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Second Sunday of Advent – Repent!

Second Sunday of Advent

Repent … Prepare the way of the Lord


Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!

On the path towards Advent, John the Baptist helps us today: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord” (Mt 3:3). The Voice of one crying in the wilderness! It seems a discouraged statement. What’s the benefit of shouting in the desert? Yet John appears like this and does not become discouraged. In fact, he feels happy for the good he does and not by the answers he finds. Let’s apply to us this indication. We Christians are often a voice crying in the wilderness. Aren’t we? We would be tempted to say: What is for? But we do not need to worry about the results: instead, we should be concerned of being with Christ and living with Him. The Lord will do the rest in the heart of our brothers.

“Prepare the way of the Lord”. These words are full of wisdom and knowledge. We must prepare the way of the Lord, because God’s way is blocked, we filled it with obstacles: with our sin we have raised a wall between us and God. We must fill the chasms of vanity, of emptiness, of the ephemeral, that we all carry within us; We must turn down the mountains of arrogance, of pride, of self-sufficiency: “mountains” that everyone, unfortunately, knows well!  Only Then God will move and the meeting will happen: it will be a wonderful time, we will see really that the flowers come out from the sand. It’s difficult to describe the emotion of a deep conversion. The diaries of the converted people are bright pages that make you feel an overwhelming joy: they are stories that hold the emotion of the encounter with God. It is an experience that we too must do and can do. But how?

The Gospel of Matthew continues by showing the characteristics of John the Baptist: “John wore clothing made of camel’s hair and had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey. ” John lives and proclaims what he lives: here is his greatness, here is the secret of its charm. John does not indicate only the right path.

He walks on the right path and invites others to walk with him. This is the Christian’s mission: to proclaim through the witnessing. One day Saint Theresa of Calcutta exclaimed: “Before we preach the Creed, let us ask ourselves whether we are credible.” And Gandhi watching the European Christians sadly commented: “If they lived the Gospel, I would be on their side.”

May we be contested by the lesson of John the Baptist. Today we are the voice of God: the Gospel, hope have been delivered to us; God delivered Himself to us: “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” But are we an aid or an obstacle to God’s love? Are we an argument in favor of God or a veil that hides Him? In fact, what is John doing?

John is speaking clearly, he becomes severe especially with those who presume to be “religious” only through practices and traditions. John reminds everyone that religion is falsehood if it is not lived: in fact we are “religious”, ie Christians, only if we change our lives and bear fruits worthy of repentance.

We are justified before God not by what we say but by what we do .: God cannot be cheated, because God reads the heart. John reminds the Pharisees, the Sadducees and us that  God’s gifts are not privileges; they are a responsibility. The call for consistency is extremely current. Finally John stays aside. The purpose of his life is in leading to Christ and not in taking His place .

Looking at the figure of John the Baptist who prepared the way for Jesus the Redeemer, we can see Luisa as the one who prepared the way of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. It is the mission that Luisa received and that Jesus first prepared in her soul.

In the passage of October 22, 1926 Jesus himself explains to Luisa what He is working in her for the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Having to prepare the great miracle of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, Jesus is doing with Luisa, firstborn daughter of the Divine Will, just as He did with His Most Holy Mother. When Jesus had to prepare the Kingdom of Redemption He drew Her so close to Himself, He kept Her so occupied in Her interior, as to be able to form together with Her the miracle of Redemption, for which there was such great need. There were so many things which, together, They were to do, to redo, to complete, that He had to hide from Her outward appearance anything which might be called miracle, except for Her perfect virtue.

By this, He rendered Her more free, so as to let Her cross the endless sea of the Eternal Fiat, that She might have access to the Divine Majesty in order to obtain the Kingdom of Redemption. What would be greater: that the Celestial Queen had given sight to the blind and speech to the mute, and so forth, or the miracle of making the Eternal Word descend upon earth?

The first would have been accidental, passing and individual miracles; the second, instead, is a permanent miracle – and it is for everyone, as long as they want it. Therefore, the first would have been as though nothing compared to the second.

Now, Jesus is doing the same with Luisa in order to prepare the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. He keeps her with Him, He makes her cross Its endless sea to give her access to the Celestial Father, that her may pray Him, conquer Him, have empire over Him, to obtain the Fiat of the Kingdom. And in order to fulfill and consummate in her all the miraculous power which is needed to form a Kingdom so holy, He keep her continuously occupied in her interior with the work of His Kingdom; He makes her go around continuously in order to redo – to complete everything that is needed, and that all should do, in order to form the great miracle of His Kingdom. Externally, He lets nothing miraculous appear, except for the light of God’s Will.

Everything that God does is hidden but its effects are in people’s lives. What was Jesus’ greatest miracle? His word, the Gospel He announced, or the fact that He gave life to the dead, sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf.? His word, His Gospel, was a greater miracle; more so, since the very miracles came out of His Word. The foundation, the substance of all miracles came out of His creative word. The Sacraments, Creation Itself, a permanent miracle, had life from His word; and the very Church has His Word, His Gospel, as regime and foundation.

God’s Word is like mighty wind that runs, pounds on the hearing, enters into the hearts, warms, purifies, illuminates, goes round and round from nation to nation; it covers the whole world, it wanders throughout all centuries. And if sometimes it seems that His word is silent and is as though hidden, it never loses its life.

When least expected, it comes out and goes around everywhere. Centuries will pass in which everything – men and things – will be overwhelmed and disappear, but God’s Word will never pass away, because it contains Life – the miraculous power of the One who issued it. Therefore, Jesus confirms to Luisa that each word and manifestation He makes to us about the Eternal Fiat is the greatest miracle, which will serve the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

Let’s ask the Lord for the ability ” to show” the Lord!


Don Marco

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 3, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Man Must be Healthy Again

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 2, 2016 with Divine Will Truths-Faith will no Longer be Shadowed

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Gospel Reading for Dec. 1, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Jesus and the Will of the Father

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The Immaculate Conception in the Divine Will with Novena

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27th Year since Jesus Chose the Chapel of the Assoc. Luisa Piccarreta as His Permanent Dwelling

NOVEMBER 30, 1989 – 2016



Some dates to remember, raising praise to God for the great gift that He has given to the Association:

November 30, 1989, feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, Archbishop Mons. Giuseppe Carafa, at 6:00 p.m., for the first time celebrated the Holy Mass in the chapel of the Association. It was not yet restored, but it was equipped with everything, starting from the altar down to the smallest detail to make perfect and solemn the divine moment.

It was a time of great emotion. As Jesus chose a shed to come to daylight, so He chose a small and poor abode to spread the truths of the Divine Will.

Finally, after the Mass, there was the permanent reposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. In that occasion, His Excellency, addressing the faithful, said:

 “Now I leave you in good hands. Listen to Him and love Him as Luisa did. Now in this house there are two altars:  one on which the Eucharist is celebrated , the other is the bed of Luisa, on which she consumed her life, only  for God”.

The participation in the Holy Eucharist was quiet and full of faith despite the narrowness of the place.

There was a large participation including the civil and religious authorities, such as the vicar of the place, Don Luca Masciavè, and other priests.

Twenty-seven years later, the Association Luisa Piccarreta remembers that day with a day of prayer and Eucharistic adoration with praise and thanksgiving to the Lord.

Since that day, many hours of spirituality and Eucharistic days follow one another to feed the Eucharistic life that is the basis of the Christian life.

The chapel of the Association Luisa Piccarreta is the divine roof of the room where the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta lived and is the first stage for the pilgrims who come from all over the world and for hours of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

Here is the homily of His Exc. Mgr. Charter during the Eucharistic Celebration:

“This little chapel, with the presence of Eucharist Jesus, of the Holy Immaculate Virgin, of Luisa “the Saint”, with all the sacred furnishings today becomes the heart of your beloved Association” Luisa Piccarreta “.

It’s the heart because there is Eucharistic Jesus, but upstairs   there is another church, another altar that is the bed on which the image of Luisa is placed.

It is the whole house now that has become a church, and the whole house has become an altar.

And, so, this is the strength that should support you, that should to encourage you to continue. Of course, the difficulties will not fail, there will always be the difficulties because we are on earth, but the Lord has to win …

Truly this chapel will be for you as Mount Zion, as Tabor, where the Lord is always there to give you consolations and graces …

But the most holy chapel that we want to remember tonight is Luisa’s  beatification. It will be the true Church. This is a beginning, a premise, a wish and as you have prepared so far and have conquered and overcome many obstacles, so the Lord will give you the grace to see the realization of the other Church, that is Luisa’s beatification and in her name I give to you, now, the holy blessing …

Now I want to tell you some memories that were within me, and now I see them in the unified plan of God.

I was 18-19 years old, around 1933-1934 ,  in  the Seminary of Molfetta, where I remained for thirty-five years. I had as prefect of the dormitory Don Ciccio Tattoli (Founder and parish priest of the Church Sacra Famiglia in Corato,) and as spiritual director Msgr. Luigi Doria (he later became Vicar General of the Diocese of Trani and Rector of the Mother Church in Corato) who not only in external forms but also in the private and personal conversations spoke of Luisa, as a privileged victim soul

I knew well Don Michele Marcone, Don Luigi Mintrone who were older than me, but we were always together.

But what I remember correctly were the inspired words of Msgr. Doria who remembered Luisa, he evidently had contact with her.

So here is the plan of God who sows, sows, the years pass and then His plans are realized

Certainly, they too will be, together with her, in Heaven because they have done so much good not only to me but to all seminarians who, then, were  four hundred in Molfetta. These ones , then, have become priests and wherever they are in Puglia, they know that there is Corato, that there is Luisa, they entrust  her, praying for her beatification. “

Sr. Assunta

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Gospel Reading for Nov. 30, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – Feast of St. Andrew

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Novena to the Immaculate Conception – Nov. 29 – Dec. 7

Novena to the Immaculate Conception

Novena to the Immaculate Conception

It is customary to pray a Novena to the Immaculate Conception starting on November 29 and ending on December 7, the Vigil of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Let us pray through the Intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccareta to receive the Graces of December 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.


Say once a day for nine days, starting on November 29 and ending on December 7

Immaculate Virgin! Mary, conceived without sin! Remember, Thou wert miraculously preserved from even the shadow of sin, because Thou wert destined to become not only the Mother of God, but also the Mother, the Refuge, and the Advocate of man; penetrated therefore, with the most lively confidence in Thy never-failing intercession, we most humbly implore Thee to look with favor upon the intentions of this Novena, and to obtain for us the graces and the favors we request. Thou knowest, O Mary, how often our hearts are the sanctuaries of God, Who abhors iniquity. Obtain for us, then, that Angelic Purity which was Thy favorite Virtue, that Purity of heart which will attach us to God alone, and that purity of intention which will consecrate every thought, word, and action to His greater Glory. Obtain also for us a constant spirit of prayer and self-denial, that we many recover by penance that innocence which we have lost by sin, and at length attain safety to that Blessed Abode of the Saints, where nothing defiled can enter. 

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee. 

V. Thou are all fair, O Mary.
R. Thou art all fair, O Mary. 
V. And the original stain is not in Thee. 
R. And the original stain is not in Thee.
V. Thou art the glory of Jerusalem.
R. Thou art the joy of Israel 
V. Thou art the honor of our people.
R. Thou art the advocate of sinners.
V. O Mary.
R. O Mary.
V. Virgin, most prudent.
R. Mother, most tender.
V. Pray for us.
R. Intercede for us with Jesus our Lord.
V. In thy conception, Holy Virgin, thou wast Immaculate.
R. Pray for us to the Father Whose Son thou didst bring forth.
V. O Lady! aid my prayer.
R. And let my cry come unto Thee.

Let us pray

Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven, Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and Mistress of the world, who forsakest no one, and despisest no one, look upon me, O Lady! with an eye of pity, and entreat for me of Thy Beloved Son the forgiveness of all my sins; that, as I now celebrate, with devout affection, Thy Holy and Immaculate Conception, so, hereafter I may receive the prize of Eternal Blessedness, by the Grace of Him Whom Thou, in Virginity, didst bring forth, Jesus Christ Our Lord: Who, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, Liveth and Reigneth, in Perfect Trinity, God, world without end. Amen.

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Gospel Reading for Nov. 29, 2016 with Divine Will Truths – The Father and the Son

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Feast of St. Andrew – Novena begins November 30th – to December 25

 Feast of St. Andrew Novena from November 30 to December 25

Hail and Blessed be the Hour Christmas Novena

From the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle to the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ one may begin a special prayer, simply called the “Christmas Prayer” to obtain favors if one’s requests are in accordance with God’s Holy Will.

It is believed that whoever recites the following prayer with a pious heart 15 times a day from November 30th (this year December 1) to December 25th, will obtain whatever is asked.

This Christmas prayer carries an Imprimatur from Archbishop Michael Augustine of New York City during the Pontificate of Pope Leo XIII on February 6, 1897.

Since one should say this short prayer 15 times a day, it is recommended to memorize it below so you can say it wherever you are.   Clip and put in your missal or on your mirror to say 15 times a day.

“Hail and blessed be the hour and the moment in which the Son of God was born of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary at midnight, in Bethlehem, in the piercing cold. In that hour, vouchsafe, O my God, to hear my prayer and grant my petitions, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.”





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