Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s March 2, 2014 Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers The following is the message of Our Lady given through Mirjana during her apparition: “Dear children; I am coming to you as a mother and I desire that in me, as in a …
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Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/05/our-lady-queen-of-peace-of-medjugorjes-march-2-2014/
Mar 04
Ash Wednesday Begins the Hours of the Passion
Ash Wednesday Begins the Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ click here for the Hours of the Passion click here for suggestions on How to do the Hours click here for Jesus’ Promises for those who pray these Hours
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/04/ash-wednesday-begins-the-hours-of-the-passion/
Mar 04
Definitions of the Cross. Jesus asks her to give Him relief. She sees a man committing suicide.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/5/05 – Vol. 6 Definitions of the Cross. As I was in suffering a little more than usual, Blessed Jesus came for a little and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the Cross is Support of the weak, it is Strength of the strong, it is Seed and Custody of virginity.” …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/04/definitions-of-the-cross-jesus-asks-her-to-give-him-relief-him-she-sees-a-man-committing-suicide/
Mar 04
Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 3, 2014
Our Lady of America Newsletter, March 3, 2014 Feast of Saint Katharine Drexel (Last Newsletter) Thank you for your continued prayers! The Trial in McCarthy -vs- Fuller continues, although the Defendant has completed her presentation. (See the last newsletter) It is urgent that daily prayers continue, at least for the next few days(first January newsletter). …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/04/our-lady-of-america-newsletter-march-3-2014/
Mar 03
Anniversary of Luisa Piccarreta’s Passage into Heaven
The Anniversary of Luisa Piccarreta’s Passage into Heaven click here for more on Luisa’s Passage into Heaven March 4, 1947 Luisa in the serenity of sister death click image for a Collection of Memories of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta by Padre Bernardino Bucci The Holy Death of Luisa Piccarreta At the news of Luisa’s …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/03/anniversary-of-luisa-piccarretas-passage-into-heaven/
Mar 03
PRAYERS OF THE BISHOPS OF UKRAINE PATRIARCH SVIATOSLAV: “The role of the church is consistent. During the last three months, the church, especially the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, was with its people. And it will continue to remain with its people. If, God forbid, we will have to stand together on the battlefield with our …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/03/prayers-of-the-bishops-of-ukraine/
Mar 03
Firmness Produces Heroism
BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/4/18 – Vol. 12 Firmness Produces Heroism. Continuing in my usual state, I was lamenting to Jesus about my poor state, and He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), Courage, do not move in anything. Firmness is the Greatest Virtue. Firmness Produces Heroism, and it is almost impossible for one not to be …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/03/firmness-produces-heroism/
Mar 02
How all things start from one point. Sublimeness of the State of Adam.
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/02/how-all-things-start-from-one-point-sublimeness-of-the-state-of-adam/
Mar 01
How offering the sacrifice of the Saints doubles the Glory
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/2/31 – Vol. 29 How offering the sacrifice of the Saints doubles the Glory. The Divine Will has the Resurrective Virtue. One who does the Divine Will Acquires the Rights to the Divine Goods. I was continuing my acts in the Divine Will, and I kept offering the sacrifices that …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/03/01/how-offering-the-sacrifice-of-the-saints-doubles-the-glory/
Feb 28
Jesus is Chained by the soul who does His Will, and the soul by Him.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 3/1/22 – Vol. 14 Jesus is Chained by the soul who does His Will, and the soul by Him. I was very afflicted because of the privation of my sweet Jesus. Then, after much hardship, He came, and from His wounds He made His Blood flow over my breast and …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2014/02/28/jesus-is-chained-by-the-soul-who-does-his-will-and-the-soul-by-him/