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Gospel Reading for Dec. 19, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Elizabeth Becomes the Mother of John the Baptist

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Merry Christmas from the Founders

The great family of the Divine Will


Remained faithful to the commitments made in the fourth international conference dedicated to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the Public Association Little Children of the Divine Will strives to enhance an increasingly dense network of links with communities and groups that arose or are arising because of the figure and spirituality of Luisa Piccarreta in order to strengthen the bonds of unity with them, through a more direct knowledge.

The initiative of the Association Little Children of the Divine Will  to visit each of these groups has as its objective not only to share a path of faith in the Divine Will, but also to establish with them the unity that makes visible the great family of the Divine Will.

Among the communities that have chosen to live their own lives with the support and strength of the Divine Will there is the Public Association of the faithful of the Benedictines of the Divine Will in the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro. It was born just a few years ago by the will of its founder Father Charles Elijah Cirigliano, a Benedictine monk who blends the charism of St. Benedict with the spirituality of Luisa Piccarreta, both focused on the Divine Will, on the readiness to sacrifice one’s own will, armed with obedience, to battle for Christ the Lord, the true King.

Father Elia Cirigliano sensed the strong compatibility between the Benedictine monastic life and the writings of Luisa Piccarreta, to the study of which, after the first meeting, has been dedicated for ten years. He felt a strong desire to live in a monastery that could combine these two experiences. So, the small family of the Association that he founded in the Pieve di San Giovanni Battista in Carpegna, sets his foundations on them, taking the family of Nazareth as a model.

In his young community of Benedictine monks, Father Cirigliano wants to bring out the sense of family, trying to be For his friars, Brother Raphael, Brother Gabriel and Brother John, a father before being their Superior.

Father Cirigliano has inherited the family values from his own family of origin that influenced his choices and inspired his vocation. An Italian Catholic family, that emigrated to the United States from Basilicata.

But let’s deepen our Knowledge of Elia Cirigliano: he was born in Brooklyn, New York, into an Italian family in which the typical values and teachings of the culture of our Country are very important. He spent a happy childhood and when he grew up, he cultivated various interests including sport and music that later became his greatest passion. The opportunity is offered to him from the vicinity of a jew musician, very talented master who, with his alternative methods, prompted him to the fascinating world of jazz.

Well, he not only loves to play music, but above all to write it. So, he decided to move to North Carolina to enroll at Duke University and then returned to New York to continue his studies at the conservatory in Manhattan.

The music interested him so much that he felt he wanted to create something beautiful for God. He wanted to tell Him something real and make something good for Him, although he didn’t yet fully practice the faith. He firmly believed in Him and wanted to serve Him.

Meanwhile he experienced various philosophies and religions, always searching for the Beautiful, the Good and the True, until he realized that beauty, truth and goodness are not abstract concepts, but a person, a Divine Person, who is Jesus Christ, and also that “the Church exists to communicate precisely this“. Those words taken from the address of the Holy Father Pope Francis, March  16, 2013 helped him to understand that this Person founded the Church, the Catholic Church to which he returns without any second thoughts.

Then, he began his studies at St. Vincent Seminary in Latrobe, Pennsylvania and completed his training as a Benedictine monk at St. Vincent Abbey, the largest monastery in the United States.

After the solemn vows as a Benedictine monk, he was sent by his abbot to Italy, where he studied at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, and where he was ordained a priest on November 24, 2012 by Mons. Luigi Negri together with the Bishop of San Marino-Montefeltro, Mons. Andrea Turazzi, who supported him in the fulfillment of his desire to be a Benedictine monk of the Divine Will.

Before starting his studies in Rome, Father Cirigliano followed an Italian course in Urbania, a small town a few minutes from Carpegna, He, immediately, fell in love with that place and, thanks to his talent of musician, wrote a song called Urbania which tells the story of an imaginary encounter between him and Saint Benedict, in the square of that small town in the Marche Region.

So, He understood that, by God’s Will, his heart was preparing for the vocation as a monk and priest in the Diocese of San Marino-Montefeltro.

Music plays an important role in his life, especially in his Christian life, as part of his pastoral work, and through music, he gently penetrates hearts to open them to the Word and Love of God.

To deal with all the difficulties that every age has, we must keep in mind, as St. Benedict, Luisa, and not only, in this case, remind us that we always walk with Jesus and Mary, and together with them we can enlarge the family of the Divine Will.


Source: n. 10/November 2016 of the diocesan newspaper, Montefeltro.

Riccardina Latti

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Fourth Sunday of Advent – 2016

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife.


Saint Joseph,

You will be my Protector, the Custodian of my heart,

and will keep the keys of my will in Your hands.

You will keep my heart jealously, and will never give it to me again,

that I may be sure never to go out of the Will of God

(Luisa Piccarreta)

Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!

On this Fourth Sunday of Advent the Gospel according to St Matthew recounts the birth of Jesus from St Joseph’s viewpoint. He was betrothed to Mary who, “before they came together… was found to be with child of the Holy Spirit”. The Son of God, fulfilling an ancient prophecy , became man in the womb of a virgin and this mystery at the same time expressed the love, wisdom and power of God for mankind, wounded by sin. St Joseph is presented as “a just man”, faithful to God’s law and ready to do his will. For this reason he enters the mystery of the Incarnation after an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, announcing: “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit; she will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins”. Having given up the idea of divorcing Mary secretly, Joseph took her to himself because he then saw God’s work in her with his own eyes.

“Joseph did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and took Mary as his wife”. These words already point to the mission which God entrusts to Joseph: he is to be the custos, the protector. The protector of whom? Of Mary and Jesus; but this protection is then extended to the Church, as St. John Paul II pointed out: “Just as Saint Joseph took loving care of Mary and gladly dedicated himself to Jesus Christ’s upbringing, he likewise watches over and protects Christ’s Mystical Body, the Church, of which the Virgin Mary is the exemplar and mode

How does Joseph exercise his role as protector? Discreetly, humbly and silently, but with an unfailing presence and utter fidelity, even when he finds it hard to understand. From the time of his betrothal to Mary until the finding of the twelve-year-old Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem, he is there at every moment with loving care. As the spouse of Mary, he is at her side in good times and bad, on the journey to Bethlehem for the census and in the anxious and joyful hours when she gave birth; amid the drama of the flight into Egypt and during the frantic search for their child in the Temple; and later in the day-to-day life of the home of Nazareth, in the workshop where he taught his trade to Jesus.

How does Joseph respond to his calling to be the protector of Mary, Jesus and the Church? By being constantly attentive to God, open to the signs of God’s presence and receptive to God’s plans, and not simply to his own. This is what God asked of David, as we heard in the first reading. God does not want a house built by men, but faithfulness to his word, to his plan. It is God himself who builds the house, but from living stones sealed by his Spirit. Joseph is a “protector” because he is able to hear God’s voice and be guided by his will; and for this reason he is all the more sensitive to the persons entrusted to his safekeeping. He can look at things realistically, he is in touch with his surroundings, he can make truly wise decisions. In him, dear friends, we learn how to respond to God’s call, readily and willingly, but we also see the core of the Christian vocation, which is Christ! Let us protect Christ in our lives, so that we can protect others, so that we can protect creation!

Here I would add one more thing: caring, protecting, demands goodness, it calls for a certain tenderness. In the Gospels, Saint Joseph appears as a strong and courageous man, a working man, yet in his heart we see great tenderness, which is not the virtue of the weak but rather a sign of strength of spirit and a capacity for concern, for compassion, for genuine openness to others, for love. We must not be afraid of goodness, of tenderness! (Pope Francis)

In the most difficult moments of Joseph’s life (to take Mary as his wife, the Flight into Egypt, the return from Egypt itself) there is always the same pattern: he dreams, he wakes up and goes! This means that he knows to be with all of himself in mystery, but he never insisted on telling God what to do, he was never “scandalized” by God and thus he could see His faithfulness and experience first hand His prodigies. But how did he do? Perhaps the answer is easy: he took God seriously! Joseph, without chatting, but through his life , made his profession of faith, and announced that he believed in the Lord, that the Word of God is worth more than what I can see with my eyes.

One day Jesus said to Luisa how the Holy Family lived in Nazareth and how the Divine Will reigned in it.

Certainly Jesus had the Kingdom of His Will during His hidden life. As the Sovereign Lady possessed His Fiat, He was the Divine Will Itself, and Saint Joseph, in the middle of these seas of endless light – how could he not let himself be dominated by this Most Holy Will?’

The Divine Will reigned in the house of Nazareth on earth as It does in Heaven.  Jesus and The Celestial Mother knew no other will, and Saint Joseph lived in the reflections of Their Will. But Jesus was like a king without a people, isolated, without cortege, without army, and Mary was like a queen without children, because She was not surrounded by other children worthy of Her to whom She could entrust Her crown of queen, so as to have the offspring of Her noble children all kings and queens.

The King of Heaven when He came to earth had the sorrow of being a king without a people; and if those who surrounded Him could be called a people, it was a sick people – some were blind, some mute, some deaf, some crippled, some covered with wounds. It was a people that gave Him dishonor – not honor; even more, it did not even know Him, nor did it want to know Him So, He was king only for Himself, and His Mother was queen without the long generation of Her offspring of royal children.

But in order to be able to say that Jesus had His Kingdom, and to rule, He had to have ministers; and even though He had Saint Joseph as prime minister, one minister only does not constitute a ministry. He had to have a great army, all intent on fighting to defend the rights of the Kingdom of the Divine Will; and a faithful people that would have, as law, only the law of God’s Will.

So, on coming upon earth, Jesus had not the Kingdom of the Fiat it was a Kingdom  of heaven only, because the order of Creation and the royalty of man were not restored. However, by Jesus and Mary living wholly of Divine Will, the seed was sown, the yeast was formed, to make the Kingdom of the Divine Will arise and grow upon earth. Therefore, all the preparations were made, all the graces were impetrated, all the pains were suffered, so that the Kingdom of the Divine Will might come to reign upon earth. This is why Nazareth can be called the point of recall of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

Like Mary, the Virgin who conceived by the power of God, said her generous, humble and complete “Fiat”, also for us, God says “Fiat” to man.  Man is called to fulfill his own aspirations and to access salvation, saying his “Fiat” to God. So it is a “Merry Christmas”!            don Marco

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 17, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Jesus Son of David

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“Luisa Piccarreta” Primary School

December 15, 2001

Dedication of the Primary School to Luisa Piccarreta


On December 15, 2001 on the initiative of the Headmaster, Ms Isa Balducci, who retained a vivid memory of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, with the consent of the Association Luisa Piccarreta Little Children of the Divine Will. and the blessing of His Excellency. Mons Giovan Battista Pichierri, the state primary school located in via Mereu, in Corato, was dedicated to Luisa Piccarreta:

“Luisa Picarreta” Primary School

On that day,  Archbishop Giovan Battista Pichierri blessed a plaque that was placed at the entrance of the school and a bronze bas-relief inside the school, depicting Luisa Piccarreta.

There was, then, the Eucharistic celebration with the participation of 500 children, teachers and religious and civil authorities.

This was the beginning of an occasioning relationship, to remember together the most significant stages of the life of Luisa Piccarreta as her birth and transit, as well as the Christmas and Easter seasons.

The children, accompanied by their teachers, came often to visit the places of Luisa and her tomb.

On 23 April 2003, 300 children with  their headmaster  went to Luisa’s tomb, to commemorate her birth.

For that occasion we published a short biography suitable for children of the primary school “Who is Luisa Piccarreta?” This gift was appreciated and remained as a souvenir.


Sr. Assunta

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 16, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Jesus is Sent by the Father

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 15, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Luisa’s Littleness Snatches the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat

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Gospel Reading for December 14, 2016 with Divine Will Truths-Blessed are you Luisa

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 13, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Will of the Father

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Cardinal Burke Speaks: Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine, La Crosse, Wisconsin

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