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Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

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Infancy of Jesus

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Feast of St. Thomas Becket – Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr – December 29

“I feel as though I am with Mary and Joseph beside the Crib.

It is good to be there. Outside are the cold and the snow,

images of the world, but in the little cave,

lit by the light of Jesus, it is sweet and warm and light.”

~ St. Thomas Becket ~


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Extent of the Maternity of the Celestial Mother

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The Love that Passed Between Baby Jesus and His Sweet Mama

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Feast of St. Stephen – December 26

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Blessed Christmas

Blessed Christmas in the Most Holy Divine Will


Letter #26 – So I ask dear Baby Jesus that He Himself bring you my sincere wishes.  During these days, you will prepare your heart in order to form it as a host in which the Divine Infant will come to be Reborn in you, and will bring you, as a wish and a gift, the Heartbeat and the Word of the Fiat, His Baby Tears, His Tender Moans and Wails, in order to be consoled and to receive your tender love in return.  …welcome Him soon, soothe His Crying, warm Him, and Be Attentive so that He may always remain with you.  This is what the Celestial Baby wants:  He comes to remain with you.  I am sure that you will not send Him back, and He will make of you His Royal Palace, His little Paradise.  This is the wish I am sending you; I believe you will be content.  ~ From the Letters of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta ~

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Supreme Being Taken by an Excess of Love – True Meaning of Christmas


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Effects of the Sleep of Jesus

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The Celestial Mama was the Divine Depository of All the Goods of the Incarnation

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