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Feb 12
Have Confidence in God – One Who Trusts Captures the Heart of God
Letter 23 – From the Letters of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
In Voluntate Dei!
To Mrs. B. Cattivelle
My good daughter in the Divine Volition,
I read your sorrowful letter and from the heart I feel compassion for you. However, pluck up courage, do not abandon yourself to yourself; rather, abandon yourself in God and in the arms of our Queen Mama. In your state of sorrow, they await you in their arms as their favorite one, because you are a daughter of sorrow; but they want you more peaceful, and less concerned about your state, because apprehension worsens the trouble, and makes one see it darker, and maybe worse than it really is. And then, my daughter, I must tell you the truth, if you resign yourself, your state is the greatest state of sanctity; it is the jealousy of God that takes creatures away from you; it is because of the great love He has for you that, jealous, wanting to be loved and loving you very much, He takes everyone away from you. Therefore, thank the Lord for He has placed His divine eyes upon you to make of you a saint. And if you are resigned and patient, you will convert the one who “despises you”, as you say, you will achieve victory over his cold heart, and will conquer him to Jesus.
Therefore, I recommend that you never leave prayer. Have great confidence in God. One who trusts, captures the Heart of God, His graces, His love, and becomes a faithful copy of sweet Jesus; and He always carries her in His arms, as triumph of the trust of the creature and of His Love. So, I recommend to you: make yourself a saint. If Jesus gives you the means, the raw materials of sanctity, which are crosses, abandonments, humiliations – all raw materials to make us holy – take advantage of it, do not reject such a great good…
I assure of you my poor prayers, be sure that I will not forget you… I commend myself to your prayers, and hoping that the Divine Volition will give you peace, strength and sanctity, with sincere regards I say, most affectionately yours,
the little daughter of the Divine Will.
I send you Jesus to keep you company. Keep your gaze fixed in Him to imitate Him, your heart to love Him, your hands to hug Him, your lips to repeat always: Fiat, Fiat!
Corato, October 6, 1936
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