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Oct 15
XXIX Sunday of Ordinary Time
XXIX Sunday of Ordinary Time
The arms outstretched and the cry “day and night”.
Dear brothers and sisters, Fiat!
In the parable of today’s Gospel, Jesus links indissolubly two important themes for the Christian life: the need and insistence of prayer. The importance of praying with insistence seems to be the main theme of the parable of the unjust judge. As he fulfills the constant demands of the widow so the Father will be ready to grant our prayers. We can develop this theme with the important elements that Jesus provides in the same parable. The choice of characters, for example, is significant.
The widow is a person who hadn’t many social protections as today we might call them. The Mosaic law had tried to give some protection for widows and other underprivileged people such as orphans and foreigners. In the Acts of the Apostles, the appointment of deacons arose precisely in relation to the lack of attention towards the widows.
Unceasing prayer, lived in faith, but especially with the offering of one’s whole life, wins God. Several times Luisa, in her prayer, was very insistent with Jesus who eventually, almost to the point of exhaustion, gave in to her requests, but everything was offered and lived in the Divine Will
In the passage of August 12, 1927, Luisa presents the experience of how the intercession prayer is powerful, through what Jesus says to her about the manifestation of the Kingdom of the “Fiat”.
Luisa’s interior is a continuous speaking before God, and a continuous act. And a speaking ever unceasing before God, wanting the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, brings with itself the certainty of victory.
So, either Luisa has won or she is about to win. A continuous doing and speaking acquires the nature of a winning power before God, and it is as if God would lose the resisting strength, while the soul acquires the winning strength. An exchange takes place: God is disarmed and the soul is armed with divine weapons, but the Supreme Being is not given to being able to resist.
Does that asking Him continuously for the Kingdom of the Eternal Will seem trivial to us? – going around through the whole Creation, and, over and over again, in all the acts Jesus did in Redemption, as well as in the seas of the acts of love and of sorrow of the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, to ask for the Kingdom of God?
Luisa sought nothing for herself, and she went round and round, asking over and over again that the Divine Will be known, and that It dominate and reign. Not a shadow of what is human enters into this, nor any personal interest; it is the holiest and most divine prayer and act; it is prayer of Heaven, not of the earth, and therefore the purest, the most beautiful, the invincible one, which encloses only the interest of the divine glory.
Until now no one has prayed Jesus with such insistence.
The Virgin Mary prayed Him with such insistence for the sake of Redemption, and She was victorious; but for the Kingdom of the Divine Will – no one until now with such insistence as to conquer a God. Therefore, Luisa’s insistence says much, the very uproaring of all nature says much. In these times, all the elements, uproaring, are bearers of goods, and this is necessary to reorder the Kingdom of the “Fiat”. It is the greatest thing, and it takes the uproaring in order to purify the earth. Therefore, Jesus doesn’t want Luisa to oppress herself too much, but rather she keeps on with her continuous flight, with her insistence, so as to acquire the complete strength to win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.”
We might ask ourselves: today, who cries out to the Lord, day and night, one’s sorrow?
Jesus says: You must pray continually. Certainly we, every so often, pray, we say prayers, we think about the Lord. But what does the expression “always to pray and not lose heart” mean ? We find that through the several moments of prayer we learn to love and it’s love that is the true prayer and we can love forever.
Today we meditate and deepen the theme of prayer, although it is better to talk little about it and dedicate ourselves to prayer, to give our time and heart for the encounter with the Lord. I would like also ask myself and each one of you: ” Do I really wish to learn to pray, or do I consider prayer as something boring, useless? Am I ready to make progress in prayer, by planning precise timetables for prayer, by helping myself with supports, by searching for the essential of prayer, the core, that is a true love relationship with the Lord? “
If my wish is sincere, “Lord teach me to pray,” if I have this desire, if I am willing to change attitudes, lifestyles, schedules, the Lord will transform my spiritual life and help me. Since, as someone said, “learning to pray is learning to live”; “Prayer is the breath of the soul”; “Prayer is God’s power in our lives, it’s God’s Omnipotence placed in our hands, in our faith.”
Jesus told his disciples this parable, about the need to pray always, without tiring.
Moses who prays, standing on top of the hill, becomes the model of constancy in prayer. He is the intercessor. The people is in desperate need of his constant prayer. This let us understand that prayer is the support for action and that the claim to change the world, on our own, is an illusion. A psalm says: ” Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain”.
Msgr. Câmara, a tireless apostle of the poor in Brazil, says: “Two hands clasped get much more than two clenched fists.” These are the words of a very active man and they are confirmed by many examples.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta openly confessed: ” I can do nothing without prayer”! She did a lot, but knew and recognized that everything started from prayer. Prayer requires perseverance and commitment. To Pray well, pray with confidence, pray without ever growing tired: to pray when it gives joy, pray when we find difficult, this is the teaching of Jesus. In this way, we nourish our faith, we welcome the salvation of the Lord.
don Marco
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Oct 15
“Pray for the Living and the Dead”
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.”(Matthew 21:22).
The list of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy, as they should never be separated from each other, ends with the universal prayer that is defined intercessory prayer and is supported by our love for one another.
It’s a prayer that is certainly difficult, but powerful. It expresses the solidarity towards others by virtue of a relationship, a deep bond with God, that was broken by sin, but man can recover it through the mediation of the Son of God, who became sinful for mankind.
And man, like Jesus, puts himself and his relationship with his siblings before God, through prayer. In fact, the word “intercede” means, “to come between” two borders, to create a bridge between the parties: God and the other; the intercessor becomes himself a bridge to support the weight of a transaction and reach the victory. Moses showed the signs of this difficult prayer to the point that Aaron and Hur held up his hands (cf. Ex 17:8 to13).
The intercessor is the one who totally exposes himself, he takes upon himself the responsibility of others, the sinners, before God, from whom he begs for forgiveness and mercy, for all. It’s Jesus’ cry on the cross in the final act of His earthly intercession: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).
The intercessory prayer is therefore a request to the Heavenly Father for the benefit of others, that we recall. The Father already knows what we need, but it is through prayer that we ask Him to transfer what we received from His mercy also to those who do not yet know Him, as the memory of this “benefit” is so great that we want others to enjoy it. The intercessory prayer is not only an invocation, but it is also a concrete commitment on the part of the one who says it; Everything is in our power so that the other can get the divine help, index of salvation and manifestation of the God’s Will who wants us to be united with one another.
This prayer seems to mark some conditions: the first is the intercessor’s insolation to meet the Lord, to enter into an intimacy with Him, “Sit here, while I go over there and pray” (Mt 26,36); this is a delicate moment during which he “fights” against God, a God who is our friend and Father. The second is the new communion with his brothers for whom and for whose salvation the intercessor perseveres towards this merciful Father and Friend.
The great teaching of Jesus, “pray for one another” (James 5:16) arises from love for one another and leads to love; it refines it , purifies and makes it more and more like the unconditional love of God because when we pray for each other, there is no longer separation, we do not see in the other the enemy, but a brother in need of help, of conversion and company. In the Christian communities the Holy Spirit is the main subject of the intercessory prayer for the member who is in trouble and in need ” So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.” (Acts 12.5).
In the Church there isn’t only the prayer of intercession for the living, but also for the dead, and, as the Sacred Scripture attests, even the prayer for the dead for the living (cf. 2 Mac 15.11 to 12), by virtue of our faith in Christ and in His Resurrection. Life does not end with physical death, but, as Jesus shows on Tabor, who lived in Him, in life, even after his death continues to live in Him.
After all, Baptism that symbolizes dying in Christ to live in Christ, creates communion and joined the members to the One Body of Christ; members who may live a mysterious communication with one another, just through prayer.
The Church prays and intercedes for all its members, for the living and the dead, as God’s mercy, which proclaims salvation is for all peoples. Jesus Himself came to the lower world to announce it,”…being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which He went and proclaimed to the spirits in prison,“(1 Pet 3: 18-19).
So, we pray to God for the living, so that they may convert, and for the dead so that those who are in Purgatory may enjoy as soon as possible the fullness of glory promised by Jesus. God too rejoices when He sees that His children help each other, love each other, provide relief each other because, in this way, His Kingdom comes to fulfillment.
One day Jesus told Luisa that the charity most acceptable to Him is toward those who are closest to Him, that is the purging souls, because they are confirmed in His grace and there is no opposition between His Will and theirs
They live continuously in Him, they ardently love Him, and He is forced to see them suffer within Himself, impotent to give themselves the slightest relief on their own. And how pleasing to His Heart one who interests himself with them.
Luisa, in her life, with her life as a perfect image of Christ and as a continuous prayer, interceded for everything and for all. She repaired, through her acts in the Divine Will, the acts of all creatures, past, present and future, as living in the Divine Will is an act of complete reparation and of continual intercession for all the goods.
As the creature calls the Divine Will into her acts, into her prayer, It repeats that act together and prays together with the creature, and since with Its immensity Its finds Itself everywhere, the creation, the sun, the sky, the angels, the saints, they feel in themselves the strength of the creative prayer, and everyone prays. This prayer is omnipotent, it gives itself to everyone, so that the Divine Will possesses pregnant virtue.
How beautiful it is to see It pray in Its divine way! with its creative virtue that imposes itself on everyone and makes everyone pray, this prayer imposes itself on the divine attributes, and makes pour out rains of mercy, of grace, of pardon and of love; it is a divine prayer and can give everything!.
Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing,
so that the Jubilee of Mercy may (still) be a year of grace from the Lord,
and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring good news to the poor,
proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed,
and restore sight to the blind.
We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy,
you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever.
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Oct 12
Jose Sanchez del Rio: Hero for Christ the King
Jose Sanchez del Rio: Hero for Christ the King
Our young saint lived in tumultuous times. The socialist government of Mexico was waging a bloody war against the Catholic Church, and fervent Catholics known as the Cristeros rose up to defend Christ the King. Their heroic resistance, La Cristiada, began in 1926.
The Mexican constitution of 1917 — socialist at its core — sparked this terrible conflict. It put the Church under the strict control of the State: it regulated Catholic preaching, allotted a fixed number of priests per state, dictated Mass attendance, baptisms, weddings, the Sacraments, and tithing. Even the ringing of Church bells was hampered, and prelates caught disobeying these unjust laws were exiled or killed.
The president at the time, Venustiano Carranza, did not immediately enforce the anti-Catholic laws, but showed temporary tolerance. When Plutarco Elías Calles took power in 1920, however, the new constitution was brutally enforced. Calles sent more than two hundred priests into exile, along with a number of archbishops and bishops.
The worst persecution was unleashed by the iniquitous Ley Calles (Calles Law) of July 31, 1926. It prohibited the practice of the Catholic religion in public. All education was removed from the care of the Church and put under direct State control. Religious vows were illegal. Monasteries and convents were dissolved, and religious could no longer use habits. Church property was confiscated.
Moreover, it was illegal for anyone, especially priests, to speak out against the government or the constitution. Priests wishing to exercise their ministry had to ask the State for permission. Frequently, this “permission” was not granted. Finally, those who did not obey these immoral laws were fined or imprisoned. A “serious” or repeated offense often meant execution.
Cristero Uprising
In this turmoil, God rose up a strong reaction: the Cristeros. Among these Catholics we find the heroic figure of Jose Sanchez del Rio. The young saint was born on March 28, 1913 in Sahuayo, Michoacan. His parents, Macario Sanchez Sanchez and Maria del Rio Arteaga, had three older sons, two of whom joined the Cristeros.
Jose witnessed the horrible persecution of the Church and, following his brothers, decided to join the Cristiada movement. He was so young, however, that his parents were reluctant. After much pleading and a visit to a Cristero officer, don Macario and doña Maria gave Jose their parental blessing. Jose was overjoyed, but also aware of the suffering he would endure. Before departing, he declared: “For Jesus Christ, I will do everything.”
Jose and a friend, Trinidad Flores, set off to a Cristero camp. After a long journey they presented themselves to the officer in charge and were given tasks: carry water, prepare the fire, serve food and coffee, wash dishes, feed the horses, and clean rifles.
Jose enthusiastically went about the chores, and the soldiers quickly became fond of him. He fervently attended daily Mass and prayed the Rosary with the soldiers every evening. Jose learned how to play the bugle for battle, and was put under the care of General Luis Guizar Morfin who, with the intention of protecting the lad, gave him the duty of standard bearer.
How He Saves the General
Outnumbered and outgunned, the Cristeros used guerrilla tactics over pitched battles. On February 6, 1928, the Cristeros ambushed the enemy, between Cotija and Jiquilpan. When the order was given to retreat, Federal machine gun fire opened up on their position, ripping through the rocks that gave the Cristeros cover. Jose saw the General’s horse drop dead beneath him. Although the General himself was not seriously injured, Jose rushed over, jumped off his own horse and urged him to take it:
“General, here’s my horse!”
The general replied: “Run boy, run! Go!”
But Jose insisted: “I am young; you are more important than me! Viva Cristo Rey!”
Overtaken by the boy’s sacrifice, the general accepted the horse and fled. José, refusing to run, stayed behind to provide covering fire for his fellow Cristeros, but he soon ran out of ammunition and was captured by the Federals. They pushed, hit, kicked and insulted him while uttering foul blasphemies. Another young boy, Lorenzo “El Escurridizo,” was captured as well. Their execution was interrupted by a federal general who asked the two boys to join the anti-Catholic side. Jose answered without hesitation:
“You have captured me because I ran out of ammo, but I have not given up!” Surprised by the answer, the general threw Jose and Lorenzo into prison at Cotija.
Behind Bars Yet Always Faithful
In his prison cell, Jose remembered the advice of his dear mother: have complete confidence in the Mother of God, Our Lady of Guadalupe.
As the early morning sun shone through the tiny window in Jose’s cell, he wrote a letter to his mother dated February 6, 1928.
My dear mother:
I was made a prisoner in battle today. I think I will die soon, but I do not care, mother. Resign yourself to the will of God. I will die happy because I die on the side of our God. Do not worry about my death, which would mortify me. Tell my brothers to follow the example that their youngest brother leaves them, and do the will of God. Have courage and send me your blessing along with my father’s.
Send my regards to everyone one last time and finally receive the heart of your son who loves you so much and who wanted to see you before dying.
— Jose Sanchez del Rio
On February 7, Jose and Lorenzo were transferred from the prison in Cotija to the Catholic Church in Sahuayo — where Jose was baptized — which had been turned into a stable for animals by the impious federals. Horse manure, military supplies, empty beer bottles, and food scraps covered the floor. Soldiers vandalized the altar, using its wood to start a fire. The church, once beautiful, was now disfigured beyond recognition.
News of Jose’s imprisonment spread rapidly. Attempts were made to obtain his release, but the soldiers refused to let him go. Jose’s godfather, Rafael Picazo, a local political boss in Sahuayo, visited him. This man, however, was a federal sympathizer and he slyly attempted to convince Jose to attend military school and become an officer in the Federal Army. Jose was shocked by the proposal and replied:
“I’d rather die first! I will not go with those monkeys! Never with those persecutors of the Church! If you let me go, tomorrow I will return to the Cristeros! Viva Cristo Rey! Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!”
Zeal for the House of God
Jose was outraged by the sacrilegious behavior of his captors who released fighting cocks inside the church, and had them fight in the sacred sanctuary. The colorful fighting birds roamed freely, perching on sacred objects, including the tabernacle. But as soon as Jose saw them, he decided to stop the profanation of the altar. Disregarding certain reprisal from the guards, he grabbed the roosters and cracked their necks one by one.
After he finished them off, Jose washed his hands with a rag, knelt down and prayed devoutly with a strong and loud voice. He then went calmly to bed. Of this episode, author Luis Laurean Cervantes remarks, “As Christ had cleaned the vendors out of the Temple, he [Jose] had cleaned it of fighting cocks.”
The next morning, when Picazo saw what Jose had done, he was enraged. Picazo wrenched Jose up by the arm and screamed:
“Don’t you realize what you did? Don’t you know the cost of a rooster?!”
Jose replied: “The only thing I know is that the house of God is not a corral nor a barnyard! I am willing to endure everything. Shoot me now so that I can go before Our Lord!”
Lorenzo, who was also in the church-prison, grew scared, but Jose counseled him to remain strong, and spoke about Christ, the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the stories of Anacleto González Flores and Father Miguel Pro — both martyrs.
“Viva Cristo Rey!”
On February 10, Picazo made up his mind to execute his godson. The order to kill Jose Sanchez del Rio was issued at six o’clock and the execution itself was scheduled for eight-thirty.
Jose was allowed to write a final letter to his family, which he did. Thirty minutes before the execution, Jose’s aunt Magdalena brought him dinner. At her request, a priest hid the Blessed Sacrament in the food package and Jose secretly received Holy Communion for the last time.
Then Jose bid his aunt farewell: “We will see each other in Heaven soon.” Jose was about to cry, but he chocked back his tears because he didn’t want to weep in front of a woman. “…take care of my mother. Tell her not to rush [to see me] as I will have already won Heaven.”
Finally, the time for the execution arrived. Picazo wanted the execution to be done “quietly” without a formal firing squad. Instead, the federals cut the soles of Jose’s feet with a knife. They brutally beat him over and over, but with each cut and each savage blow, he shouted: “Viva Cristo Rey!”
His Way of the Cross
The guards made Jose walk ten blocks, barefoot and bleeding, along a rocky path to the cemetery were he would be buried. Along the way, the soldiers screamed blasphemies with satanic hatred, praising the godless government, trying to pressure the boy to deny his faith: “You better learn your lesson!” “We will kill you!” “What a proud and arrogant boy!” they said.
Jose’s only response was: “Viva Cristo Rey!” and “Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!”
Already at the cemetery, Jose asked: “Where is my plot?” as he did not want any of the troops to touch him. One of the soldiers suddenly swung his rifle around, breaking Jose’s jaw with the butt. Without hesitation, the soldiers furiously stabbed him in the neck, chest and the back with knives. At every stab, Jose proclaimed the name of Christ the King at top of his lungs, “Viva Cristo Rey!”
Jose was dying slowly. But he still mustered enough energy to defy the soldiers, saying: “You have done a lot to me, but God still allows me [to continue]! But when I can no longer speak, if I wiggle my feet, that means, ‘Viva Cristo Rey and the Virgin of Guadalupe!'”
A federal officer approached the dying and bleeding boy on the ground and asked in a sarcastic tone: “What should we tell your father?” Jose answered: “That we will see each other in Heaven! Viva Cristo Rey! and the Virgin of Guadalupe.”
The Crown of Martyrdom
Overtaken by anger, the officer grabbed his gun and shot Jose behind the ear. Jose Sánchez del Río won the crown of martyrdom.
The federals tossed the boy’s body into the gave, shoveled some dirt over it and left. Luis Gomez, the undertaker, waited for the federals to leave and immediately closed the gates of the cemetery. He ran to the house of Father Ignacio Sanchez, Jose’s uncle, and asked the priest to give the martyr a Christian burial. Luis and the priest hurried back to the cemetery. They took Jose’s mangled body out of the grave and wrapped it in a blanket while the priest prayed the prayers for the dead.
Soon, everyone knew about the boy-martyr. People started to pray to him. His heroic life quickly became a model across Mexico.
The body of the martyr was buried in that same cemetery until 1945. After Fr. Miguel Serrato repaired the local church of the Sacred Heart, blessed Jose’s remains were transferred to its shrine where other Cristero martyrs are interred. Finally, in 1996 his remains were moved to the parish church where he was held captive. His relics are kept in a wooden coffin in the baptistery, the same place where he was held captive. He was beatified on June 22, 2004, and in October 2016, he will be canonized.
Le us imitate the virtues of this young saint: fortitude, valor, faith, holy audacity, hope and charity. Let us pray for the grace to have the same enthusiasm to defend the law and the rights of God that are under attack today, and to endure all hardships for the greater glory of God and Holy Mother Church.
Blessed Jose Sanchez del Rio, pray for us.
Viva Cristo Rey!
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