FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/16/01 – Vol. 4 Jesus Christ explains to her (Luisa) the Order of Charity. As I continued to see Him a little indignant with the world, I wanted to occupy myself with placating Him, but He distracted me by saying to me: “The Charity most acceptable to Me is …
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Jan 14
One who wants to Love, Repair, Substitute for all, must Live in the Divine Will.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/15/20 – Vol. 12 One who wants to Love, Repair, Substitute for all, must Live in the Divine Will. I was pouring all of myself into the Divine Volition, to be able to substitute for everything that the creature is obliged to do toward the Supreme Majesty; and while …
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Jan 14
One is not worthy of Jesus if he does not empty himself of everything. Jesus forms His Image in the light that comes out of the soul.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/14/02 – Vol. 4 One is not worthy of Jesus if he does not empty himself of everything. What true exaltation consists of. As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), only one who has emptied himself of everything and …
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Jan 14
Luisa sees the Most Holy Trinity. The evil of adulations.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/13/03 – Vol. 4 Luisa sees the Most Holy Trinity. The evil of adulations. As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see the Most Holy Trinity. They were looking at One Another, and in those Gazes Their Beauty was so great that They would remain ecstatic …
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Jan 12
‘The Principle’
‘The Principle’ The Principle the long interview – Earth is the center of the universe FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN Vol. 34 “This is the reason My Speaking still continues, because all the Queens have not come forth form Our Divinity in order to complete their Office. And since the Speaking about My Will is …
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Jan 11
Love Wants to be Matched by Love. The Souls who Live in the Divine Will will be for the Body of the Church like skin to the body
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/11/12 – Vol. 10 Love Wants to be Matched by Love. After I received Communion, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all around me, and I was in the middle, as if within a flow. Jesus was the flow and I the nothing which was in the middle …
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Jan 09
The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin. God wants a Second “YES” in His Will. The “FIAT” of Luisa.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/10/21 – Vol. 12 The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin. God wants a Second “YES” in His Will. The “FIAT” of Luisa. I was concerned about what is written above, and I said to myself: ‘I don’t know what Jesus wants from me; yet, He knows how …
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Jan 08
Everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love – Each created thing holds out the Love of God to man
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/9/03 – Vol. 4 Everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love. This morning I was feeling all oppressed, and since Monsignor had come to visit me, saying that he was not sure that it was Jesus Christ who …
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Jan 08
The Fruit and the Purpose of Communion
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 1/8/09 – Vol. 8 The Fruit and the Purpose of Communion. Having received Communion, at the best moment I was thinking of how I could cling to blessed Jesus more then ever, and He said to me: “In order to cling more tightly to Me, to the point of …
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