimous the fruits.  In fact, the trunk is the life of the branches, the branches the glory of the trunk:  the one and the other are the same thing.  And so it is with Jesus and the souls that love Him.  It is so much so with the love with which Jesus loves the creature that as soon as she decides to give herself to God, He surrounds her with much grace, he caresses her, moves her, receives her, endows her with sensible graces, with fervors, inspirations, squeezes of the heart.  And the soul, seeing herself so graceful, begins to love Him.  She makes as though a backdrop of prayers, of pious practices in her heart.  She decides to exercise herself in virtue.  All of this forms a flowery meadow in the soul, but the love of God is not content only with flowers.  It wants fruits, and therefore begins to make the flowers fall, which is the stripping of the sensible love, of the fervor, and of all the rest in order to give birth to the fruits.  That’s why Jesus often repeats to Luisa: “Love Me for everyone, satiate Me with love”.  It is only from this relationship of love with God that the relationship of love with our fellow man is born:  “You will love your neighbor as yourself” (Lev 19:18), a commandment that is given in order to imitate God, in order to be Holy as God is Holy (Lev 19:2).  And again the book of Leviticus teaches us: “love, gift of God, is diffusive and is imitation of God”.  Only in this way can we also love others as God loves us, can we retrace that path that Paul calls: the best way, the way of love (1Cor 13), and can we also speak of love as “fruit of the Spirit”.  He who tastes and savors this fruit experiences in himself a wave of divine joy that leads him to open up, in tune with God, with others, feeling capable of communicating the good that fills him to his neighbor.

Tonia Abbattista

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