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Mary, a Model of spiritual motherhood

The Mission ‘Mystical Mothers For Priests’ is a mission born within the Luisa Piccarreta Association as early as 1996 by Sister Assunta Marigliano. The ‘Mystical Mother’ spiritually adopts a priest whose name is known only to God, she with her maternal spirit guides, supports the priest with her own offering and prayer following the example of Mary who offers her Son Jesus to the Heavenly Father for the Glory of the Kingdom.

Mary’s love for Jesus is a love that gives itself totally; a love that defends and protects; a confiding, faithful, unique love; a love made of familiarity, of equal feelings, of total understanding, of full unity. The ‘Mystical Mother’ entering the heart of the Virgin Mary makes the love of the Mother of Heaven her own, makes all Her tenderness and maternal cares her own in order to give them to Jesus and to her own priest-son.

My daughter, you cannot comprehend well what my beloved Mama was for Me. In coming upon earth, I could not be without Heaven, and my Heaven was my Mama. There was such electricity running between Me and Her, that not one thought escaped Her which She would not draw from my mind. And this drawing from Me of word, will, desire, action, step – in sum, of everything – formed the sun, the stars, the moon in this Heaven, together with all possible delights that a creature can give Me, and that she herself can enjoy. Oh, how I delighted in this Heaven! Oh, how I felt cheered and repaid for everything!  (Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

Heaven is symbolic of Jesus’ dwelling place, the place where He dwells, there where He can work freely. Following Mary’s example, the ‘mystical mother’ also draws her every thought from the mind of Jesus; she draws from Him the word, the will, the desire, the action and the step, everything and consequently, drawing from Him everything forms in her soul the Heaven in which Jesus can delight.

Even the kisses that my Mama gave Me enclosed the kiss of all humanity, returning to Me the kiss of all creatures. I felt my sweet Mama everywhere. I felt Her in my breath; and if it was labored, She would relieve it. I felt Her in my Heart; and if It was embittered, She would sweeten It. I felt Her in my step; and if it was tired, She would give Me vigor and rest…. (Ibid Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

Jesus feels  His Mother’s presence in his every act, He feels Her in His breath, He feels her in the heart that throbs, in the step he takes. Not only does He feel Mary’s presence in every act, but Mary performs acts of reparation. If Jesus’ Heart is embittered, She softens it, if His breath is labored, She lifts it, if His step is weary, She invigorates it and gives Jesus rest. So the ‘mystical mother’ also has the task of making up for the shortcomings of love, of restoring love to God from all creatures, and spiritually she can soften the priest’s heart when it is embittered, she can lift his labored breath, she can invigorate his step and give him rest.

Then Jesus speaks of His Passion: “And who can tell you how I felt Her in my Passion? At each lash, at each thorn, at each wound, at each drop of my Blood – I felt Her everywhere, carrying out the office of my true Mother. Ah, if souls reciprocated Me, if they drew everything from Me – how many Heavens and how many Mothers would I have on earth!” (Ibid Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

In every painful situation, in trials, in difficulties the priest must feel that there is a Mother, there is someone to help him in his mission.

Jesus and His Mother are inseparable. Mary is always with Jesus. If Jesus is, Mary is, and if Mary is, Jesus is. This also happens to souls when they are truly united with Jesus.

“My daughter, surely there could not be separation between Me and my sweet Mama; the separation was only apparent. She and I were fused together, and the fusion was such and so great that I remained with Her, and She came with Me. So, it can be said that there was a sort of bilocation. This happens also to souls when they are truly united with Me; and if, while praying, they let prayer enter into their souls as life, a sort of fusion and bilocation occurs: I bring them with Me, wherever I am, and I remain with them. (Ibid Vol. 11°, May 09, 1913)

Thus, another characteristic is union with Jesus. The ‘mystical mother’ must never leave alone, first of all, Jesus and then her priest son. In the 5th Excess of Love Luisa contemplates solitary love, she hears the inner voice of Jesus asking her not to leave him alone:

“My daughter, do not move away from Me, do not leave Me alone; my love wants your company – another excess of my love, which does not want to be alone. But do you know whose company it wants? That of the creature. See, in the womb of my Mama, all creatures are together with Me – conceived together with Me. I am with them, all love; I want to tell them how much I love them, I want to speak with them to tell them of my joys and sorrows – that I have come into their midst to make them happy, to console them; that I will remain in their midst as a little brother of theirs, giving all my goods, my Kingdom…”

This spiritual union is possible only through the Fiat, through the communion of acts, by placing one’s own act in the Single Act of God, in which are found all the acts of creatures and consequently also the act of the priest. By calling the Divine Will into all her own acts, even in the most indifferent ones, the ‘mystical mother’ also calls together the acts of the priest entrusted to her so that in the acts of both the Kingdom of the Divine Will is extended.

“My daughter, my Mama and I were like two twins born of the same labor, because We had but one Will that gave Us life. The Divine Fiat placed all Our acts in common, in such a way that the Son was reflected in Her, and the Mama was reflected in the Son. So, the Kingdom of the Divine Will had Its full force, Its perfect dominion within Us…”  (Vol. 23rd- Feb. 09, 1928)

Another teaching our Heavenly Mother gives us is constancy, steadfastness on the path to the Kingdom. On the 9th day of the Month of May in the Book of The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, the Queen of Heaven states that the creature with its human will is all oscillations, is weak, inconstant, disordered. The characteristic of those who live by human will is fickleness.

“Who could ever trust one who lets herself be dominated by the human will? No one neither God, no man. She looks like those empty reeds that turn at every blow of wind. Therefore, dearest daughter of Mine, if a blow of wind wants to render you inconstant, plunge yourself into the Sea of the Divine Will, and come to hide on the lap of Your Mama, that I may defend you from the wind of the human will; and holding you tightly in My arms, I may render you Firm and Confident along the path of Its Divine Kingdom.”

Continuing to the 20th day always in the book of the Virgin Mary, our Heavenly Mother teaches us what extent one can reach when the Divine Will takes Operating Life in the creature, and the human will lets It Work without impeding Its Step. The Fiat, which by Nature Possesses the Generative Virtue, Generates all Goods in the creature; It renders her Fecund, giving her Maternity over all, over all Goods, and over He who created her. Maternity says and means True Love, Heroic Love, Love that is content with dying to give Life to the one It has Generated. If this is not there, the word maternity is sterile, is empty, and is reduced to words, but does not exist with facts. Therefore, if you, My daughter, want the Generation of all Goods, let the Fiat take Operating Life in you, which will give you the Maternity, and you will Love everyone with Love of Mother. And I, your Mama, will teach you how to fecundate in you this Maternity, all Holy and Divine.

We thank You, oh blessed Virgin,

and in order to thank You as You deserve,

we offer You the very thanksgivings of your Jesus.

Oh sweet Mama,

be our Mother, take care of us,

and do not allow us to offend You even slightly.

Keep us always clasped to Jesus;

with your hands bind us – all of us, to Him,

that we may not escape Him, ever again.

                                                                      (21st Hour of Passion)

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Thomas L. Osborne – Requiescat in pace. Amen. Fiat!

Our dear friend and brother in the Most Holy Divine Will,  Thomas Lee Osborne,
entered into Eternal Life on November 6, 2024.

Tom, born in 1947, the year Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta entered into Heaven,

was a humble man who worked tirelessly to make the Servant of God

Luisa Piccarreta known to the world, working even shortly before his entrance into Eternity.

The world knows Luisa better from his blessed efforts.

His love, patience, and humility touched the hearts of all who knew him,

and he will be greatly missed. Thank you, Tom, for your love and generosity in the Fiat!

Please keep Tom and his family in your prayers.

Requem Aeternam dona ei, Domine, et Lux Perpetua Luceat ei. Requiescat in Pace. Amen. Fiat!


Livestream funeral:https: //

Letters of Luisa #1 – May the Divine Consoler, Jesus, Console you and put Balm on the deep wound opened in your hearts by the loss of dear M…  But no, you have not lost [her].  [She] has left for Heaven and you have acquired a peacemaker and protector before God, just as [she] was on earth.  [She] will continue to do, from there, the office of peacemaker; (…) Therefore, all we can do is to say “Deo gratias” for the fortunate M.., and “Fiat” for ourselves who have lost [her], and this “Fiat” will Remedy everything.  So, let us not get discouraged by sorrow and losses; they are always bearers of Graces, Light, and most Surprising Aids.  We have an Omnipotent Will with us; therefore there is nothing to fear… Blessed Jesus and our Celestial Mama will be together with you, to Guide you and Dispose all things according to their Adorable Will.

Your most devoted servant, Luisa Piccarreta – Corato, February 24, 1932

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Call to pray for our Priests

This is a gentle reminder that on a weekly basis a number of our Priests celebrate in private at 8pm on a Thursday worldwide, the Institution of the Blessed Sacrament and the Priesthood, just as Jesus did on Holy Thursday.

In parallel a number of us as Intercessor Prayer Warriors For our Priests are simultaneously also from our own homes and communities, in secret, uniting @ 8pm weekly on a Thursday in prayer with each of our Priests to pray this hour virtually in the Divine realm or any hour this week.

It is important to stress that there is great flexibility on when we can pray this hour of prayer. We fully acknowledge that this time @8 pm weekly on a Thursday may not suit everyone including our priests and their demanding schedules so we ask all to pray any hour within the week.

In this hour it is all our intention to unite with Jesus’s intentions at his First Mass.

United to Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary and to each other we each close our doors and talk to our Father in secret; and make sure that the world does not know who we are.

During this 8 pm hour some of us opt to attend mass.

St. Brendan’s Cathedral, Loughrea, Co. Galway is an on line option as they celebrate Mass on a Thursday @8 pm link below:

In other countries and time zones other mass options will naturally be available locally and on line.

For those who feel called to silence and stillness for this hour, Adoration is also a beautiful option.

Perpetual Live Adoration 24/7 on this link:

Please do not worry about what time zone our priests are operating within and/or our Intercessor Prayer Warriors, our recommendation is very simple pray:

  •        within our local time zone @8 pm every Thursday for an hour when we can; or
  •       any hour within this  week.

It is all being done within Divine Time anyway and as we understand it Divine Time covers all time zones and there are no limitations. 

 We know that regularly all Jesus needs us to do is take the first step and he does the rest. So maybe that first step is to put aside an hour once a week to pray the First Mass and the establishment of the Priesthood with Jesus and / or to share this email with our contacts who may wish to participate in this weekly Prayer for Priests Initiative or perhaps something completely different to support our beloved Priests.

Please feel free to share this Call to Prayer for our Priests with all our brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ.

We ask you Blessed Mother as Mother of the Church to bless this weekly Holy Hour commencing weekly @8pm on Thursday for all our Priests past, present and future and all who participate in this Holy Hour as we pray for unity among all souls past present and future .

We ask Saint Annibale Maria  Di Francia to intercede on our behalf and grant us all the Graces we need daily to pray, do penance and intercede for our Priests as one eternal act in the Divine Will.

Thank you for answering the Call for Prayer for our Priests and may you and your Family and your Communities continue to be blessed in abundant Graces and Peace by Our Blessed Mother, Mother of the Church for all you do for our Priests and Church



If anyone wishes to subscribe or unsubscribe from this email or WhatsApp contact list please send an email.

If you feel you have a deeper calling for our beloved priests and are interested in finding out more about adopting a Priest and become a Mystical Mother for a Priest in the Divine Will, please email Bernie and we will be happy to share more information on this beautiful ministry for our Priests. 

Due to the fact that this Ministry of Interceding for our Church is rapidly growing we are in the process of upgrading our IT Communications, so in the near future you will receive this email from,. Please can you save this new email address to your contacts list to avoid this email going into your spam account.

God bless 


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Mystical Mothers for Priests in the Divine Will

Mystical Mothers for Priests in the Divine Will

Mass Celebrated by

Fr Mark Byrne SOLT

in person and online event

(with the approval of the Luisa Piccarreta Official Public Association Corato)

On: Saturday 14 September @ 10.30am

(Dublin, Ireland Time)

In: The Missionaries of Charity

Mother Teresa’s Order of Sisters

Address: 223 South Circular Road,

Dublin, D08 V8Y4 

Thank you from the Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will Mission for responding to this call in the Divine Will. 

At this Mass Fr Mark will explain how to enroll for all who are ready to give their Fiat to consecrate their lives to being a Mystical Mother for Priests in Divine Will and spiritually agree to adopt a Priestly son in the Divine Will.

We do appreciate that some people are still in the discernment process. These people will also be attending on the day but not giving their Fiat just yet, which is perfect. 

Fr Mark has prepared a formal Adoption Certificate for this event.  Please see attached. Those who attend the Mass in person will receive an Adoption Certificate and those on line who have given their commitment and wish to receive a formal signed Adoption Certificate need to email Bernie confirming that you are consecrating on 14 September and are giving your Fiat. In due course you will be sent by post the original Adoption Certificate signed by Fr Mark Byrne, wherever you may be in the world.

Thank you, Lord. 

In advance of giving your Fiat to being a Mystical Mother for Priests we recommend that you check out all the information available on Mystical Mothers for Priests on, under tab Intercession for the Church;  listen to Fr Mark’s two video recordings and most importantly pray to God for an answer to this calling. 

If you are based on the island of Ireland and are house bound or in a nursing home and wish to become a Mystical Mother for Priests in Divine Will, and would like a visit with Fr Mark, or know someone who wants to become a Mystical Mother for Priests in Divine Will, just email

The Official Association of Luisa Piccarreta are currently printing their Booklets for Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will which once available we will send to you all.

Going forward Fr Mark will schedule monthly Masses for all Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will who have signed up; or are in a discernment process or are New Mystical Mothers for Priests in Divine Will on a rolling monthly basis as an eternal act in the Divine Will.

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From the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to Corato – The fame of Luisa’s holiness has spread

From the Archdiocese of Los Angeles to Corato

Visiting 4 Auxiliary Bishops of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles today at St. Mary Greek Church to pray at the tomb of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Jesus to Luisa: “Your mission is great, because we are not talking about one’s own personal holiness, but about embracing everything and everyone and about preparing the Kingdom of my Will for all human generations.”

9/14/2024 – 


The fame of holiness of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has now spread beyond the borders of our city of Corato, not only to other regions of Italy but also to many other nations of Europe and beyond…

A few days ago four auxiliary bishops from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles came to visit St. Mary the Greek Church to pray at Luisa’s tomb.

The following is a short message left by His Most Rev. Excellency Bishop Slawomir Szkredka, a Polish-born priest who has been auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles in California since 2023.

I was asked why I love the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. How could I not love someone who embodies such profound love for Jesus, God’s will, and the Church? Luisa’s virtuous life—marked by her deep charity, humility, and obedience—and her teachings on the communion between the human and divine will are truly a great gift. She inspires me to echo Mary’s words: fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum—”Let it be done to me according to Your word.”

+Slawomir Szkredka

Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles

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Feast of St. Bernard of Clairvaux – August 20th


St. Bernard Preaching the Crusade – I

The Famous Rallying Speech at Vèzelay

Hugh O’Reilly
Born in 1091, died in 1153, made Abbot of Clairvaux in 1115, St. Bernard exercised strong influence on 12th century Europe. When the Crusader State of Edessa fell in 1144, Pope Eugene III, who himself had been a monk in Clairvaux, called on his spiritual father to preach a Second Crusade to bring succor for the distressed condition of the Holy Land.

A painting depicting St. Bernard preaching crusade

St. Bernard preaching the Crusade at Vezelay

Abbot Bernard girded on the sword of the Divine Word and inspired many for the overseas Crusade.

This is one of his most famous speeches, preached at Vezelay, a little city of Burgundy, on Palm Sunday, March 31, 1146. The orator of the Crusade preached on a large tribune on the side of a hill outside the gates of the city. With King Louis VII of France in his royal robes present, St. Bernard first read the letters of the Sovereign Pontiff calling for a Crusade, then made this plea to arms to the large crowd that had gathered there to hear his words:

“How can you not know that we live in a period of chastisement and ruin? The enemy of mankind has caused the breath of corruption to fly over all regions; we behold nothing but unpunished wickedness. Neither the laws of men nor the laws of religion have sufficient power to check the depravity of customs and the triumph of the wicked. The demon of heresy has taken possession of the chair of truth, and God has sent forth His malediction upon His sanctuary.

“Oh, ye who listen to me, hasten then to appease the anger of Heaven. But no longer implore His goodness by vain complaints; clothe not yourselves in sackcloth, but cover yourselves with your impenetrable bucklers. The din of arms, the dangers, the labors, the fatigues of war are the penances that God now imposes upon you. Hasten then to expiate your sins by victories over the infidels, and let the deliverance of holy places be the reward of your repentance.

A painting of Louis VII taking the cross

King Louis VII prepares to leave for the Second Crusade

“If it were announced to you that the enemy had invaded your cities, your castles, your lands; had ravished your wives and your daughters and profaned your temples – who among you would not fly to arms? Well, then, all these calamities, and calamities still greater, have fallen upon your brethren, upon the family of Jesus Christ, which is yours. Why do you hesitate to repair so many evils; to revenge so many outrages? Will you allow the infidels to contemplate in peace the ravages they have committed on Christian people?

“Remember that their triumph will be a subject for grief to all ages and an eternal opprobrium upon the generation that has endured it. Yes, the living God has charged me to announce to you that He will punish them who shall not have defended Him against His enemies.

“Fly then to arms! Let a holy ire animate you in the fight, and let the Christian world resound with these words of the prophet, ‘Cursed be he who does not stain his sword with blood!’ “If the Lord calls you to the defense of His heritage think not that His hand has lost its power. Could He not send twelve Legions of Angels or breathe one word and all His enemies would crumble away into dust? But God has considered the sons of men, to open for them the road to His mercy. His goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calling on you to avenge His glory and His name.

cross marking the place where St. Bernard preached the 2nd crusade at Vezelay

A cross marks the spot on the hill of Vezelay where St. Bernard preached

“Christian warriors, He who gave His life for you, today demands yours in return. These are combats worthy of you, combats in which it is glorious to conquer and advantageous to die. Illustrious knights, generous defenders of the Cross, remember the example of your fathers, who conquered Jerusalem, and whose names are inscribed in Heaven. Abandon then the things that perish, to gather unfading palms and conquer a Kingdom that has no end.”

All the barons and knights applauded the eloquence of St. Bernard and were persuaded that he uttered the will of God. Louis VII, deeply moved by the words he had heard, cast himself at the feet of St. Bernard and demanded the Cross. Then, clothed with this sign, he exhorted all those present to follow his example.

The hill upon which this vast multitude was assembled resounded for a long period of time with the cries of Deus vult! Deus vult! (God wills it). Then, many counts and a crowd of barons and knights followed the example of the King. Several Bishops threw themselves at the feet of St. Bernard, taking the oath to fight against the infidels.

The crosses that the Abbot of Clairvaux had brought were not sufficient for the great number who asked for them. He tore his vestments to make more.

To preserve the memory of this day, Pons, abbot of Vèzelay, founded upon the hill where the knights and barons had assembled a Church that he dedicated to the Holy Cross. The tribune upon which St. Bernard had preached the Crusade remained there a long time, the object of the veneration of the faithful.

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The Nihil Obstat for the Resumption of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has been Issued!

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Communication of the Postulator Msgr. Paolo Rizzi about the Cause of Beatification

Rome, August 10, 2024


The nihil obstat for the resumption of the Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has been issued. This was announced by the Postulator of the Cause, Msgr. Paolo Rizzi, in a note dated August 10, 2024, the text of which is published here.

Cause of Beatification of Luisa Piccarreta

The Cause of Beatification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta has never been closed, but has always been pending at the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, which had temporarily suspended its canonical process.  In fact, the spirituality, thought, and writings of the Servant of God had been submitted to the study of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which in 2019 pointed out that the writings presented some ambiguities of a theological, Christological, and anthropological nature; ambiguities that, while not doctrinal errors in themselves, required further evaluation. Through the support of a theologian expert in mysticism, the Postulation’s clarifying responses to the aforementioned findings enabled the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith to conclude that in the writings and thought of the Servant of God there are no statements that are blatantly in contrast with the doctrine of the Church. Thus in June 2024 the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith issued the nihil obstat for the resumption of the Cause, which was formally notified by the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints to this Postulation on July 8, 2024.

According to the instructions of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, the continuation of the canonical path, already in place, must necessarily be accompanied by the publication of the typical and critical edition of Luisa Piccarreta’s Writings by the the actor of the Cause, the Public Association of the Faithful “Luisa Piccarreta-P.F.D.V” of Corato  and under the supervision of the Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie. Such an edition should be accompanied by a relevant “Introduction and related notes” which, for the purpose of clarifying certain expressions that are easily conducive to misleading and erroneous interpretations of the Christian message, highlight the importance of the Lord’s merciful and gratuitous love, which in some pages of the Writings is obscured due to the historical context in which they were drafted, a context marked by an obsessive view of God’s justice and the consequent mysticism of reparation for sins. This edition will be the only one officially recognized by ecclesiastical authority. All Divine Will Groups will have to refer to it in order to correct harmful forms of spirituality, widespread in some Groups and brought about by a distorted reading of the Writings of the Servant of God, by their written dissemination or even by their arbitrary manipulation and translation into other languages.

Those who truly care about the Cause of Beatification are called to decisively orient or reorient their devotion to the Servant of God in the perspective of the mystery of glory: the cross is to be looked at, contemplated and welcomed in the resplendent mystery of the resurrection of Christ, victor over evil, sin and death. Reading Luisa’s Writings, everyone should “feel encouraged to pay more attention to the author’s intention, in greater faithfulness to the teaching of the Church and above all in the awareness that the Divine Will is the Heavenly Father’s merciful appeal addressed to the free will of the men and women of our times, and never a threat to be hurled against the world corrupted by sin” (Msgr. Leonardo D’Ascenzo, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta Bisceglie, Communication No. 4 regarding the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, March 4, 2020).

While objectively recognizing that so many Divine Will Groups have implemented in this direction a decisive and evident path of ecclesiality, it is indispensable and incumbent on those who have not yet done so to strive ” to anchor the reading of these writings in the doctrine of the Church and in a dignified conduct of life, making a balanced and respectful missionary proclamation spring from the doctrine of the Divine Will, a proclamation which has been harmoniously inserted into the pastoral activity of the local Churches” (Msgr. Leonardo D’Ascenzo, ibid.).

With this in mind, it seems most appropriate for bishops to recognize and admit into their ecclesiastical circumscriptions only those Divine Will Groups that meet the aforementioned requirements. After their bishop’s approval, these groups can obtain the affiliation to the Family of the Divine Will, which was established by the Public Association of the Faithful “Luisa Piccarreta-P.F.D.V. “ of Corato, a service structure under the supervision of the pro-tempore Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, whose ecclesial figure the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints has always indicated as the official reference for those who follow the spirituality and message of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta throughout the world.

Rome, August 10, 2024

The Postulator

 Msgr. Paolo Rizzi

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Clarifications about Living in the Divine Will by the Vicar General of Trani – Fr Sergio Pelligrini

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Miracle Attributed to Luisa Piccarreta

Testimony of Maria Margarita Chavez:

An element that could be important in the process of beatification of the Servant of God, known more in the world that in her hometown.

In Florida the first miracle attributed to Luisa Piccarreta. The canonical process started. 

 The testimony of Margarita: “Luisa Piccarreta saved my life”

Words of hope from Florida. Margarita experienced the intercession of Luisa for her recovery

.According to American doctors, it is a miracle, the first that occurred through the intercession of Luisa Piccarreta.

Acute pneumonia combined with other complications had put the life of Maria Margarita Chavez in serious danger: according to the team that was treating her, she had less than 48 hours left to live. Then the inexplicable cure: “the Tuesday after Easter in 2007, they brought me a relic of Luisa and my lungs started to heal,” she herself recounted at the Conference on the “Divine Will” which was held in April in Corato. An element that could be important in the process of beatification of the Servant of God, known more in the world that in her hometown.

For this reason, Bishop Pichierri asked the association named after Luisa to begin the “canonical process” to “gather the first testimonies” before some of the main characters pass away. The main reference is the mother of Maria Margarita, who is now elderly.

“To respond to this invitation – confirms Sabino Lastella, president of the association Luisa Piccarreta – we worked to institute a due process in the diocese of residence of Chavez, and that is in Miami, Florida.”

In late May, the bishop of Miami, Mgr. Thomas Wenski, gave his approval, and “at this time we are contacting those who are part of the ecclesiastical tribunal,” added Lastella. The Interrogatories will be held: between December and January twelve witnesses should be heard. “Soon we will have a final schedule – Lastella continued – and at the conclusion of the work it is expected to take two days to meet and discuss in Miami, as the year of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Luisa is still going on.”

Once all the documents, with all the seals of the Archbishop of Miami, have been prepared, they will be sent to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints at the Vatican through the postulation.

To understand what this entails in the cause of beatification. we turned to Don Sergio Pellegrini, assistant ecclesiastic  of the Little Children of the Divine Will. “Once the verification of the writings of Luisa (still in progress) has been completed, the Cause will begin, and it will be possible to develop the “Positio”, an annotated biography needed so that the venerability of Luisa is recognized.” Only then what science now calls a miracle “carry out its immediate effect in regard to the beatification” confirms Don Sergio.

To talk about a miracle recognized by the Church, the approval of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints is required. “The testimonies will be evaluated – explained don Sergio – and any further investigations that the congregation will want to make.

The story of Margherita. Born in Cuba on May 18, 1959, she lives in Miami with her mother Dolores and her son Christopher. April 4, 2007 – during Holy Week, as she herself wished to point out – she was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Miami and in the care of doctor Mario Almeida who in 2006 had treated her bronchopneumonia found on her return from a trip to Italy. “I went to Italy to visit the places where Luisa lived and to meet Sister Assunta” said Margherita during the Conference.

On April 6, the medical case of the woman continued to get worse, the doctors decided to intubate her and   do a lung biopsy . Connected to an artificial respirator, Margarita went into a coma after receiving the sacraments of confession and anointing of the sick.

On April 10, the Tuesday of the First Week of Easter, Father Cioffi put a relic of Luisa on the chest of Margherita, while around her they were reading the prayers and the writings of Luisa. The next day the first unexplained improvements were seen on x-ray: in a few days Margherita began to breathe on her own and could serenely face also the third kidney transplant.

Margarita remembers about her state of unconsciousness: “The Lord showed me the intrinsic evil of humanity. I was in a place of the elderly and the dying without being able to move, the workers took advantage of us, they gave sleeping pills to have no trouble. I still recall the images of a place where they were preparing the bodies of the dead people. As I was lying on a table, the Lord Jesus let me hear the illicit and malicious conversations of those who were around me. They put me in a coffin, leaving out an arm. The coffin was too small, my body would not fit. The pain I felt was very intense.

Then came a man, dressed in a white coat, and I began to ask Jesus to have mercy on me. The more I begged pity from the Lord, the more the man squeezed my hand. I remained like that for a long time: he would be hammering my arm, and kept trying to close the coffin with my arm hanging outside. This lasted a long time. The man kept telling me that if I stopped asking Jesus for mercy, he would leave me alone and would not torture me anymore, but I did not stop asking Jesus for mercy. Then, I found myself in front of our Lord Jesus Christ who told me, “Daughter, your sins are forgiven.” Immediately, I saw coming out of me, and I felt coming out of me, like a smoke, a breath, a black shadow. Then, my body felt very light. I felt clean.”


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Resistite fortes !!! – Fondazione EXSURGE DOMINE Ets – Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò

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