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Feast of St. Joseph – March 19 – Prayer

 St. Joseph Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem again this day and she
saw the Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove above him 3.19. 1958; “Thus should he be Honored whom the King
Desires to Honor.”

V19 – 6.15.26 – “…And just as I Chose Saint Joseph to be together with Me and My Mama, as our cooperator, tutor and vigilant sentry for Me and for the Sovereign Queen, in the same way, I have placed near you, Luisa, the vigilant assistance of My ministers, as cooperators, tutors and depositories of the Knowledges, Goods and Prodigies Contained in My Will. And since My Will wants to Establish Its Kingdom in the midst of peoples, through you I want to Deposit this Celestial Doctrine in My ministers as My New Apostles, so that first I may Form with them the Link of Connection with My Will, and then they may transmit it into the midst of peoples.”

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so prompt, so strong, before the throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession, and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers.  Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms; I dare not approach while he reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss his fine head for me and ask him to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath.

St. Joseph, patron of departing souls – pray for me.

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Ember Saturday – Traditional

Ember Days:
The 1st Wednesday, Friday & Saturday
after ‘Lucy, Ashes, Dove and Cross’

Rogation Day Prayers for God's Mercy

The term ‘Ember Days‘ find its origin in the Latin Quatuor Tempora (‘four times’). Ember Days are observed  on the successive Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the beginning of the four seasons of the year and are an ancient practise instituted by the Church to thank God for blessings received and to implore further graces for the season ahead. They are intended to thank God for the gifts of nature, to teach men to make use of them in moderation and to assist those in need.

Ember Days are days of fasting and abstinence and fall annually after Lucy, Ashes, Dove, and Cross:

• December 13 (St. Lucia, V.M.)
• Ash Wednesday
• Whitsunday (Pentecost)
• September 14 (Exaltation of the Holy Cross)

From Blessed be God: A Complete Catholic Prayer Book (pp.234-5):
“Wednesday, Friday and Saturday were days of particular devotion in the early Church: Wednesday as recalling the betrayal of our Lord, and Friday in memory of His Passion, Saturday was later added to these days of prayer and penance as a continuation of Friday, and as far back as the second century they were set apart as Stational days, that is, as days of special religious service and fasting.”

The origins of Ember Days date from the ancient Church (at least the fifth century) and the modern format was arranged and prescribed by Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085).

As the dismantling, deconstruction and open disregard for the practise of the authentic, orthodox Catholic Faith took hold after Vatican II, veiled in stratagems of ambiguity and seeded generationally, the observance of Ember and Rogation Days were among the early casualties.

And on that note, and bearing in mind that God sends His people the priests that they deserve – some say on a personal, rather than purely societal, basis – following the extract from Jeremiah 3: 14-15 below, are some prayers for Ember Days.

“Return, O ye revolting children, saith the Lord: for I am your husband: and I will take you, one of a city, and two of a kindred, … I will give you pastors according to my own heart, and they shall feed you with knowledge and doctrine.” (Jeremiah 3: 14-15)

Ember Day Prayers

ANT. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee.

V/. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge.
R/. From generation to generation.

Let us pray.
GRANT, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that as year by year we devoutly keep these holy observances, we may be pleasing to Thee both in body and soul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

In Honour of Christ’s Betrayal and Passion

O GOD, Who to redeem the world didst vouchsafe to be born amongst men, to be circumcised, rejected by the Jews, betrayed by the traitor Judas with a kiss, to be bound with cords, and as an innocent lamb to be led to the slaughter; Who didst suffer Thyself to be shamelessly exposed to the gaze of Annas, Caiphus, Pilate and Herod; to be accused by false witnesses, tormented by scourges and insults, crowned with thorns, smitten with blows, defiled with spittings, to have Thy divine countenance covered, to be struck with a reed, to be stripped of Thy clothes, nailed to and raised high upon a Cross between two thieves, to be given gall and vinegar to drink, and then pierced with a lance; do Thou, O LORD, by these most sacred sufferings, which I, unworthy as I am, yet dare to contemplate, by Thy holy Cross and by Thy bitter Death, free me from the pains of hell, and vouchsafe to bring me to Paradise, whither Thou didst lead the thief who was crucified with Thee, my Jesus, Who with the Father and the Holy Ghost livest and reignest, God forever and ever. Amen.

5x Pater Noster … Ave Maria … Gloria Patri …
(Pre-1968 Indulgence of 3 years)

Prayer for God’s Blessing on Our Labours

O LORD, graciously look down upon Thy servants and upon the work of their hands, and do Thou, Who givest food to every creature, bless and preserve the fruits of the earth, that the needy may be filled with good things and that all may praise the glory of Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Vocations to the Priesthood

ANT. Why stand ye all the day idle, go ye into my vineyard.

V/. Ask the Lord of the harvest.
R/. That He send labourers into His vineyard.

Let us pray.
GOD, Who willest not the death of the sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live; grant, by the intercession of blessed Mary Ever-Virgin and of all the saints, labourers for Thy Church, fellow labourers with Christ, to spend and consume themselves for souls. Through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, Who livest and reignest with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end.
(Pre-1968 Indulgence of 3 years)

King DavidPsalm 102

Benedic, anima.
Thanksgiving to God for His mercies.

[1] FOR DAVID himself.

Bless the Lord, O my soul: and let all that is within me bless his holy name. [2] Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all he hath done for thee. [3] Who forgiveth all thy iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases. [4] Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion. [5] Who satisfieth thy desire with good things: thy youth shall be renewed like the eagle’s.

.[6] The Lord doth mercies, and judgment for all that suffer wrong. [7] He hath made his ways known to Moses: his wills to the children of Israel. [8] The Lord is compassionate and merciful: longsuffering and plenteous in mercy. [9] He will not always be angry: nor will he threaten for ever. [10] He hath not dealt with us according to our sins: nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.

.[11] For according to the height of the heaven above the earth: he hath strengthened his mercy towards them that fear him. [12] As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our iniquities from us. [13] As a father hath compassion on his children, so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear him: [14] For he knoweth our frame. He remembereth that we are dust: [15] Man’s days are as grass, as the flower of the field so shall he flourish.

.[16] For the spirit shall pass in him, and he shall not be: and he shall know his place no more. [17] But the mercy of the Lord is from eternity and unto eternity upon them that fear him: And his justice unto children’s children, [18] To such as keep his covenant, And are mindful of his commandments to do them. [19] The Lord hath prepared his throne in heaven: and his kingdom shall rule over all. [20] Bless the Lord, all ye his angels: you that are mighty in strength, and execute his word, hearkening to the voice of his orders.

.[21] Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts: you ministers of his that do his will. [22] Bless the Lord, all his works: in every place of his dominion, O my soul, bless thou the Lord.

Gloria Patri …  


Litany of the Saints

Lord, have mercy on us. (Lord have mercy on us.) 
Christ, have mercy on us. (Christ have mercy on us.)
Lord, have mercy on us. (Lord, have mercy on us.) 

Christ, hear us. (Christ, hear us.)
Christ, graciously hear us. (Christ, graciously hear us.) 

God the Father of heaven, (have mercy on us.) 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, (have mercy on us.) 
God the Holy Ghost, (have mercy on us.) 
Holy Trinity, one God, (have mercy on us.)

Holy Mary, (* pray for us)
Holy Mother of God, (*)
Holy Virgin of virgins, (*)

St. Michael, (*)
St. Gabriel, (*)
St. Raphael, (*)
All ye holy Angels and Archangels, (*)
All ye holy orders of blessed Spirits, (*)

St. John the Baptist, (*)
St. Joseph, (*)
All ye holy Patriarchs and Prophets, (*)

St. Peter, (*)
St. Paul, (*)
St. Andrew, (*)
St. James, (*)
St. John, (*)
St. Thomas, (*)
St. James, (*)
St. Philip, (*)
St. Bartholomew, (*)
St. Matthew, (*)
St. Simon, (*)
St. Thaddeus, (*)
St. Matthias, (*)
St. Barnabas, (*)
St. Luke, (*)
St. Mark, (*)
All ye holy Apostles and Evangelists, (*)
All ye holy Disciples of the Lord, (*)

All ye holy Innocents, (*)
St. Stephen, (*)
St. Lawrence, (*)
St. Vincent, (*)
SS. Fabian and Sebastian, (*)
SS. John and Paul, (*)
SS. Cosmas and Damian, (*)
SS. Gervase and Protase, (*)
All ye holy Martyrs, (*)

St. Sylvester, (*)
St. Gregory, (*)
St. Ambrose, (*)
St. Augustine, (*)
St. Jerome, (*)
St. Martin, (*)
St. Nicholas, (*)
All ye holy Bishops and Confessors, (*)
All ye holy Doctors, (*)

St. Anthony, (*)
St. Benedict, (*)
St. Bernard, (*)
St. Dominic, (*)
St. Francis, (*)
All ye holy Priests and Levites, (*)
All ye holy Monks and Hermits, (*)

St. Mary Magdalen, (*)
St. Agatha, (*)
St. Lucy, (*)
St. Agnes, (*)
St. Cecilia, (*)
St. Catherine, (*)
St. Anastasia, (*)
All ye holy Virgins and Widows, (*)
[Other Saints may be added]

All ye holy Saints of God, (Make intercession for us.) 
Be merciful, (Spare us, O Lord.) 
Be merciful, (Graciously hear us, O Lord.)

From all evil, (^ O Lord, deliver us)
From all sin, (^)
From Thy wrath, (^)
From sudden and unlooked for death, (^)
From the snares of the devil, (^)
From anger, and hatred, and every evil will, (^)
From the spirit of fornication, (^)
From lightning and tempest, (^)
From the scourge of earthquakes, (^)
From plague, famine and war, (^)
From everlasting death, (^)
Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation, (^)
Through Thy Coming, (^)
Through Thy Birth, (^)
Through Thy Baptism and holy Fasting, (^)
Through Thy Cross and Passion, (^)
Through Thy Death and Burial, (^)
Through Thy holy Resurrection, (^)
Through Thine admirable Ascension, (^)
Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete. (^)
In the day of judgment. (^)

We sinners, (~ we beseech Thee, hear us)
That Thou wouldst spare us, (~)
That Thou wouldst pardon us, (~)
That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to govern and preserve Thy holy Church, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve our Apostolic Prelate, and all orders of the Church in holy religion, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to humble the enemies of holy Church, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give peace and true concord to Christian kings and princes, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to the whole Christian world, (~)
That Thou wouldst call back to the unity of the Church all who have strayed from her fold, and to guide all unbelievers into the light of the Gospel, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to confirm and preserve us in Thy holy service, (~)
That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires, (~)
That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors, (~)
That Thou wouldst deliver our souls, and the souls of our brethren, relations, and benefactors, from eternal damnation, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give and preserve the fruits of the earth, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, (~)
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe graciously to hear us, (~)
Son of God, (~)

Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, (spare us, O Lord.)
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, (graciously hear us, O Lord.)
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, (have mercy on us.) 

Christ, (hear us.)
Christ, (graciously hear us.)
Lord, have mercy, (Lord, have mercy.)
Christ, have mercy, (Christ, have mercy.)
Lord, have mercy, (Lord, have mercy.)
[Our Father, inaudibly until] … And lead us not into temptation (but deliver us from evil. Amen.)

(Partial Indulgence, 1968; taken from

~~~ +++++++ ~~~

Rogation Day Prayer

All we can do is worth nothing
Unless God blesses the deed;
Vainly we hope for the harvest-tide
Till God gives life to the seed;
Yet nearer and nearer draws the time,
The time that shall surely be
When the earth shall be filled with the glory of God
As the waters cover the sea.

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San Giorgio in Velabro

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Ash Wednesday

 The world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of the Passion

V11 – 2.2.1917 – As I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, and I found my always lovable Jesus, dripping Blood all over, with a horrible Crown of Thorns, looking at me with difficulty through the Thorns. He told me: “My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of My Passion. In darkness, it has not found the Light of My Passion which would Illuminate it by making known to it My Love and how much souls Cost Me, in Such a Way that it could turn to loving the One who has Truly Loved it; and the Light of My Passion, Guiding it, would put it on its guard against all dangers. In weakness, it has not found the strength of my Passion which would Sustain it. In impatience, it has not found the Mirror of My Patience which would Infuse in it calm and resignation, in Such a Way that, in the face of My Patience, feeling ashamed, it would make it its duty to dominate itself. In pains, it has not found the Comfort of the Pains of a God which, Sustaining its pains, would Infuse in it love of suffering. In sin, it has not found My Sanctity which, placing itself in front of it, would Infuse in it hate of sin. Ah, man has made an abuse of everything, because he has moved away from the One who could Help him! This is why the world has lost balance. It behaved like a child who no longer wanted to recognize his mother; or like a disciple who, denying his master, no longer wanted to listen to his teachings, or learn his lessons. What will happen to this child and to this disciple? They will be the sorrow of themselves, and the terror and sorrow of society. Such has man become – terror and sorrow; but a sorrow without pity. Ah, man is getting worse and worse, and I Cry over him with Tears of Blood!”

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Holy Mass and Blessing of Chapel – Our Lady of America – Rome City


  • First Saturday Mass, March 5 @ 11:00 AM EST
  • First Saturday Mass, April 2 @ 11:00 AM EST
  • SAVE THE DATE:  Bishop’s Mass August 6th, 2022 @ 11:00 AM EDT


Bishop Kevin Rhoades scheduled to offer Holy Mass and bless chapel at Rome City.

Saturday, August 6, 2022, at 11:00 AM EDT, Bishop Kevin Rhoades is scheduled to offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center in Rome City, Indiana.  

This date is both the First Saturday of the month and the Feast of the Transfiguraion.

Please plan to attend to show your support for the devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America. As a community we need to show our appreciation to Bishop Rhoades for establishing the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center as a recognized place of pilgrimage and allowing the Sacraments in the chapel.

He has given Our Lady and Patroness a place where she will provide graces of healing and conversion to those who come seeking her intercession. 

What Bishop Rhoades has done in allowing this devotion to flourish is an exceptional act of pastoral care and faith in the lay faithful. Please come and join with us in offering thanks and prayers for what he has done. And please join us in prayer that Heaven’s plans for this work will be accomplished.

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Hours of the Passion Schedule – Lent 2022

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Little White Dove – Sister Mary Ephrem

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Jewish Ancestry of Luisa Piccarreta


Dec 15

Jewish Ancestry of Luisa Piccarreta: Daughter of Edom

The servant of God Luisa Piccarreta was an Italian Catholic mystic. Luisa is the most important saint after the Incarnational Circle or Order of the Hypostatic Union of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. She is the prophesied “little woman” expected by the Jewish mystics. She is the mystical “face over all the earth” in Genesis 1 and the fourth light which is the lesser or little light (moon), when we read Genesis at the mystical levels (allegorical and anagogical called in Hebrew Remez and Sod). This “very little one” is the Daughter of Edom (Roman Catholic Church) but at the same time she is of hidden Jewish ancestry and a descendant of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. The female descendants of Rebbe Nachman became lost among the Gentiles and in a sense Luisa acts as a Shabbas Goy to the Temple of the Heart of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. She was mystically and really present with them in the Holy House of Nazareth, in a manner we don’t fully comprehend. In a sense all those who live in the Divine Will were/are also present in the Holy House in, with and through Luisa.

I wrote about this in my essay “Eizeh Tikkun! Rebbe Nachman and Reparation”:

Rebbe Nachman’s father Rabbi Simcha Horodenker married Feige the granddaughter of the Baal Shem Tov who was considered a Tzaddika (a female Tzaddik) of great stature like her mother Udel or Adel the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov. Rebbe Nachman also prized his own daughters and their spiritual gifts and commanded his followers to “ Be careful with my offspring, make sure that they stay within the Hasidic movement.” Rebbe Nachman once said: “My daughters have ru’ach hakodesh (holy spirit), which is close to prophesy. And I’m not talking about Sarah at all!”  Rebbe Nachman taught his followers that they must always honour and respect his daughters as they were “precious trees that would give forth rare and goodly fruits.”  In recent decades the Breslov Hasidim have mounted a mission called Operation Breslov to find and return the halachically Jewish descendants of the daughters of Rebbe Nachman, who are now living among the Gentiles.

Luisa was descended from a network of Hasidic families and/or individuals who after the death of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in 1810 embraced the Catholic Faith. Some of them joined the other groups of Jews who had embraced Catholicism after 1760 who were known as the Frankists or Zoharists. These were the groups that opposed secretly Eva Frank and her group of Frankists which had reverted to many Sabbatean teachings. We can call this group or network that was opposed to Eva Frank and her Prague Sabbatians the Papal Frankists or Zoharists. These post-1810 Papal Frankists were eventually led by Moshe ben Zalman the son of the Alter Rebbe of Lubavitch in secret and unlike the other group of Papal Frankists they were more into “littleness” and simplicity rather than the baroque style of Jacob Frank and his followers. Thus we can say there were at least four distinct groups of Frankists or Zoharists. They were the Sabbatean Frankists (following Eva Frank the daughter of Jacob Frank from his second wife), the Baroque Papal Frankists (following Jacob Frank and his daughters by his first wife), the Simple Papal Frankists (following Rav Moshe ben Zalman the Catholic son of the Alter Rebbe of Chabad and the Catholic descendants of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov) and the Hasidic Frankists (followers of Rebbe Nachman who remained in the Hasidic Jewish Community).

The parents of Rebbe Nachman were secret followers of the teachings of Jacob Frank. In 1781 they arranged a marriage between their daughter Reizel Hordenker (Rosa) and one of the tall handsome young guards of Frank who was an Italian Jew called Giuseppe Francavilla whose mother was a Jewish Frankist. He was the illegitimate son of Vincenzo Maria Imperiali (1738-1816) the Prince of Francavilla who was a knight, scholar, writer and poet. Giuseppe (Joseph)’s mother Rachel Frankovitch Ricchi a niece of Jacob Frank used the name Signora Francavilla. He was named Joseph by his mother in honour of Jacob Frank who had taken the name Joseph at his baptism. After the marriage of Giuseppe and Rosa they settled in Foggia in Italy.  After 1760 some Frankists had settled in the area of Foggia which had a population who were descended from crypto-Apulian Jews who had become sheep farmers. 

Rosa Francavilla’s brother Israel der Toiter Horodenker (who was also a Frankist) would also join his sister with his wife in Foggia sometime before 1800 where he took the name Francesco Tarantino (1776-1850). Two other brothers of Rosa, who were twins, moved to the Boot of Italy some time after the death of Rebbe Nachman in 1810. They would settle further south of Foggia at Corato and they took the name Piccarreta (which means “very little one”). Vidal Chaim Horodenker (1780-1850) took the name Vito Piccarreta and Elkanah haKatanah Horodenker took the name of Francesco Saveria Piccarreta (born 1780). Corato may have also been an area where Crypto-Jewish Apulians had settled. 

Rosa Francavilla’s daughter Girolama (Yael Shoshana) Francavilla was born in Foggia in 1782 and she married Scottish -born Giuseppe (Joseph) Russo a great-grandson of  Jacob Frank. Another daughter of Rosa called Maria Luigia (Miriam Lea) Francavilla  who was born in Foggia in 1785 married Michele Fiumedinisi (Moshe Fundminsky) who returned to Judaism and left Italy for the Russian Empire. Girolama named her daughter Maria Luigia (Luisa) Russo (born 1810 Foggia) after her sister. Maria Luigia Russo had siblings called Michele Alfonso (b.1799) who married Maria Saveria Antonia Fascele, Eugenia (b.1801) who married Vincenzo Russo and Giacinto (b.1808) who married Anna D’Onofrio. Maria Luigia Russo married her cousin Antonio Raffelle Tarantino (b.1801 Foggia).  They moved to Candela a town south of Foggia. They were the parents of Rosa Tarantino (b.1830 Candela) who was the mother of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta. Luisa Piccarreta had four sisters Philomena, Angela, Rachele and Maria.

Luisa’s mother married her relative Vito Nikola (Nathan Chayim) Piccaretta of Corato (born 1825 in Corato) the son of Vito Piccarreta (Elkanah Horodenker) of Corato. Vito Piccareta married Margherita Pedone (aka Margolis Aurebach) a daughter of Rabbi Yoska Aurebach and Udil (Della) Horodenker a daughter of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Elkanah married Margolis around 1818 in Russia before Margolis’ parents moved to Ireland. Margolis parents settled in Ireland where they used the names Joseph and Della O’Brien. Her father died in Ireland around 1830 but her mother returned to Russia and open Judaism and married her widowed brother-in-law Rabbi Isaac Dubrovner the husband of her sister Sarah Horodenker.

In my essay entitled ” Eizeh Tikkun! Rebbe Nachman and Reparation” I wrote about this mystical little woman:

The Baal Shem Tov, Jacob Frank and Rebbe Nachman’s focus and respect on their daughters, may have partly been because they perceived in the traditions that a little woman was to come in the future, who would receive the grace to live in this perfect littleness in the Divine Will in a permanent way on earth. Likutey Moharan I:49:5 the Rebbe teaches:

“This is the aspect of the song that will awaken in the future. It is a simple-twofold-threefold-fourfold song, this being the Ten Kinds of Song…If your wife is short, bend down and l’chish (listen) (Bava metzia 59a). Rashi comments: listen to her counsel. In fact a godfearing woman is the aspect of advice. When the prayer- that is the aspect of David’s kingdom- is lowly [shiflut] and KaTNut [constricted /smallness]- in the aspect of “your wife is short” and “we have a ktaNa [little] sister (Song of Songs 8:8]- it corresponds to “the KaTaN (lesser) light” (Genesis 1:16), in the aspect of “his counsel falls away” (Sanhedrin 22 a)…For in the future, in the Era that is entirely Shabbat, the Torah of the Hidden Ancient One will be Revealed…this is also the aspect of ‘Great is Repentance”. He elevates repentance (teshuva) from the aspect of the lesser light, from the aspect of “we have a little sister”, to the aspect of the big, to the aspect of “the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun” [Isaiah 30:26]…”

Thus, in the style of the Rabbis of the Zohar, Rebbe Nachman, weaves a series of scriptural texts and other Jewish sources into a cryptic text that can be understood with different meanings but only truly understood when read in a messianic light and a deep knowledge of the Zohar and the other texts of Judaism. This small passage for the mystical adept alludes to the Song of Miriam at the Red Sea, which is linked to Miriam as the little sister of Moses who watched over him by the river and who in Jewish mystical tradition is associated with the mystical light of the moon. Then with the use of Genesis 1:16 linked with Song 8:8 and a Talmudic passage he further develops this idea of the little woman, who like a new Miriam, will lead us to when the light of the moon becomes like the light of the sun in the era of the messianic Sabbath.

This light of the mystical sun is the light of the Divine Will and the light of the Messiah that was hidden away on the first day of creation. The passage in Malachi alludes to this Tzaddika when it states, “the Sun of righteousness (Tzedaka), shall arise with healing in his wings.” Jewish spirituality began to stress that this potential Tzaddika, who embodies the Shekhinah on earth, can be shared or appropriated by all woman and thus a husband should see his wife as this embodiment of Shekhinah. In greeting and receiving the Sabbath Queen he is also receiving his wife. Each Jewish wife seated at her Sabbath table is a living icon of the Sabbath Queen seated on the Throne of Glory. This iconic imagery is also linked to the Jewish Queen-Mother (G’birah) enthroned beside her anointed son the King. Likutey Moharan 49 is headed by the verses from Psalm 19: 5-8 that begins as Lashemesh Sam Ohel Bahem (He set up a tabernacle in their midst for the sun). In the Zohar and other Jewish mystical writings these verses are linked with the bridegroom of the Song of Songs and the Ark of the Covenant. These literary images or icons all give a hidden Eucharistic and Marian meaning to the texts.

This whole idea of the mystical sun and woman in Rebbe Nachman is already found in Jacob Frank in which he links the “Hind of the Morning” (ayelet ha-shachar) of Psalm 22:1 with the Virgin of Czestochowa. In this tradition the horns of the deer are seen as resembling the rays of the rising sun thus linking it to the Messianic and Eucharistic verses in Malachi about “the Sun of Righteousness rising” and the pure oblation offered “from the rising of the sun.” This is linked to the sun chariot psalm mentioned above, as well as others. The chanting or reciting of certain psalms will become central to Rebbe Nachman’s universal tikkun and he will propose the reciting of ten psalms as part of the ritual of tikkun. In a sense this is a Davidic tikkun as David the traditional author of the Psalms, committed grave moral sins and it was through his prayer and sorrow that he attained forgiveness. Like David, Rebbe Nachman lost a young son -Shlomo Ephraim- and he saw it in terms of it being a sacrifice and tikkun he had to pay for the sins of his generation.

In the near future at the height of the tribulation God will send a special teacher and prophet who will guide us in the dark days. This is predicted in both Jewish and Catholic prophecies. This will be a prophet of Divine Will who will proclaim the teachings given to Luisa Piccarreta. He may be a Jewish prophet with the charism and power of both Elijah the Prophet and Moses our Teacher and will be a descendant of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, Rav Nathan of Nemirov and the Alter Rebbe of Chabad. He will be a new Nathan the Prophet who will be associated with the new Davidic Monarch (the Catholic Great Monarch) and the new Zadok the Priest (the Angelic Pope). While I am a descendant of the three mentioned above I want to make it clear I am not referring to myself. But like John the Baptist I am a Voice pointing to and praying for this future Great Prophet of God, in my own little way.

Blessed Father Francisco Palau of Spain (1811-1872) was a Spanish Discalced Carmelite friar. He created the “School of Virtue”—a mode of catechetical teaching in Barcelona. He taught:

From one moment to another there will appear a Moses, a man whom hell, the Heavens, the Elements, and all of Nature will obey. The wonders with which the Divinity of His Mission will be accredited will be so stupendous, that those which Moses realized before the King of Egypt are nothing but a shadow and figure. At His orders the seas will rise from the deep and drown entire cities: the Earth will be covered in darkness so dense that not even the objects most near will be seen as shadows. At His voice fire will descend, sulfur from Heaven, and the Earth will open and hell will swallow alive the modern sacrileges Dathan, Core, Abiron, (Num 16) and those who contest His Mission. Under the direction of this Man, the entire Orb will fight against the foolish ones. 

The chosen, only the chosen, will follow this restorer, those who have their name written in the Book of Life, and the rest of the Catholics will apostatize dividing themselves one from the other. What is written about the Son of man will be fulfilled in the person of this RESTORER …He will be unknown, persecuted, despised by the Catholics whose names are not written in the Book of Life (…) Satan will be locked up in the abyss by the new Moses and by His Apostles, and with him will be buried in hell the evil of the Earth(…), When will this RESTORER come? There is no other restorer known but Elijah Tesbites. “Elijah venturus est et eumvenerit, restituet omnia,” if true restoration is coming that consists in the conversion to the God of all Nations and of its kings, the RESTORER cannot be a king, but an Apostle; war does not convert but ruins, and this apostle will be Elijah, the promised Elijah, whatever the name He is given when He appears. Whether He call himself John, Moses, Peter, the name matters little: the mission of Elijah will restore human society, because God has it so ordered in His Providence.

Four of Rebbe Nachman’s daughters left descendants. These four daughters were Udil (Adel or Della) (b.1787), Sarah (b.1790) Miriam (b.1792) and Chaya (b.1801). Researchers have reported the difficulty of sorting out the genealogy of these daughters’ families. This is due to the Jewish practice of cutting out or listing as dead any one who converted to Christianity and the reinvention of their genealogy and family stories to fill these gaps and changes. To have such people in a devout Jewish family gave that family bad yichus and affected their marriage prospects. This was known among other Hasidic groups and many of them avoided intermarriage with the Chabad and Breslover Hasidim.

Rebbe Nachman may have had a son Jacob (Yankel) from his second wife who was born in Lvov in 1808 as claimed by some Jewish families who descend from Yankel Baron (Baron being an acroustic for Ben Rabbi Nachman according to them). Some of his descendants became Catholic others did not. Some descendants who were baptised later reverted back to Judaism. If this Yankel Baron was a hidden son of Rebbe Nachman then he married his niece Bracha (Brocho) Zaslavski a daughter of Chaya. This couple may have been baptised as children but they later reverted back to Judaism or at least joined the secret Frankists in the Jewish community rather than being part of the Gentile Catholic world. Rebbe Nachman belongs to R1b L21 L583 y-dna haplogroup a Jewish branch of the House of King David that went to Barcelona.

Sarah and Miriam were never baptised as far as I can work out. However some of Sarah’s descendants were and some did not. Miriam’s two children were and her family cut one from the family tree and the other was said to have died young. However Miriam’s children were not converted to Catholicism but to the Anglicanism of Joseph Wolff (who came from a Frankist family descended from Jacob Frank and was first a Catholic but later became an Anglican priest and famous missionary).  It would seem that after the death of Rebbe Nachman both Udil and Chaya became Catholics as did many of their children. It was from Udil the eldest child and daughter of Rebbe Nachman that Luisa Piccarreta’s father descended through his mother who was a granddaughter of Rebbe Nachman. 

Udil Horodenker (1787-1864) married in 1800 to Rabbi Yoska Aurebach (1785-1830) and they had at least eight children. They were Feige (b.1803 d.1827) who married Gershon Yehuda Leib Broide (Brody) (1804-1826), Margolis (b.1804) who married her uncle Elkanah Horodenker (b.1780), Shifra Rachel (b.1805 d.1882) who married Avrum Dov Chmelnitski, Sarah (b.1806 d.1901) who married Rabbi Moshe (Michael) Nemirov (BReNaN) (1795-1865), Chana (Honora) (b.1808 d.1891) she married Yehuda Flehinger (aka John Flanaghan) and Peter Murphy (Morpurgo), Rivka Miriam (1809 d.1843) who married her first cousin Rabbi Simcha Baruch Dubrovner (b.1808), Avraham Dov (b.1810 d.1880) and Miriam (Mary) (b.1813 d.1881) who married William Maher (1810-1868). Udil married in 1832 her brother-in-law Rabbi Isaac Dubrovner (d.1834) after the death of her first husband in 1830. As she was 44 when she married her second husband it is unlikely she had any children with him.

Sarah Horodenker (1790 -1832) married in 1803 to Rabbi Isaac Dubrovner (1787-1834) and they had at least four children. They were Ephraim (b.1804) who married and had at least three children Feige, Isaac and Nachman, Israel (b.1806) a Rabbi who married Chaya Sarah Rabin Twersky, Simcha Baruch (b.1808) who married his first cousin Rivka Miriam Aurebach (1809-1843) and Feige Sashia (b.1812) who married Rabbi Ephraim Veisz of Medzeboz (1803-1855).

Miriam Feige Horodenker (1792-1809) married in 1805 Rabbi Pinchas Segal. They lived in Jerusalem. They had two children Gershon (b.1805) who married and had at least one son called William George Pollard and Lea (b.1808 d.1850) who married Thomas Richard Williams (1803-1892). 

Chaya Horodenker (1801-1843) and she was married twice. She firstly married Rabbi Zalman Lubarsky in 1814. They had one son Nachman Chayalas (b.1815 d.1889) a Rabbi who married Chana bat Dov Gottlieb of Karlin. She then in 1816 married Aharon Zaslavsky and they had at least five children. They were Bracha Rachel (b.1818) who married Jacob (Yankel) Baron, Miriam Chaya (b.1820) who married Nathan ben Moshe (aka Michael William Brennan) (1820-1875), Rachel (b.1722) who married her cousin Isaac Dubrovner (b.1820), Adil (Udil or Della) (b.1824) who married Avraham Sfarad (d.1870) and Yechiel (b.1826) who married Shterna Sashia Lubarsky. 

Luisa’s Descent From Rebbe Nachman of Breslov
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov 1772-1810
He married Sashia (Alexandra) Broida (Ossatin) 1772-1807
Udil (Della) Horodenker aka Mrs Della O’Brien 1787-1864
She married Rabbi Yoska (Joseph) Auerbach (O’Brien) born 1785
Margolis Aurebach aka Margherita Pedone born 1804
She married Elkanah haKatanah Horodenker aka Francesco Saverio Piccarreta born 1780
Vito Nikola Piccarreta aka Nathan Vidal born 1825
He married Rosa Tarantino born 1830
Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947
Luisa’s Maternal Ancestry 
Adila Khanem aka Bas Cohen born 1680
She married Rabbi Ephraim Brody (Broida) born 1675
Leah Rachel Chana Brody 1700-1750
She married Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov 1698-1760
Udel Simcha Bas Yisrael 1720-1787
She married Yechiel Michal Ashkenazi 1731-1786
Feiga Ashkenazi 1750-1801
She married Rabbi Simcha Horodenker 1750-1810
Reizel (Rosa) Horodenka aka Rosa Francavilla born 1766
She married Giuseppe Francavilla born 1762 
Girolama (Yael Shoshana) Francavilla born 1782
She married Giuseppe Russo born 1780
Maria Luigia (Luisa) Russo born 1810
She married Antonio Raffelle Tarantino born 1801 the son of Yisroel “Der Toiter” of Horodenka [Breslaver brother] aka Francesco Tarantino 1776-1850 and Catarina Bravoco aka Katerina Borovicka aka Chaya Baruch born 1785
Rosa Tarantino born 1830

She married Vito Nikola Piccarreta aka Nathan Vidal born 1825
Luisa Piccarreta 1865-1947



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Birthday of St. Joan of Arc – January 6

“It was during the night of the Epiphany of Our Lord (January 6, Twelfth Night), when men are wont most joyfully to recall the acts of Christ that she first saw the light in this mortal life. And, wonderful to relate, the poor inhabitants of the place were seized with an inconceivable joy. And though ignorant of the birth of the Maid, they rushed hither and thither in search of what might be the new event. Their hearts as one were conscious of a new gladness.” Lord Perceval de Boulainvilliers, writing to the Duke of Milan in 1429 about Joan’s birth.


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His Excellency, Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne – South Bend issued a Singular Decree on November 3, 2020, which recognized the Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Chapel, Rome City, Indiana as a chapel of the lay faithful. And he further set forth that the Our Lady, Mother of Mercy Center is an allowed place of pilgrimage and is free to engage in public spiritual activities (Holy Mass, Rosary, Confessions, etc.) subject to the immediate vigilance of the Pastor of Saint Gaspar Parish, Rome City.

Further, the Decree went on to allow the devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America to be practiced and promoted at the Mother of Mercy Center.

The devotion’s path was first envisioned by the Bishops having jurisdiction in their Statement Regarding the Devotion to Our Lady of America (May 7, 2020). In subsequent dialogue with Bishop Rhoades the content of the decree was prayerfully envisioned and discerned resulting in his issuance.

“When it was issued, we were still amid extensive renovations and repairs to the Chapel. We have been operating under this decree since March 2020, when we offered the first Mass and now see it appropriate to make known its existence.”, said Al Langsenkamp, Mother of Mercy Center and Foundation President.

Just recently, Bishop Rhoades responded to a request for two changes; he has approved a change in the Center’s name to Our Lady, Patroness of America Center; and has approved a change in the name of the Prayer to the Immaculate Conception to Prayer to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America. Both are in line with his desire that the Center focus attention on her role as Patroness of America.

Fort Wayne – South Bend Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades

Al Langsenkamp added, “The Bishops have given Our Lady, Patroness of America a home where she can welcome, console and bless pilgrims who seek her intercession. Further, they have pointed to her as Our Mother and Our Nation’s Patroness who will intercede for us before the Holy Trinity. She is calling us to imitate the Holy Family in virtue and faith. More so, with the Bishops’ decrees her intercession is available to us personally and as a nation in a new and powerful way! We are most grateful to Bishop Rhoades for his discerning pastoral care and trust in our mission at the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center.”

“May the Lord continue to bless you and your work! May Our Blessed Mother watch over and intercede for you and the pilgrims who come to the Center!” says Bishop Rhoades.

It is now official: devotion to Our Lady, the Immaculate Virgin, Patroness of America is recognized by the Catholic Church as an allowed devotion of the lay faithful! Our Lady, Patroness of America now has a home and place of pilgrimage. It is the Our Lady, Patroness of America Center, Rome City Indiana. May her abundant Graces flow upon us!

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