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Nov 13
XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
XXXIII Sunday in Ordinary Time
My good is to be close to God, to put my hope in Him
Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!
The readings of the liturgy put us in front of a reality from which we often divert our attention away, by refusing to focus on it, a reality that is clear and certain but from which we escape at the same time. This is the undoubted fact of the finiteness of our lives and of human achievements
Today, the Gospel of Luke begins by presenting us the disciples intent to admire the solidity and beauty of the walls of the Temple of Jerusalem, the mighty and magnificent monument. Before this admiration Jesus notes that those stones are not eternal and despite they could seem unshakable at that time, they would have encountered their downfall. And in fact, history teaches us that, after less than fifty years, that really happened.
However, men have always tried to deny their transience, entrusting to a certain realization the aim of making their existence durable. A way to escape is to entrust ourselves to some certainties that can give us a sense of security, as those stones of the temple. They are the certainties of a normality that seems to protect us from unexpected events; securities that derive from felling approved, estimated, well regarded and well judged; the certainties of health and wellness, of the youth, elongated with a superstitious feeling as if we could, thus, ensure eternity. These are so many ways trough which we drive away the idea that our life will experience a decline.
Today Jesus comes to deny these certainties, but not because He wants to throw us into despair, but simply because, first of all, He puts us in front of a reality that is certain, but from which we, instead, escape, pretending to be able to avoid it. Moreover He wants to instill a different meaning and value of life that does not depend on the solidity of the stones that we are able to build or on the frenetic activism that characterizes our lives, but on the depth and authenticity of our love for other and on trust in God’s faithfulness.
These are the two elements that Jesus emphasizes in His response. In fact, He highlights that human life is fragile, subject to the storms of life that can put it in danger and even break off.
And today we cannot but thinking, with emotional involvement, of what happened to the thousands of our brothers and sisters in Central Italy were hit hard by the earthquake in recent days. The force of nature, the accidents of life can change the course of events, from one day to the next, and bring into question all those certainties of which we spoke above.
But all this can do nothing regarding our ability to live and witness to a love that is the true value of life: “And so you will bear testimony to me. ” Jesus says, to emphasize that even in the most difficult situations, our life never loses its meaning and strength, only if it continues to witness to what forms its basis, love we have received first of all from God and then made livable by the example of Jesus for each of us.
In this regard he says: “But make up your mind not to worry beforehand how you will defend yourselves. For I will give you words and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to resist or contradict.” That is, let us not pretend that we can control everything and protect ourselves from the vicissitudes of life with our strength, with our doing, but let’s entrust ourselves to a wisdom that comes from God Himself, from His Word and Spirit, that, as trusted advisors, suggest that we should aim to something lasting and reliable.
experiencing this human wisdom and being able to love satisfy our hunger and the life that we live. Instead, the one who relies on the frenzy of always doing anything and making a further objective to feel alive, consumes every experience as he experiences the next. In this way he is never satisfied and is always dissatisfied. For this reason we can manage to live without fleeing the fear of the end, if we feel that our life is already full as of now, if it is well spent, rich in spiritual gifts, received and offered, and if it is satiated with of goods done and received.
But if we renounce our certainties and we can no longer rely on our own resources, on what can we be based as a rock solid?
Jesus, in the last part of His answer, highlights that nothing is reliable, even the ties of blood, that in general we say we can always trust, but there is a fidelity that never fails, it’s God’s faithfulness. He has first loved us and continues to do so. On this faithfulness we can rely with confidence.
To live relying on the love of God, as Luisa teaches us, we must start living in the Divine Will. On March 22, 1938, Jesus said to Luisa that as the creature decides to live in the Divine Volition, all things are changed for her and she becomes put in the same divine conditions.
The divine dominion invests the creature and it makes her dominator of everything, dominator of God’s fortitude, of His goodness, of His sanctity; dominator of the light. Heavens and earth by right are hers. God puts her in an atmosphere of security, of imperturbable peace.
Nothing should be missing to this creature, of good, of sanctity, of beauty, of divine joys; all her little acts are full of such contentments that enraptures the smile of all heaven and the Supreme Being.
In heaven they are all at attention in order to see when she loves, works, in order to enjoy ourselves in her and to smile together. So much is God’s love, that He puts the creature in the same conditions. God, if He isn’t loved, He loves; if not taken care of, and perhaps even offended, He continues to give life; and if one returns to Him by asking pardon of Him he didn’t make any rapprochement of them, He embraces them and presses them to His divine breast.
So that one can say that man can trust only God, because in creatures he cannot solely trust, but will
find mutability, deceptions, and when he believes he can rest they will come to less.
Now, they can trust only one who lives in God’s Will; she (the creature) will do as God does: not loved, she will love; not taken care of and offended, she will race near in order to put one into safety
God senses Himself in one who lives in the Divine Volition, and therefore God loves her so much that he doesn’t do other than to pour torrents of love upon her, in order to be re-loved always more with double and growing love.
Dear brothers and sisters, we are now reaching the end of a year with the Lord. In two weeks, with the season of Advent, a new liturgical year will begin. Let us seize, in these words of Jesus a valuable indication, so that we do not continue to base our lives on what does not last, and deceives, but are instead able to turn towards the promise of a new life that soon will rise, and as the Gospel testifies it has been kept and continues to be so, bringing salvation and full happiness to all mankind. We will be satisfied with the life that the Lord gives us, full of meaning because it is lived generously and oriented towards others, without anxiety of domination and possession.
don Marco
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Nov 09
Offer a Holy Mass of Thanksgiving in the Divine Will!
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Nov 08
Kyrie: Orbis Factor by Ensemble Organum
- Orbis factor rex aeterne, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
2. Pietatis fons immense, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
3. Noxas omnes nostras pelle, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
4. Christe qui lux es mundi dator vitae, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
5. Arte laesos daemonis intuere, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
6. Conservans te credentes confirmansque, eleison. Christe, eleison. Christe, eleison.
7. Deum scimus unum atque trinum esse, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
8. Patrem tuum teque flamen utrorumque, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
9. Clemens nobis adsis paraclite ut vivamus in te, eleison. Kyrie, eleison. Kyrie, eleison.
- Maker of the world, King eternal, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
2. O immense source of pity, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
3. Drive off all our evils, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
4. Christ who art the light of the world and giver of life, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
5. Consider the wounds produced by the devil’s art, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
6. Keeping and confirming thy believers, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us.
7. We know that God is one and three, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
8. Thou and thy Father, an equal light, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
9. Thou, merciful unto us, art present with the Holy Spirit that we might live in thee, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us.
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