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Dec 04
The Gift of the Divine Will Given to Luisa
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 12/5/21 – Vol. 13 One who does not accept the gifts of God is ungrateful. The gift of the Divine Will was given to Luisa from the time of the renewal of mystical marriage before the Holy Trinity, thirty-two years before. Doubts and difficulties. Jesus answers them in advance. …
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Dec 03
Effects of the Imprisonment of Jesus in the Passion.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 12/4/18 – Vol. 12 Effects of the imprisonment of Jesus in the Passion. I spent last night in prison with Jesus. I compassionated Him, I clung to His Knees to sustain Him; and Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), during My Passion I (Jesus) also wanted to suffer imprisonment, in …
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Dec 03
This year, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on December 9th
This year, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception will be celebrated on December 9th since December 8th is on the Second Sunday of Advent. Our Blessed Mother asked for an Hour of Grace on her Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Our Lady in these apparitions appealed especially to the consecrated souls of clergy and religious, promising to …
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Dec 01
Luisa, the Spark of Jesus
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Dec 01
Strength of the Celestial Mama, Strength that Luisa Must Have, Power of the Acts Done in the Divine Will
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 12/1/27 – Vol. 23 Strength of the Celestial Mama (Mary) in the privations of Jesus. Strength that the little daughter of His Will (Luisa) must have. Power of the acts done in the Divine Will; how they are the Outpouring of God. I was feeling totally without my highest Good, …
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Nov 30
Immaculate Conception Novena
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION NOVENA November 29 – December 7 ——–§——–For the Feast——-§——– This novena may be made any time but it is especially good to honor the Mother of God in her Divine privilege by making the Novena between November 29-December 7, the eve of the Feast. Invocation to be Said Every Day of the Novena: …
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Nov 29
Benefits of Repairing for Others – Why God is not Known and Loved
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 11/30/16 – Vol. 11 The Benefits of Repairing for Others. I was very afflicted because of the privation of my adorable Jesus, and I cried bitterly; and as I was doing the Hours of the Passion, a thought tormented me, saying to me: “Look at what good your reparations for …
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Nov 29
The Feast Day of Saint Andrew, the Apostle
THE FEAST DAY OF SAINT ANDREW November 30 The name “Andrew” (Gr., andreia, manhood, or valour), like other Greek names, appears to have been common among the Jews from the second or third century B.C. St. Andrew, the Apostle, son of Jonah, or John (Matthew 16:17; John 1:42), was born in Bethsaida of Galilee …
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Nov 29
One who goes out of the Divine Will, goes out of the Light.
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 11/29/18 – Vol. 12 One who goes out of the Divine Will, goes out of the Light. Finding myself in my usual state, I was praying my always lovable Jesus, according to what He had promised me another time – that when the soul always does His Will, sometimes He …
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