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Power of the Truth. Steps on both sides, God and the creature. Unusual Aspect of the Supreme Being.



The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

Luisa_Piccarreta_51/29/33 – Vol. 31

Power of the Truth.  Steps on both sides, God and the creature.  Unusual Aspect of the Supreme Being.

            I was thinking about the many Truths that my adorable Jesus had manifested to me about the Divine Will, and O! how many thoughts crowded in my mind of Surprises, of Joys, of Emotions, about these Truths.  It seemed to me that they descended from Heaven all ordered so as to fill the earth, and their Work was to form the Way in themselves, in order to let us re-enter into these Truths, then they would wall themselves around creatures, in order to not let them leave.

            And my Celestial Jesus, visiting my little soul, told me:  “(Luisa) My little daughter of My Volition, you must know that every Truth that I have Manifested about My Divine Will, was nothing other than one more approach towards creatures.  Our Supreme Being, as It spoke, so It took one more step toward them, It placed one more Divine Particle at their disposition, and cast New Bonds of Union and of Love.  Our Word is always Our Birth, it is Our Word that We placed on the way from Heaven in order to seek Our yearned for creature, and Our Sacrosanct Trinity, drawn by the Power of the Word—because He was inseparable from Us—made Us take Our next Steps, and, step by step, We arrive at where Our Word reaches.

            “Now you must know that when We decide to manifest a Truth by means of Our Word, since it is a part of Ourselves that We are putting forth, Our Supreme Being takes an unusual Aspect, a New Joy invests Us, a Strength communicative of New Beatitudes comes forth from Us.  The whole of Heaven, in seeing Our unusual Aspect, already senses that We were about to put forth one Word of Ours of Truth, because the First to celebrate the Truths that We put forth were the Three Divine Persons, and then the whole of Heaven together with Us.  They are Gifts of the Great King, who knows how to move everything, invest everything; and Our Word has the Creative, Vivifying, Transforming Virtue, and at times It knocks down, It crushes, It smashes everything to pieces, and over the ruins makes arise the Life of Our Word, and It forms there the most Beautiful Things, a New Creation, Works of Magnificence as to amaze Heaven and earth.

“What can one Fiat of Ours not do?  It can do everything, and what will the Chains of so many of Our Fiats not do!  Our Fiat transformed into Word of Truth Possesses the Invincible Virtue, Unreachable Power, Immovable Firmness of the Good that It wants to form in the Power of My Speaking Fiat.  You do not understand the great Gift and the great Good that one single Word of Mine about Divine Truth encloses; but you will understand it with time, when you will see the Deeds, the Works, that My Truths have produced, because My Truths not only have the Power of drawing Our Supreme Being near, of letting Us take the Steps—and many times it also makes Us race in order to come near the creatures—but they give Graces to them of letting them take steps, and making them race to meet He who already was coming to meet them, and to give them the great Good that Our Fiat pronounced.

“So, Our Truths Act Powerfully when they come forth from Our Diving Being, because if they go forth they want to give the Life and the Good that they Possess, and at the same time they want to dispose creatures to draw near to the Font from which they came, in order to transform them into the Good of the same Truth.  If a New Truth comes forth from Us, it is everything.  At the most, times, centuries, can pass, but this says nothing, because they are Armed not only with Power, but with Invincible and Divine Patience, and they don’t become tired in waiting, they are tireless, they are inflexible; first they must give what Good they have, the Life that they possess, and then, Triumphant and Victorious, they send back to Heaven the Fruits that they have conquered.

“Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), be attentive in to listening to My Truths.  First you must think about where they come from, Who hands them to you (Luisa), the Good that they want to make you, the steps of both sides to draw near each other.  Do not want to put them in doubt because you do not see in the world the Effects, the Good, the Life that My Truths Possess.  Time will do and will say everything, for now do your part, for the rest, let your Jesus think about it.

“Beyond this, you must know that First We form the support, the place, the soul (Luisa) where Our Truths must descend, and then We decide to send them forth from inside Our Paternal Bosom, because Our Supreme Being, in sending the Truths forth from Us—that change into Works for creatures—in sending them forth, We do not let them remain in the air and idle, no, Our Wisdom never does useless things.  If We put them forth, they must be Bearers of the Good that they contain.  Here is the reason for the necessity of the support for where Our Goodness can send them in order to immediately begin their Work of participation and of transformation of the Good that they possess—perhaps only to begin with (Luisa) one soul alone, but then to diffuse so much as to form the Armies of creatures of the Good that Our Truths Possess.  And when they have formed these Noble Armies, Our Truths carry them to Us, onto the Lap of Our Celestial Fatherland.  They are Conquerors who populate Heaven; they act as messengers, they run over the earth, they cast the Seed, they Work it, they Gather it, and, Triumphant for placing it in safety, they bring it into the Celestial Regions.  They are untiring, nor do they ever stop if they have not obtained their intent.  Therefore, be attentive and do not transgress in anything of what your Jesus has taught you.”

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Our Lady of America Newsletter, January 25, 2014 Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle

Our Lady of America Newsletter, January 25, 2014
Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle

Update on Our Lady of America

Thank you for you prayers over the 30 days from January 3 through February 2. The trial in McCarthy v. Fuller in the Federal Court at Indianapolis is proceeding. Kevin B. McCarthy testified this past week and is scheduled to continue with cross-examination beginning on Monday, January 27, 2014. We pray today for the conversion of anyone who is delaying or disrupting the devotion to Our Lady of America. We ask everyone to extend the prayer program through February 22, 2014, the Feast of the The Chair of Saint Peter, because the trial may take that long.

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“By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, Deliver Us From Evil.”

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B.V.M. Our Lady of America
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B.V.M. Our Lady of America is a not-for-profit activity of the BVM Foundation, Inc. Batesville, IN 47006
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Copyright 2014 Langsenkamp Family Apostolate and the B.V.M. Foundation

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The Cross is Seed of Virtue



The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

1/28/05 – Vol. 6

christ1a2The Cross is Seed of Virtue.

As I was feeling in suffering more than usual, my adorable Jesus came for just a little and told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), the Cross is Seed of Virtue, and just as one who sows harvests for ten, twenty, thirty, and even one hundred – in the same way, the Cross, being Seed, multiplies Virtues and Perfections, and it embellishes them in an admirable way.  So, the more Crosses thicken around you, the more Seeds of Virtue are sown into your soul.  Therefore, instead of afflicting yourself when a New Cross comes to you, you should rejoice, thinking that you are acquiring another Seed, with which you can enrich, and even complete, your crown.”

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Just as things created by God do not go out of Him, because the Divine Will becomes their Nourishment and Preservation, the same happens for the soul who Lives in the Divine Will



The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

LUISA PRAYING1/27/25 – Vol. 17

Just as things created by God do not go out of Him, because the Divine Will becomes their Nourishment and Preservation, the same happens for the soul who Lives in the Divine Will.

While I was fusing myself in the Holy Divine Will, I thought to myself: ‘Before, when I used to Fuse myself in the Holy Supreme Volition, Jesus was with me, and I entered into It together with Him; therefore entering was a reality. But now I don’t see Him, so I don’t know whether I am entering the Eternal Volition or not. In forming the act of entering the Divine Will, I feel, rather, like one who is reciting a little lesson, learned by heart, or that those words of entrance are just a way of saying.’

Now, as I was thinking of this, my Adorable Jesus moved in my interior, and taking my hand in His own, pushed me up high, and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), you must know that, whether you see Me or not, every time you Fuse yourself in My Divine Will, from within your interior, I (Jesus) take your hand and push you High, and from Heaven I give you (Luisa) My other Hand to take your other hand and pull you up into Our Midst, in Our interminable Will. Therefore, you (Luisa) are between My Hands, in My Arms.

You must know that all the Acts done in Our Will enter into the Prime Act when We created all beings. And the Acts of the creature, in Kissing Ours – because One is the Will which gives Life to these Acts – diffuse in all created things, just as Our Will is diffused everywhere; they become return of Love – continuous Adoration and Glory, for all that We have delivered in Creation. Only that which is done in Our Will begins, almost together with Us, to give Us return of Perennial Love, Adoration in a Divine Manner, Glory that never ends.

And since the Love We feel for all the things We created is so great that We did not allow them to go out of Our Will, they all remained with Us, just as We created them, and Our Will became the preservation and nourishment of the whole creation. This is why all things remain always New, Fresh and Beautiful – nor does the substance of any of them increase or decrease, since they were created all perfect by Us, and therefore not subject to any kind of alteration: because they all conserve their Origin, as they let themselves be Nourished and Preserved by Our Will, and remain around Us to sing Our Glory. But, miserably, the creature of reason does not do so, when, by sin, she separates from Our Will.

Now, the work of the creature in Our Will enters into Our Works, and Our Will becomes Nourishment, Preservation and Act of the very act of the creature. These acts done in Our Will by the creature, place themselves around Us, and transfused in all created things, sing Our Perpetual Glory.

How different is Our Work, and the Love with which We Operate, from that of the creature! In Us, Our Love for the Work We do is so Great that We do not allow it to go outside of Ourselves, that it may lose nothing of the Beauty with which it was made. On the other hand, if the creature of reason does a good work, or even one virtuous act, she is unable to keep it with herself. Rather, many times she doesn’t know what happened to her work, whether it got dirty, or whether they reduced it to a rag – sign of her little love for her own works. And since the creature, because of sin, went out from her Foundation – that is, the Prime Divine Will from which she took Origin – she lost True Love toward God, toward herself, and toward her works.

I wanted man to be in My Divine Will by his own will, not by force, because I Loved him more than all other created things; and I wanted him to be like a king in the Midst of My Works. But man, ungrateful, wanted to go out from his Origin; therefore, he was transformed and lost his Freshness and Beauty, and was subject to alterations and continuous changes. And as much as I call him to return into his Origin, he plays deaf, pretending not to hear Me. But My Love is such that I keep waiting for him, and I continue to call him.”


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The Queen Mama is Enriched with the Three Prerogatives of the Most Holy Trinity



The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

Immaculate Conception 41/26/02 – Vol. 4

The Queen Mama is Enriched with the Three Prerogatives of the Most Holy Trinity.

This morning, while I was in my usual state, I saw an Endless Light before me, and I comprehended that in that Light Dwelled the Most Holy Trinity. I also saw the Queen Mama before that Light; She was all absorbed in the Most Holy Trinity, and She absorbed all Three Divine Persons within Herself, in such a way as to be Enriched with the Three Prerogatives of the Sacrosanct Trinity – which are Power, Wisdom and Charity. And just as God Loves mankind as part of Himself, and as a Particle that came out of Him, and He ardently Desires that this part of Himself return into Himself, so does the Queen Mama, by participating in this, Love mankind with Passionate Love.

Now, while comprehending this, I saw the confessor, and I prayed the Most Holy Virgin to intercede with the Most Holy Trinity for him. She bowed, taking my prayer to the Throne of God, and I saw that from the Divine Throne a Flow of Light came out, which covered the confessor completely, and I found myself inside myself.


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The Divine Will is Light, and one (Luisa) who Lives in It becomes Light. Jesus dwells in (Luisa) one who Lives in the Divine Will just as He did in His Own Humanity.


1/25/19 – Vol. 12

Luisa1 The Divine Will is Light, and (Luisa) one who Lives in It becomes Light. Jesus dwells in (Luisa) one who Lives in the Divine Will just as He did in His Own Humanity.

After having spent most bitter days in privation of my sweet Jesus, of my Life, of my All, my poor heart could not take any more. I was saying to myself: ‘What a hard lot had been reserved for me! After so many promises, He left me. Where is His Love now? Ah, who knows whether I myself have not been the cause of His abandonment, becoming unworthy of Him! Ah, maybe it was that night, when He wanted to speak about the troubles of the world, and began by saying that the heart of man is still bloodthirsty, and that the battles are not finished because the thirst for blood is not yet extinguished in the human heart, and I said to Him: ‘Jesus, you always want to talk about these troubles; let’s leave them aside – let’s talk about something else’, and afflicted, He remained silent. Ah! maybe He was offended. My Life, forgive me, I won’t do it any more – but come!’

While I was saying this and other nonsense, I felt I was losing consciousness, and I saw my Sweet Jesus inside of me, alone and taciturn, walking from one point to another within my interior, as if He would now stumble at one point, now bump into another. I was all confused and did not dare to tell Him anything, but I thought: ‘Who knows how many sins there are in me, that make Jesus bump?’ But He looked at me all Goodness, although He seemed tired and was dripping sweat; and He told me: “My daughter (Lusia), poor Martyr – not of faith but of Love; not human, but Divine Martyr, because your most cruel Martyrdom is My privation, which places on you (Luisa) the seal of Divine Martyr; why do you fear and doubt about My Love? And then, how can I ever leave you? I (Jesus) dwell in you (Luisa) as though within My Humanity; and just as I enclosed the entire world in My Humanity, I enclose it in you (Luisa). Didn’t you see that while I was walking, now I bumped, and now I stumbled? Those were the sins, the evil souls that I encountered. What pain for My Heart! It is from within you (Luisa) that I (Jesus) decide the destiny of the world. It is your humanity that shelters Me, just as Mine sheltered My Divinity. If My Divinity did not have My Humanity as shelter, the poor creatures would have had no escape, either in time or in Eternity, and Divine Justice would no longer look at the creature as Its Own, deserving preservation, but as an enemy, deserving destruction.

Now My Humanity is Glorious, and I need a humanity that may grieve, suffer, share the pains with Me, Love souls together with Me, and place its life in order to save them. I chose you (Luisa); aren’t you happy? Therefore I (Jesus) want to tell you (Luisa) everything – My Pains, the chastisements that creatures deserve, so that you (Luisa) may take part in everything and be one with Me. This is also why I (Jesus) want you (Luisa) in the Height of My Will, because wherever you cannot arrive with your own will, you will do it with Mine, reaching all that befits the Office of My Humanity. Therefore, fear no longer; do not afflict yourself with your pains, with fears that I may abandon you. I receive enough from other creatures – do you want to increase My Pains with yours? No, no, be sure, your Jesus will not leave you.”

Then He came back again, showing Himself crucified, transforming me in Him and in His Pains; and He added: “My daughter (Luisa), My Will is Light and one (Luisa) who Lives of It becomes Light, and as Light, she (Luisa) enters easily into My most Pure Light, having the Key to open and take whatever she wants. But in order to be able to open, a key must be without rust or mud; and the lock itself must be of iron, otherwise the key cannot open. In the same way, to be able to open with the Key of My Divine Will, the soul must not mix the rust of her own will, nor a shadow of the mud of earthly things. Only in this way can we combine ourselves together – she can make whatever she wants of Me, and I whatever I want of her.”

After this, I saw My Mama (Mary) and a late Confessor of mine. I wanted to tell them about my state, and they said to me: ‘In these days you have run the risk that the Lord would suspend you completely from your state of victim; and we, the whole of Purgatory and Heaven have prayed very much. How much we did, so that the Lord would not do that! From this you can comprehend how Justice is still full of grave chastisements. Therefore, be patient and do not become tired.’


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God created man so that he might keep Him company. The Three FIATs of Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification will conceal the Most Holy Trinity on earth.


Creation of Adam

1/24/20 – Vol. 12

God created man so that he might keep Him company.

Continuing in my usual state, I was uniting myself with Jesus, praying Him not to leave me alone, but to come and keep me company. And He, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), if you knew how I (Jesus) desire, yearn for, and Love the company of the creature! So much that, if in creating man I said, ‘It is not good for man to be alone, let Us make another creature similar to him, who may keep him company, so that one may form the delight of the other’, I said these same words to My Love before creating man: ‘I do not want to be alone, but I want the creature for My company. I want to create him in order to amuse Myself with him, to share all My contentments with him. With his company I will pour Myself out in Love.’ This is why I made him in My Likeness; and as his intelligence thinks of Me and is interested in Me, he keeps company with My Wisdom, and as My Thoughts keep company with his, we amuse ourselves together. If his gaze looks at Me and at created things in order to love Me, I feel the company of his gaze. If his tongue prays or teaches what is good, I feel the company of his voice. If his heart loves Me, I feel the company of his love; and so with all the rest. But if he does the opposite I feel lonely, and like a destitute King. But, alas!, how many leave Me alone and neglect Me!”


1/24/21 – Vol. 12

The Third FIAT will bring to Completion the Glory and the Honor of the FIAT of Creation, and will be confirmation and development of the Fruits of the FIAT of Redemption. These Three FIATs will conceal the Most Holy Trinity on earth.

mary-and-luisaI was feeling annihilated in thinking about this blessed FIAT, but my lovable Jesus wanted to increase my confusion. It seems that He wants to make fun of me, proposing to me astonishing and almost incredible things, taking pleasure in seeing me confused and more annihilated. And what is worse, is that I am forced by obedience to write them, to my greater torment. So, while I was praying, my sweet Jesus leaned His Head against Mine, sustaining His Forehead with His Hand; and a Light coming from His Forehead told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the First FIAT was pronounced in Creation with no intervention of creature. The second FIAT was pronounced in Redemption; I (Jesus) wanted the intervention of the creature, and I chose My Mama (Mary) for the completion of the Second FIAT. Now, for the Fulfillment of both, I want to pronounce the Third FIAT, and I (Jesus) want to pronounce It through you (Luisa); I have chosen you (Luisa) for the Fulfillment of the Third FIAT. This Third FIAT will bring to completion the Glory and the Honor of the FIAT of Creation, and will be confirmation and development of the Fruits of the FIAT of Redemption. These three FIATs will conceal the Most Holy Trinity on earth, and I will have the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven. These Three FIATs will be inseparable – each one will be Life of the other. They will be One and Triune, but distinct among themselves. My Love wants it, My Glory demands it: having unleashed the First Two FIATs from the Womb of My Creative Power, It wants to unleash the Third FIAT, because My Love can no longer contain It – and this, in order to complete the Work which came from Me; otherwise, the Works of Creation and of Redemption would be incomplete.”

On hearing this, I was not only confused, but stunned, and I said to myself: ‘Is all this possible? There are so many. And if it is true that He has chosen me, it seems to me that this is one of the usual follies of Jesus. And then, what could I do or say from within a bed, half crippled and inept as I am? Could I ever face the Multiplicity and Infinity of the FIAT of Creation and of Redemption? Since my FIAT is similar to the other two FIATs, I must run together with them, multiply myself with them, do the Good which they do, braid myself with them… Jesus, think of what You are doing! I am not for this much.’ But who can tell all the nonsense that I was saying?

Now, my sweet Jesus came back and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), calm yourself – I choose whomever I please. However, know that I begin all of My Works between Myself and one creature; and then they are spread. In fact, who was the First spectator of the FIAT of My Creation? Adam, and then Eve. It surely wasn’t a multitude of people. Only after years and years did crowds and multitudes of people become spectators of It. In the Second FIAT My Mama was the only spectator; not even Saint Joseph knew anything, and My Mama found herself more than in your condition: the greatness of the Creative Power of My Work which She felt within Herself was such that, confused, She did not feel the strength to mention it to anyone. And if, then, Saint Joseph knew it, it was because I manifested it to him. So, this FIAT Germinated like a Seed within Her Virginal Womb; the Ear of Grain was formed in order to multiply It, and then It came to the Light of day. But who were the spectators? Very few. In the room of Nazareth My Dear Mama and Saint Joseph were the only spectators. Then, when My Most Holy Humanity grew up, I went out and I made Myself Known – but not to all. Afterwards, It spread more, and It will still spread.

So will the Third FIAT be. It will Germinate within you (Luisa); the Ear of Grain will be formed; only the priest will have Knowledge of It. Then, a few souls – and then, It will spread. It will spread, and will follow the same Path as Creation and Redemption. The more crushed you feel, the more the Ear of the Third FIAT Grows and is Fecundated in you (Luisa). Therefore, be attentive and faithful.”

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Saint Raymond of Pennafort, Saint Emerentiana, Espousal of The Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Saint Raymond of Pennafort, Saint Emerentiana, Espousal of The Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph





The Espousal of the Blessed Virgin Mary with Saint Joseph





Raymund of Pennafort (1175-1275), a native of
Catalonia, Spain, was outstanding in the direction of souls and is revered as a patron saint of confessors. A learned professor of philosophy and law, he was entrusted by the Holy Father with the codification of canon law. When he was nearly fifty years of age, Raymund entered the Dominican Order. He converted thousands of Moors, Jews, and Albigensian heretics, and pioneered in founding language schools for aspirant missioners. Raymund performed numerous miracles. The Prayer alludes to his miraculous journey from Barcelona to the Island of Majorca on his cloak spread on the sea.

Mass of a CONFESSOR OF THE FAITH, except


O God, You chose blessed Raymund to be an example of the true minister of the Sacrament of penance and marked his life by the miraculous trip across the sea. May his intercession make us worthy of the forgiveness and grace of penance and help us toward the shore of our eternal salvation. Through Our Lord . . .


Tradition holds that Emerentiana, a foster-sister of St. Agnes, was stoned to death by a pagan mob while she was praying at the martytr’s tomb.

O Lord, pardon our sins through the intercession of the blessed virgin martyr Emerentiana, who pleased You by her purity and her faith. Through Our Lord . . .


We offer You, O Lord, this sacrifice of praise in memory of Your saints. Free us from evil now and in the future through their intercession. Through Our Lord . . .

Commemoration of SAINT EMERENTIANA

O Lord, graciously accept the gifts we offer You in honor of Your blessed virgin martyr Emerentiana, and grant us Your unending assistance through these offerings. Through Our Lord . . .


Refreshed with Heavenly Food and Drink we humbly pray you, our God, that we may be strengthened by the prayers of Your saint, in whose memory we have received this Sacrament. Through Our Lord . . .

Commemoration of SAINT EMERENTIANA

We have been nourished by Your Divine Gift, O Lord our God. May the reception of this Bread of Heaven bring us eternal life through the intercession of Your blessed virgin martyr Emerentiana. Through Our Lord . . .

Hail, holy Mother! giving birth to thy Child, thou didst bring forth the King, who ruleth the heavens and the earth for ever and ever.

[Ps.] My heart hath uttered a good word. I speak my works to the King. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Hail..

Imbue Thy servants, we beseech Thee, O Lord, with the gift of heavenly grace: that having been exhorted to salvation in the childbearing of the Blessed Virgin; in celebrating the solemnity of her espousal we may be granted an increase of peace. Through our Lord.

We beseech Thee, O Lord, that we may be helped by the merits of the Spouse of Thy most holy Mother, so that what we cannot obtain of ourselves may be given to us through his intercession.

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Just as Jesus braided the Creating Fiat with His Redeeming Fiat, so does He want the Third Fiat to be braided with the Creating and Redeeming Fiat.


 book of heaven9

1/23/24 – Vol. 16

Just as Jesus braided the Creating Fiat with His Redeeming Fiat, so does He want the Third Fiat to be braided with the Creating and Redeeming Fiat.  The Humanity of Jesus is smaller than His Eternal Will.

I was abandoning all of myself in the Holy Will of God, and I thought to myself:  ‘The Fiat formed the whole universe, and in the Fiat the Divinity made display of Its Love toward man, exposing it in each created thing, in such a way that, impressed in each created thing, one can see that Fiat which, with such great Mastery, Power and Harmony, was released from the Divine Bosom toward the creature.  The Fiat formed the Redemption, so much so, that in each thing which the Eternal Word did, the Fiat is present, and surrounding them like a Crown, It gives them Life.  So, the Creating Fiat and the Redeeming Fiat are braided together, and one Echoes within the other, forming one single Fiat, as there is no created Act which my sweet Jesus did not braid with the requital of His Fiat.  Now, my adored Jesus has told me many times that the Third Fiat is needed so that the works of Creation and Redemption may be completed.  So, how will this be done?  Who will form so many Fiats as to braid the Creating Fiat and the Redeeming Fiat?’  While I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, if the Supreme Majesty released so much Love toward mankind in all the things created by His omnipotent Fiat, it was right that I, His Son, in His same Fiat, would do as many acts to requite Him for His Love, braiding His Fiat with Mine, so that another Fiat, human and Divine, might rise from the earth to exchange the Kiss with His Fiat, be braided with It, and substitute for the return of Love of all creatures.  Until I came upon earth, the Fiat which was spread throughout all Creation was alone; but as I came, It was no longer alone.  Indeed, My First Task was that of forming as many Acts in the Eternal Fiat for as many as My Father had done in Creation.   So, with My Fiat, the Creating Fiat had Its Sweet and Harmonious company.

Now, this Fiat does not want to remain in two – It wants the Third Fiat, It wants to be in three, and this Third Fiat it is you (Luisa) who will do.  This is why many times I (Jesus) have drawn you outside of yourself, and I have placed you (Luisa) within that very Creating and Redeeming Fiat – so that you might do your flight, and as you would braid your Fiat with Ours, the Creating and Redeeming Fiat might be braided by the Third Fiat, your own.  The more you (Luisa) operate in Our Fiat, the sooner you will reach the Way of Our Fiat; and just as in the Fiat of Creation many Prodigious and Beautiful things – the whole universe – came out of Us, and the Fiat of Redemption substituted for all the acts of creatures, taking Its lost child by the hand to lead him back into the Bosom of His Celestial Father, so will the Third Fiat, once It has done Its course, let Its Effects be seen:  that My Divine Will be known and loved, and take Its dominion in order to have Its Kingdom upon earth.  Each additional act of yours which you (Luisa) will braid with Our Fiat, will be a human kiss that you will have Our Fiat be given, a greater bond that you will form between the Divine Will and the human will, in such a way that, placed in accord, It may have no reluctance to making Itself known and taking Its Royal Dominion.  Everything is in making Itself known – the rest will come by itself.  This is why many times I have recommended to you that you omit to write nothing of what regards My Divine Will – because Knowledge is the Way, and Its Light serves as Trumpet to call those who are listening, to make itself heard; and the more the Trumpet sounds – and it sounds more for as many more Knowledges as it has, to be manifested – the more people will rush up.  Knowledge takes the attitude now of Pulpit, now of Teacher, now of compassionate father and excessive Lover; in sum, it has all the ways in Its Power in order to enter the hearts, to Conquer them and to Triumph in everything.  And the more Knowledges it contains, the more ways It has in Its Power.”

Almost confused by what Jesus was telling me, I said:  ‘My sweet Love, You know how miserable I am and in what state I find myself; therefore I feel it is impossible for me that with my acts I may reach the same way as that of the Creating Fiat and of the Redeeming Fiat.’  And Jesus:  “So, Our Fiat does not contain all the Power It wants?  If It did it in Creation and in Redemption, how can It not be able to do it in you (Luisa)?  What it takes is your will, and I will impress My Fiat in yours, just as I impressed My Divine Fiat in the will of My Humanity; so we will follow the same Way.  My Will can do anything; in My All-Seeingness It will make present to you (Luisa) the Acts of Creation and Redemption, and you (Luisa), with ease, with your acts will braid the Third Fiat to Our Fiat.  Aren’t you happy?”  And I, in seeing that my adored Jesus, as he was speaking about His Will, was disappearing from me, remaining as though eclipsed within an Immense Light, just as when the sun makes the stars disappears, eclipsing them within its light, said:  ‘Jesus, my Life, do not speak to me about Your Will, because then You eclipse Yourself within Its Light, and I lose You, and remain alone without You.  How can it be that Your Will makes me lose my Life, my All?’  And Jesus added:  “My daughter (Luisa), My Humanity is smaller than My Eternal Will; It has Its boundaries, Its limits, and therefore, as My endless Will draws near you with Its Knowledges, My Humanity is lost within Its Light, and as though eclipsed.  This is why you do not see Me, but I remain always in you (Luisa), and I enjoy, as I see the little newborn of My Divine Will eclipsed within the same Light as My Humanity.  So, we are together, but because our sight is dazzled by the blazing Light of the Supreme Volition, we cannot see each other.”


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The Triple Passion of Jesus: of Love, of sin, and from the Jews. The fall of Jesus into the Cedron torrent.


1/22/13 – Vol. 11

The triple Passion of Jesus: of Love, of sin, and from the Jews. The fall of Jesus into the Cedron torrent.

I was thinking about the Passion of my always adorable Jesus, especially of what He suffered in the Garden. I found myself all immersed in Jesus, and He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), My First Passion was of Love, because the first step with which man, in sinning, gives himself to evil is the lack of Love; so, since Love is missing, he falls into sin. In order to be repaid through Me for the lack of love of the creatures, Love made Me suffer more than anyone; It almost crushed Me, more than if I were under a press. It gave Me as many deaths for as many creatures receiving life.

The second step that occurs in sin is defrauding God of His Glory. So, in order to be repaid for the Glory taken away by the creatures, the Father made Me suffer the Passion of sin, such that each sin gave Me a Special Passion. Although there was one Passion, I suffered for sin as many Passions as there would be sins committed until the end of the world. So, the Glory of the Father was restored.

The third effect produced by sin is the weakness in man. Therefore, I wanted to suffer the Passion from the hands of the Jews – My Third Passion – to restore in man his lost strength.

Therefore, with the Passion of Love, Love was restored and placed at the right level; with the Passion of sin, the Glory of the Father was restored and placed at Its level; with the Passion of the Jews, the strength of the creatures was placed at its level and restored. I suffered all this in the Garden, and the pain was so much, so many the deaths – the atrocious spasms inflicted upon Me that I really would have died if the Will of the Father for My death had arrived.”

Then I began to think of when my adorable Jesus was thrown into the torrent Cedron by the enemies. Blessed Jesus made Himself be seen in a state that evoked pity, all wet by those filthy waters. He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), in creating the soul I covered her with a Mantle of Light and Beauty. Sin removes this Mantle of Light and Beauty, placing a mantle of darkness and ugliness, rendering the soul disgusting and nauseating. In order to remove this mantle – so filthy – which sin puts on the soul, I allowed the Jews to throw Me into this torrent, where I remained as if covered inside and outside of Myself, since these putrid waters entered even into My Ears, into My Nostrils and into My Mouth, to the extent that the Jews were disgusted in touching Me. Ah, the love of creatures cost Me so much that it rendered Me nauseating even to Myself!”

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