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Below Luisa tells Aunt Rosaria to go to the TRUE DOCTOR. From Fr. Bucci’s book A Collection of Memories of the Servant of God to Aunt Rosaria, faithful custodian of the life of The Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. 

Padre Bucci wrote: My aunt, urged by my mother, consulted a dermatologist in Bari. The diagnosis was terrible: “Dear lady“, the doctor said to her. “these are cancerous sores which will spread increasingly over your whole body. You have a form of leprosy, a very rare disease“. Just imagine my aunt’s state of mind on hearing these words. After wandering about in Bari for several hours, in the evening she returned to Luisa’s house. Aunt Rosaria gave vent to her feelings with the Servant of God and said to her with irritation: “I’m with you all the time, and yet do you allow certain things? I have no children to take care of me.“. Luisa let her speak and then said to her, “Rosaria, Rosaria… you have gone round all these doctors and you have neglected the one true doctor“. On hearing these words, my aunt immediately took all the medicines, gauze and cotton wool, and flung them away, from the balcony (this happened in the house in the Via Maddalena, where they then lived). Then she said: I now entrust myself to Our Lord and to your prayers. Before she went to bed, Luisa called her, made her kneel beside her bed and together they spent a long time praying. My aunt then went to bed. She slept in a double bed beside Angelina. That night, Aunt Rosaria felt her body flooded with a sense of well-being. When she rose the next morning she found that all her sores had dried up; they were covered only by thin scabs which came off during the day: she was perfectly cured. Rumors of the miracle spread, but no one dared to speak of it openly although everyone knew that Luisa had had a hand in it. The reason for this was that Luisa did not want these phenomena to be attributed to her. I cannot work miracles, it is Our Lord who does them“, she asserted. This is why no extraordinary episode that occurred through her intervention was made public; all the same, news of such matters spread in silence. 

Abba Father, 

In the Name of Jesus 

in Union with Power and Love of the Holy Spirit, 

Under the Mantle of Mary, Our Mother and Queen

with all the Angels and Saints

And through the intercession of The Servant of God 

Luisa Piccarreta and little Rosaria Bucci,

Dearest Jesus, we have been searching in vein

for cures and remedies for all illnesses. 

We have neglected to ask You, the Great Physician, for Divine Healing. 

We daily listen to Your teachings and directions from Luisa Piccarreta

and we humbly come before you begging Forgiveness and Clemency 

for not Trusting in You completely.

We entrust ourselves to You, O Jesus, 

in the name of everyone and everything 

past, present and future for Your Divine Healing 

as You O God have promised.

So, we now ask You O Jesus for Your Divine Healing!

Your Divine Healing that You so abundantly want to pour upon us,

Your little children of the Divine Will.

Depart cancer and all illnesses 

of body, mind and soul

in the Name of Jesus! 

Fill now that void with 

The Powerful Divine Healing of Jesus,

Our Lord, Master and King!

On our knees we humbly and graciously, 

Thank You Almighty God for Your Divine Healing!

Please take this, our little prayer and make it Your Command.

That All may be Accomplished and Completed 

in Your Most Holy Divine Will. 

We Believe

We Receive

So be it! 



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Prophecy of the Last Days according to St. Louis Marie de Montfort

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Apocalypse Now: St. Louis de Montfort

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The Storm is here – Jim Cavieziel

click link below for powerful clip of Jim Caviezel:

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Feast of Christ the King Novena – October 22 – 31, 2021

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Storm Heaven with Prayers to Luisa


Storm Heaven with Prayers to Luisa.

         If we wish the Servant of God to continue, and even hasten, her ascent to the glory of the altar, let us give her a chance to perform first class miracles.

       Luisa’s holiness and the favors as the little daughter of the Divine Will already granted should impregnate our supplications with unquenchable confidence.  

         It is certainly permissible to pray to Luisa in our daily needs, but let us not be afraid to implore real miracles from her.  

         Let us invoke Luisa or have her invoked in cases of fatal maladies, wherein science has to declare itself powerless.  

         That is when Luisa Piccarreta will be able to display the prodigious power of her intercession.


For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained, sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:

 Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta

Palazzo Arcivescoville

70059 Trani (BA) Italy

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Protection Cross Card and Booklet

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Pope Leo XIII on the Holy Rosary

October 7

Editorial: Pope Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum message from 1891 ...

In the course of his Papacy, the fourth longest in history, Pope Leo XIII (1878-1903) issued eleven encyclicals on the Rosary, in the years 1883, ’84 and ’87, and then each year from 1891-98. All of them were published in September (except one, at the very end of August), looking forward to the feast of the Holy Rosary, which in his time was kept on the first Sunday of October. The feast was later fixed by Pope St Pius X to October 7, the date of the famous Battle of Lepanto which it commemorates, inter alia. Much of what Pope Leo writes is every bit as germane to the condition of the Church and society as it was when it was written over a century ago. In keeping with our custom of several years’ standing, we mark this great feast with an excerpt from one of them, the 1891 Encyclical Octobri mense adventante, in my own corrected translation. (On the Vatican’s website you can read the full text in Latin, and a rather sadly bowdlerized English version of it.)

At the coming of the month of October, which is consecrated and dedicated to the most Blessed Virgin of the Rosary, we are greatly pleased to recall how greatly in preceding years We have commended to you, venerable brethren, our wish that the faithful throughout the world, urged by your authority and by your zeal, should redouble their piety towards the great Mother of God, the mighty helper of the Christian people, and should pray to her throughout the month, and invoke Her by that most holy rite of the Rosary, which the Church, especially in uncertain and most difficult times, has ever used and celebrated for the accomplishment of all desires.

This year once again do We take care to publish Our wishes, once again to encourage you by the same exhortations. We are urged and persuaded to this in love for the Church, whose sufferings, far from being mitigated, increase daily in number and in gravity. Well-known to all are the evils we deplore: war made upon the sacred dogmas which the Church holds and transmits; derision cast upon the integrity of that Christian virtue which she has in keeping; … attack made, with most impudent audacity and criminal malice against Christ Himself, as if to utterly abolish or destroy from its foundation the Divine work of His Redemption – that work which, indeed, no adverse power shall ever destroy.,2306463.jpg?max=1000

The Battle of Lepanto, by Paolo Veronese, ca. 1572, now in the Academy Gallery in Venice

No new events are these for the Church militant. Jesus foretold to His disciples that She must enter upon a daily battle and struggle in order to teach men the truth and guide them to eternal salvation. And indeed, throughout the course of ages She fights undaunted, even to martyrdom, rejoicing and glorying in nothing more than the fact that She can dedicate Her own blood along with her Founder’s, wherein She holds the most certain hope of the victory promised to Her. …

Through this storm of evils, in the midst of which the Church struggles so fiercely, all her devout children see by how holy a duty they are bound to pray to God with greater instance, and especially the reason for which they must strive to give to their prayers the greatest possible efficacy. Faithful to the example of our most religious fathers and elders, let us have recourse to Mary, our holy Sovereign. Let us call upon Mary, the Mother of Christ and our own, and with one heart beseech Her, “Show thyself to be a mother; through Thee, may He accept our prayers Who, born for us, consented to be Thine.” (from the Vesper hymn of the Office of the Virgin Mary Ave, Maris Stella) …

Now, among the several rites and manners of paying honor to the Divine Mother, since some are to be preferred, inasmuch as we know them to be more powerful and more pleasing to Her, for this reason We specially mention by name and recommend the Rosary … which recalls to our minds the great mysteries of Jesus and His Mother, their joys, sorrows, and triumphs… As the faithful devoutly call to mind and contemplate these august mysteries, it is wondrous to see how great is the aid they receive in the nourishment of their faith, in defense against ignorance and the disease of error, and in the lifting up and supporting of the mind towards virtue.

Indeed, the thought and memory of him who thus prays, enlightened by the light of the Faith, are drawn towards these mysteries with the greatest joy and zeal, are fixed and absorbed therein, and cannot sufficiently wonder at the ineffable work of the Redemption of mankind, achieved at such a price and by events so great. Then the mind is filled with gratitude and love before these proofs of Divine love; its hope is strengthened and increased; its desire is increased for the heavenly rewards which Christ has prepared for those who have united themselves to Him by the imitation of His example and the sharing of His sufferings. Prayer is poured forth in the midst of these things by words coming from God Himself, from the Archangel Gabriel, and from the Church; full of praise and of saving petitions, it is renewed and continued in an order at once fixed and various, and the fruits of its devotion are ever new and sweet.

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Our Lady of Lourdes Appearance to Sr. Mary Ephrem

9/25 – Our Lady of Lourdes Appearance to Sister Mary Ephrem (1956) Rome City, Indiana –

Our Lady promised that greater
Miracles than those Granted at Lourdes and Fatima would be Granted here in America, the United States in
particular, if we do as She Desires.

St. Michael the Archangel – Appears at Monte Gargano, Italy (490

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Padre Pio, Luisa, and Aunt Rosaria


 Luisa said to my aunt Rosaria, (Fr. Bernardino Giuseppe Bucci, O.F.M. referring to his Aunt Rosaria Bucci) “You will be my witness.”

One day Padre Pio told Rosaria
point-blank in his Benevento dialect: “Rosa’, va nanz, va nanz ca Luisa iè gran e u munn sarà chin di Luisa”
(Rosaria, go ahead, go ahead for Luisa is great and the world will be full of Luisa)

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