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Gospel Reading for June 19, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Embracing the Cross

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Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help – June 18-26 Feast Day is June 27





Mother of Perpetual help, thou art the dispenser of every grace that God grants us in our misery.
For this reason He hast made thee so powerful, so rich, and so kind that thou might help us in our needs.

Thou art the advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners, if they but come to thee.
Come to my aid for I commend myself to thee.

In thy hands I place my eternal salvation; to thee I entrust my soul.

Count me among thy most faithful servants. Take me under thy protection; that is enough for me.

If thou doth protect me, I shall fear nothing: not my sins, because thou wilt obtain for me their pardon and remission; not the evil spirits, because thou art mightier than all the powers of Hell; not even Jesus, my Judge, because He is appeased by a single prayer of thine.

I fear only that through my own negligence I may forget to recommend myself to thee and so lose my soul.
My dear Lady, obtainest for me the forgiveness of my sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace to have recourse to thee at all times, Mother of Perpetual Help.

3 Hail Marys



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Our Father Who Art in Heaven

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Happy and Blessed Father’s Day – June 18, 2017

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Gospel Reading for Jun. 17, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Firm Decision

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Gospel Reading for Jun. 16, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – On the Evil Law of Divorce

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Traditional Feast Day of Corpus Christi – May 31, 2018

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Gospel Reading for June 14, 2017 with Divine Will Truths – Jesus Wants the Fulfillment of His Will

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In honor of the June 13 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the children

In honor of the June 13 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima to the children:

“I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, the Beginning and the End, saith the Lord God,

Who Is, and Who Was, and Who Is to Come, The Almighty.”   (Rev 1:8)


V2 – 7.4.99 – This morning, Jesus Renewed in me the pains of the crucifixion; our Queen Mama was also Present, and Jesus, Speaking of Her, said: “My Kingdom was In the Heart of My Mother, and this, because Her Heart was never disturbed even slightly; so much so, that in the Immense Sea of the Passion, She Suffered Immense Pains, and Her Heart was Pierced through by the Sword of Sorrow, but She did not receive the slightest breath of disturbance. Therefore, since My Kingdom is a Kingdom of Peace, I was able to Lay My Kingdom within Her, and to Reign Freely without any obstacle.”

V2 – 7.9.99 – After this, Heaven seemed to Open and a multitude of Saints Came Down, All Armed with Swords. A Voice like Thunder Came out from within that multitude, saying: “We Come to Defend the Justice of God, and to take Revenge on men, who have so much abused His Mercy!” Who can say what was happening on earth at this Descent of the Saints? I am only able to say that some were fighting in one place, some in another; some were fleeing, and some were hiding. It seemed that all were in dismay.

V3 – 7.30.00 – Luisa stops the Sword of Justice – I spent one night and one day being restless. From the very beginning I felt I was going outside of myself, without being able to find my Adorable Jesus; I could see nothing but things that struck terror and fright in me. I could see that a fire was flaring up in Italy, and another one had flared up in China, and little by little, uniting together, they were blending into one. In this fire I could see the king of Italy who had suddenly died by a trick, and this was the means to ignite and expand the fire. In sum, I could see a revolt, a tumult, a killing of people. After having seen these things, I felt I was inside myself and I felt my soul being tortured, to the point of feeling I was dying; more so, since I could not see my Adorable Jesus.

            Then, after much waiting, He made Himself Seen with a Sword in His Hand, in the Act of Throwing it over the people. All frightened, and made a little daring, I took the Sword in my hand, telling Him: ‘Lord, what are You doing? Don’t You see how many disasters will occur if You Throw this Sword? What grieves me the most is that I see that You are putting Italy in the middle. Ah, Lord, Placate Yourself, have Pity on your images! And if You say that You Love me, Spare me this bitter sorrow.’ And while saying this, I held on to that Sword as tightly as I could. Heaving a sigh, All Afflicted, Jesus said to me: “My daughter, let it go – let it fall upon the people, for I can take No More.” And I, holding it more tightly: ‘I cannot let it go, I do not have the heart to do it.’ And He: “Have I not told you many times that I AM Forced not to let you see anything, otherwise I AM not Free to do what I Want?” And while saying this, He Lowered His Arm with the Sword, and Placed Himself in the Act of Calming His Fury.

After a little while He Disappeared from me, and I was left with the fear that, who knows, without letting me see it, He might Pull the Sword away from me and Throw it over the people. Oh, God! What a heartbreak, the mere remembering!

V4 – 10.17.00  – A suffering soul and a most humble prayer make Jesus lose All His Strength, and Render Him so weak as to let Himself Be Bound by that soul. The Appearance of Justice – As my Adorable Jesus continued to Come, I seemed to see Him in Such Great Suffering as to arouse compassion. Throwing Himself into my arms, He said to me: “My daughter, Break the Fury of My Justice, otherwise….” At that moment, I seemed to see Divine Justice, Armed with Swords, with Darts of Fire, such as to Strike Terror; and also the Fortitude with which She can Act. All frightened, I said: ‘How can I Break Your Fury if I see You So Strong as to be able to Annihilate Heaven and earth in One simple Instant?’ And He: “Yet, a suffering soul and a most humble prayer make Me Lose All My Strength, and Render Me So Weak as to let Myself Be Bound by that soul as she pleases.” And I: ‘Ah, Lord, in what an ugly Appearance is Justice Showing Herself!’ And Jesus added: “She is Not Ugly; if you see Her Armed like this, it is because of men, but in Herself She is Good and Holy, Like My other Attributes, because there can not be even a shadow of evil in Me. It is True that Her Appearance seems Harsh, Piercing, Bitter, but Her Fruits are Sweet and Delicious.” Having said this, He Disappeared.

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June 13 Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima

In Portugal the 13th of June is a great feast, the feast of St. Anthony of Lisbon, known to most Catholics as St. Anthony of Padua. This Franciscan miracle-worker was born in Lisbon and had entered religious life as a Canon Regular of the Holy Cross, residing first in Lisbon and then Coimbra, before leaving the Portuguese order for the new Order of Friars Minor and a hope of martyrdom. It was, and is, THE children’s feast in Portugal, so the parents of Lucia naturally thought that the festivities at the parish church in Fátima would distract her from the appointment at the Cova. However, undismayed by this tactic Lucia and the Marto children proceeded to the apparition site to keep their noon day rendezvous.

When they arrived they found a small crowd awaiting them.

After having said the rosary with Jacinta and Francisco and other people who were present, we saw again the reflection of light nearing us, (we used to say it was lightening), and following, Our Lady on the holm oak as in May.

“Please tell me, Madam, what it is that you want of me?”

I want you to come here on the thirteenth of next month. I want you to continue saying the Rosary every day. And after each one of the mysteries, my children, I want you to pray in this way: O my Jesus, forgive us our sins , save us from the fire of hell. Take all souls to heaven, especially those who are most in need. I want you to learn to read and write, and later I will tell you what else I want of you.

“Will you take us to heaven?”

Yes, I shall take Jacinta and Francisco soon, but you will remain a little longer, since Jesus wishes you to make me known and loved on earth. He wishes also for you to establish devotion in the world to my Immaculate Heart.

“Must I remain in the world alone?”

Not alone, my child, and you must not be sad. I will be with you always, and my Immaculate Heart will be your comfort and the way which will lead you to God.

The moment she said the last words, opening her hands, She transmitted to us, for the second time, the reflection of that intense light. In it we felt we were submerged in God. Jacinta and Francisco seemed to be in that part of the light which was rising to Heaven, and I in the part spreading over the earth. In front of the palm of Our Lady’s right hand was a heart encircled with thorns which appeared to pierce it. We understood it was the Immaculate Heart of Mary offended by the sins of mankind, craving reparation.

The apparition then concluded as on the first occasion, with the Lady going off toward the east and disappearing in the “immensity of heaven.”

Despite the joy of those precious moments the sorrows of the children continued in the following weeks, moderated by the belief of very many at the Cova that day. They knew that something unusual had occurred – they saw the “lightening,” some perceived a certain dimming of the sun, others a little gray cloud that came and went as the apparition did and they believed. However, the difficulties with their families did not abate, especially with their mothers, who became genuinely alarmed that the events were not just continuing but expanding. To this was added the painful caution of the parish priest, that after all it might be real but of demonic origin.

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