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Feast of the Visitation of Our Blessed Mother To Elizabeth – July 2

Feast of the Visitation

Instituted in 1385 by Pope Urban IV


(c) Wesley House, University of Cambridge; Supplied by The Public Catalogue Foundation


My child, give Me your hand now, and follow Me, as I continue to give you my lessons.

So I departed from Nazareth, accompanied by Saint Joseph, facing a long journey, and crossing mountains to go visit Elisabeth in Judea, who, in her advanced age, had miraculously become a mother.

I went to her, not to make a simple visit, but because I burned with the desire to bring her Jesus. The fullness of grace, of love and of light that I felt within Me, pushed Me to bring, to multiply – to increase a hundredfold the life of my Son in creatures.

Yes, my child, the love of Mother which I had for all men, and for you in particular, was so great that I felt the extreme need to give my dear Jesus to everyone, that all might possess Him and love Him. The right of Mother, given to Me by the Fiat, enriched Me with such power as to multiply Jesus as many times as there are creatures who want to receive Him. This was the greatest miracle I could perform: to have Jesus ready to give to whomever desired Him. How happy I felt!

How I wish that you too, my child, in approaching and visiting people, would always be the bearer of Jesus, capable of making Him known, and yearning to make Him loved.

After many days of travel, finally I arrived in Judea, and I hastened to the house of Elisabeth. She came toward Me in feast. At the greeting I gave her, marvelous phenomena occurred. My little Jesus exulted in my womb, and fixing little John in the womb of his mother with the rays of His Divinity, He sanctified him, gave him the use of reason, and made known to him that He was the Son of God. And John leaped so vigorously with love and with joy that Elisabeth was shaken. Touched by the light of the Divinity of my Son, she too recognized that I had become the Mother of God; and in the emphasis of her love, trembling with gratitude, she exclaimed: “Whence comes to me so much honor, that the Mother of my Lord would come to me?”

I did not deny the highest mystery; rather, I humbly confirmed it. Praising God with the song of the Magnificat – sublime canticle, through which the Church continuously honors Me – I announced that the Lord had done great things in Me, His servant, and that because of this, all peoples would call Me blessed.

My child, I felt devoured with the desire to pour out the flames of love that consumed Me, and to reveal my secret to Elisabeth, who also longed for the Messiah to come upon earth. A secret is a need of the heart which is revealed, irresistibly, to persons who are capable of understanding each other.

Who can ever tell you how much good my visit brought to Elisabeth, to John, and to their whole household? Everyone was sanctified, filled with gladness, felt unusual joys, and comprehended things unheard-of. John, in particular, received all the graces which were necessary for him, to prepare himself to be the Precursor of my Son.

Dearest child, the Divine Will does great and unheard-of things wherever It reigns. If I worked many prodigies, it was because It had Its royal place in Me. If you let the Divine Will reign in your soul, you too will become the bearer of Jesus to the creatures – you too will feel the irresistible need to give Him to all!

The soul:

Holy Mama, how I thank You for your beautiful lessons! I feel that they have such power over me as to make me yearn continuously to live in the Divine Will. But so that I may obtain this grace – come, descend into my soul together with Jesus; renew in me the visit you made to St. Elisabeth and the prodigies You worked for her. Ah, yes, my Mama, bring me Jesus – sanctify me. With Jesus I will be able to do His Most Holy Will.

Little Sacrifice:

To honor Me, you will recite the Magnificat three times, in thanksgiving for the visit I made to St. Elisabeth.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

Holy Mama, visit my soul, and prepare in it a worthy dwelling for the Divine Will.

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Vol. 12 – March 2, 1921 – Jesus Changes the State of Victim of Luisa, in order to Prepare the Era of His Will.

As I was in my usual state, my Always Lovable Jesus Came and Told me: “My daughter, the Third FIAT – My ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua, on earth as it is in Heaven’ – will be like the rainbow which appeared in the sky after the deluge, which, as Rainbow of Peace, assured man that the deluge had ceased. So will the Third FIAT be. As It Comes to be Known, Loving and Disinterested souls will Come to Live in My FIAT. They will be like Rainbows – Rainbows of Peace – which will Reconcile Heaven and earth, and Dispel the deluge of so many sins which inundate the earth. These Rainbows of Peace will have the Third FIAT as their own Life; therefore My ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ will have Its Completion in them. And just as the Second FIAT Called Me upon earth to Live among men, the Third FIAT will call My Divine Will into souls, and It will Reign in them ‘on earth, as in Heaven’.”

Then, since I was sad because of His absence, He added: “My daughter, be Cheered – Come into My Divine Will. I Chose you, Luisa, among thousands and thousands, so that My Divine Will May Have Full Completion in you, Luisa, and so that you May be like a Rainbow of Peace which, with Its Seven Colors, Attracts others to Live in My Divine Will. Therefore, let us leave the earth aside. Up until now I have Kept you. Luisa, with Me in order to Appease My Justice and Prevent greater chastisements from being poured upon the earth. Now, let us allow the current of human evil to run; I Want you, Luisa, with Me, in My Volition, to be Occupied with Preparing the Era of My Divine Will.

As you Move Forward on the Path of My Volition, the Rainbow of Peace will Form, which will Form the Link of Connection between the Divine Will and human will. From it, My Will shall Have Life on earth, and this shall Begin the Fulfillment of My Prayer, and the Prayer of the whole Church: ‘Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be Done, on earth as It is in Heaven’.”


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‘Our works are of no VALUE if they be not United to the MERITS of Jesus Christ.’ ~St. Teresa of Ávila~

‘Our works are of no VALUE if they be not United to the MERITS of Jesus Christ.’

~ St. Teresa of Ávila ~


V11 – 8.14.12 – Now, one day I was working and I thought to myself: ‘How is it possible that Jesus works in me while I Luisa1work? Does He really want to do this work?’ And Jesus: “Yes I do. My fingers are in yours and they work. My daughter, when I was on earth, didn’t My Hands lower themselves to work the wood, hammer the nails, and help My foster Father Joseph in the smithing work? While I was doing that, with those very hands and with those fingers, I created souls and called other souls to the other life; I Divinized all human actions; I sanctified them, giving a Divine MERIT to each one of them. In the movements of My Fingers I called in sequence all the movements of your fingers and those of others; and if I saw that they were doing them for Me, or because I wanted to act within them, I continued My life of Nazareth in them, and I felt cheered by them for the sacrifices and the humiliations of My hidden Life, giving them the MERIT of My Own Life.

Daughter, the hidden Life that I conducted in Nazareth is not taken into account by men, when in fact, after the Passion, nothing could benefit them more. By lowering Myself to all those little actions and those acts which men exercise during their daily life, such as eating, sleeping, drinking, working, starting the fire, sweeping, etc. – all acts which no one can do without – I made flow inside their souls a tiny Divine Coin of Incalculable Price. Therefore, if My Passion Redeemed them, My hidden Life provided each human action, even the most insignificant one, with Divine MERIT and with Infinite VALUE.

Do you see? As you work – working because I Want to work – My Fingers flow within yours, and as I work in you with My creative hands, in this very instant, how many am I giving to the light of this world? How many others am I calling? How many others do I sanctify, correct, chastise, etc.? Now, you are with Me creating, calling, correcting and so forth; therefore, just as you are not alone, neither am I alone in My work. Could I ever give you greater honor?”

V13 – 1.20.22 – “Wanting to have one’s own MERITS is of servants, of slaves – not of children. What belongs to the father, belongs to his children. Besides, what are all the MERITS that you could acquire compared to one single act of My Will? All MERITS have their own little VALUE, weight and measure; but who could ever measure one single act of My Will? No one – no one. And then, what are your MERITS compared to Mine? In My Will you will find them all, and I make of you the owner. Aren’t you happy?”

V16 – 5.19.24 – “My daughter, My Will is Eternal, and only for one who Lives in It, Embracing Eternity – all her acts, from the tiniest to the greatest, being Animated by an Eternal Will, Acquire the VALUE, the MERIT, the Shape of Divine and Eternal Acts. The Divine Will empties those acts of all that is human, and filling them with Its Will, Makes them Its Own and places on them the seal, Making of them as many Eternal and Divine Acts.”

V31 – 11.6.32 – “Now, one who works even good with her human will, as she finds herself passing her way in time, one can say that everything she does are temporary works, subject to a thousand miseries. They will always be human works of minimum VALUE, because she lacks the Gold Thread of the Light of My Will. On the other hand, one who works in It, will have the Gold Thread in her power, and not only this, but she will have her Creator Operating in her act; she will not have time, but Eternity in her power. Therefore there is only difference between the Divine Will and the human, there is no comparison that holds up between the One and the other. To Live in My Will is exactly this: It has the Prime and Operating Act in the creature. My Will acts as a teacher who wants to develop the theme that he has given to his student. He gives her the paper, he places the pen in her hand, he puts his hand over the same hand of the disciple and he develops the theme, the hand of the teacher and that of the student writing together.

            “Now, couldn’t one say that the teacher has been working, and has put in that theme his science, his beautiful writing in a way that no one can find a shadow of defect? And yet the student has not gone out of place, she has undergone the work of the teacher, she has let her hand be conducted without any resistance. On the contrary, she is happy in seeing the beautiful ideas, the precious concepts in which she feels enraptured. Now, couldn’t one say that the fortunate disciple possesses the VALUE and the MERIT of the work of her teacher? The same happens to one who Lives in My Will. The creature must undergo the Act that My Volition wants to make, It must not be put aside, and It must place the necessities befitting Its Divine Act. And Our Goodness is so much, that We make her Possessor of Our same Acts.”

V32 – 9.24.33 – “Look at Me, how I keep everything enclosed in Me, and this brings Me to Love him doubly in every act that he does. By Incarnating Myself in the Womb of the Immaculate Queen, I formed this Humanity of Mine, and I constituted Myself the Head of the human family in order to unite all creatures with Me, and make them My Members. Therefore everything that they do is Mine. In the Sanctuary of My Holy Humanity I enclosed everyone. I watch over the little good as well as the great, but do you know why? Passing through Me I give them the VALUE as if they were My Works, Prayers and Sacrifices. The Virtue of the Head descends into the members, makes a mixture of everything, and I give to them the VALUE of My MERITS, such that the creature finds himself in Me, and I as Head find Myself in them.”

V33 – 11.19.33 – “Daughter, so great is the act of disposing oneself to doing My Will, that My Life itself, My MERITS, form the paper, the characters, and your Jesus makes the signature in order to make it known and to give her free entrance. One can say that the whole of Heaven runs to the help of one who wants to do My Will. And I feel so much Love, that I take a place in the fortunate creature and I feel Loved by her with My own Will.

“…These acts done in My Will are centuries that enclose Incalculable MERITS and Goods, because there is the Divine Motor that moves them, which has so much speed that in the minutes it encloses the centuries. And it renders the creature so rich, Beautiful, and Holy, as to let Us boast before the whole Celestial Court, pointing her out as the Greatest Prodigy of Its Creative Art.”

V33 – 3.4.34 – “…The instants, the littlest Acts done in It, embrace centuries; and since they are Divine, they are invested with such Power that what one wants to do with them—everything he can do and everything he can obtain. The Divine Being remains bound in these Acts, because they are His Acts, and He must give them the VALUE that they MERIT. Besides this, you must know that the Acts done in My Will form the ways that must serve souls in order to let them enter into It, and they are so very necessary that if heroic souls do not first come forth to Live in It in order to form the principal ways of Its Kingdom, the generations, not finding the ways, will not know what to do in order to enter into My Divine Will.”

V34 – 7.12.37 – “Now, I want to tell you another consoling surprise. So much is Our Pleasure when the creature decides with immovable firmness to Live in Our Volition, that what We must do at the point of death, of Confirming her in the Good in which she finds herself, because you must know that everything that she has done in life—prayers, virtue, sufferings suffered, good works—these serve to form Our little Divine Life in her soul, not one Blessed enters into Heaven if she does not possess this Divine Life, according to the good that they have done, and if they have Loved Me and fulfilled My Will more, so they will have It, some lesser, some greater, because the True Happiness, the True Joys, must be possessed within. In fact, each one will have inside and outside of them their God, who will always give them New Joys, so much so that if souls, dying, are not filled up even to the brim with Love and with My Will, I Confirm them, yes, but they do not enter into Heaven. I send them to Purgatory to fill these voids of love and of My Divine Will by way of sufferings, of anxieties, and of longings. And when they are filled with everything, in a way that one sees in them that they are already completely Transformed into My Love and into My Will, then they take flight toward Heaven.

“Now, for one who does not want to do her will anymore but only Mine, We do not wait for that point. With an Irresistible Strength Our Love brings Us to anticipate the Confirmation of the Good, and to convert into nature Our Love and Our Will, so that she will feel that My Love, My Volition, is hers. She will feel My Life more than her own, but with the difference that of those who are Confirmed at the point of death, they will not grow anymore in good, their MERITS are finished. On the other hand, in these My Life will always grow, the MERITS will never end, rather, they will have the Divine MERITS. As they continue to admire and to Live of My Will, so they will know Me more, and I Love them more and increase their Glory. I can say that I run in her every act in order to give her My kiss, My Love, in order to Recognize her, that she is Mine, and give her the VALUE, the MERIT as if I were to have done it. Ah! you cannot understand what We feel for one who Lives in Our Volition, how We Love her. We want to make her content in everything, because in her We find the Purpose of Creation Realized and all the Glory that all things must give Us Centralized. And then, Our Completed Will is everything for Us.”

V36 – 11.26.38 – “…the pilgrim soul has not yet completed her day. If she wants to Live in Our Will she can make Prodigies of Grace and Light for the whole world, and Prodigies of Love for her Creator. Therefore, all Our Attention is on the traveling soul, because her work is still in process and is not yet finished. If she is disposed, We can do works never done before, so Beautiful as to Astonish Heaven and earth. Our Pain is Great when We find the traveling soul not disposed to letting Us perform Our Most Beautiful Works. How many of Our Works have been started and not finished, with others shattered at their peak moment. Only in Our Will and for those who Live in It, can We accomplish Our Works with Their Unreachable Beauty, since Our Will provides the adaptable materials to do anything We want. Outside of It, We cannot find sufficient Light, nor a rising Love, nor Divine Materials; We are forced to fold Our arms, because We just can’t move forward with any of those who don’t Live in Our Will!

“Furthermore, for the soul on her journey, We Circulate the Coin of MERIT. Our Divine Image is Coined on each of her acts Animated by Our Will. These Coins have Infinite VALUE, so whenever she wants, she has the Money to pay Me for anything she wants. Therefore, Our Concern and Interest is for the souls on their journey, because this is the time for Conquest, while there are no Conquests in Heaven, but only Joy and Happiness.”


  • Paragraph 2007 – III. Merit
    2007 With regard to God, there is no strict right to any merit on the part
    of man. Between God and us there is an immeasurable
  • Paragraph 2008 – III. Merit
    2008 The merit of man before God in the Christian life arises from the fact that
    God has freely chosen to associate man with the work of his grace.
  • Paragraph 2009 – III. Merit
    us partakers by grace in the divine nature, can bestow true merit on us as of
    obtaining “the promised inheritance of eternal life.” 60 The merits of our
  • Paragraph 2011 – III. Merit
    of our acts and consequently their merit before God and before men. The saints
    have always had a lively awareness that their merits were pure
  • Paragraph 2025 – IV. Christian Holiness
    2025 We can have merit in God’s sight only because of God’s free plan to
    associate man with the work of his grace. Man’s merit is due to God.
  • Paragraph 2026 – IV. Christian Holiness
    2026 The grace of the Holy Spirit can confer true merit on us, by virtue of our
    adoptive filiation, and in accordance with God’s gratuitous justice.


Ecclesiasticus 16:15
All mercy shall make a place for every man according to the merit of his works, and according to the wisdom of his sojournment.

Ecclesiasticus 38:18
And make mourning for him according to his merit for a day, or two, for fear of detraction.



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International Eucharistic Conference

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Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help – June 27

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Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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Feast of Corpus Christi


The Feast of Corpus Christi (Latin for Body of Christ), also known as Corpus Domini, is a Latin Rite liturgical solemnity celebrating the tradition and belief in the body and blood of Jesus Christ and his Real Presence in the Eucharist. It emphasizes the joy of the institution of the Eucharist, which was observed on Holy Thursday in the somber atmosphere of the nearness of Good Friday.

In the present Roman Missal, the feast is designated the solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.[1] It is also celebrated in some Anglican, Lutheran, and Old Catholic Churches that hold similar beliefs regarding the Real Presence.

The feast is liturgically celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday or, “where the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ is not a holy day of obligation, it is assigned to the Sunday after the Most Holy Trinity as its proper day”.[1] At the end of Holy Mass, there is often a procession of the Blessed Sacrament, generally displayed in a monstrance. The procession is followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

A notable Eucharistic procession is that presided over by the Pope each year in Rome, where it begins at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran and makes its way to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major, where it concludes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. – Wikipedia


V24 – 6.12.28

After this, since it was the Feast of Corpus Domini, I was thinking to myself that that day was the feast of the marriage that blessed Jesus did with souls in the Most Holy Sacrament of Love.

And my Beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the true marriage with humanity was done in Creation. Nothing was lacking, either to the soul or to the body; everything was done with royal sumptuousness. An immense palace was prepared for the human nature, such that no king or emperor can have one similar to it, which is the whole universe: a starry heaven and its vault, a sun whose light would never be extinguished; flourishing gardens in which the happy couple, God and man, would stroll, amuse itself and maintain the continuous, uninterrupted feast of our marriage; and garments, woven not with matter, but formed of purest light by Our Power, as befitted royal persons.

“Everything was beauty in man, soul and body, because He who prepared the marriage and formed it was of an unreachable Beauty. So, from the external sumptuousness of the so many enchanting beauties present in the whole of Creation, you can imagine the internal seas of sanctity, of beauty, of light, of science, etc., that the interior of man possessed. All the acts of man, internal and external, were as many musical keys that formed the most beautiful melodies, sweet, melodious, harmonious, that maintained the joy of the marriage. And each additional act that he would dispose himself to do was a new little sonata that he would prepare, to call his Spouse to delight with him.

“My Divine Will, that dominated humanity, brought him the new continuous act and the Likeness of the One who had created him and married him. But, in such great feast, man broke the strongest bond, in which lay the whole validity of our marriage and through which it had been in force: he withdrew from Our Will. Because of this, the marriage was broken, and since all the rights were lost, only the memory of it was left, but the substance, the life, the effects no longer existed.

“Now, the Sacrament of the Eucharist in which My Love overabounded in all possible imaginable ways, cannot be called either the first or the true marriage of Creation, for I do nothing but the continuation of what I did while being on earth. According to the needs present in souls, with some I make Myself the compassionate doctor in order to heal them, with some the teacher to instruct them, with some the father to forgive them, with some light to give them sight. I give strength to the weak, courage to the timid, peace to the restless—in sum, I continue My redemptive Life and Virtue; however, all these miseries exclude the true marriage.

“No young man marries a young woman who is ill—at most, he waits for her to recover; or a young woman who is weak and who offends him very often. And if the groom is a king and loves her, at most he waits for the bride to get well, to love him, and for her condition to become somehow satisfactory, and not so inferior to his. Now, the condition in which poor humanity finds itself is still that of a poor ill one, and I am waiting for My Will to be known and to reign in the midst of creatures, for It will give them true health, royal garments, beauty worthy of Me. Then will I form again the true and original marriage.”

Sunday June 7, 2015

We (the little family of Luisa) will Joyfully Celebrate, in our own communities,

The Solemnity of Corpus Christi also as “our wedding day with the Lord”

because we are linked to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta

Volume One

“. . . In this state of sufferings I (Jesus) will purify your soul thoroughly, in such a way as to dispose you to form a Mystical Marriage with Me; and after this, I (Jesus) will make the Last Transformation, in such a way that both of us will become like two candles placed on the Fire – one is Transformed into the other and they form a Single One.”

Volume 36 – 5/17/38

Then He added with more Loving Tenderness:

“My good daughter (Luisa), My Love wants to be tied more and more to (you) the creature, and the more Truths It (My Divine Love) Manifests regarding My Most Holy Divine Will, the more bonds I (Jesus) put between God and herself.

In Manifesting the Truth, My Divine Love is preparing the Marriage between God and the soul.

The more It Manifests the more Pomp and Magnificence this Marriage will have.

Would you like to know what happens then?

My Truths will be like the dowry needed in order to marry God; to get to know the One (God) who lowers Himself and even ties Himself—only for Love—in the bond of Marriage.

My Truths touch the creature over and over; They mold her to a New Life;

They (My Truths) return her to the Beauty of Our Image and Resemblance from the time she was Created, and Impress on her Their kiss of inseparable Union.

Just one of Our Truths can make a Sea of Prodigies and Divine Creations in the soul who has the goodness to listen to It.

One Truth can turn a perverted world into a Good and Holy one, because It is one of Our Lives, exposed for the Good of all.

It is a New Sun that We raise in created intellects; a Sun that will let Itself be known through Its Light and Heat, turning into Light and Heat whoever wants to listen.

Therefore, hiding a Truth that We give from Our Paternal Womb, with so much Love, is the greatest crime. It deprives human generations of the Greatest Good.

Further, one (Luisa and those linked to Luisa) who Lives in Our Most Holy Divine Will, by Marrying Us (Triune God), makes a Feast for all Saints.

All of them participate in this Divine Wedding and, because of It, they have their own party in Heaven and another one on earth.

Each act the creature does in Our Most Holy Divine Will is a Feast; a table sumptuously decked for the Heavenly Regions.

In return, the Saints give New Gifts.

They beseech the Lord to Manifest more Truths to the soul (Luisa), to broaden more and more the boundaries of the dowry that God gave to her (and to those linked to her.”)


“When one is linked to Luisa, one will also possess the Mystical Marriage because of her”



click here for more on Mystical Marriage

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