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Bishop Athanasius Schneider: We Are In The Fourth Great Crisis Of The Church!

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: We Are In The Fourth Great Crisis Of The Church!

Posted: 07 Jun 2014 08:50 AM PDT

Progressives, Collaborating With A “New Paganism” Are Driving The Church Towards A Split.

By Sarah Atkinson, Catholic

 The Fourth Great Crisis Of The Church

Liberals, collaborating with the “new paganism”, are driving the Catholic Church towards a split, according to Bishop Athanasius Schneider, the liturgical specialist who is carrying on a rearguard fight against “abuses” in the Church.

So serious are the problems, Bishop Schneider said in an interview last week, that this is the fourth great crisis in the history of the Church, comparable to the fourth-century Arian heresy in which a large part of the Church hierarchy was implicated.

If you have not heard of the Soviet-born bishop, you will. The sincere, scholarly clergyman is auxiliary bishop of the distant Archdiocese of St Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan. But this month he has received a rock star welcome from congregations across the country on his tour of England and he has embraced cyberspace to put over a trenchant, traditional defence of the Church. “Thanks be to God, the internet exists,” he said.

His views are not popular with everyone, especially not some of his liberal colleagues, or, he says, with the mainstream media of the secular world. But his audiences tell another story.

Vatican II Documents Need Clarification

Bishop Schneider is best known for arguing that Holy Communion should be received on the tongue while kneeling, which he insists is the more efficient way to foster respect for the Sacrament and to prevent abuse of the Sacred Hosts. The 53-year-old bishop has called also for clarification (a new Syllabus of Errors), aimed at the clergy, to put a stop to liturgical and doctrinal freewheeling on a range of issues in the “spirit of Vatican II”.

In his interview, Bishop Schneider said the “banal” and casual treatment of the Blessed Sacrament is part of a major crisis in the Church in which some laity and clergy, including some in positions of authority, are siding with secular society. At the heart of the problems, he believes, is the creeping introduction of a man-centred agenda, while in some churches God, in the tabernacle, really is materially put in a corner, while the priest takes centre stage. Bishop Schneider argued that this situation is now coming to a head. “I would say, we are in the fourth great crisis [of the Church], in a tremendous confusion over doctrine and liturgy. We have already been in this for 50 years.”

How long will it last?

                “Perhaps God will be merciful to us in 20 or 30 years.”

In the autumn, the synod of bishops will meet in extraordinary session to discuss the family, in the light of the questionnaire which Pope Francis invited the faithful to complete, giving their views on marriage and sexuality. Expectations are growing that rules will be relaxed on a range of sexual matters and in terms of divorced people receiving Communion as a sign of “mercy” from the Church.

The Greatest Evil:  Clergy Putting Themselves At The Center Of The Liturgy!

Such views, according to Bishop Schneider, reveal the depth of the problem. “I think this issue of the reception of Holy Communion by the remarried will blow up and show the real crisis in the Church. The real crisis of the Church is anthropocentrism and the forgetting of Christo-centrism…

“This is the deepest evil: man, or the clergy, putting themselves in the center when they are celebrating liturgy and when they change the revealed truth of God, for instance, concerning the Sixth Commandment and human sexuality.”

Although he says talk of change is mainly coming from “the anti-Christian media”, he sees clergy and lay Catholics “collaborating” with what he calls the new paganism. Bishop Schneider is particularly critical of the idea that these changes should be made so as to be merciful to those currently barred from receiving the Sacraments. “[This is] a kind of sophism,” he said. “This is not mercy, this is cruel.”

He suggested this was “a false concept of mercy”, saying: “It is comparable to a doctor who gives a [diabetic] patient sugar, although he knows it will kill him.”

The bishop believes there are clear parallels with great crises of the past, when leading clergymen were complicit with heresies. In the Arian heresy, he said, naming them on his fingers, only a handful of the hierarchy resisted. “We [Christians] are a minority. We are surrounded by a very cruel pagan world. The temptation and challenge of today can be compared with the first centuries.”

He added: “Unfortunately there were … members of the clergy and even bishops who put grains of incense in front of the statue of the emperor or of a pagan idol or who delivered the books of the Holy Scripture to be burned. Such collaborationist Christians and clerics were called in those times thurificati or traditores.”

And today, he maintained, we also have those who collaborate, our “traitors of the Faith”.

Pope Francis Has Taught Beautiful Catholic Doctrine In His Official Homilies

Pope Francis is perceived to be at the forefront of a new liberal attitude coming from Rome. But Bishop Schneider says: “Thanks be to God, Pope Francis has not expressed himself in these ways that the mass media expect from him. He has spoken until now, in his official homilies, very beautiful Catholic doctrine. I hope he will continue to teach in a very clear manner the Catholic doctrine.”

The bishop said he hopes “the majority of the bishops still have enough Catholic spirit and faith that they will reject the proposal and not accept this”.

A Coming Split?

Nevertheless, he can foresee a split coming, leading to an eventual renewal of the Church on traditional lines. But, he believes, this will not be before the crisis has plunged the Church further into disarray. Eventually, he thinks, the “anthropocentric” [man-centred] clerical system will collapse. “This liberal clerical edifice will crash down because they have no roots and no fruits,” he said.

In the turmoil, Bishop Schneider, fears traditional Catholics may, for a time, be persecuted or discriminated against, even at the behest of those who have “power in the exterior structures of the Church”. But he believes those involved with the “heresy” will “not prevail against the Church”. And, in hope, the bishop said: “The Supreme Magisterium will surely issue an unequivocal doctrinal statement, rejecting any collaboration with the neo-pagan ideas.”

At this point, Bishop Schneider believes, the modern thurificati et traditores will leave the Church. “I can presume that such a separation will affect each level of Catholics: lay people and even not
excluding the high clergy,” he said.

Such comments are unlikely to win Bishop Schneider popularity in some circles, but he argues: “It is quite insignificant to be popular or unpopular. For every member of the clergy, their first interest should be to be popular in the eyes of God and not in the eyes of today or of the powerful. Jesus said a warning: ‘Woe to you when people speak well of you.’”

Great Saints Have Rejected Popularity In Favor Of Truth

He added: “Popularity is false… Great saints of the Church, such as Thomas More and John Fisher, rejected popularity… those today who are worried about the popularity of the mass media and public opinion… will be remembered as cowards and not as heroes of the Faith.”

Bishop Schneider observes ruefully that there are many whose views coincide with those of the pagan world who “declare themselves Catholics and even faithful to the Pope”, while “those who are faithful to the Catholic faith or those who are promoting the glory of Christ in the liturgy” are labeled extremists.

Such critics may assert that Bishop Schneider’s concern over Holy Communion is like worrying over the numbers of angels on a pinhead. But the bishop insists that treatment of the Eucharist is at the very heart of the crisis. “The Eucharist is at the heart of the Church,” he said. “When the heart is weak, the whole body is weak.”

He argued that receiving Communion in hand “contributes gradually to the loss of the Catholic faith in the Real Presence and in transubstantiation”.

Bishop Schneider also rejected the idea that concern for the liturgy is less important than, or even separate from, concern for the poor. “This is erroneous. The first commandment which Christ gave us was to adore God alone. Liturgy is not a meeting of friends. It is our first task to adore and glorify God in the liturgy and also in our manner of life. From a true adoration and love of God grows love for the poor and our neighbour. It is a consequence.”

The bishop’s views have been shaped by his early childhood, growing up as a persecuted German Catholic in the Soviet Union, where he even had to attend atheism lessons at school. His book Dominus Est discloses how the German Catholic community kept alive their faith despite severe hardship and persecution. In his own experience, his mother and great aunt took great risks for their faith and on behalf of others in the community. So Bishop Schneider and his family were horrified at the liberal attitudes and practices in the West, especially in respect of Holy Communion, which had been so rare and so precious to the persecuted German Catholics of the Soviet Union.

Communion In The Hand Weakens Faith In The Real Presence!

Seemingly like the little boy in the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes, the bishop now feels compelled to speak out and he cannot understand why others do not do the same. “It seems that the majority of the clergy and the bishops are content with this modern use of Communion in hand… For me this is incredible. How is this possible, when Jesus is present in the little Hosts?”

He continued: “There is the grievous fact of the loss of the Eucharistic fragments. And the fragments of the consecrated Host are crushed by feet. This is horrible! Our God, in our churches, is trampled by feet!”

Bishop Schneider admitted that he is “very sad that I am feeling myself as one who is shouting in the desert”.

He said: “It is time that the bishops raise their voices for the Eucharistic Jesus who has no voice to defend himself. Here is an attack on the Most Holy, an attack on the Eucharistic faith.”

The Holy Spirit Will Renew His Church!

But despite his concerns, Bishop Schneider is not pessimistic and believes that there is already a groundswell of support for traditional values that will, in time, renew the Church: “Little ones in the Church have been let down and neglected,” he said. “[But] they have kept the purity of their faith and they represent the true power of the Church in the eyes of God and not those who are in administration.

“I spoke with young students in Oxford and I was so much impressed by these students. I was so glad to see their purity of faith and their convictions, and the clear Catholic mind. This will renew the Church. So I am confident and hopeful also in respect of this crisis in the Church. The Holy Ghost will win this crisis with this little army.”

He added: “I am not worried about the future. The Church is Christ’s Church and He is the real head of the Church, the Pope is only the vicar of Christ. The soul of the Church is the Holy Spirit and He is powerful.”

Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Young Bishop For Catholic Tradition

By Rithi Demontiero November 14, 2011 

In the midst of Pope Benedict XVI’s efforts to get the Church to interpret the Second Vatican Council closer to Tradition and the Council Fathers’ original intent, there is a rising cleric that continues to turn heads.

EWTN Live – 2013-01-09 – Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC. Aux. Bishop of Astana, Kazakhstan

Published on Jan 10, 2013

Bishop Athanasius Schneider, ORC is a proponent of creating an authoritative explanation of the Documents of Vatican II with a hermeneutic of continuity. Join him and Fr. Mitch as they discuss this important topic.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider Latin Mass in Dublin

Saint Laurence’s Catholic Heritage Association   

On Tuesday, 3rd December, 2013, feast of St. Francis Xavier, St. Laurence’s Catholic Heritage Association had the privilege to organise the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by Bishop Athanasius Schneider in the Church of St. John Vianney, Ardlea Road, Artane, Dublin 5.  After Mass, with the Blessed Sacrament removed, Bishop Schneider talked to those present about the themes of his new book Corpus Christi – Holy Communion and the Renewal of the Church.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider in England
by Ben Yanke

During a recent trip in England, Bishop Athanasius Schneider celebrated a Pontifical Mass at the Faldstool at one of the first post-reformation Marian shrines. Ceremonially, it’s interesting to note that he does not use a crosier, because the crosier is reserved to the ordinary and to those whom he gives specific permission. I’m sure readers could…  

“The Eucharistic Jesus, that is Jesus Christ actually, personally and substantially present under the Eucharistic species, in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, is indeed the most poor, weak and defenseless in the Church,” Schneider says in his latest book Corpus Christi, la Santa Comunione e il rinnovamento della Chiesa (The Body of Christ, Holy Communion and the Renewal of the Church).

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holy_spirit_goldThe gift of Counsel endows the soul with supernatural prudence, enabling it to judge promptly and rightly what must be done, especially in difficult circumstances. Counsel applies the principles furnished by Knowledge and Understanding to the innumerable concrete cases that confront us in the course of our daily duty as parents, teachers, public servants and Christian citizens. Counsel is supernatural common sense, a priceless treasure in the quest of salvation. “Above all these things, pray to the Most High, that He may direct thy way in truth.”

            Come, O Spirit of Counsel, help and guide me in all my ways, that I may always do Thy Holy Will. Incline my heart to that which is good; turn it away from all that is evil, and direct me by the straight path of Thy commandments to that goal of eternal life for which I long. Amen.

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Understanding, as a gift of the Holy Ghost, helps us to grasp the meaning of the truths of our holy religion. By faith we know them, but by Understanding we learn to appreciate and relish them. It enables us to penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths and through them to be quickened to newness of life. Our faith ceases to be sterile and inactive, but inspires a mode of life that bears eloquent testimony to the faith that is in us; we begin to “walk worthy of God in all things pleasing, and increasing in the knowledge of God.”

            Come, O Spirit of Understanding, and enlighten our minds, that we may know and believe all the mysteries of salvation; and may merit at last to see the eternal light; and in the light of glory to have a clear vision of Thee and the Father and the Son. Amen.

“My blessed daughter (Luisa), in order to have that an act would be more pleasing to Me, and My Will could form Its Whole Life in it, the whole interior of the creature must be centralized in My Fiat. The will must want It; the desire must ardently desire what the volition wants; the affections, the tendencies, must crave and be inclined only to receiving the Life of My Will in their act; the memory to remembering It; the intelligence to Understanding It; such that everything must be centralized in the act in which My Will wants to form Its Life, since in order to form a life there is needed will, desire, heart, affections, tendencies, memory, intelligence, otherwise it could not be called a Whole and Perfect Life, so My Divine Will, wanting to form Life in the act of the creature, wants the whole being of the creature centralized in Its Act or Life that It wants to form, otherwise one would not be able to call it Whole and Perfect Life.

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      Embodying all the other gifts, as charity embraces all other virtues, Wisdom is the most perfect of the gifts. Of Wisdom it is written “all good things came to me with her, and innumerable riches through her hands.” It is the gift of Wisdom that strengthens our faith, fortifies hope, perfects charity, and promotes the practice of virtue in the highest degree. Wisdom enlightens the mind to discern and relish things Divine, in the appreciation of which earthly joys lose their savor, whilst the Cross of Christ yields a Divine Sweetness according to the words of the Savior: “Take up thy cross and follow Me, for My yoke is sweet, and My burden light.”

            Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, and reveal to my soul the mysteries of heavenly things, their exceeding greatness, power and beauty. Teach me to love them above and beyond all passing joys and satisfactions of the earth. Help me to attain them and possess them for ever. Amen.

“You must know that when the soul does an act in Our Divine Will, God becomes her Model, while the act becomes the material necessary to receive the Divine Model. Therefore, Our more than Paternal Goodness is all attentive to see all that the soul Living in Our Will does. As she is about to think, speak or work It Seals in her the Model of Its Wisdom, the Model of its Creative Word and the Sanctity of Its Works. Our Love is such that We want to become Life of her life, Heartbeat of her heart, and Love of her love. Our delirium of Love is such that We want to make of her Our Copy. We can obtain this purpose only with one who Lives in Our Will, since there is not lacking the adaptable material to receive Our Model.”

“Furthermore, for every act the creature does in Our Divine Volition, We Redouble Our Love for her. As this Love Invests her, It brings with It Our Sanctity, Goodness and Wisdom, so she remains Redoubled in Sanctity, in Goodness and in the Knowledge of her Creator.

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GiftsoftheHolySpiritVatican City, 8 June 2014 (VIS) – On the Solemnity of Pentecost, Pope Francis presided at a Holy Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, concelebrated with the cardinals, archbishops and bishops present in the city of Rome.

“Speaking to the Apostles at the Last Supper, Jesus said that, after leaving this world, he would have sent them the gift from the Father, that is the Holy Spirit. This promise was powerfully fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit descended onto the disciples gathered in the Cenacle”, said the Pope in his homily.

The Holy Spirit “teaches us: it is the inner Master. It guides us along the right path, through the situations of life. … More than a master of doctrine”, he observed, “the Spirit is a master of life. And knowledge is part of life, but within the wider, harmonic horizon of Christian existence”.

The Holy Spirit “reminds us, reminds us of all that Jesus said. It is the living memory of the Church. And while it makes us remember, it enables us to understand the words of the Lord. … The Spirit of truth and charity that recalls to us what Christ said, allows us to enter more fully into the meaning of His words. … In substance, the Spirit reminds us of the commandment to love, and calls us to fulfil this”.

“A Christian without memory is not a true Christian: he is halfway along the road, he is a man or a woman imprisoned in the moment, who does not know how to value his or he r history, who does not know how to read it or live it as a history of salvation. Instead, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we are able to interpret the inner inspirations and events of life in the light of Jesus’ words. And thus our knowledge of memory, the knowledge of the heart, that is a gift from the Spirit, grows in us”.

The Holy Spirit “makes us speak, with God and with men. There are no mute Christians, those who are mute in the soul; no, there is no place for this. It enables us to speak with God in prayer. … It allows us to speak in the act of faith. It helps us to speak with men in fraternal dialogue. It helps us to speak with others recognising them as brothers and sisters”.

“But there is more: the Holy Spirit also makes us speak to men in prophecy, making us humble and docile ‘channels’ of the Word of God. Prophecy is made with frankness, to show openly contradictions and injustice, but always with meekness and constructive intent. Penetrated by the Spirit of love, we can be signs and instruments of God Who loves, serves and gives life”.

“The day of Pentecost,when the disciples were ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’, was the baptism of the Church, who was born ‘reaching out’, ‘going out’ to proclaim the Good News to all. The Mother Church, who goes out to serve and, who recalls our other Mother, who went out promptly, to serve. The Mother Church and the Mother Mary: both virgin, both mothers, and both women”.

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Heavenly Father, I pray in the Most Holy Divine Will, in the Name of Jesus and Mary through Luisa, for everyone and everything past, present and future that The Holy Spirit come with His Divine Fire and Sanctify the earth.

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of those who are linked to Luisa with the Inextinguishable Fire of Your Divine Love; the Fire of Divine Love that Transmutes the soul in God; the Fire of Divine Love that with Its Flames Invests all the human operations and gives them the Form of Divine Operations.

Come Holy Spirit, fill those who are linked to Luisa with the Fire of Your Divine Will that contains such Power as to be a New Baptism for the soul, as Jesus told Luisa, “even more than Baptism itself.” Wash from us every stain, and give us that New Baptism that will Strengthen us in Grace, to be admitted to Live with You on earth as it is in Heaven.

Come Holy Spirit, Baptize those who are linked to Luisa with the Baptism of Your Divine Fire. Restore and Heal us with Your Breath of Fire. Purify us with Your Divine Fire and Devour and Consume all our passions and evil tendencies, and finding our souls naked with no extraneous humors, it will be easy for You, Holy Spirit, to Convert us into Your very Divine Fire. Let us feel the Burning of Your Divine Fire and the Palpitating Divine Life of our Creator so that all mankind will return to be the “Bearer of his Creator.” Then You, Triune God, will feel the Happiness, Glory and Appreciation for Your Creative Work, as it returns Love into Your Divine Womb, as it came out, in a Fire of Love from Your Paternal Bosom.

Come Holy Spirit with Your Divine Fire of Your Divine Love and Sanctify the earth. We ask this in the Name of Jesus, Our Lord, under the Blue Mantle of Mary, Our Mother and through the intercession of the little daughter of the Divine Will, Luisa Piccarreta. Amen.


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Feast Day of St. Annibale Maria di Francia

June 1st


St, Annibale Maria di FranciaExtraordinary Confessor of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta

click image for more information on St. Annibale


The Chaplet of the Divine Will
by Saint Annibale Maria Di Francia

Saint Hannibal di Francia was one of Luisa’s extraordinary Confessors and was responsible for first publishing Luisa’s books, “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” and “The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ”. He was also responsible for granting the “Nihil Obstat” to the first 19 volumes which were then given the “Imprimatur” by Archbishop Joseph Leo. In his last years, Saint Hannibal wrote the little “Chaplet of the Divine Will” and recited this prayer several times a day during his last sickness.

The Little Rosary of the Divine Will begins with the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be, and continues by praying on every “Hail Mary” bead: “Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”

A “Glory Be” is prayed on every “Our Father” bead, and at the end pray:

“Lord Jesus, we praise you, we love you, we bless you, and we thank you who are God with the Father and the Holy Spirit in your Holy and Eternal Divine Will.  Amen”

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Offering of the human will to the Celestial Queen

Offering of the human will to the Celestial Queen 


Prayer for May 31st


Most Sweet Mama, here I am, prostrate at the foot of Your Throne. I am Your little child, I want to give You all my filial love, and as Your child, I want to braid all the little sacrifices, the ejaculatory prayers, my promises to never do my human will, which I have made many times during this month of Graces. And forming a crown, I want to place it on Your lap as attestation of love and thanksgiving for my Mama.

But this is not enough; I want You to take it in Your hands as the sign that You accept my gift, and at the touch of Your Maternal fingers, convert it into many suns, for at least as many times as I have tried to do the Divine Will in my little acts.

Ah! Yes, Mother Queen, Your child wants to give You homages of Light and of Most Refulgent Suns. I know that You have many of these Suns, but they are not the Suns of Your child; so I want to give You mine, to tell You that I Love You, and to bind You to Loving me. Holy Mama, You smile at me and, all Goodness, You accept my gift; and I thank You from the heart. But I want to tell You many things; I want to enclose my pains, my fears, my weaknesses, my whole being in Your Maternal Heart, as the place of my refugeI want to consecrate my human will to You. O please! My Mama, accept it; make of it a Triumph of Grace, and a field on which the Divine Will may extend Its Kingdom. This will of mine, consecrated to You, will render us inseparable, and will keep us in continuous relations. The doors of Heaven will not be closed for me, because, as I have consecrated my human will to You, You will give me Yours in exchange. So, either the Mama will come and stay with her child on earth, or the child will go to Live with her Mama in Heaven. O! How Happy I will be.

Listen, dearest Mama, in order to make the consecration of my human will to You more solemn, I call the Sacrosanct Trinity, all the Angels, all the Saints, and before all I protest and with an oath to make the Solemn Consecration of my human will to my Celestial Mama.

And now, Sovereign Queen, as the fulfillment, I ask for Your Holy Blessing, for myself and for all. May Your Blessing be the Celestial Dew which descends upon sinners to convert them, and upon the afflicted to console them. May it descend upon the whole world and Transform it in Good; may it descend upon the purging souls and extinguish the fire that burns them. May Your Maternal Blessing be Pledge of Salvation for all souls. Amen

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Quote of St. Augustine of Hippo

ascension 2“Just as He remained with us even after His Ascension, so we too are already in Heaven with Him, even though what is promised us has not yet been fulfilled in our bodies.”

— St. Augustine of Hippo

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