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Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God – The Circumcision of Jesus

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The Victim Soul is Greatly Loved by Jesus

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN  12/31/02 – Vol. 4 The victim soul is greatly Loved by Jesus, but sometimes is nauseating to Him, because her exterior appears before Divine Justice as covered with the sins of others. Continuing to be with a fear that I might oppose the Will of my adorable Jesus, I was …

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The Infancy of Jesus to Divinize the infancy of all

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 12/30/08 – Vol. 8  The  Infancy of Jesus to Divinize the infancy of all. I was meditating on the Mystery of His Infancy, and I said to myself: ‘My Baby, to how many Pains You wanted to subject Yourself! It was not enough for You to come as an adult …

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HAPPY FEAST DAY OF THE HOLY FAMILY   From the Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will  Day 25 The soul to her Sovereign Queen: Most sweet Mama, here I am again at Your Maternal knees. You are together with the little child Jesus, and caressing Him, You tell Him Your Love Story, …

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How, in Descending from Heaven to Earth, Jesus Formed the New Eden

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Feast of the Holy Innocents

Feast of the Holy Innocents December 28 Click image for information on the Holy Innocents

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Feast of St. John the Apostle

Feast of St. John the Apostle December 27 Click on image for information about St. John

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(Mary) The Celestial Heiress; how She calls Her children to Inherit Her Goods

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN  12/28/36 – Vol. 34 (Mary) The Celestial Heiress; how She calls Her children to Inherit Her Goods.  How She arrives at Gifting souls with Her Maternal Love in order to form other mamas for Jesus. I continue the same theme.  I was thinking about what was written above, and I …

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What passed between Baby Jesus and His Sweet Mama when She would feed Him from Her Breast

  FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN   12/27/08 – Vol. 8 What passed between Baby Jesus and His Sweet Mama when She would feed Him from Her Breast. The ‘I love You’ of the creature is requited by the ‘I Love you’ of the Creator. I was meditating on when the Queen Mama would give …

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For One Who Lives in the Divine Will, it is always Christmas

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN   12/26/23 – Vol. 16 For (Luisa) one who Lives in the Divine Will it is always Christmas, and the Mysteries of the Life of Jesus are a continuous Act. There are no rags of misery for her. The continuous dying of Jesus, and like Him, of Luisa, in the …

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