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Pentecost Thursday

6/4 Pentecost Thursday (Trad)- “…by His Refreshing breath, The Holy Spirit may Rule over you and Confirm you in the Divine Will.” Virgin Mary in the Kingdom day 30

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President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump visit Saint John Paul II National Shrine,

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Pentecost Wednesday

6/3 Pentecost Wednesday (Trad)- “I will make the Holy Spirit Descend into your soul, that He may Burn away from you all that is human…” Virgin Mary in the Kingdom day 30

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Pentecost Tuesday

6/2 Pentecost Tuesday (Trad)- “Oh, how Happy I will be if I am able to say: “My child is all Mine, because she Lives of Divine Will.” Virgin Mary in the Kingdom day 30

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St. Annibale Feast Day Mass

1 June, Feast Day of St Annibale Maria Di Francia

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Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of the Church

Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church (New) – “So, My daughter, I was in the midst of My Apostles more than the sun of the day. And I was the Anchor, the Wheel, the Boat in which they found Refuge, to be Safe and Sheltered from every danger. Therefore, I can say that I Delivered the Nascent Church upon My Maternal Knees, and that My Arms were the Boat in which I Led Her to a Safe Harbor, and I Still Lead Her.” – Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – day thirty

      – Pentecost Monday (Trad) – “O Holy Mama, never leave me alone again, and let the Holy Spirit Descend into me, that He may Burn away all that does not belong to the Divine Will.” Virgin Mary in the Kingdom day 30


“…This is why I Alone can tell the True Story of the Immaculate Conception and of the whole of Her Life – because I Conceived Her in Me and I AM Aware of Everything; and if the Holy Church speaks of the Celestial
Queen, they can only tell the first letters of the alphabet of Her Sanctity, Greatness and Gifts with which She was Enriched. If you knew the Contentment I Feel when I Speak of My Celestial Mother, who knows how many questions you would ask Me, to give Me the Joy of Speaking of She Whom I Love So Much, and Who has So Much Loved Me.”

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Feast of Pentecost

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Feast Day of St. Philip Neri – May 26

Image of St. Philip Neri

From the Book of Heaven:  V10 – 1.17.11 – “Daughter, what you wrote about the Reunions of Priests is nothing but a process that I AM making with them.  If they listen to Me – fine.  But if they don’t, since the leaders of the ecclesiastics shall not listen to Me because they too are bound by the laces of interest, and are slaves of human miseries, almost lapping them up – instead of dominating over those miseries, of interest, of high positions and the like, the miseries dominate them; therefore, since they are deafened by what is human, I shall be neither understood nor listened to – I shall turn to the civilian leaders, who shall listen to Me more easily.  Because of their desire to see the Priest humiliated, and also because maybe these are a little more stripped than the ecclesiastics themselves, My Voice shall be more listened to; and what they do not want to do out of Love, I shall make them do by necessity and by force, and I shall make the government take away what is left to them.”

And I:  ‘My Highest and only Good, what shall be the name to be given to these Houses, and what the Rules?’

And He:  “The name shall be:  The Houses of the Resurrection of the Faith.  As for the Rules, they can use the same Rules as the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri.”

Then He added:  “Tell father B. that you shall be the Organ and he the Sound for this Work.  If he shall be mocked and disliked by those who have their interests, the Good and the few True Good shall comprehend the Necessity and the Truth that he announces, and shall make it a Duty of Conscience to get down to work.  Besides, if he is mocked, he shall have the Honor of becoming More Similar to Me.”


Old Calendar: Tuesday after Pentecost; St. Philip Neri, confessor

St. Philip Neri (1515-1595) was born in Florence and died in Rome. He lived a spotless childhood in Florence. Later he came to Rome and after living for fifteen years as a pilgrim and hermit was ordained a priest. He gradually gathered around him a group of priests and established the Congregation of the Oratory. He was a man of original character and of a happy, genial and winning disposition. A great educator of youth, he spent whole nights in prayer, had a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament, and burned with an unbounded love for mankind. He died on the feast of Corpus Christi.

According to the 1962 Missal of St. John XXIII the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, today is the feast of St. Eleutherius, who governed the Church for 15 years, after the persecution of the Emperor Commodus. He died in 192. This feast may be celebrated in particular churches.

St. Philip Neri
This gracious, cheerful saint was Rome’s apostle of the sixteenth century (1515-1595). A peculiar charism was his burning love of God, a love that imperceptibly communicated itself to all about him. So ardently did this fire of divine love affect him during the octave of Pentecost in his twenty-ninth year that the beating of his heart broke two ribs. It was a wound that never healed.

For fifty years the saint lived on in the intensity of that love which was more at home in heaven than on earth. Through those fifty years his was an apostolate to renew the religious and ecclesiastical spirit of the Eternal City, a task he brought to a happy conclusion. It is to his credit that the practice of frequent Holy Communion, long neglected in Rome and throughout the Catholic world, was again revived. He became one of Rome’s patron saints, even one of the most popular.

Philip Neri loved the young, and they responded by crowding about him. As a confessor he was in great demand; among his penitents was St. Ignatius. To perpetuate his life’s work, St. Philip founded the Congregation of the Oratory, a society of secular clergy without religious vows. The purpose of his foundation was to enkindle piety among the faithful by means of social gatherings which afforded not only entertainment but religious instruction as well. Joy and gaiety were so much a part of his normal disposition that Goethe, who esteemed him highly, called him the “humorous saint.” It was his happy, blithe spirit that opened for him the hearts of children. “Philip Neri, learned and wise, by sharing the pranks of children himself became a child again” (epitaph).

As a youth Philip Neri often visited the seven principal churches of Rome. He spent entire nights at the catacombs, near the tombs of the martyrs, meditating on heavenly things. The liturgy was the wellspring of his apostolic spirit; it should likewise motivate us to Catholic Action.

— Excerpted from The Church’s Year of Grace, Pius Parsch.

Patron: Rome; United States Army Special Forces.

Symbols: Rosary; lily; angel holding a book.

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Novena to St. Philip Neri

St. Philip Neri Novena!

May, 17-25 

Feast Day on May 26th

Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be each day of the novena.

Day 1

Philip, my glorious Patron, who didst count as dross the praise, and even the good esteem of men, obtain for me also, from my Lord and Savior, this fair virtue by thy prayers. How haughty are my thoughts, how contemptuous are my words, how ambitious are my works. Gain for me that low esteem of self with which thou wast gifted; obtain for me a knowledge of my own nothingness, that I may rejoice when I am despised, and ever seek to be great only in the eyes of my God and Judge. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litanybelow].

Day 2

Philip, my glorious Patron, gain for me a portion of that gift which thou hadst so abundantly. Alas! thy heart was burning with love; mine is all frozen towards God, and alive only for creatures. I love the world, which can never make me happy; my highest desire is to be well off here below. O my God, when shall I learn to love nothing else but Thee? Gain for me, O Philip, a pure love, a strong love, and an efficacious love, that, loving God here upon earth, I may enjoy the sight of Him together with thee and all the saints, hereafter in Heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 3

Philip, my holy Patron, teach me by thy example, and gain for me by thy intercessions, to seek my Lord and God at all times and in all places, and to live in His presence and in sacred intercourse with Him. As the children of this world look up to rich men or men in station for the favor which they desire, so may I ever lift up my eyes and hands and heart towards heaven, and betake myself to the source of all good for those goods which I need. As the children of this world converse with their friends and find their pleasure in them, so may I ever hold communion with Saints and Angels, and with the Blessed Virgin, the Mother of my Lord. Pray with me, O Philip, as thou didst pray with thy penitents here below, and then prayer will become sweet to me as it did to them. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 4

Philip, my glorious Patron, who didst ever keep unsullied the white lily of thy purity, with such jealous care that the majesty of this fair virtue beamed from thine eyes, shone in thy hands, and was fragrant in thy breath, obtain for me that gift from the Holy Ghost, that neither the words nor the example of sinners may ever make any impression on my soul. And, since it is by avoiding occasions of sin, by prayer, by keeping myself employed, and by frequent use of the Sacraments that my dread enemy must be subdued, gain for me the grace to persevere in these necessary observances. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 5

Philip, my glorious Advocate, teach me to look at all I see around me after thy pattern as the creatures of God. Let me never forget that the same God who made me made the whole world, and all men and all animals that are in it. Gain for me the grace to love all God’s works for His sake, and all men for the sake of my Lord and Savior who has redeemed them by the Cross. And especially let me be tender and compassionate and loving towards all Christians, as my brethren in grace. And do thou, who on earth wast so tender to all, be especially tender to us, and feel for us, bear with us in all our troubles, and gain for us from God, with whom thou dwellest in beatific light, all the aids necessary for bringing us safely to Him and to thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 6

Philip, my glorious Advocate, who didst ever follow the precepts and example of the Apostle Saint Paul in rejoicing always in all things, gain for me the grace of perfect resignation to God’s will, of indifference to matters of this world, and a constant sight of Heaven; so that I may never be disappointed at the Divine providences, never desponding, never sad, never fretful; that my countenance may always be open and cheerful, and my words kind and pleasant, as becomes those who, in whatever state of life they are, have the greatest of all goods, the favor of God and the prospect of eternal bliss. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany]

Day 7

Philip, my holy Advocate, who didst bear persecution and calumny, pain and sickness, with so admirable a patience, gain for me the grace of true fortitude under all the trials of this life. Alas! how do I need patience! I shrink from every small inconvenience; I sicken under every light affliction; I fire up at every trifling contradiction; I fret and am cross at every little suffering of body. Gain for me the grace to enter with hearty goodwill into all such crosses as I may receive day by day from my Heavenly Father. Let me imitate thee, as thou didst imitate my Lord and Savior, that so, as thou hast attained heaven by thy calm endurance of bodily and mental pain, I too may attain the merit of patience, and the reward of life everlasting. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 8

Philip, my holy Patron, who wast so careful for the souls of thy brethren, and especially of thy own people, when on earth, slack not thy care of them now, when thou art in Heaven. Be with us, who are thy children and thy clients; and, with thy greater power with God, and with thy more intimate insight into our needs and our dangers, guide us along the path which leads to God and to thee. Be to us a good father; make our priests blameless and beyond reproach or scandal; make our children obedient, our youth prudent and chaste, our heads of families wise and gentle, our old people cheerful and fervent, and build us up, by thy powerful intercessions, in faith, hope, charity, and all virtues. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].

Day 9

Philip, my holy Patron, the wounds and diseases of my soul are greater that bodily ones, and are beyond thy curing, even with thy supernatural power. I know that my Almighty Lord reserves in His own hands the recovery of my soul from death, and the healing of all its maladies. But thou canst do more for our souls by the prayers now, my dear Saint, than thou didst for the bodies of those who applied to thee when thou wast upon earth. Pray for me, that the Divine Physician of the soul, who alone reads my heart thoroughly, may cleanse it thoroughly, and that I and all who are dear to me may be cleansed from all our sins; and, since we must die, one and all, that we may die, as thou didst, in the grace and love of God, and with the assurance, like thee, of eternal life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Look down from heaven, Holy Father, from the loftiness of that mountain to the lowliness of this valley, from that harbour of quietness and tranquility to this calamitous sea. And now that the darkness of this world hinders no more those benignant eyes of thine from looking clearly into all things, look down and visit, O most diligent keeper, this vineyard which thy right hand planted with so much labour, anxiety, and peril. To thee then we fly, from thee we seek for aid: to thee we give our whole selves unreservedly.

Thee we adopt for our patron and defender: undertake the cause of our salvation, protect thy clients. To thee we appeal as our leader, rule thine army fighting against the assaults of the devil. To thee, kindest of pilots, we give up the rudder of our lives; steer this little ship of thine, and placed as thou art on high, keep us off all the rocks of evil desires, that with thee for our pilot and our guide we may safely come to the port of eternal bliss. Amen. [Now pray the Litany].


Lord have mercy.
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy mother of God,
Holy virgin of virgins,
St. Philip, Vessel of the Holy Ghost,
Child of Mary,
Apostle of Rome,
Counsellor of popes,
Voice of prophecy,
Man of primitive times,
Winning saint,
Hidden hero,
Sweetest of fathers,
Flower of purity,
Martyr of charity,
Heart of fire,
Discerner of spirits,
Choicest of priests,
Mirror of the divine life,
Pattern of humility,
Example of simplicity,
Light of holy joy, Image of childhood,
Picture of old age,
Director of souls,
Gentle guide of youth,
Patron of thy own,
Who didst observe chastity in thy youth,
Who didst seek Rome by divine guidance,
Who didst hide so long in the catacombs,
Who didst receive the Holy Ghost into thy heart, Who didst experience such wonderful ecstasies, Who didst so lovingly serve the little ones,
Who didst wash the feet of pilgrims,
Who didst ardently thirst after martyrdom,
Who didst distribute the daily word of God,
Who didst turn so many hearts to God,
Who didst converse so sweetly with Mary,
Who didst raise the dead,
Who didst set up thy houses in all lands,
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us.

Remember thy Congregation, which thou hast possessed from the beginning.

Let us pray. O God, who has exalted blessed Philip, Thy Confessor, in the glory of thy Saints, grant that, as we rejoice in his commemoration, so we may profit by the example of his virtues, through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayer in the Divine Will for humanity – May 14, 2020

Prayer in the Divine Will for humanity

May 14, at 6,00 pm (italian time)


“Let us pray to feel like Church, family, and to defeat the pandemic”. (Pope Francis)

The Luisa Piccarreta Association responds to Pope’s invitation to pray on 14 May.

The Luisa Piccarreta Association wishes to join the initiative promoted by the High Committee for Human Brotherhood to pray on 14 May for an end to the coronavirus pandemic.

So following the invitation of the Holy Father,  we wish to turn to God with the same words of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta and we invite all the Little Children of the Divine Will around  the world to join us in prayer on May 14th at 6.00 p.m. (Italian time).

You can follow the prayer in Italian, English and Spanish, connecting to the you tube channel of the Association:

Here is the link:

So, remember:

May 14th at 6:00 pm (Italian time)   on youtube.


La Redazione

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