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Prayer for the Glorification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta – Updated


For the Glorification of the Servant of God


Oh august and Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

we praise and thank You for the gift of the holiness of Your faithful servant

Luisa Piccarreta.

She lived, Oh Father, in Your Divine Will, becoming under the action

of the Holy Spirit, in conformity with Your Son,

obedient even to the death on the cross, victim and host pleasing to You,

thus cooperating in the work of Redemption of mankind. 

Her virtues of obedience, humility, supreme love for Christ and the Church,

lead us to ask You for the gift of her glorification on earth,

so that Your Glory may shine before all, and Your Kingdom of truth, justice and love,

may spread all over the world in the particular charisma of the

Fiat Voluntas tua sicut in Caelo et in terra. 

We appeal to her merits to obtain from You, Most Holy Trinity the particular grace

for which we pray to You with the intention to fulfill Your Divine Will.  Amen.

+Archbishop Givoan Battista Pichierri

Three Glory be,

Our Father

Queen of all Saints, pray for us.

Trani, October 29, 2005

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Ascension Thursday, May 29, 2014


January 24, 1938

How our Lord left for Heaven remaining on earth in the Tabernacles, to accomplish the Kingdom of the Divine Will. One who lives in the Divine Will can say with Jesus: ‘I leave and I stay.’

My flight in the Divine Volition continues. While I was visiting Jesus in the Sacrament, I wanted to embrace all the Tabernacles and each Sacramental Host in order to live together with my Prisoner Jesus. And I was thinking to myself: ‘What a sacrifice. What a long imprisonment – not of days, but of centuries! Poor Jesus… could He at least be repaid for this!

And my beloved Jesus, visiting my little soul, all immersed in His flames of Love, said to me: “My good daughter, my first prison was Love. It imprisoned Me so much that I had not even have the freedom to breathe, to palpitate or to work if these too were not imprisoned in my Love. Therefore, my Love imprisoned Me inside the Tabernacle, but with reason and with highest divine Wisdom. Now, You must know that the chains of my Love made Me depart from Heaven during my Incarnation. I left to descend upon earth in search of my children and my brothers and sisters, in order to form for them, with my Love, so many prisons of Love as to make it i! mpossible for them to leave. But while I left, I also remained in Heaven, since my Love – being my prison – bound Me within the celestial regions.

Now, having completed my office down here, I left for Heaven, remaining imprisoned inside each Sacramental Host. Do you know why? Because my Love, being my sweet imprisonment, told me: ‘The purpose for which you descended from Heaven to earth is not accomplished. Where is the Kingdom of our Will? It does not exist, neither is it known. So, remain there as a Prisoner in each Sacramental Host. In this way, there will not be only one Jesus, as in your Humanity, but a Jesus for each Sacramental Host which will exist. ! In a fury of love, your many Lives will make a way to the Divinity, as well as in each heart which will receive You. These Lives will have a little word to say to make our Will known, because when they descend into each heart, they will not be mute, but speaking, and You will speak about our FIAT in the secret of their hearts. You will be the Bearer of our Kingdom.’ I recognized the demands of my Love as just, so I remained willingly on earth in order to form the Kingdom of my Will – until the complete fulfillment of the work.

You see, by departing for Heaven while remaining on earth, my Life, spread in many Sacramental Hosts, will not be useless down here. I will certainly form the Kingdom of my Will. I would never have stayed if I knew I wasn’t going to obtain the intent; more so, since this is for Me a sacrifice greater than my very mortal Life. How many secret tears, how many bitter sighs in the midst of many devouring flames of love! I would like to devour all souls inside my Love to make those who are going to live in my Divine Volition rise again to new Life. This Kingdom will come from the center of my Love. ! It will burn the evils of the earth, relying upon Itself and arming Its Omnipotence; so, victory after victory, It will win our Reign in the midst of the creatures, to give It to them.

But I was not satisfied to remain prisoner by myself. My Love, flaring up even more, made Me choose you to make you prisoner with chains so strong as to be impossible for you to escape Me. This, as an outpouring of my Love and for company in my imprisonment; to be able to talk to you extensively about my Will – Its anxiety, Its sighs for desire to reign – and also as a pretext of my Love to be able to say before the Supreme Majesty: ‘A creature of the human race is already our prisoner. We speak with her about our Will, to make It known, and extending Its Kingdom. This prisoner is like a deposit for the whole human family, so that we will! have our Kingdom by right. I can say that each of my Sacramental Lives is also like a deposit that I give You, sufficient to secure my Kingdom for my children. But to these many deposits, my Love wanted to add the deposit of a simple creature who carries the marks of my imprisonment, so as to strengthen the bonds between creature and Creator, and therefore accomplish and complete the Kingdom of our Will in the midst of the creatures.’

My prayers from each Tabernacle are incessant, so that the creatures may know my Will and may let It reign; and all I suffer – tears and sighs – I send to Heaven in order to move the Divinity to concede a grace so great. I send it to every heart, to move them to compassion for my tears and sufferings – to make them surrender to receive such a great good.”

Jesus remained silent. I was thinking to myself: ‘By making Himself a Prisoner, my dear Jesus did an act of heroism so great, only a God could do it. By while He is Prisoner, He is also free; more so, since He is free in Heaven, where He enjoys the fullness of His freedom. Not only this, but even on earth, how many times does He not come to me without His sacramental veils? But having imprisoned my poor existence…, He’s really done it this time. He knows in what a narrow prison He has put me, and how hard my chains are; and I cannot be like Him, Who while being a Prisoner, is also free… My ! prison is continuous.’

But as I was thinking this, He continued saying: “My daughter, poor daughter of mine, you were given my own destiny! When my Love wants to do good, It does not hold anything back – neither sacrifices nor pains. It almost seems as if It doesn’t want to hear about anything else: Its whole purpose is to make the good It wants arise. So, certainly I had to do this. This was not about any random good, but about a Kingdom of Divine Will to be ! established on earth. This good will be so great that no other good can be compared to it; all other goods will be like many little drops before the sea – like little sparks before the Sun. Therefore, don’t be surprised if I’ve ‘really done it this time’, as you say. Your continuous imprisonment was necessary to my Love, to keep Me company and to let Me speak about the knowledge of my Will which is so important to me, and which I felt the need to make known. You must know that as I speak to you about It, my Love repays you and frees you from the shackles of your human will, setting you free in the fields and dominions of the Kingdom of my Will. All the knowledge is directed to this: to unchain the creature fr! om her will, from her passions and from her miseries.  Therefore, thank me for what I have made of you. My Love will know how to repay you, and will take into account every single breath of yours, and every instant of your imprisonment.”

After this, I continued to think about the prodigies of the Divine Volition, and my beloved Jesus added: “Daughter of my Will, as your Jesus said, in descending from Heaven to earth – ‘I leave and I stay’; when He ascended into Heaven He said – ‘I stay and I leave.’ My word repeats upon descending as Sacrament in the creatures – ‘I leave and I remain in the Tabernacles.’ In the same way, the creature who lives in my Will can repeat my word in all her acts. As soon as she begins her act, her Jesus is formed in that act. My Life has the virtue of multi! plying Itself to infinity as many times I want. Therefore, in all truth, she can say: ‘I leave and I stay. I leave for Heaven to beatify It, to reach my home and to make known to everyone my dear Jesus, Whom I enclosed in my act so that all may enjoy Him and love Him. I stay on earth, as my life, support and defense for all my brothers and sisters.’ How beautiful one act in my Will!”

May 29, 1924

The ASCENSION of Jesus was the greatest sorrow of the Apostles. Pain for love of Jesus forms all the good of Jesus. The Throne and the Kingdom of the Divine Will in Luisa could be established only upon a divine pain: the continuous loss of Jesus.

I was thinking of when my sweet Jesus went back to Heaven in His glorious ASCENSION, and therefore of the sorrow of the Apostles in remaining deprived of such a great good; and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the greatest sorrow for all of the Apostles, in their entire lives, was to remain deprived of their Master. As they saw Me ascend to Heaven, their hearts were consumed with the pain of my privation; and much more sharp and penetrating was this pain, since it was not a human pain – something material that they were losing – but a divine pain: it was a God that they were losing. And even though I had my Humanity, as It resurrected, It was spiritualized and glorified, therefore all the pain was in their souls; and penetrating them completely, it made them feel consumed with grief, such as to form in them the most harrowing and painful martyrdo! m. But all this was necessary for them.

One can say that until that moment, they were nothing but tender babies in virtues and in the knowledge of divine things, and of my own Person. I could say that I was in their midst and they did not really know Me, or love Me. But when they saw Me ascend into Heaven, the pain of losing Me tore the veil, and they recognized Me with so much certainty as the true Son of God, that the intense sorrow of no longer seeing Me in their midst delivered firmness in good and strength to suffer anything for love of the One whom they had lost. It delivered the light of divine science; it removed the swaddling clothes of their childhood, and formed them as intrepid men – no longer fearful, but courageous… The pain transformed them and formed in them the true character of Apostles. What I could not obtain with my presence, I obtained with the pain of my privation.

Now, my daughter, a little lesson for you.

Your life can be called a continuous pain of losing Me and a continuous joy of acquiring Me. But between the pain of the loss and the joy of acquiring Me, how many surprises have I not made you? How many things have I not told you? It was pain and the painful martyrdom of losing Me to prepare you and dispose you to hear the sublime lessons on my Will. In fact, how many times it seemed to you that you had lost Me, and while you were immersed in your harrowing pain, I would come back to you with one of the most beautiful lessons on my Will, and I would make the new joy of gaining Me come back, to dispose you once again to the piercing pain of my absence? I can say that the pain of remaining deprived of Me has delivered within you the effects, the value, the knowledges, the foundation of my Will…

From Day 29 of the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will

Now, dear child, my beloved Son Jesus remained forty days, risen, on earth. Very often He appeared to His apostles and disciples to confirm them in the faith and certainty of His Resurrection; and when He was not with the apostles, He was with His Mama in the cenacle, surrounded by the souls who had come out of Limbo. But as the forty days ended, Jesus instructed the apostles, and leaving His Mama as their guide and Teacher, He promised us the descent of the Holy Spirit. Then, blessing us all, He departed, taking flight for the vault of the heavens, together with that great crowd of people who had come out of Limbo. All those who were there, and they were a great number, saw Him ascend; but as He went up high, a cloud of light removed Him from their sight.

Now, my child, your Mama followed Him into Heaven, and was present at the great feast of the Ascension. More so, since the Celestial Fatherland was not foreign to Me; and then, the feast of my Son, ascended into Heaven, would not have been complete without Me.

Now a little word to you, dearest child. Everything you have heard and admired has been nothing other than the power of the Divine Will operating in Me and in my Son. This is why I so much love to enclose in you the life of the Divine Will – and operating life – because everyone has It, but the majority of them keep It suffocated and in their service. And while It could operate prodigies of sanctity, of grace, and works worthy of Its power, It is forced by the creatures to remain with folded arms, unable to carry out Its power. Therefore, be attentive, and let the Heaven of the Divine Will extend within you and operate, with Its power, whatever It wants and however It wants.

The soul:

Most holy Mama, your beautiful lessons enrapture me, and – oh, how I wish and sigh for the operating life of the Divine Will in my soul! I too want to be inseparable from my Jesus and from You, my Mama. But to be sure of this, You must take on the commitment to keep my will enclosed in your maternal Heart; and even if You should see that it costs me much, You must never give it to me. Only then will I be certain; otherwise, it will always be words, but I will never do facts. Therefore, your child commends herself to You, and hopes for everything from You.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will make three genuflections in the act in which my Son ascended into Heaven, and you will pray Him to make you ascend in the Divine Will.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

My Mama, with your power, triumph in my soul, and make me be reborn in the Will of God.

From the Letters of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta

Letter #29 – My good reverend Mother General,

Today is the sacred day of Ascension, the name of which you carry, and I feel the duty, although I am the least among all, to send you my sincere and affectionate wishes.  But what wishes can I give you?  I wouldn’t know what else to wish you other than that dear Jesus may make facts correspond to the name He gave you – that is to say, that He may take each one of your acts within Himself and bring it to Heaven, so making of all your life a continuous Ascension, like many conquests that sweet Jesus takes from earth to Heaven, and like the triumph of His Love in which your life must be consumed.  To live in order to be consumed in love is the most beautiful act, which, putting us on the stake of love, consumes us with Jesus and makes His Life rise within us.

But this is not enough, most dear Mother, if I don’t let my Divine Fiat act.  Therefore I send it to you with all my heart, and I pray that It may pronounce Its Omnipotent Fiat in the center of your soul, and create Its Life within it, nourish it, and carry you always in Its arms of light; and that It may pronounce Its Fiat in every action you do and form in it Its Heaven, the most beautiful stars, the brightest sun, in order to make the most adorned room in which to reign and form Its first Kingdom.

My Mother, He always gives something to do to those who live in His Divine Volition.  He lets not one of our acts escape Him without animating it, molding it, investing it, caressing it with His Creative Virtue.  These are the best wishes I can send you, and I want you to accept them, so that the Divine Will may fulfill the wishes I am sending you with all my heart.  I commend myself very much to your prayers…

Luisa Piccarreta

Letter #19 – To live in the Divine Will is not so difficult as you and others believe, nor does sweet Jesus want impossible things, nor can He teach difficult things; rather, in all He teaches, His love is so great that not only does He facilitate His teachings, but in order to make all that He wants and teaches easier, He puts Himself at our disposition, doing together with us all that He wants and teaches.  My daughter, everything is in a strong, firm, constant resolution to deliver our will into the hands of Jesus, so that His Will may underlie each one of our acts. Therefore, in all our being, in the most natural acts of life – in food, in sleep, in sufferings, in prayer, and also in legitimate pleasures, the Divine Will must have Its royal place, Its field of action, and our will must be the ground in which to receive these divine acts, and the footstool on which the Divine Will must place these acts; and these acts, united together, will form its Life.  Life cannot be formed with one single act, but with many acts, repeated and incessant.

Moreover, the love of Jesus, His sighs and also His tears for desire that His Will reign in us as life, are such that He never leaves us alone; He Himself descends into the depth of our will; He molds it, strengthens it, purifies it, prepares it, and does all that we do together with us.  So, if we want it, everything is done; however, it is not that we must no longer feel our will:  to operate on a dead will would be neither ours nor Jesus’ victory.  The dead are buried.  Therefore Jesus wants our will alive, so that it may feel all the good, as His operating Will lays Its acts in it.  The human will becomes the residence of the Divine, and gives It all the freedom to dominate and to do whatever It wants.

Do you see, then, how easy it is?  Nor does one have to be a religious to do this.  The Sanctity of living in the Divine Will is for all; or rather, to tell the truth, It is for all those who want It.  Therefore, get down to work; tell Jesus from the heart:  “I firmly want it, I continuously want it; I want it!”, and Jesus will make wonders, and will use everything you do and suffer as raw material so that you may ask for His Will and let It operate with Its creative virtue.

As far as the vow, do it on the day of Ascension, so that sweet Jesus may bring your will to Heaven as the most beautiful victory He has achieved over you…

I finish here, as I cannot continue further.  Pray for me and make yourself a saint, for Jesus wants it.  I leave you in the place of honor of the Divine Will, with a thousand regards,

the little daughter of the Divine Will

Corato, May 7, 1935

ascension 2from Catholic Encyclopedia

The elevation of Christ into heaven by His own power in presence of His disciples the fortieth day after His Resurrection. It is narrated in Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51, and in the first chapter of the Acts of the Apostles.

Although the place of the Ascension is not distinctly stated, it would appear from the Acts that it was Mount Olivet. Since after the Ascension the disciples are described as returning to Jerusalem from the mount that is called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, within a Sabbath day’s journey. Tradition has consecrated this site as the Mount of Ascension and Christian piety has memorialized the event by erecting over the site a basilica. St. Helena built the first memorial, which was destroyed by the Persians in 614, rebuilt in the eighth century, to be destroyed again, but rebuilt a second time by the crusaders. This the Moslems also destroyed, leaving only the octagonal structure which encloses the stone said to bear the imprint of the feet of Christ, that is now used as an oratory.

Not only is the fact of the Ascension related in the passages of Scripture cited above, but it is also elsewhere predicted and spoken of as an established fact. Thus, in John 6:63, Christ asks the Jews: “If then you shall see the son of Man ascend up where He was before?” and 20:17, He says to Mary Magdalen: “Do not touch Me, for I am not yet ascended to My Father, but go to My brethren, and say to them: I ascend to My Father and to your Father, to My God and to your God.” Again, in Ephesians 4:8-10, and in Timothy 3:16, the Ascension of Christ is spoken of as an accepted fact.

The language used by the Evangelists to describe the Ascension must be interpreted according to usage. To say that He was taken up or that He ascended, does not necessarily imply that they locate heaven directly above the earth; no more than the words “sitteth on the right hand of God” mean that this is His actual posture. In disappearing from their view “He was raised up and a cloud received Him out of their sight” (Acts 1:9), and entering into glory He dwells with the Father in the honour and power denoted by the scripture phrase.

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Feast of St. Philip Neri


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Novena for Vocations to the Priesthood – May 23 – June 1



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Take Your Place of Honor in the Whole Order of Creation


Letter #89 – Oh, how happy It will be to live Its Divine Life with the creature who Knows It, because only Knowledge gives us the highest Good of possessing It.  It makes Its Goods our own, and – oh, how happy It is to let us Live with Its own Will and to see us possessing Its own Goods!  In this Holy Divine Will, It sees the seas of Its Love no longer desert, but populated by Its children.  Therefore, let us hold dear taking refuge in the Divine Will as our life.

Letter #70 – Whatever one does for God is never lost; rather, the seed is formed, which, in sprouting, makes Life be born again, more flourishing, strong and beautiful.  Everything you have done, both for yourself and for others, is seeds that you have formed – seeds which make the Life of the Divine Will be born again.  However, our cooperation is needed – our repeated acts in the FIAT, which like beneficial water, water the seed in order to form the life.  And once the life has been formed, it takes our will united with His in order to make it grow; it takes our continuous love in order to nourish it.  Therefore, nothing is lost for us, if we really want to live from the Divine Will.  This Life exists within us, it did not escape; however, one must not abandon it, but make it grow and nourish it.  The trouble is, rather, for those who have not yet Known it, because Knowledge is necessary in order to possess.

Letter #112 – .  A Good cannot be possessed if it is not Known; and as we get to Know it, our capacity is expanded and this good takes Its royal place in us.  So, Its Sanctity, Its Beauty, Its Love are increased in us, and it forms its little Divine Seas within our soul.  This is why all the effort of the enemy is to prevent the Knowledge of the Divine Will from coming out to light, because he would lose his kingdom on earth.

The first thing that the Divine Will does when It is Known is to transform us in Good, and to floor our passions.

… You must know that for everything we do to make It Known, the Divine Will takes Its place in us and does everything Itself.  We are nothing but concurrent, giving It the place in order to let It work and do whatever It wants.

Letter #122 – (…) In order to possess a good, it is necessary to Know itKnowledge makes one love and appreciate the good possessed; it makes us rise again in the good Known; it gives us Divine Likeness.  So, every additional act we do in the Divine Will is one more Divine Likeness that we receive; and Jesus loves us so much as to endow us with His Love, His Sanctity, His Light and perennial peace, and He declares us His legitimate children.  Therefore, let us pray and let us never allow the Divine Will to escape us – both in small and in great things, both in spiritual and in natural things – because everything is of God, and it is just that we recognize the Divine Will as prime act in everything (…)

Letter #65 – Dearest son, you must Know that this is a task which God gave us in Creation.  The origin of our existence was formed in the center of the Supreme Fiat.  God created our human will as His Divine Room, as a secret office, in which He was to live together with us, and have His pulpit in order to teach us the celestial doctrine of His Will.  Therefore, no law can impose us not to Live in It; neither the Holy Church, as much as we bow and adore Her dispositions, nor God Himself can say to us:  “I do not want you to Live in My Will”, because He Himself, with highest Wisdom, gave us the right by creation.  By Living in It, we must be the dwelling of God, the bearers of our Creator; the ones in whom, in order to pour out His delirium of love, He was to become the narrator of His Divine Being within the secret room of our human will.  And therefore He wants us to Know how much He loves us, and that He wants us to live in His Will with that same love with which children and Father live…

Letter #86 – But the most beautiful wish I can send you is that your will rise again in the Divine Will, so that you may take your place of honor in the whole order of Creation, where God wants us to be.

Letter #87 – Dearest one in the Divine Volition, I don’t know how to thank you for your desire to help me like a son, if I were in need of the necessary things.  Thank you, thank you!  Even more, I want to tell you a secret which has been promised by the Divine Fiat:  It will take to heart the destiny of all those who will live from It, and will provide them with everything they need, for both the soul and the body.  It will make them lack nothing, and if necessary, even with miraculous means.  We will find ourselves in the conditions of Creation, in which one created thing has no need of the other, but all are rich in themselves.  However, they remain in highest accord and never move from their place.  Our place is the Divine Will.  If we live in It, It will keep us at Its table and nothing will be lacking to us.  How good is the Lord!  Let us thank Him from the heart.

Letter #132 – I answer to your dear letter.  To hear that you speak of the Divine Will and that you want to Know more about It is a great joy for me, knowing how content is Jesus to find a soul who wants to live of Divine Will.  This creature is His Triumph and His Victory.  And even if in the past He was wounded by this creature, He looks at these wounds, smiles and says:  “I have conquered her; she is My Victory”, and He shows her around to all of Heaven to make feast.  And as Fulfillment of His Victory, He centralizes all His Goods in her:  the Goods of Creation and of Redemption, and gives her the right over everything.  And then, wanting to Know a Good means wanting to possess it; it is like the appetite for food.


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Priesthood and Victimhood

506px-Holy_Orders_Picture“If in Christ, Priesthood and victimhood are inseparable, should this not be so in ‘other-Christ’s’? Why have we considered ourselves only as offerers and not as offered, as preachers and not as sin-bearers, as social workers and not as redeemers? The priest is called to be a sin-bearer, as Christ was. This does not mean that he must wear hair shirts. Penance does not require hair shirts today; our neighbors are hair shirts. Victimhood means that we feel the guilt and sin of the world as if it were our own, and by constant union with Christ, seek to reconcile all mankind to Him. Love means identification with others – not only with the sheepfold, but also those who are not in it. If sin were finished, the Priest need only be a Priest; but if Calvary is continuing then the glorified Christ can still ask: why do you persecute me?”

– Archbishop Fulton Sheen (Those Mysterious Priests)

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St. Bernardine of Siena

StBernardinetalSaint Bernardine of Siena, priest. Madonna and Child between Saint Francis and Saint Bernardine of Siena Benozzo Gozzoli

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O God, who gave the Priest Saint Bernardine of Siena
a great love for the holy Name of Jesus,
grant, through his merits and prayers,
that we may ever be set aflame
with the spirit of your love.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. +Amen.

First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:8-12
Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them, “Rulers of the people and elders, if we are being examined today concerning a good deed done to a cripple, by what means this man has been healed, be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man is standing before you well. This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, but which has become the head of the corner. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”

Gospel Reading: Luke 9:57-62
As they were going along the road, a man said to Him, “I will follow you wherever you go.” And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to lay His head.” To another He said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” But He said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” Another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God”.

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Pray, Imitate Jesus


L_Luisa_Reading-a2Letter #106 – So, dear Father, let us pray.  Let us do this Will so Holy and let us live in It.  May It be our breath and heartbeat.  If we do so, we will be carried in the Divine Arms; It will lower Itself to breathe in our breathing, to beat in our heartbeat, to move in our motion.  Then, in the ardor of our love, we will say to Him:  “I love You for all, and for love of You, I give You the heartbeat, the breath and the motion of all.”

Letter # 122 – Therefore, let us pray and let us never allow the Divine Will to escape us – both in small and in great things, both in spiritual and in natural things – because everything is of God, and it is just that we recognize the Divine Will as prime act in everything (…)

Letter #131 – How happy we will be, thinking that in every little act of ours – even in the breath, in the motion, in the steps – we will form as many Jesuses, as many Divine Lives, for as many acts as we do!  Oh, how Jesus longs for this, reaching the point of counting the minutes, the breaths, to form His life in the acts of the creature and say:  “The creature loves Me with my own Love; she adore Me, she prays to Me with My own prayers…”  In this way we will populate the Sun, the earth, the sea, with many Divine Lives.  Then will our lives live hidden in God, and we will do what the Lord wants and does.  Therefore, let us pray, in order to obtain such a great good.

Letter #133 – Poor Jesus, how much He suffers!  And how He sighs and cries because the creatures do not pray Him, do not press Him to concede them the gift of living in the Will of God.  And if He finds one, He takes her in His arms, He makes feasts, He feels like a victorious King who, although He had to suffer for six thousand years receiving wounds and defeats, has now finally made His first conquest.  And He enjoys her triumphantly, calling all of Heaven to celebrate His first victory.  And while He makes feast, He places His Sanctity, His Love, His Light, His graces, at the creature’s disposal, and gives her the right to her Celestial Fatherland…

Letter # 87 – Now, I let you know that I receive Holy Communion every day, and Holy Mass once a week, while, before, even when I went out of the convent, It was celebrated every day.  

Letter #125 –You will certainly not neglect to make Holy Masses be celebrated for her soul.

Letter #51 – It takes trust and love with blessed Jesus; the braver we are, the more He loves us.  Your fear of receiving Communion comes from the enemy; he would be pleased if we formed more firewood for hell, otherwise he would not have told you this, nor caused so many fears within you.  On the contrary, I tell you that when you abstain because of fear, you form firewood for Purgatory, and the Communions you do not receive on earth, you will receive them with fire in Purgatory, because Jesus burns with love in the Most Holy Sacrament and wants to come into our hearts in order to pour His flames out; while if we abstain, He burns more, becoming fidgety and delirious, and with Justice He will make us burn more in Purgatory.  Therefore, think only of loving Jesus, of how to make Him happier, and love will destroy all the wood and, as celestial dew, will cover you and purify you from everything.

Letter #23 – I send you Jesus to keep you company.  Keep your gaze fixed in Him to imitate Him, your heart to love Him, your hands to hug Him, your lips to repeat always:  Fiat, Fiat!

Letter # 102 – Therefore, courage and trust.  With courage we will challenge everyone, and with trust we will live safely in the Heart and in the Arms of our sweet Jesus; our Queen Mama will take us on Her knees and will keep us hidden under Her Blue Mantle.  I leave you in the Divine Volition to make yourself a saint.  I recommend to you:  let us not change in the different circumstances of life; many times they serve to make us copy and imitate our dear Jesus.

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 Here is one of the most wonderful and terrifying sentences I have ever read, from William Law’s Serious Call, “If you will look into your own heart in utter honesty, you must admit that there is one and only one reason why you are not even now a saint. You do not wholly want to be.”

That insight is terrifying because it is an indictment, but it is wonderful and hopeful because it is also an offer, an open door. Each of us can become a saint. We really can. We really can. I say it three times, because I think we do not really believe that deep down. For if we did, how could we endure being anything less?

What holds us back? Fear of paying the price. What is the price? The answer is simple. T. S. Eliot gave it when he defined Christianity as “a condition of complete simplicity…costing not less than everything.” The price is everything—100 percent. Martyrdom, if required, and probably a worse martyrdom than the quick noose or stake, the martyrdom of dying daily, dying every minute for the rest of your life. Dying to all your desires and plans—including your plans about how to become a saint. (Peter Kreeft, Culture War)



 Letter #10 – “My daughter, forget about everything, and remember only that your Jesus wants love in order to give you love.  If you love Me, you will form chains of love, and binding Me with them, you will hold Me tightly in your arms, and I will be your defense, your help, your company, your life.”  So, make Jesus content, and do not lose simplicity; do not lose time.  Each thought of yourself is a gap of love that you form; you deny Jesus an act of love, and keep Jesus sighing for your little love.  Think about it, and be attentive.

 Letter #99 – More so, since every time we do an act in the Divine Will, the human will goes through a martyrdom – not of blood, but of will, which never dies.  And the Lord is so pleased that He places on it the seal of a divine martyrdom.  So we can say to God:  “I am your continuous martyr.  I die not just once, but so many times for as many times I don’t do my will…”  Enough for now; let us move to something else.

Letter #100 – You are right in what you say to me, and I add:  what we should care about is to live dissolved in the Holy Will.  In each one of our acts, also natural, done in the Divine Will, in the most tiny things, even in one breath, we can form a martyrdom, not human, but divine – more noble, more holy than the martyrdom of shedding our blood, to offer to Jesus His infinite Love, His Sanctity which has no beginning and no end.

Letter #105 – and I wish you a greater martyrdom, more noble and divine, more heroic and more accepted by God – that is, the martyrdom of the Divine Will.  This martyrdom surpasses all other martyrdoms; even more, as many times as you do the Will of God instead of doing yours, so many times will you be able to say:  “I am martyr for You; the martyrdom I offer You is not of blood or of flesh, but with my will united to Yours, I offer You a divine martyrdom.”  Goodness of God!  If only our acts enter the Divine Volition, everything is changed into divine in us, and what is human has no longer life.

Here is my wish.  I could not send you a more beautiful one; more so, since the opportunities are not lacking.  In all circumstances, even painful, you will have a refuge in which to take shelter.  Jesus is waiting for you open arms to receive you and to help you to form in you the noble martyrdom of the Divine Will.

Letter #12 – Therefore, what I recommend to you is to correspond to such a great good.  Be attentive to listening to sweet Jesus, Who speaks in your heart.  He wants to make of you a saint, but wants your will in His hands in order to make of it a prodigy of sanctity.

 Letter #13 – What I recommend to you is to look at the Divine Will in all things, both the favorable and the adverse – painful, sorrowful ones – and in the contrasts of life which no one lacks; rather, blessed Jesus allows them in order to form the little rocks on which to raise the building of sanctity within us, since without Cross we would lack the primary element to becoming saints… Saying,  “I don’t mean to become a saint”  means that you rely too much on yourself; you look at yourself instead of abandoning yourself in the arms of Jesus.  Lean on Him, and you will see that all things – pains, crosses, miseries, weaknesses, the very defects, and illness – will lose their look and will all turn into messengers and bearers of sanctity.  Sweet Jesus gave you everything to make of you a saint:  call to religion, crosses, nourishment… And if you sin and are not holy, do you want to know the cause?  Lack of union with Jesus.  Union with Jesus floors all sins, love kills all passions, and abandonment in Him and trust are the nourishment in order to grow in sanctity.  Here is the means to sin no more:  to be united with Jesus, love Him, and always do His Will.

Don’t think about the past, this harms you a great deal; rather, even today, begin your life with Jesus and you will find out for yourself  how all things change for you; you will feel like another man, born again in all that is holy.

Lastly, I tell you that if Jesus made me write as many as two times (which I do for almost no one), it is because He loves you and wants you a saint.  Therefore I beg you to do the deeds.  I leave you in the Divine Volition, clasped within the arms of Jesus.

Letter #15 – Now let’s come to us.  You say you have many crosses.  Good sign, my daughter.  Crosses are divine jealousies and little coins that our Lord gives us.  His jealousy is the great love He has in making of us saints; He takes everyone away from us and He Himself, God, Maker and Martyr, with little crosses and with His own hands, works our souls and makes of them His images.  What love for us, as we can say, through little and large crosses,  “I am similar to my dear Jesus”!

But do you want to know why you feel the weight of your miseries?  Because many times you do not try to be together with Jesus and to convince yourself that He is already with you, and you do not unite the pains of Jesus with yours.  Before the pains of Jesus, yours lose hardness, empty themselves of their weight, become small, and almost smile, because they love to adorn our souls with the same ornaments as those with which we see Jesus being adorned.  What pleasure, what joy, to be able to say:  “You have suffered for me, and I for You”!  Together with Jesus, pains change their look, miseries disappear; and from pains, miseries and weaknesses the most beautiful conquests, celestial riches and the strength of God arise, and the very Angels and Saints envy our lot.

Therefore, my daughter, here is the secret to becoming a saint:  be together with Jesus, never deny Him anything, and in everything you do, even in necessary things of life – in the pains you suffer, in the prayers you say, in the work, in the food, in the sleep, say to Him from the heart:  “Jesus, I want to do always your Will.”  In this way, you will always keep the Fiat on your lips, in your mind, and in your heart.

Letter #17 – The Lord had to prepare the material in order to make of you a saint; and He has prepared enough of it.  So, all you have to say and do is this:  “The Heart of Jesus wants me a saint:  I must become a saint!”  Have we understood each other?

Now I assure you of my prayers for your children; then the Lord will console you even more.  I leave you in the Divine Volition to become a saint.  Never get disturbed in anything; rather, give all to Jesus, so that He may change it into flames of love.  Pray for me.  With a thousand regards, I say,

most affectionately yours,

 the little daughter of the Divine Will

Corato, January 5, 1935

Letter #31 – When there is prayer, the hour of the Lord will come and He will give us more than we ask for.  Our part must be to remain always in our place, to always do the Divine Will, because this is the greatest of miracles, and Our Lord will provide and take care of everything; more than that we ourselves would not do.  If we always do the Divine Will, our names will be written in Heaven and our salvation, our sanctity, will be secured.  Jesus will be all ours; and what will He not give to us?  Everything.  Therefore, think about making yourself a saint, and the rest will come by itself.

Letter #52 –   If you want to be a saint, search only for Jesus and take from Jesus all that He disposes – privations, lack of help, even spiritual… My daughter, until you strip yourself of everything, even of holy tastes, Jesus, the kidnapper of hearts, will not give you His divine tastes, and therefore you will be always shaken and beaten, now by one wave, now by another one…

I conclude, enclosing you in the wound of the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, so that He may bless you, console you, and hold you tightly in His arms.  Pray for me…

The little daughter of the Divine Will

Letter #60 – As far as the future, don’t worry about it either, because it is not ours, but belongs to God.  We must obey and make ourselves saints, not for our interest, but for the glory of God.  So, banish every doubt, since doubt, fear and agitation do not come from God, but from the devil; rather, think of loving and doing the Will of God, because with doubts we displease the Lord much more than if we sinned.

Letter #61- everything is in denying nothing to the Divine Will.  To deny something to It, not letting oneself be dominated by It, means to break the sanctity, to tear it to shreds, in such a way that we ourselves will not be able to make head or tail of anything, in order to really become saints.

Letter #63 – Oh, how the Divine Will wants you a saint!  But It wants you to call It continuously, in order to make the day of peace arise in your soul, and make all the miseries which prevent true sanctity, magically disappear from your heart.  The Divine Fiat awaits you, to say to you:  “Give me life in your acts and I will make you a saint.  And everything will turn into happiness.”

Letter #72 – We must be convinced that not the great things make us saints, but the little ones, which we have in our power and which serve as the nourishment of sanctity.

Letter #80 – If you want to be a saint, live always with Jesus.  He takes on the commitment to make of you His faithful copy, to the extent of being able to say:  “Jesus has made of me another Jesus.”  These are His aims.  My daughter, make Him content.

Letter #82- If you want to be a saint, live always with Jesus.  He takes on the commitment to make of you His faithful copy, to the extent of being able to say:  “Jesus has made of me another Jesus.”  These are His aims.  My daughter, make Him content.

Letter #108 – It is Jesus that wants His daughter similar to Himself; aren’t you happy?  So, do not care about anything else but to live abandoned in His Arms.  With this you will feel a new strength, and you will no longer feel alone; sufferings will turn for you into sanctity and into celestial joys.  Dear Jesus will give you His pains as courting, strength and company.


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Letter # 80

LUISA14“…what I recommend is that you never lose peace, and that do not think of your miseries and weaknesses.  The more you think about them, the more you will feel them, and you will really make Jesus cry.  On the other hand, by not thinking of them, dear Jesus will cover them with His Love, and the Light of His Will will change them into fortitude and divine riches.  Oh, how I wish you would occupy yourself with nothing but living from the Divine Will, to let sweet Jesus live always together with you.  Never lose sight of Him, my daughter; never leave Him alone in your heart.  May everything you do serve to court and love Jesus.  He looks at everything you do, whether they are things directed to love Him and keep Him company within your heart.  Oh, how embittered He remains when your external acts do not echo in your interior, bringing Him your kisses, your love, your longed for company… If you want to be a saint, live always with Jesus.  He takes on the commitment to make of you His faithful copy, to the extent of being able to say:  “Jesus has made of me another Jesus.”  These are His aims.  My daughter, make Him content.

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