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Jun 14
I can do Everything through HIM (CHRIST) WHO Gives me Strength – Melania Trump
FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES on the National Day of Prayer – May 7, 2020 video credit: The White House fIRST
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Jun 13
June 13
6/13 – June 13, 1689 – Our Lord Appears to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque for the King of France to consecrate France to His Sacred Heart June 13, 1789 – King of France stripped of authority and executed 4 years later after failing the consecration June 13, 1917 – Our Lady of Fatima Appears to …
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Jun 11
Happy Feast Day of Corpus Christi (Trad)
Book of Heaven: V24 – 6.12.28 – “After this, since it was the Feast of Corpus Domini, I was thinking to myself that that day was the Feast of the Marriage that Blessed Jesus did with souls in the Most Holy Sacrament of Love. And my Beloved Jesus, Moving in my interior, told me: “My …
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Jun 08
Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces – June 8
Mary Mediatrix of All Graces (Trad) “…a fifth Dogma awaits to be proclaimed by the Church, one which has been prophesied by many Marian Saints. This Dogma is Mary, Mediatrix of All Graces. A lay movement called Vox Populi Mariae Mediatrici has been actively promoting the proclamation of this doctrine. Inside the Vatican magazine reports …
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Jun 07
Trinity Sunday
6/7 – TRINITY SUNDAY (New/Trad) – Luisa: “…I received Communion. I lost consciousness, and I saw, present before me, the Most Holy Trinity whom I had seen in Heaven. I immediately prostrated myself at Their Presence, I adored Them, I confessed my nothingness. I remember that I felt so sunken into myself that I did …
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Jun 06
Pentecost Saturday
6/6 – Pentecost Saturday (Trad)- “‘I come to give Love in return for everything which the Sanctifier does to those who are to be Sanctified. I come to enter into the Order of Grace, to give You Glory and return of Love, as if all had become Saints, and to Repair You for all the …
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Jun 05
Pentecost Friday
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Jun 04
Pentecost Thursday
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