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Luisa and the Feast of Purim

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Purim, or the Festival of Lots, is a joyous holiday that celebrates the Biblical story of the rescue of the Jews in ancient Persia:

V36 – 10.30.38 – “We even reach the extent of Giving her the Right to Judge Together with Us, and if We See that she suffers because the sinner is under a rigorous Judgment, to soothe her pain We Mitigate Our Just Chastisements.  She makes Us Give the Kiss of Forgiveness, and to make her happy we say to her:  ‘poor daughter, you are right.  You are Ours and belong also to them.  You feel in you the bonds of the human family, therefore you would want that We Forgive everybody.  We’ll do as much as We can to please you, unless he despises or refuses Our Forgiveness.’  This creature In Our Will is the New Esther wanting to Rescue her peoples.

Oh! how Happy We are to Keep her Always with Us In Our Will because, through her, We feel more Inclined to Use Mercy, to Concede Graces, to Forgive the most obstinate sinners, and to Abbreviate the pains of the Purging souls.  Poor daughter!  She has a thought for everyone, and a pain similar to Ours, seeing the human family swimming in Our Will without recognizing It – living in the middle of enemies in the most wretched misery.”

Luisa, the New Esther, Pray for us in the Most Holy Divine Will, and Rescue us from the misery of our human will!



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Prayer for Priests to Know the Divine Will

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Happy and Blessed Celebration of Luisa’s Transition into Heaven

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Luisa’s 76th Anniversary of Transition into Heaven

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Enter into the “I Love You” of the Divine Will

Orchestrated by God

for the Glory of God

and for the Great Love of His Little Children


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December 31, 2022 – Pope Benedict XVI Enters into Eternal Rest

 Pope Benedict XVI

Enters into Eternal Rest

December 31, 2022 

Pope Benedict XVI words as he prepared for Final Judgment:

Preparing for Final Judgment

In a separate letter responding to the Munich investigation that served as a profound and memorable coda for his ministry as a priest, archbishop, and pontiff, the Pope Emeritus asked for the forgiveness of abuse survivors, noting that he had “borne great responsibility in the Catholic Church.”

Concluding his letter, Benedict looked toward his judgment before God.

“Quite soon, I shall find myself before the final judge of my life. Even though, as I look back on my long life, I can have great reason for fear and trembling, I am nonetheless of good cheer, for I trust firmly that the Lord is not only the Just Judge, but also the Friend and Brother Who Himself has already Suffered for my shortcomings, and is thus also my Advocate, my ‘Paraclete,’” he wrote.

“In light of the hour of judgment, the grace of being a Christian becomes all the more clear to me. It grants me knowledge, and indeed friendship, with the judge of my life, and thus allows me to pass confidently through the dark door of death.”

“In this regard,” he concluded, “I am constantly reminded of what John tells us at the beginning of the Apocalypse: he sees the Son of Man in all His Grandeur and falls at His Feet as though dead. Yet He, placing His Right Hand on him, says to him: ‘Do not be afraid! It is I…’”

From the Book of Heaven: 

Volume 1 – Jesus’ Words to Luisa as she confessed her sins: –  “This time I Myself want to do the office of Confessor.  You will confess all your sins to Me, and in the act in which you do this, I shall make you comprehend, one by one, the Sorrows you have given to My Heart in offending Me, so that, by comprehending what sin is, as much as it is possible for a creature, you may be Resolved to die rather than to offend Me.  You, in the meantime, enter into your nothingness, and recite the Confiteor.”

On entering into myself, I could see all my misery and my wicked deeds, and I trembled like a leaf before His Presence.  I lacked the Strength to pronounce the Words of the Confiteor, and if the Lord had not Infused New Strength in me, by Telling me:  “Do not fear – if I AM the Judge, I AM also your Father.  Courage, let us proceed”, I would have remained there, without uttering one word.

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Honoring Sports gods Mostly after Luisa



American Football  1892 

AFL Wheelchair Handball November 8, 2015 

Air Hockey  1962 

Air Racing  1947 

Alpine Skiing  1936 

Auto Racing  1894 

Autocross  1944 

Badminton  Popular in the mid 1800 

Basketball  1891 

Body building  began in earnest in 1890’s 

Bowling  modernized in 1930 

Cycling  19th century 

Dog Racing  18th century 

Handball  traced back to the baths of Rome, current version first played in Olympics in 1936 

Hocky  Current game 19th century  

Kickball    1917 

Lacrosse  French Jesuit missionaries – first Lacrosse Club founded in Canada in 1856 

Motorcycle Racing  First motorcycle sold in 1894; first race was in France a few years later. 

Polo  Beginning in 1876 informal games were played in New York City 

Powerlifting  Modern sport of Power Lifting originated in United Kingdom and USA in 1950’s. 

Roller Skating  Roller Derby started in 1935. 

Rugby First reference to the game as played now 1823;  

Skating  Popular in North America during first part of the 20th century 

Soccer  A few centuries BC, in 1951 a white ball was permitted to help spectators see the ball. 

Softball  Developed from an indoor baseball game first played in 1887. Name “softball” dates to 1926, in 1930’s the name became official. 

Sport fishing  Competitive casting Sport founded in 1955 

Swimming  Competitive Swimming first introduced in early 1800’s 

Tennis  First US Open played in America in 1881. 

Track and Field (Cross Country Running, Road Running and Racewalking) Popular in the 1860’s, and the Amateur Athletic Union was founded in the US in 1887, and is its governing body. 

Volleyball  Invented in 1895 by William Morgan 

Water Polo  Began in mid 19th century England and Scotland; it was demonstrated in the Olympic games in 1900 and 1904; has a reputation as a brutal sport but is way less violent than the original games. 

Wrestling  A rise in popularity in the 19th century. 

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Honoring the Wound of Jesus’ Shoulder

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Eucharistic Miracle – Betania

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Novena to Christ the King – begins Nov. 11, 2022

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