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Let the Life of Our Hearts be All Love/Jesus’ First Act in Receiving Himself Sacramentally



10/23/11 – Vol. 10

We must let the life of our hearts be all love, because Jesus wants to take food within our hearts.

This morning my always lovable Jesus came, but who can say how much in suffering He makes Himself seen! It seems that He feels within Himself all the pains of the creatures, and they are so many that He looks for Refreshment and Relief. Now, after keeping Him with me in silence, telling Him my nonsense of Love as Refreshment, and adding kisses and caresses, it seemed He was relieved; and then He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), let the Life of your heart be all Love; let nothing else enter into it, because I (Jesus) want to take Food from within your heart, and if I (Jesus) do not find it all Love, it will not be enjoyable Food for Me.  As for the other parts of you (Luisa), you can give to each one its office – that is, to your mind, to your mouth, to your feet, to all of your senses; to some adoration, to some reparation, to some praise, thanksgiving and all the rest.  But from your heart I (Jesus) want Love only.”

10/23/17 – Vol. 12

The First Act that Jesus did in receiving Himself Sacramentally.

LUISA14This morning, after I received blessed Jesus, I was saying to Him: ‘My Life, Jesus, tell me: what was the First Act that You did when You received Yourself Sacramentally?’ And Jesus: “My daughter (Lusia), the First Act I (Jesus) did was to Multiply My Life into many Lives, for as many creatures as can exist in the world, so that each one of them might have one Life of Mine only for herself; a Life that continuously prays, thanks, satisfies, loves only for her. In the same way, I (Jesus) Multiplied My Pains for each soul, as if I were suffering only for her, and not for others. In that Supreme Moment of receiving Myself, I (Jesus) gave Myself to all, to suffer My Passion in each heart, to be able to Conquer the hearts by dint of pains and of Love. In giving all My Divinity, I (Jesus) came to take the Dominion of all. But, alas! My Love remained disappointed by many; and I (Jesus) anxiously await Loving hearts which, in receiving Me, would Unite with Me to Multiply themselves in everyone, desiring and wanting what I want, so that I (Jesus) may take at least from them what the others do not give to Me, and receive the Contentment of having them as Conformed to My Desire and to My Divine Will. Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), when you receive Me, do what I (Jesus) did, and I (Jesus) will Receive the Contentment that at least the two of us want the same thing.”

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