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Feast of Christ the King – Traditional


The Cause of the Beautification of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta began on November 20, 1994…in the Mother Church of Corato, Italy, Mons. Carmelo Cassati, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, having received the “non obstare” from the Holy See, blessed the opening of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, secular third order Dominican. With the Archbishop himself as president of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, joined by enthusiastic faithful from southern Italy and from around the world, Luisa began her triumphal journey toward the Honors of the Altar.

Click image for Readings on the Solemnity of Christ the King


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November 22-23, 1957, Our Lady Appears to Sister Mary Ephrem in Rome City, Indiana

All the Glory of the King’s Daughter is within – (Psalm 44)

November 22-23, 1957, Our Lady Appears to Sister Mary Ephrem in Rome City, Indiana as Our Lady, the Immaculate Tabernacle of the Indwelling God!

click image for information on Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling


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Blessing from Padre Bucci for Groups in America

“May God bless you and all the groups that operate in America.
We hope that the grace of God and the Divine Will may have primacy in your lives.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”




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Opening of Cause of Luisa – Nov. 20, 1994

November 20, 1994…

Pentecost Tours, Inc. – Luisa Piccarreta Center for the ...

…on the Feast of Christ the King, in the Mother Church of Corato, Italy, Mons. Carmelo Cassati, Archbishop of Trani-Barletta-Bisceglie, having received the “non obstare” from the Holy See, blessed the opening of the Cause of Beatification and Canonization of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, secular third order Dominican. With the Archbishop himself as president of the Ecclesiastical Tribunal, joined by enthusiastic faithful from southern Italy and from around the world, Luisa began her triumphal journey toward the Honors of the Altar.

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Command Prayer for Veterans

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Diocesan Inquiry into the Saintly life of Luisa Piccarreta brought to a close – Oct. 29, 2005

Diocesan Inquiry into the Saintly life of Luisa Piccarreta brought to a close by Archbishop +Pichierri in 2005 under the Pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI. 

Link to his homily:

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Traditional Feast of Christ the King – Last Sunday in October

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Saint Raphael the Archangel – Oct. 24 (Traditional)

Saint Raphael

“God has Healed” – or “Medicine of God”

All that we know of Saint Raphael, whose name means “God has healed”, comes from the Book of Tobit in which he heals Tobias’ blindness. His office, according to popular piety, is that of healing and facilitating acts of mercy. He is affiliated with young people venturing into world, particularly concerning learning and marriage.

The angel in John’s Gospel who descended to the pool of Bethesda and imbued it with healing powers so that the first to enter it after it moved would be healed of whatever infirmity they possessed is identified with Raphael (John 5:1-4).

Patron saint: physicians, medical workers, love, lovers, mental illness, nurses, pharmacists, shepherds, against sickness, therapists, travelers, young people; young people leaving home for the first time, the blind, happy meetings, matchmakers, Christian marriage, and Catholic studies, among others.

Almighty and ever-living God, who disposes in marvelous order ministries both angelic and human, graciously grant that our life on earth may be defended by those who watch over us as they minister perpetually to you in heaven. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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The New Day

 THE NEW DAY – Feast of Tabernacles/Fall Harvest continues

  • V12 – 11.27.17 – “Now I want you Luisa, to be the Beginning of the Sanctity of Living in My Divine Will.”
  • V26 – 4.28.29 – “…until Our Will Reigns, that shall Spread the Divine Order, Its Firmness and Harmony, and Its Perennial Day of Light and of Peace in the midst of creatures, everything will be in danger for him and for Us;”
  • V36 – 5.27.38 – “Make Me Content, don’t make Me Sigh any more. If you Live in My Fiat, through Luisa, the night shall be over for you and you shall Enjoy the Fullness of the Day;”

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OUR LADY OF FATIMA  – October 13

OUR LADY OF FATIMA  – October 13

Miracle of the sun; OUR LADY OF AKITA – continuation of Fatima messages and 101 times Weeping; POPE LEO XIII remarkable vision, then he composes the St. Michael prayer and promulgated it worldwide; HEBREW CELEBRATION OF THE FALL HARVEST

  • The Mercy and Generosity of God allowed that this day be the last of the 101 years of the great tribulation as revealed to Pope Leo XIII in the vision of October 13, 1884. It was Our Lady of Fatima, October 13, 1917, Who Alerted Her children of the beginning of this great tribulation period of 100 years. In Her messages and 101 times weeping, Our Lady of Akita Warned Her children of this ongoing period and imminent Chastisements, with an added year. How are we to know of this added year? Holy Mother Church gave us the Year of Mercy in 2016. Between October 13, 1917 and October 12, 2019 is 101 years. This makes October 13, 2019 the beginning of the NEW DAY.
  • Genesis 1:5 – “And he called the light Day, and the darkness Night; and there was evening and morning, one day.”
  • On October 13, 1956, Our Lady of America Appeared again to Sister Mary Ephrem. Sister writes:
    “Today the Holy Virgin Appeared to me as I was working in my room. Our Lady was So Beautiful, and She was again Smiling in Her Heavenly Way. She was dressed in the same manner as when I first saw her (Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin) except that the Immaculate Heart did not appear, and instead of the lily, Our Lady held with both hands, a small replica of the finished Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. She then began to speak. Her Presence overwhelmed me with its Holiness. I was compelled to stop my work. It was impossible to go on. I knelt down then and wrote Our Lady’s Words as She Desired: “This is My Shrine, My daughter. I am Very Pleased with it. Tell My children I Thank them. Let them finish it quickly and make it a place of pilgrimage. It will be a place of Wonders. I Promise this. I will Bless all those who, either by their prayers, labor, or material aid, help to erect this Shrine.” This is the Shrine of which Our Lady made Her 1956 Request for Her loyal Sons, the Bishops of the United States, to process Her statue in and permanently honor Her there, the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington DC.

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