Dec 07
December 8th Hour of Grace: 12pm – 1pm and Baptism of Victim, Baptism of Fire
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Dec 01
27th Year since Jesus Chose the Chapel of the Assoc. Luisa Piccarreta as His Permanent Dwelling
NOVEMBER 30, 1989 – 2016
Some dates to remember, raising praise to God for the great gift that He has given to the Association:
November 30, 1989, feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, Archbishop Mons. Giuseppe Carafa, at 6:00 p.m., for the first time celebrated the Holy Mass in the chapel of the Association. It was not yet restored, but it was equipped with everything, starting from the altar down to the smallest detail to make perfect and solemn the divine moment.
It was a time of great emotion. As Jesus chose a shed to come to daylight, so He chose a small and poor abode to spread the truths of the Divine Will.
Finally, after the Mass, there was the permanent reposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. In that occasion, His Excellency, addressing the faithful, said:
“Now I leave you in good hands. Listen to Him and love Him as Luisa did. Now in this house there are two altars: one on which the Eucharist is celebrated , the other is the bed of Luisa, on which she consumed her life, only for God”.
The participation in the Holy Eucharist was quiet and full of faith despite the narrowness of the place.
There was a large participation including the civil and religious authorities, such as the vicar of the place, Don Luca Masciavè, and other priests.
Twenty-seven years later, the Association Luisa Piccarreta remembers that day with a day of prayer and Eucharistic adoration with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.
Since that day, many hours of spirituality and Eucharistic days follow one another to feed the Eucharistic life that is the basis of the Christian life.
The chapel of the Association Luisa Piccarreta is the divine roof of the room where the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta lived and is the first stage for the pilgrims who come from all over the world and for hours of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Here is the homily of His Exc. Mgr. Charter during the Eucharistic Celebration:
“This little chapel, with the presence of Eucharist Jesus, of the Holy Immaculate Virgin, of Luisa “the Saint”, with all the sacred furnishings today becomes the heart of your beloved Association” Luisa Piccarreta “.
It’s the heart because there is Eucharistic Jesus, but upstairs there is another church, another altar that is the bed on which the image of Luisa is placed.
It is the whole house now that has become a church, and the whole house has become an altar.
And, so, this is the strength that should support you, that should to encourage you to continue. Of course, the difficulties will not fail, there will always be the difficulties because we are on earth, but the Lord has to win …
Truly this chapel will be for you as Mount Zion, as Tabor, where the Lord is always there to give you consolations and graces …
But the most holy chapel that we want to remember tonight is Luisa’s beatification. It will be the true Church. This is a beginning, a premise, a wish and as you have prepared so far and have conquered and overcome many obstacles, so the Lord will give you the grace to see the realization of the other Church, that is Luisa’s beatification and in her name I give to you, now, the holy blessing …
Now I want to tell you some memories that were within me, and now I see them in the unified plan of God.
I was 18-19 years old, around 1933-1934 , in the Seminary of Molfetta, where I remained for thirty-five years. I had as prefect of the dormitory Don Ciccio Tattoli (Founder and parish priest of the Church Sacra Famiglia in Corato,) and as spiritual director Msgr. Luigi Doria (he later became Vicar General of the Diocese of Trani and Rector of the Mother Church in Corato) who not only in external forms but also in the private and personal conversations spoke of Luisa, as a privileged victim soul
I knew well Don Michele Marcone, Don Luigi Mintrone who were older than me, but we were always together.
But what I remember correctly were the inspired words of Msgr. Doria who remembered Luisa, he evidently had contact with her.
So here is the plan of God who sows, sows, the years pass and then His plans are realized
Certainly, they too will be, together with her, in Heaven because they have done so much good not only to me but to all seminarians who, then, were four hundred in Molfetta. These ones , then, have become priests and wherever they are in Puglia, they know that there is Corato, that there is Luisa, they entrust her, praying for her beatification. “
Sr. Assunta
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