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Jesus Prays that His Will be One with the will of the Soul.


1/5/23 – Vol. 15

Jesus Prays that His Will be One with the will of the Soul.  The Divine Will must be like the air that one breathes.  Attentiveness is the Way to Knowledge. 

sh12Continuing in my usual state, I could hear my adorable Jesus praying in my interior, saying:  “My Father, I pray You that Our Will be one with the will of this little daughter of Our Volition.  She is a legitimate birth from Our Will.  O please! for the honor and decorum of Our Eternal Will, let it be so that nothing may come out of her which is not a birth from Our Volition, and that she may know nothing but Our Will.  And in order to obtain this, I offer You all the acts of my Humanity, done in Our adorable Will.”

Afterwards, He remained in deep silence, and I, I don’t know how, felt so transfused in the acts that my Jesus had done in the Divine Will, that I kept following them, one by one, doing my own united with His.  This made me absorb so much light, that Jesus and I remained immersed in a sea of light; and Jesus, coming out from within my interior, standing up, with His soles on the place of my heart, and waving His hand which, more than sun, sent forth light, cried out loudly:  “Come, come all of you, Angels, Saints, pilgrim souls, all generations – come and see the portents and the greatest miracle never before seen:  my Will operating in the creature.”  At the sonorous, melodious and powerful voice of Jesus, which filled Heaven and earth, the Heavens opened and all ran around Jesus, and looked at me to see how the Divine Will was operating.  All remained enraptured and thanked Jesus for such a great excess of His goodness.  I remained confused and humiliated to the summit, and I said to Him:  ‘My Love, what are You doing?  It seems that You want to show me to everyone, to let everyone point at me.  What repugnance I feel.’  And Jesus:  “Ah! my daughter, it is my Will that I want everyone to know and to point at, as new Heaven and means of new regeneration; and you will remain as though buried in my Will.

My Will must be like the air that one breathes which, while it cannot be seen, can be felt.  It cannot be seen, and it gives life; it penetrates everywhere, even into the most intimate fibers, to give life to each beat of the heart.  Wherever it enters – into darkness, into the abysses, into the most secret receptacles – it constitutes itself life of everything.  In the same way, my Will will be more than air within you, which, coming out of you, will constitute Itself life of everything.  Therefore, be more attentive, and follow the Will of your Jesus, because attentiveness will make you know where you are and what you are doing.  Knowledge will make you appreciate and esteem more the divine royal palace of my Will.  Suppose that someone finds himself in the royal palace of a king, and that he does not know that that residence belongs to the king.  He will have no appreciation; he might even walk distractedly, talking, laughing; nor will he dispose himself to receive the gifts of the king.  But if he knew that that is the royal palace of the king, he would look at things with attention, and would appreciate them; he would walk on tiptoe, speak in a low voice, be all eyes to see whether the king comes out of some room, and would put himself as though in waiting, to receive great gifts from the king.

See, attentiveness is the way to knowledge, and knowledge changes a person, as well as things, disposing him to receive great goods.  So, by knowing that you are in the royal palace of my Will, you will always receive, and will take so much as to be able to give to all of your brothers.”

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The Words of Jesus in the Garden: “Not My will, but Yours be done.”



1/4/24 – Vol. 16

The Words of Jesus in the Garden: “Not my will, but Yours be done.” In this way He established with His Celestial Father the contract of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.

I was thinking about the Words of Jesus in the Garden, when He said: “Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet, non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat” (“not My will, but Yours be done”). And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), do you think it was for the chalice of My Passion that I said to the Father: ‘Father, if it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me’? Not at all. It was the chalice of the human will which contained such bitterness and fullness of vice, that My human will United to the Divine felt such repugnance, terror and fright, as to cry out: ‘Father, if it possible, let this chalice pass from Me…!’ How ugly it is the human will without the Divine Will, which enclosed Itself in each creature, as within a chalice! There is no evil in the generations, of which it is not the origin, the seed, the source. And in seeing Myself covered with all these evils produced by the human will, before the Sanctity of My Divine Will, I felt like dying. And indeed I would have died if the Divinity had not sustained Me.

But do you know why I added, and as many as three times, ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat’ (‘Not my will, but Yours be done’)? I felt upon Myself all the wills of creatures united together – all their evils, and in the name of all I cried out to the Father: ‘May the human will be done on earth no more, but the Divine. May the human will be banished, and may Yours Reign.’ Therefore, from that moment – and I wanted to do this at the very beginning of My Passion, because it was the thing which interested Me the most and the most important one: to call upon earth the “Fiat Voluntas Tua” on earth as it is in Heaven – I Myself said in the name of all: ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat.’

From that time I constituted the Era of the “Fiat Voluntas Tua” upon earth. And by saying it three times, in the first one I impetrated It, in the second I made It descend, and in the third I constituted It Ruler and Dominator. And in saying ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat’, I intended to empty the creatures of their wills and to fill them with the Divine.

Before dying, since I had only hours left, I wanted to negotiate with My Celestial Father My Prime Purpose, for which I came upon earth – that the Divine Will take Its First Place of Honor in the creature. This had been the first act of man – to withdraw from the Supreme Will – and therefore Our first offense. All his other evils are in the secondary order. It is always My Divine Will to have Primacy in all things. And even though the Fruits of Redemption could be seen before its effects, it was by virtue of this contract which I made with My Divine Father that His Fiat would come to Reign upon earth, realizing the true Purpose of the creation of man and the Prime Purpose for which I came upon earth, and that man could receive the Fruits of Redemption. Otherwise, My Wisdom would have lacked order. If the origin of evil was his will, it was this will that I had to order and restore, reuniting Divine Will and human will. And even though the Fruits of Redemption could be seen first, this says nothing. My Divine Will is like a king who, though being first among all, arrives as last, being preceded, for honor and decorum, by his peoples, armies, ministers, princes and the whole royal court. Therefore, the Fruits of Redemption were needed first, so that the Royal Court, the peoples, the armies and the ministers could be found worthy of the Majesty of My Divine Will.

But do you know who was the first one to cry out together with Me: ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat’? It was (Luisa) My Little Newborn of My Divine Will, My little Daughter (Luisa), who felt such repugnance and fright for her will as to cling to Me; and trembling, she cried out with Me: ‘Father, if it possible, let this chalice pass from Me’. And crying, she added with me: ‘Non mea voluntas, sed Tua fiat’. Ah, yes, you (Luisa) were together with Me in that First Contract with My Celestial Father, because at least one creature was needed in order to validate this Contract. Otherwise, to whom give it? To whom entrust it? And in order to render the custody of the Contract safer, I (Jesus) gave you (Luisa) all the Fruits of My Passion as Gift, lining them up around you like a formidable Army which, while forming the Royal Court of My Divine Will, wages a fierce war against your will.

Therefore, have courage in the state in which you (Luisa) find yourself. Dismiss the thought that I may leave you; it would go against My Divine Will, since I (Jesus) keep the Contract of My Divine Will deposited in you (Luisa). So, be at Peace; it is My Divine Will that tests you, and wants not only to purge you, but to destroy even the shadow of your will. So, in all Peace, continue your flight in My Divine Will and be concerned with nothing. Your Jesus will do in such a way that everything which may happen inside and outside of you (Luisa), will make My Divine Will stand out even more and will expand Its Boundaries in you (Luisa), in your human will. I Myself will maintain the Rhythm in your interior, in order to direct everything in you according to My Divine Will.

I occupied Myself with nothing else but the Will of My Father; and since all things are in It, I occupied Myself with everything. And if I taught a prayer, it was no other prayer than this – that the Divine Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. However, it was the Prayer which enclosed everything. Therefore, I did not move if not around the Supreme Will; My Words, My Pains, My Works, My Heartbeats, were filled with Celestial Will. So do I (Jesus) want you (Luisa) to do: you must go around It so much as to let yourself be burned by the Eternal Breath of the Fire of My Divine Will, in such a way as to lose any other knowledge, and to know nothing else but My Divine Will – only and always.”

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Certainty of the Coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon Earth.


 Christ the King

1/3/32 – Vol. 30

Certainty of the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.  How all difficulties will melt like snow before a burning sun.  The human will is the dark room of the creature.

My abandonment continues in the Divine Fiat, but I felt worried by the thought:  “How will this Kingdom of the Divine Will ever be able to come?  Sin abounds, evils get worse, it seems to me that the creatures are not disposed to receive such a great Good; so much so, that there is not a soul, as good as they may be, who truly wants to occupy himself with making known what regards the Divine Will.  If God does not operate a prodigy of His Omnipotence, the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat may be in Heaven, but as for the earth, it is useless to think about it.”

But while I was thinking of this and other things, my beloved Jesus, making His usual visit to my soul, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), everything is possible for Us.  The impossibilities, the difficulties, the insurmountable obstacles of creatures melt before Our Supreme Majesty like snow in front of a burning sun.  Everything is in whether We want it; all the rest is nothing.  Did the same not happen in Redemption?  Sin abounded more than ever; only a small group of people was awaiting the Messiah, and in the midst of this group, how many hypocrisies, how many sins of all kinds—they were often idolatrous.  But it was decreed that I was to come upon earth.  In the face of Our Decrees, all evils cannot prevent what We want to do.  We are glorified more by one act alone of Our Will than We are offended by all the evils and sins committed by creatures, because Our Act of the Will is Divine and Immense, and in its Immensity it embraces all eternity, all centuries, it extends to all.  Therefore, it is not of Our infinite Wisdom not to give Life to even just one act of Our Will because of the evils of creatures.  We place Ourselves on Our Divine Side, and We do what We have to do; and the creatures We leave by their human side; and acting as Sovereigns, We lord it over everything and everyone, even over evil, and We put out Our Decrees.

“Now, just as My Coming upon earth was Our Decree, so is Our Decree the Kingdom of Our Will upon earth; even more, it can be said that one and the other are one single Decree, and having carried out the first act of this Decree, We are to carry out the second.  It is true that We pace Ourselves according to the good disposition of the creatures in order to give the great Good that an Act of Our Will can produce, and therefore at most We take time, and We make Our Way in the midst of their evils in order to dispose them.  It is true that the times are sad; the peoples themselves are tired, they see all the ways closed to them, they can find no way out even for the necessary natural means; the oppressions, the demands of the leaders are unbearable—just penalty, since they have elected as leaders godless men, of evil life, without a just right to be leaders, who deserved a prison more than the right of regime.  Many thrones and empires have been overthrown, and those few that are left are all vacillating and about to be overthrown.  So, the earth will remain almost without kings, in the hands of iniquitous men.

“Poor peoples, poor children of Mine—under the regime of men without pity, without heart, and without the grace to be able to act as guides for their subjects.  Indeed, the epoch of the Jewish people is being repeated, as they remained without a king when I was near to coming upon earth, and were under the dominion of an alien empire, of barbarous and idolatrous men who did not even know their Creator.  Yet, this was the sign of My nearing Coming into their midst.  That epoch and this one hold hands in many things, and the disappearance of thrones and empires is the announcement that the Kingdom of My Divine Will is not far.  It having to be a Universal, pacific Kingdom, there will be no need of kings to dominate It—each one will be king to himself.  My Will will be for them Law, Guide, Support, Life and absolute King of all and of each one; and all the arbitrary and rightless leaders will be shattered like dust in the wind.  The nations will continue to fight against one another—some by war, some by revolution, among themselves and against My Church.  They have a fire in their midst that devours them, that gives them no peace, and they can give no peace.  It is the fire of sin, and the fire of acting without God that gives them no peace; and they will never make peace if they do not call God into their midst, as regime and bond of Union and of Peace.  And I let them do, and I will make them touch with their own hands what it means to act without God.

“But this does not prevent the Kingdom of My Supreme Fiat from coming; this is all creature’s stuff, of the low world, that My Power knocks down and disperses whenever it wants, and it makes the most serene sky and the most refulgent sun arise from the storm.  On the other hand, the Kingdom of My Divine Will is from on high, from the Heavens, formed and decreed in the midst of the Divine Persons—no one can touch It or disperse It.  First We will deal about It with one creature alone, forming the first Kingdom in her; then with few; and then, making use of Our Omnipotence, we will divulge It everywhere.  Be certain, do not worry because evils get worse; Our Power, Our winning Love that has the Virtue of always winning, Our Will that can do everything and, with invincible Patience, knows how to wait even for centuries—but what It wants and has to do is worth more than all the evils of creatures—in the face of Its invincible Power and Its infinite Value, their evils will be like little drops of water, like many trifles that will serve for the Triumph of Our Love and for the greater Glory of Our fulfilled Will.

“And then, when We have the great Glory of forming this Kingdom inside (Luisa) one creature alone, she will be like sun, such that all have the right to enjoy and possess its Light.  More than sun, she (Luisa) will give to all creatures the right to possess a Kingdom so holy; and We, with infinite Wisdom, will abound with Graces, with Light, with Helps, with surprising Means, so that they may let the Kingdom of My Will reign in their midst.  Therefore, let Me do; when it is your Jesus that has told you (Luisa) this, that’s enough—it is as though already done.  All evils and all creatures together have no power and no right over Our Will, nor can they prevent a single Act of Our Will, wanted by Decrees of Our Wisdom.”

Then, I continued to think about the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus added:  “My daughter (Luisa), My Will is Light, the human will is the dark room in which the poor creature lives.  As My Will enters into this dark room, it remains all invested by this Light that illumines everything, even the most remote and little hiding places of the soul.  It makes Itself Light of the thought, of the word, of the works, of the steps—but with a marvelous variety.  The thought takes on a variety of colors animated by the Light; the word takes on another variety of colors; the action, the step, other varieties of colors.  And as she repeats the thought, the word, the action, the step, animated by the Light of My Will, so are the hues of the Divine Colors formed; and the beauty of it is that they are all colors animated by Light.

“O! how beautiful it is to see the creature animated by the Rainbow of Our Divine Colors—it is one of the most beautiful scenes that she presents to Us and makes Us enjoy.  We look at her and We see that those are nothing other that the reflection of Our Thoughts, of Our Actions, and so forth, that has formed that variety of Our Divine Colors; and Our Will makes display of Light in the acts of the creature who, with her sweet enchantment, enraptures Us and makes Us the Spectators of Our Acts; and—O! how We await with all Love the repetition of these scenes so beautiful and delightful.”

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Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus





“Now, dearest child, in so much pain, the most beautiful joy arises, such as to arrest our tears. As He was circumcised, we gave Him the Most Holy Name of Jesus, wanted by the Angel. In pronouncing this Most Holy Name, the joy, the contentment, was such as to sweeten our sorrow. More so, since in this name, whoever wanted would find balm for his pains, defense in dangers, victory in temptations, a hand so as not to fall into sin, and the medicine for all his evils. This Most Holy Name of Jesus makes hell tremble; the Angels revere It, and It sounds sweet to the ear of the Celestial Father. Before this Name, all bow down and adore. Powerful Name, holy Name, great Name; whoever invokes It with faith will feel marvels – the miraculous secret of the virtue of this Most Holy Name.

Now, my child, I recommend to you: pronounce always this Name, “Jesus”. When you see that your human will, weak and vacillating, hesitates in doing the Divine, the Name of Jesus will make it rise again in the Divine Fiat. If you are oppressed, call upon Jesus; if you work, call upon Jesus; if you sleep, call upon Jesus; and when you wake up, may your first word be “Jesus”. Call Him always; it is a Name that contains seas of grace, which He gives to those who call Him and love Him.

The soul to her Queen:

Celestial Mama, how I must thank You for the beautiful lessons You have given me. I pray You, inscribe them in my heart, that I may never forget them. I pray You to give the bath of the Blood of the Celestial Baby to my soul, that It may heal the wounds of my human will to enclose in them the Divine; and I pray You to write over each wound, as a guard, the Most Holy Name of Jesus.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will do five acts of love for the Most Holy Name of Jesus, and will compassionate Me in the sorrow I suffered in the circumcision of my Son Jesus.

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Prodigies of the Divine Fiat in the Void of the Soul.


Creation of Adam1/2/23 – Vol. 15

Prodigies of the Divine Fiat in the void of the soul.

I was praying and abandoning all of myself in the Arms of the Most Holy Will of God, and my always Lovable Jesus, coming out from my interior and taking my hand, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), come with Me and look at the great void which exists between Heaven and earth.  Before My Fiat was pronounced, this great void was horrible to the sight.  Everything was disorder; no separation of land, of water, or of mountains could be seen – it was one heap that struck fright.  But as soon as My Fiat was pronounced, all things rolled about, bumping against one another, and each of them took its place, remaining all ordered with the Imprint of My Eternal Fiat; nor can they move if My Fiat does not want it.  The earth no longer struck fright; on the contrary, as one sees the vastness of the seas, their waters no longer muddy but crystal clear, their sweet murmuring, as if the waters were voices speaking softly and quietly among themselves, their roaring waves which sometimes rise so high as to make mountains of water appear, which then fall back again into the same sea – how much beauty does this not contain?  How much order – and how much attention does it not earn from creatures?  And then, the earth, all green and flowery – how much variety of beauty does it not contain?  But this was nothing yet.  The void was not completely filled; and just as My Fiat hovered over the earth and separated things and ordered the earth, in the same way, hovering up high, It extended the heavens, It adorned them with stars, and in order to fill the void of darkness, It created the sun which, dispelling darkness, filled this great void with light and made all the beauty of all Creation stand out.  But what was the cause of so much good?  My Omnipotent Fiat.  However, this Fiat wanted a void in order to create this machine of the universe.

Now, My daughter (Luisa), do you see this great void in which I (Jesus) created so many things?  Yet, the void of the soul is even greater.  The former was to serve as the dwelling of man; the void of the soul was to serve as the Dwelling of a God.  I was not to pronounce My Fiat for six days, as in creating the universe, but for as many days as the life of man contains – and so many times for as many as, putting his own will aside, he would let Mine operate.  Therefore, since My Fiat was to do more things than It did in Creation, more space was needed.  But do you know who gives Me free field in order to fill this great void of the soul?  (Luisa) One who Lives in My Divine Will.  My Fiats are pronounced repeatedly; every thought is accompanied by the Power of My Fiat, and – oh! how many stars adorn the heaven of the intelligence of the soul.  Her actions are followed by My Fiat, and – oh! how many suns rise within her.  Her words, invested by My Fiat, are sweeter than the murmuring of the waters of the sea, in which the Sea of My Graces flows in order to fill this great void, and My Fiat delights in forming waves that rise up high, beyond Heaven, and descend again, more loaded, in order to expand the sea of the soul.  My Fiat blows upon her heart, and of her heartbeats It makes Fires of Love.  My Fiat leaves nothing out; It invests every affection, and tendencies, desires, and forms in them the most Beautiful Flowerings.

How many things does My Fiat not operate in this great void of (Luisa) the soul who Lives in My Divine Will! Oh! how the whole machine of the universe is left behind.  The heavens are astonished; trembling, they watch the Omnipotent Fiat operating in the will of the creature, and they feel their Happiness being doubled every time this Fiat Acts and Renews Its Creative Power.  So, they are all attentive around Me, to see when My Fiat is pronounced, in order to receive their double Glory and Happiness.  Oh! if all knew the Power of My Fiat and the great Good It contains, they would all give themselves prey to My Omnipotent Will.  Yet, there is to weep about.  How many souls, with these great voids within themselves, are worse than the great void of the Universe before My Fiat was pronounced!  Since My Fiat does not hover within them, everything is disorder, the darkness is so thick as to strike horror and fright.  There is one heap, all mixed together – nothing is in place.  The Work of Creation is upset in them, because My Fiat alone is order; the human will is disorder.

Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), if you want order within yourself, let My Fiat be the Life of everything in you, and you (Luisa) will give Me the great contentment that My Fiat may be able to unfold, putting out the Prodigies and the Goods It contains.”

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Our Lady of America Newsletter, January 1, 2014

Our Lady of America Newsletter, January 1, 2014
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

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Please join this thirty (30) Days of Prayer for the Triumph of the Devotion to Our Lady of America in the Civil Trial by the Defeat of Patricia Ann Fuller and her Cohort, and the Repudiation of her Contentions

Please pray beginning on this Friday, January 3rd, the Feast of The Holy Name of Jesus, through February 2nd, the Feast of The Presentation of Child Jesus, each day for the thirty (30) days, The Most Holy Rosary, or a Chaplet of Divine Mercy, along with the Prayer to Saint Michael, The Archangel, and the invocation: “By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from all evil!”

We invite you to join in this thirty (30) days of prayer for the Triumph of the Devotion through the defeat of Patricia Ann Fuller in the civil trial scheduled to begin on January 20th in the United States District Court at Indianapolis, Indiana. The only apparent barrier to the Solemn Procession into the National Shrine of The Immaculate Conception is this pending litigation and its primary Defendant (who actually claims ownership rights in the Devotion to Our Lady of America to the exclusion of The Church).

The trial is scheduled to take three (3) weeks. Notwithstanding that Miss Fuller is aided by an admitted liar, we pray that the truth will prevail in every regard and that Our Lord Jesus Who is Truth Himself will cause every falsehood to be exposed and the judge, the jury, the lawyers and the witnesses, in fact, the entire proceeding and the United States Courthouse, to be totally free, directly or indirectly, from demonic contact, imposition or influence of any kind.

May The Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph, triumph!

“By Your Holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, Deliver Us From Evil.”



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Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – The Circumcision of Jesus

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The Victim Soul is Greatly Loved by Jesus


 12/31/02 – Vol. 4

The victim soul is greatly Loved by Jesus, but sometimes is nauseating to Him, because her exterior appears before Divine Justice as covered with the sins of others.

luisa1Continuing to be with a fear that I might oppose the Will of my adorable Jesus, I was feeling all oppressed and distressed, and I prayed Him to free me, saying: ‘Lord, have pity on me; don’t You see the danger I am in? How is it possible that I, most wretched little worm, dare so much as to feel myself opposed to your Holy Will? And besides, what good can I possibly find, and into what abyss will I plunge myself if I am separated from your Will?” While I was saying this, Blessed Jesus moved in my interior, and through a light that He sent me, He seemed to say to me: “You never understand anything – this state is state of victim. When they offered you as victim for Corato, you accepted. Now, what is the evil present in Corato? Is there perhaps not rebellion of the creature against the Creator, between priests and secular, and among parties? Now, your unwanted state of rebellion, your fear, your pains, are an expiatory state, and this state of expiation I Myself suffered in Gethsemani, as I reached the point of saying: ‘If it is possible, let this chalice pass from Me; yet, not My will but Yours be done’ – while I had so much yearned for it during the whole course of My Life, to the point of feeling consumed.”

On hearing this, it seemed I regained tranquility and strength, and I prayed Him to pour His bitternesses into me. I drew close to His Mouth, but as much as I sucked up, nothing would come out; only a most bitter breath that embittered my whole interior. So, seeing that He was not pouring anything, I said: ‘Lord, You don’t Love me any more; bitternesses You do not want to pour – pour Your Sweetnesses at least.’ And He: “Quite the opposite, I Love you more; and if you (Luisa) were able to enter into My interior, you would see with clarity, in all of My Parts, distinct Love toward you (Luisa). Sometimes I (Jesus) Love you (Luisa) so much that I reach the point of Loving you as much as I Love Myself, although some other times I cannot look at you and you are nauseating to Me.” What a thunderbolt these last words were for my poor heart! To think that I was not always Loved by my Loving Jesus, and that I reached the point of being an abominable soul… Had He not Himself run to explain to me the meaning of this, I could not have survived. So He added: “Poor daughter (Luisa), is this very hard for you? You have encountered My same lot. I (Jesus) was always Who I was, one with the Sacrosanct Trinity, and We Loved One Another with Eternal, indissoluble Love. Yet, as Victim, covered with all the iniquities of men, My exterior was abominable before the Divinity, so much so, that Divine Justice spared no part of Me, rendering Itself inexorable to the point of abandoning Me. You (Luisa) are always who you are with Me, but since you occupy the state of victim, your exterior appears before Divine Justice as covered with the sins of others. This is why I (Jesus) spoke those words to you (Luisa). You, however, calm yourself, because I Love you always.” Having said this, He disappeared. It seems that this time blessed Jesus wants to make me upset, though He immediately gives me Peace. May He be always blessed and thanked.


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The Infancy of Jesus to Divinize the infancy of all


12/30/08 – Vol. 8

 The  Infancy of Jesus to Divinize the infancy of all.

Vintage nativity scene with glitterI was meditating on the Mystery of His Infancy, and I said to myself: ‘My Baby, to how many Pains You wanted to subject Yourself! It was not enough for You to come as an adult – You wanted to come as a baby, and suffer from the swaddling clothes, from silence, from the immobility of Your little Humanity, of Your Feet, of Your Hands… Why all this?’

While I was saying this, He moved in my interior and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), My Works are perfect. I wanted to come as a little infant in order to Divinize all the sacrifices and all the little actions of infancy. So, until children begin to commit sins, everything remains absorbed in My Childhood, and Divinized by Me. When sin then begins, separation begins between Me and the creature – a separation which is sorrowful for Me, and mournful for them.”

And I: ‘How can this be, if babies do not have reason, and are not capable of deserving?’ And He: “First, because I (Jesus) give merit by My Grace; second, because it is not out of their will that they do not want to deserve, but because such is the state of infancy disposed by Me. Besides, a gardener who has planted a plant is not only honored, but he also picks the fruit of it, even though the plant does not have reason; the same for an artisan who makes a statue, and for many other things. Sin alone is that which destroys everything and separates the creature from Me; but everything else, even the most trivial action, comes to the creatures from Me, and to Me it returns, with the Mark of the Honor of My Creation.”

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$T2eC16dHJF0E9nmFS0(hBP6g(UeZcg~~60_35From the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will 

Day 25

The soul to her Sovereign Queen:

Most sweet Mama, here I am again at Your Maternal knees. You are together with the little child Jesus, and caressing Him, You tell Him Your Love Story, and Jesus tells You His. Oh, how beautiful it is to find Jesus and His Mama talking to each other! The ardor of Their Love is so great that they remain mute – enraptured: the Mother in the Son, and the Son in the Mother. Holy Mama, do not put me aside, but keep me with You, so that, in listening to what You say, I may learn to love You and to do always the Most Holy Will of God.

Lesson of the Queen of Heaven:

Dearest child, oh, how I longed for you to continue My Lessons on the Kingdom which the Supreme Fiat extended ever more within Me.

Now, you must know that for your Mama, for dear and sweet Jesus, and for Saint Joseph, the little house of Nazareth was a Paradise. Being the Eternal Word, My dear Son possessed the Divine Will within Himself, of His own Virtue; immense Seas of Light, of Sanctity, of infinite Joys and beauties resided in that little Humanity. I possessed the Divine Will by Grace, and even though I could not embrace Immensity, as did beloved Jesus – since He was God and Man, while I was always His finite creature – still, the Divine Fiat filled Me so much as to form Its Seas of Light, of Sanctity, of love, of Beauties and of Happiness. And the Light that came from us, the Love, and all that a Divine Will can possess, were so great that Saint Joseph remained eclipsed, inundated, and lived from our reflections.

Dear child, in this house, the Kingdom of the Divine Will was in full force. Every little act of Ours – working, starting the fire, preparing the food… – all were animated by the Supreme Volition, and were formed on the solidity of the Sanctity of Pure Love. Therefore, from the tiniest to the greatest of our acts, immense Joys, Happinesses and Beatitudes were unleashed. And we remained so inundated as to feel ourselves as though under a pouring rain of New Joys and indescribable Contentments.

My child, you must know that the Divine Will possesses, by nature, the source of Joys, and when It Reigns in the creature It delights in giving, in each one of her acts, the New and continuous act of Its Joys and Happinesses. Oh, how Happy we were! Everything was Peace, highest Union, and each of us felt honored in obeying the other. My dear Son also competed in wanting to be commanded by Me and by dear Saint Joseph in the little jobs. Oh, how beautiful it was to see Him in the Act of helping His foster father in the smith-work, or to see Him take food! But how many Seas of Grace did He let flow in those acts for the Good of creatures?

christmas-nativity-scene-1sepiaNow, dear child, listen to Me: in this house of Nazareth, the Kingdom of the Divine Will was formed in your Mama and in the Humanity of My Son, to make of It a Gift for the human family, when it would dispose itself to receive the good of this Kingdom. But even though My Son was King and I was Queen, We were King and Queen without a people. Our Kingdom, even though It could enclose all and give life to all, was deserted, because Redemption was needed first, in order to prepare and dispose man to come into this Kingdom, so holy. More so, since It was possessed by Me and by My Son, who belonged to the human family according to the human order, as well as to the Divine Family by Virtue of the Divine Fiat and of the Incarnate Word, and therefore the creatures received the right to enter into this Kingdom. And the Divinity conceded this right, and left the doors open to those who wanted to enter. So, Our hidden Life of so many years served to prepare the Kingdom of the Divine Will for the creatures. This is why I want to let you know what this Supreme Fiat operated in Me, so that you may forget your will, and as you hold the hand of your Mama, I may lead you into the Goods which I have prepared for you with so much Love.

Tell me, child of my Heart, will you make Me content, and also your, and my, dear Jesus, who await you with so much Love in this Kingdom so Holy, to Live together with Us, and to Live only of Divine Will?

Now, dear child, listen to another trait of Love which My dear Jesus made for Me in the house of Nazareth: He made of Me the Depository of His own Life. When God does a Work, He does not leave it suspended, or in the empty space, but He always looks for a creature in whom to enclose and place all of His Work. Otherwise, there would be the danger that God might expose His Works to uselessness – which cannot be. Therefore, My dear Son placed in Me His Works, His Words, His pains – everything. He deposited even His Breath into His Mama. And when, withdrawn in our little room, He would speak sweetly and narrate to Me all the Gospels He was to preach to the public, and the Sacraments He was to institute, He entrusted everything to Me; and depositing everything in Me, He constituted Me Perennial Channel and Source, because His Life and all His Goods were to come from Me for the Good of all creatures. Oh, how Rich and Happy I felt in feeling that all that My dear Son Jesus did, was being deposited in Me! The Divine Will which reigned in Me gave Me the capacity to be able to receive everything, and Jesus felt He was receiving from His Mama the return of Love and glory of the great Work of Redemption. What did I not receive from God, because I never did My will, but always His? Everything; even the Life of My Son was at my disposal; and while it remained always with Me, I could bilocate it, to give it to whomever would ask Me for it with Love.

Now, my child, a little word to you. If you always do the Divine Will and never your own, and if you live in It, I, your Mama, will make the deposit of all the Goods of My Son in your soul. Oh, how fortunate you will feel! You will have a Divine Life at your disposal, which will give you everything. And I, acting as your true Mama, will watch over you, so that this Life may grow within you, forming the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

The soul:

Holy Mama, I abandon myself into your arms. I am a little child who feels the extreme need of your Maternal cares. O please! I pray You to take this will of mine and to enclose it in your Heart. Never give it to me again, that I may be happy to Live always of Divine Will. In this way, I will make You and my dear Jesus content.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will come to make three little visits in the house of Nazareth to honor the Holy Family, reciting three Paters, Aves and Glorias, asking us to admit you to Live in our midst.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, take me with you to Live in the Kingdom of the Will of God.

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