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The Divine Will was to be Like a King

V17 – April 23, 1925 – “…You Must Know that, in creating man, God infused Life in him with His breath; and in this Life He infused in him an intelligence, a memory and a will, to place them in relation with His Divine Will. This Divine Will was to be like a King; It was to dominate all of the interior of the creature, and to give Life to all, in such a way as to form the intelligence and the memory wanted by the Supreme Will in her. Once this was formed, it was as though natural for the eye of the creature to look at created things, and to know their order and the Will of God over the whole universe. The hearing was to hear the prodigies of this Eternal Will. The mouth, which was to feel the continuous breath of its Creator, communicating to it the Life and the goods contained in His Will, was to echo that Eternal FIAT with its word, to narrate what “Will of God” means. The hands were to be the expression of the works of this Supreme Will. The feet were to do nothing but follow, step by step, the steps of their Creator. So, once the Divine Will is established in the will of the creature, she has the eyes, the hearing, the mouth, the hands, the feet, of my Will. She never departs from the origin from which she came; and so she remains always in my arms, and it is easy for her to feel my breath, and for Me to breathe upon her.

Now, this is exactly what I want from the creature: that she let my Will reign in hers, and that her will serve as the dwelling of my Will, so that the Divine Will may place in her the celestial goods It contains. This is what I want from you, so that all your acts, sealed by my Will, may form one single act; and uniting to the single Act of my Will which has no multiplicity or mutation of acts – as it happens in man – your acts may remain in that Eternal Origin, in order to copy your Creator within you, and to give Him the Glory and the contentment that His Will be done in you as It is in Heaven.”

  • Paragraph 1045 – VI. The Hope of the New Heaven and the New Earth 2854
    1045 For man, this consummation will be the final realization of the unity of
    the human race, which God willed from creation and of which the pilgrim …
  • Tobias (Tobit) 12:18 – For when I was with you, I was there by the will of God: bless ye him, and sing praises to him.
  • 1 Machabees 3:60 – Nevertheless as it shall be the will of God in heaven so be it done.



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How to Preserve Oneself in Dignity

Luisa bookV30 – June 17, 1932 – “My little daughter, do not be surprised at My many attentions and Loving Tendernesses that I do inside and outside of you. You must know that in the soul in whom My Divine Will Reigns I serve Myself; therefore, for the decorum of My Divinity and Sanctity, I lend My own Acts, as if they were for My own Life; and so I place the Intensity of My Love, the Order of My Thoughts, the Sanctity of My Works. And in seeing the docility of the creature offering herself like a daughter to receive the Offices of her Father, His Loving Tendernesses, the Life of the Father in his daughter—O! how Happy and honored I feel to serve her. More so, since I serve Myself in My daughter, and when one serves oneself it is not servitude, but it is Honor, Glory; it is to know how to preserve oneself in the Dignity, in the Sanctity, in the order of one’s own state, without descending down below. Servitude begins when one serves other people; but to serve oneself is to maintain the height of one’s state. Besides, there where My Divine Will Reigns it is My Interest that everything the creature does be acts Worthy of It, and that they be a Birth from My own Acts. Otherwise, it would be unseemly to My Divine Will as well as to the human acts; therefore I offer Myself to do everything, so as to serve My own Will.”

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Poverty as Holy Simplicity, the Simple Being, Abandonment of all things for the Sake of GOD

V2 – March 18, 1899 – “Charity is so dear to me, that you cannot comprehend it. Charity is Simple, just like my Being which, though immense, is yet most Simple; so much so that there is no place which It does not penetrate. So Charity is; being Simple, it diffuses everywhere; it has regard for no one – whether a friend or an enemy, whether a citizen or a stranger, it loves all.”

V2 – May 19, 1899 – “I communicate Myself both to the humble and to the Simple, because they immediately believe in my graces and take them into great consideration, though they may be ignorant and poor. But with these others you see, I AM very reluctant, because the first step which draws the soul near Me is belief; and it happens that these, with all of their science and doctrine, and even Holiness, never come to experience a Ray of Celestial Light – that is, they walk along the natural way, and they never arrive at touching, even slightly, that which is Supernatural. This is also the reason for which in the course of My Mortal Life there was not one learned, one priest, one man of power, among My followers, but all ignorant and of low condition – because these were more Humble and Simple, and also more Disposed to make great sacrifices for Me.

V2 – August 10, 1899“The daughter of Justice is Truth. Just as I AM the Eternal Truth, and I do not deceive, nor can I deceive, in the same way, the soul who possesses Justice makes Truth shine in all of her actions. Therefore, since she knows by experience the True Light of Truth, if someone wants to deceive her, since that Light which she feels within herself is missing, she immediately recognizes the deceit. And so it happens that with this Light of Truth she deceives neither herself, nor her neighbor, nor can she be deceived. The Fruit produced by this Justice and by this Truth is Simplicity, which is another Quality of My Being – being Simple; so much so, that I penetrate everywhere; there is nothing that can prevent Me from penetrating inside of it. I penetrate into Heaven and into the abysses, into good and into evil; but my Being, which is most Simple, by penetrating even into evil, does not get dirty; even more, it does not receive the slightest shadow. In the same way, through Justice and Truth, gathering this beautiful Fruit of Simplicity within herself, the soul penetrates into Heaven, she enters into hearts to lead them to Me, she penetrates into everything that is Good; and if she finds herself with sinners and sees the evil that they do, she does not get dirty because, being Simple, she immediately brushes it off, without receiving any harm. Simplicity is so Beautiful, that My Heart is wounded at one gaze alone of a Simple soul. She is the Admiration of Angels and men.”

 V2 – September 9, 1899Now, while sitting in the shade of this tree, Jesus looked at me with tenderness, all paternal, and taken by a surge of love, such that it seemed He could not contain it within Himself, He Embraced me tightly and began to say: “How Beautiful you are! You are My Simple dove, My Beloved Dwelling, My Living Temple, in which I AM pleased to Delight United with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

 V7 – July 31, 1906Continuing in my usual state, Blessed Jesus came for a little, and embracing me wholly, He told me: “My daughter, Simplicity is to Virtues as condiment to foods. For a Simple soul there are neither keys nor doors to enter into Me, nor are there for Me to enter into her, because from all sides she can enter into Me, and I into her. Even more, to better say it, she finds herself in Me without entering because, by her Simplicity, she comes to Resemble Me, Who AM most Simple Spirit, and only because I AM most Simple I AM present everywhere and nothing can escape My Hand. A Simple soul is like the light of the Sun – in spite of any fog, or of the fact that its rays pass through whatever rubbish, it remains always light, it gives light to all, and it never changes. In the same way, a Simple soul, no matter what mortification or displeasure she may receive, does not cease to be Light for herself and for those who have mortified her. And if she sees evil things, she does not become stained, but remains always Light; nor does she change, because Simplicity is that Virtue which most Resembles the Divine Being. Only through this Virtue can one participate in the other Divine Qualities, and only in the soul who is Simple are there no impediments or obstacles for Divine Grace to enter and to operate. In fact, since both one and the other are Light, one Light easily Unites and Transforms into the other.”

But who can say what I comprehended about this Simplicity? I feel as though a sea is in my mind, and I am able to manifest but a few little drops of this sea, and those disconnected among themselves. Deo Gratias.

V7 – October 3, 1906 – “My daughter, Simplicity fills the soul with Grace to the point of diffusing outside; so, if one wanted to constrain Grace within her, this could not be done. In fact, just as the Spirit of God, because He is most Simple, diffuses everywhere without effort or strain, but rather, naturally; in the same way, the soul who possesses the Virtue of Simplicity diffuses Grace into others without even realizing it.”

 V11 – February 24, 1912 – “One who Lives in My Will loses her temperament and acquires Mine. So, the soul who Lives in My Will finds in herself a pleasant, attractive, penetrating, dignified temperament, and altogether Simple – a child-like Simplicity; in sum, she looks like Me in everything. Even more, she keeps her temperament within her power as she wants and as it’s needed. Since she Lives in My Will, she takes part in My Power, so she keeps at her disposal all things, and herself . According to the circumstances and to the people she deals with, she takes my temperament and applies it.”

V11 – September 8, 1916 – “The Acts in My Will are the Simplest Acts, but, because they are Simple, they Communicate themselves to all. The light of the Sun, because it is Simple, is light of every eye – yet the Sun is one. One Act alone in My Will, like most Simple light, diffuses itself in every heart, in every work, in everyone – yet the act is one. My very Being, because It is most Simple, is One Single Act, but an Act which Contains Everything; it has no feet but is the step of all; no eyes, but is the eye and the light of all; it gives Life to everything, but with no effort, with no toil, yet it gives the act of operating to all. So, the soul in My Will becomes Simple, and together with Me she multiplies in all, and does good to all. Oh, if all comprehended the immense value of the acts, even the littlest, done in My Will – they would let not one act escape them!”

 V27 – November 6, 1929“My daughter, My Divine Will simplifies the creature, It empties her so much of everything that does not belong to It, that nothing else is left of the human being but a complex of Simplicity. Simple the gaze, the word, the manners, the steps; the mark of the Divine Simplicity can be seen in her as though in a mirror. Therefore, when My Divine Will Reigns on earth, pretence, lie, that can be called origin of every evil, will not longer exist; while Simplicity, as Origin of every True Good, will be the True Characteristic that will point out that here Reigns the Divine Will.


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First Miracle Attributed to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

“Below is a translation of the testimony given at the 4th International Conference

on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in April, 2015.

The video is in Italian, with no subtitles at this time.

This is the link to the news,
To view information from local papers in Corato and Bari about this miracle attributed to Luisa.

Further details will be posted as available.”

“Luisa Piccarreta saved my life”

Testimony of Maria Margarita Chavez:

In Florida the first miracle attributed to Luisa Piccarreta, initiated the canonical process.


Acute pneumonia combined with other complications had put the life of Maria Margarita Chavez in serious danger: according to the team that was treating her, she had less than 48 hours of life left. Then the inexplicable cure.

The testimony of Margarita: “Luisa Piccarreta saved my life”

Words of hope from Florida. Margarita has experienced the intercession of Luisa for her recovery.

For American doctors, it is a miracle, the first that has occurred through the intercession of Luisa Piccarreta.

Acute pneumonia combined with other complications had put the life of Maria Margarita Chavez in serious danger: according to the team that was treating her, she had less than 48 hours left to live. Then the inexplicable cure: “the Tuesday after Easter in 2007, they brought me a relic of Luisa and my lungs started to heal,” she herself recounted at the Congress on the “Divine Will” which was held in April in Corato. An element that could be important in the process of beatification of the Servant of God, known more in the world that in her hometown.

For this reason, Bishop Pichierri asked the association dedicated to Luisa to begin the “canonical process” to “collect the first testimonies” before some of the main characters are gone. The main reference is the mother of Maria Margarita, who is now elderly.

“To respond to this invitation – confirms Sabino Lastella, president of the association Luisa Piccarreta – we are committed to the due process to be in the diocese of residence of Chavez, and that is in Miami, Florida.”

In late May, the bishop of Miami, Mgr. Thomas Wenski, gave his approval, and “at this time we are contacting those who are part of the ecclesiastical tribunal,” added Lastella. The interviews will be held: between December and January twelve witnesses should be heard.   “Soon we will have a final schedule – Lastella continued – and at the conclusion of the work it is expected to take two days to meet and discuss in Miami, it still being the year of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Luisa.”

Once the whole file with all the seals of the Archbishop of Miami is prepared, it will be forwarded to the Congregation for the Cause of Saints through the postulation.

To understand what this entails in the cause of beatification. we turned to Father Sergio Pellegrini, spiritual advisor for the Little children of the Divine will. “When the verification of the writings of Luisa (still in progress) is completed, the Cause will begin, and it will produce the Positio, an annotated biography needed so that the venerability of Luisa is recognized.” Only then what science now calls a miracle “carry out its immediate effect in regard to the beatification” confirms Father Sergio.

So that one can talk about a miracle recognized by the Church requires the approval of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints. “The testimonies will be evaluated – explained Father Sergio – and any further investigations that the congregation will want to make.”

The story of Margherita. Born in Cuba on May 18, 1959, she lives in Miami with her mother Dolores and her son Christopher. April 4, 2007 – during Holy Week, as she herself wished to point out – she was hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the hospital in Miami and in the care of doctor Mario Almeida who in 2006 had treated her bronchopneumonia found on her return from a trip to Italy. “I went to Italy to visit the places where Luisa lived and to meet Sister Assunta” said Margherita during the Congress.

On April 6, the clinical picture of the woman continued to worsen, and the doctors decided to intubate and do a lung biopsy. Connected to an artificial respirator, Margarita went into a coma after receiving the sacraments of confession and anointing of the sick.

On April 10, the Tuesday of the week before Easter, Father Cioffi put a relic of Luisa on the chest of Margherita, while around her they were reading the prayers and writings of Luisa. The next day the first unexplained improvements were seen on x-ray: in a few days Margherita began to breathe on her own and could serenely face also the third kidney transplant.

In her state of unconsciousness Margarita remembers: “The Lord showed me the intrinsic evil of humanity. I was in a place of the elderly and the dying without being able to move, the workers took advantage of us, they gave sleeping pills to have no trouble. I still recall the images of a place where they were preparing the bodies of the dead people. As I was lying on a table, the Lord Jesus let me hear the illicit and malicious conversations of those who were around me. They put me in a coffin, leaving out an arm. The coffin was too small, my body would not fit. The pain I felt was very intense.

A man dressed in a white coat came, and I began to pray: “Jesus, have mercy on me.” The more I prayed the more the man squeezed my hand. It was such a long time: the man was hammering my arm to try to close the coffin, it lasted a long time. The man told me that if I had stopped asking mercy of Jesus, he would have left me alone: I did not stop praying. Then, finally, I found myself in front of our Lord Jesus Christ who said to me: “Child, your sins are forgiven.” Immediately, I saw and felt out of me like a smoke, a breath, a black shadow. My body felt very light. I felt clean.”


Storm Luisa with your prayers

If we wish the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

to continue, and even hasten,

her ascent to the glory of the altar,

let us give Luisa a chance to perform first class miracles.

Luisa’s holiness and the favors already granted should impregnate our supplications

with unquenchable confidence.

It is certainly permissible to pray to Luisa in our daily needs,

but let us not be afraid to implore real miracles from her.

Let us invoke Luisa or have her invoked in cases of fatal maladies,

wherein science has to declare itself powerless.

That is when Luisa Piccarreta

will be able to display the prodigious power of her intercession.


For the glory of God and of Luisa Piccarreta, kindly write out the favors obtained,

sign them, with two witnesses, if possible, and send to:

Postulation for the Cause of Beatification Luisa Piccarreta

Palazzo Arcivescoville

70059 Trani (BA) Italy


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Nourishing a Moral Life

 Luisa book

… The catechisms of the Church have often expounded Christian morality
by following the order of the Ten Commandments.

Leviticus: 22:31 – Keep my commandments, and do them. I AM the Lord.

Deuteronomy: 4:40 – Keep his precepts and commandments, which I command thee: that it may be well with thee, and thy children after thee, and thou mayst remain a long time upon the land, which the Lord thy God will give thee.

V4 – October 11, 1901 –…My daughter, what a war is being nourished in the moral world – it is horrifying to see it! Yet, the first nourishment that should be sought in society, in families and by each soul, should be that of peace. All other nourishments become unhealthy without it – be they even virtues themselves, charity, repentance; without peace, they bring neither health nor true sanctity. Yet, this nourishment so necessary and salutary has been discarded by today’s world, and they want nothing but turbulence and wars. My daughter, pray, pray.”

V4 – April 4, 1902 – After this, He transported me into the middle of a road on which there were two men in the shape of beasts, all intent on destroying every kind of moral good. They seemed to be strong like lions and drunken with passion; at the mere sight of them they struck terror and fright. Blessed Jesus told me: “If you want to placate Me a little bit, go and pass through those men, to convince them of the evil they do, facing their fury.” Though a little timid, yet I went. As soon as they saw me, they wanted to swallow me, but I said to them: ‘Let me speak, and then do to me whatever you want. You Must Know that if you reach your intent of destroying every moral good pertaining to religion, virtue, dependency and social welfare, without realizing your mistake, you would also destroy all corporal and temporal goods. In fact, as much as is taken away from moral goods, so much are physical evils doubled. So, without realizing it, you go against yourselves, destroying all those fleeting and passing goods which you so much love. Not only this, but you are looking for those who will destroy your very lives, and you will cause the survivors among you to shed bitter tears.’ Then I made a most great act of humility, which I am not even able to repeat, and they remained like someone who recovers from a state of madness; and also so weak, that they did not have the strength even to touch me. So I passed through them freely, and I understood that there is no power that can resist the power of reason and of humility.


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The Strings of God’s Qualities that He Plays in Luisa and the Souls who Live in the Divine Will

Angel with Harp

November 22

V20 – December 15, 1927 – “…Now, You Must Know that each created thing contains a delight, one distinct from the other; and these delights were placed by Us, and were to serve Us to delight Ourselves and the creature. Now, in each created thing runs Our Love, and as you go through them, you make the little note of your love run. Don’t you want, then, in the face of so much Love of Ours, to place your little notes, your dots, your commas, your little strings that say ‘love’ and, harmonizing with Our Love, form the delight wanted by Us for Ourselves and for you?”

V20 – February 11, 1927 – As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus made me see many strings in my interior—one close to the other, starting from a sphere, that was in the middle of these strings. Under this sphere it was empty, and in that empty space there was my sweet Jesus who, very often, touched those strings and played, but in such a harmonious and beautiful way, that it cannot be described.

Then, after He played His little sonata, He said: “My daughter, these strings are symbol of the soul in whom My Will reigns. I Myself delight in forming them and arranging them all in order. Look at them—how beautiful they are; each string has its distinct color, invested with light, in such a way that, all together, they form the most beautiful rainbow, all radiant with light. But do you want to know why each string has its distinct color? Because each one of them symbolizes one of My Divine Qualities—that is, My Attributes.

“So, I placed everything in order—the string of love, the string of goodness, the string of power, of mercy, of strength, of wisdom, of purity—in sum, everything; I have not excluded even the string of justice. So, when I want to love and be loved, I touch the string of love. Oh! how sweet is its sound—soft, penetrating, delightful, such as to shake Heaven and earth, investing the inmost fibers of all the beings in which My Will reigns. And I love, and am loved, because its sound draws and enraptures everyone to love Me; and I Myself, enraptured by My own Love, Love and put out oceans of love. This sound is so melodious as to make Me tolerate everything, and bear the great evils of the poor world.

“This sound makes Me move on to touch the string of goodness; and this sound calls the attention of all to receive the goods that My Goodness wants to put out and give to creatures. Speaking voices can be heard in this sound; it makes all stand at attention—sounds of surprise, of admiration, in hearing, in this sound of voices, the goods that I want to give. This sound, while making Me put out My goods, disposes the creatures to receive them. Therefore, every time I want to place one of My Attributes in office, I touch the string that belongs to it, and I place it in attitude.

“But do you know why I have disposed all these strings in you? Because wherever My Divine Will reigns, I want to find all of Myself and all the things that belong to Me; in such a way that, whatever I do in Heaven, I must be able to do in the soul in whom My Supreme Fiat dominates and reigns. I must have My throne, My melodies, so as to be able to vibrate the sound of mercy to convert souls, the sound of wisdom to make Myself known, the sound of My Power and Justice to make Myself feared. I must be able to say: ‘Here is My Heaven.’”

Psalms 32:2 – Give praise to the Lord on the harp; sing to him with the psaltery, the instrument of ten strings.


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Christ the King. 3Plenary indulgence can be obtained on that day (under usual conditions)  See below for prayer.

Novena to Christ the King

taken from


JESUS began his public life by announcing His Kingdom. “The Kingdom of God is at hand! Reform your lives and believe in the Gospel!” [Mk 1:14]. The Kingdom of God is primarily spiritual. Its final realization consists in the union of all the blessed in the possession of God in Heaven.

Entrance into this Kingdom comes through the acceptance of the Gospel message by faith and the receiving of Baptism. Christ’s Kingdom is not a worldly kingdom. The name by which the Kingdom of God is most commonly called is the Catholic Church. It is at once Divine and human; on earth and in Heaven. Small as a mustard seed in its beginning, it was destined to become catholic, that is, to embrace all the earth or to be universal. This concept of the Catholic Church as the one universal Kingdom of God makes it evident that there can be only one true Church, just as there can be only one true Kingdom of God.

The Church is Jesus Christ, living on and acting in the world through His duly authorized ministers, until the end of time. He gave to His Church a form, an organization which would enable it to carry on His work on earth —–to teach, to rule, and to administer to the souls of men.

Membership in the Kingdom of God is the most precious thing that a person can possess. We must regard it as a pearl beyond price and gratefully sacrifice for this gift.

Jesus Christ is our King —–all things have been created in Him, through Him, and for Him and as the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, He is the perfect image of God.

It is of faith that Jesus Christ, as Man, has the fullest spiritual power, leading to salvation, establishing the Church and her Sacraments, and disposing of all graces in the supernatural order. In virtue of the union of His human nature with the Divine, He possesses still greater power, which is the foundation of His Kingship.

We, as individuals, must strive to be subject to Christ the King most perfectly, in mind, will, and heart, because we were purchased at the price of His Own Precious Blood. Christ must be King of the home and all human society.


JESUS, Thou didst declare that Thy Kingdom is upon the earth, but not of the earth; it is a spiritual, supernatural Kingdom, the Kingdom of truth. It fights with the power of conviction, and conquers by this means the hearts that by right belong to it. Thou Thyself art witness to this truth, and Thou Thyself art the Truth.

Jesus, I believe that Thou art truly a King because Thou hast come into the world to institute among people the rule of God; every person who is of the truth, who believes in God and recognizes His authority in human affairs, owes Thee a loyal and undivided allegiance and “hears Thy voice.”

As a Catholic I am a member of Thy Kingdom, and Thou art my King. To Thee I owe loyalty, obedience, and love. Help me to carry out these most sacred duties toward Thee. I wish to be “of the truth ” that is “a child of God” and gladly to hear Thy voice and follow Thee in all things. I accept Thee as my King and submit to Thy authority.

Reign supremely in my heart and in my life. Thy reign is heavenly peace; Thy law is love. Help me to pray and work that Thy Kingdom may come into every soul, every family, every nation.

Jesus, since I honor Thee as my King, I come to Thee with great confidence, asking Thee to grant this special favor, if it be Thy holy Will:

(Mention your request).

Lord Jesus Christ, my King, I adore Thee as the Son of God, and through the prayers of Thy most loving Mother I beg of Thee, send me from out of the abundance of Thy loving Heart the grace of the Holy Spirit in order that He may enlighten my ignorance, purify and sanctify my sinful heart, and confirm me in Thy holy love. This I request through the love of the Father and the Holy Spirit, through Thine infinite mercy, and through the merits of all Thy Saints. Amen.


CHRIST, Jesus, I acknowledge Thee as King of the universe. All that has been made has been created for Thee. Make full use of Thy rights over me.

I renew the promises I made in Baptism when I renounced Satan and all his pomps and works. I promise to live a good Christian life. Especially, I undertake to help, to the extent of my means, to secure the triumph of the rights of God and of Thy Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer Thee my poor efforts so that all hearts may acknowledge Thy sacred Royalty and the Kingdom of Thy peace may be established throughout the entire universe. Amen.

Citations on the Kingship of Christ from Scripture

“I Myself have set up My King on Zion, My holy mountain You are My Son; this day I have begotten You. Ask of Me and I will give You the nations for an inheritance and the ends of the earth for Your possession. You shall rule them.” -Ps 2:6-9 – “The Lord God will give Him the throne of David His father. He shall be King over the house of Jacob forever and His Kingdom will be without end.” -Lk 1 :32-33

“The Kingdom of God is at hand! Reform your lives and believe in the Gospel!” -Mk 1:14

“My Kingdom is not of this world. At this Pilate said to Him, ‘So, then, You are a king?’ Jesus replied: ‘You are right in saying I am a King. The reason I was born, the reason why I came into the world, is to testify to the truth.’ ” -Jn 18:36-39


Lord, have mercy on us,
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us,
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

God, our Heavenly Father,
Who has made firm for all ages your Son’s Throne,
Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Jesus,
our Victim-High Priest, True Prophet, and Sovereign King,
Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit,
poured out upon us with abundant newness,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity,
Three Persons yet One God in the Beauty of Your Eternal Unity,
Have mercy on us.

O Jesus, our Eternal King,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, Most Merciful King,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, extending to us the Golden Scepter of Your Mercy,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, in Whose Great Mercy we have been given the Sacrament of Confession,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, Loving King Who offers us Your Healing Grace,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, our Eucharistic King,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, the King foretold by the prophets,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King of Heaven and earth,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King and Ruler of All Nations,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, Delight of the Heavenly Court,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Most Compassionate toward Your subjects,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King from Whom proceeds all authority,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, in whom, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, we are One,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Whose Kingdom is not of this world,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Whose Sacred Heart burns with Love for all mankind,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who has given us Mary, the Queen, to be our dear Mother,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who will come upon the clouds of Heaven with Power and Great Glory,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Whose Throne we are to approach with confidence,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who made Mary the Mediatrix of All Graces,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who made Mary Co-Redemptrix, Your partner in the Plan of Salvation,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who desires to heal us of all division and disunity,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King wounded by mankind’s indifference,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who gives the balm of Your Love with which to console Your Wounded Heart,
Reign in our hearts.

O Jesus, King Who is the Great I AM within us, our Wellspring of Pure Delight,
Reign in our hearts.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
True Sovereign of all earthly powers,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
subjecting under Your feet forever the powers of hell ,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
the Light beyond all light, enlightening us in the darkness that surrounds us,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Whose Mercy is so Great as to mitigate the punishments our sins deserve,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
recognized by the Magi as the True King,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
the Only Remedy for a world so ill,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Who blesses with Peace those souls and nations that acknowledge You as True King,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Who Mercifully sends us your Holy Angels to protect us,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Whose Chief Prince is Saint Michael the Archangel,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Who teaches us that to reign is to serve,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Just Judge Who will separate the wicked from the good,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
before Whom every knee shall bend,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Whose Dominion is an everlasting Dominion,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Lamb who will Shepherd us,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Who after having destroyed every sovereignty,
Authority and power,
will hand over the Kingdom to Your God and Father,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Whose Reign is without end,
May we serve You.

Jesus, King of All Nations,
Whose kindness toward us is steadfast,
and whose fidelity endures forever,
May we serve You.

Eternal Father,
Who has given us Your Only Begotten Son,
to be our Redeemer, One True Mediator,
and Sovereign King,
We praise and thank You.
Loving Jesus, Sovereign King,
Who humbled Yourself for Love of us
and took the form of a servant,
We praise and thank You.

Holy Spirit, Third Person of the Trinity,
Love of the Father and the Son,
Who sanctifies us and gives us Life,
We praise and thank You.

Mary, our Queen and Mother,
who mediates to Jesus on our behalf, Pray for us.

Mary, our Queen and Mother,
through whom all Graces come to us,
Pray for us.

Mary, our Queen and Mother,
Singular Jewel of the Holy Trinity,
We love You.
Holy Angels and Saints of our Divine King,
Pray for us and Protect us.

A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, who piously recite the Act of Dedication of the Human Race to Jesus Christ King. A plenary indulgence is granted, if it is recited publicly on the feast of our Lord Jesus Christ King. (Nov. 22, 2015)


Most sweet Jesus, Redeemer of the human race, look down upon us humbly prostrate before you. We are yours, and yours we wish to be; but to be more surely united with you, behold each one of us freely consecrates himself today to your Most Sacred Heart. Many indeed have never known you; many, too, despising your precepts, have rejected you. Have mercy on them all, most merciful Jesus, and draw them to your Sacred Heart. Be King, O Lord, not only of the faithful who have never forsaken you, but also of the prodigal children who have abandoned you; grant that they may quickly return to their Father’s house, lest they die of wretchedness and hunger. Be King of those who are deceived by erroneous opinions, or whom discord keeps aloof, and call them back to the harbor of truth and the unity of faith, so that soon there may be but one flock and one Shepherd. Grant, O Lord, to your Church assurance of freedom and immunity from harm; give tranquility of order to all nations; make the earth resound from pole to pole with one cry: Praise to the divine Heart that wrought our salvation; to it be glory and honor for ever. Amen.

Prayer Source: Enchiridion of Indulgences , June 29, 1968

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Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy

Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy

divine mercyclick image for Enthronement to the Divine Mercy

O Jesus, you showed us your infinite compassionate love by exhausting the very last drop of blood and water from your body. 

From this day forward, with full confidence, we entrust our families to Your Divine Mercy.

We abandon our past, our present and our future.

We place into your wounds all of our wounds which are caused by lack of love, understanding and trust.

Jesus, expel Satan and all evil from our families,free us from the consequence of sin and protect us from further harm.

Heal our wounds.

May our families learn to venerate your Divine Image that they will never perish but experience your loving mercy.


Prayer composed by Rev. Dermot S. Roache, SMA Imprimatur + John J Myers, D.D., J.C.D., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey 07/12/2013 
SMA Fathers, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA

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The Prize: “The Towers of Corato”


The third edition of “The Towers of Corato”, was held on Saturday, November 14. It was an evening of awards organized by LO STRADONE newspaper. The purpose of this initiative is the knowledge of those people from Corato who excel in their respective professions giving prestige to our town. Also this year, the majority of these excellences came from the most important cities in the country and abroad.

The Municipal Theatre of Corato that hosted the event was crowded, with the participation also of the Consul General of Venezuela, Amarilys Gutierrez Graffe.

The event, which had as its theme “creativity”, opened with the notes of the famous tune of the Marseillaise to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks that took place in recent days in Paris. Marina Labartino, vice-director of LO STRADONE, presented the event with Luigi Di Zanni, versatile artist

The eight winners of this edition are:

Domenico Petrone: founder and president of Viasat Group. Tarshito (Sanskrit: thirst for inner knowledge): his first name Nicola Strippoli, architect, artist and designer. His creative genius derived from his meeting with the spiritual dimension of India. Nicolas Vangi: cosmopolitan artist, painter and teacher of art therapy for the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida. The biggest lesson arising from his creative work is that you can turn a disease into a virtue. Epilepsy, that distress him for years, was also one of his first sources of inspiration. Art is catharsis and therapy, positivity and joy of living. Gregorio Sgarra: artist of international renown,  he is famous for his sacred icons and his paintings both classic and modern. Mariateresa Padula: set designer and decorator of environments. Her decors adorned famous movies and plays. Pino Leone: fashion photographer, ready to capture beauty in people and nature. Luigi Quinto: sculptor; he is very known for his original and precious wooden works especially with religious subjects. Some of his most significant works are four wooden sculptures, the largest in the world. Arcangela Gallo: embroideress of the ‘tombolo’ (lace making). She developed a passion for this ancient art of bobbin lace since she was very young. This ancient tradition is now in danger of extinction, so Arcangela aims to set up an association in Corato that could bring it back to life. Her fine laces adorn the most beautiful trousseaus of young brides.

Working-The-TomboloIn this respect, her testimony is very significant. She said that before starting work, she prays  another her fellow citizen, who shared with her the same love for this art: the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, born in 1865 and died in 1947 in the odor of holiness. Luisa, in fact, supported herself with her work of ‘tombolo’. She welcomed the girls who wanted to learn that art, and  through art she taught spirituality. Arcangela asks Luisa to work together, as well as Luisa asked Jesus not to leave her alone. In fact, one day, while the servant of God was working, she physically felt a hand moving inside her hand: it was Jesus who was accomplishing her acts.

On the initiative of AIC  (Association of Entrepreneurs from Corato), a Special Prize was awarded to a young girl graduate for her thesis on the theme “business and industry of Puglia”. In this connection, Dr. Marina Mastromauro, administrator of the Pasta Factory Granoro,  granted a scholarship named after her father, Attilio Mastromauro, founder of the Pasta Factory  who died recently, but still alive in the memory of the people of Corato.

“A dream remains so until you decide to make it happen” was adopted as a significant maxim by LO STRADONE throughout this event, as Marina Labartino said, with the intention to encourage young people to pursue their own objectives even if they are difficult and ambitious, following the example of the guest awarded, who have shown that thanks to their persistent efforts and their firm determination it is possible to overcome any obstacle and achieve positive results.

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

Telefono: 0808982221 | Email:

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta – Piccoli Figli della Divina Volontà
Via Luisa Piccarreta, 25/27 CORATO BA70033 Associazione Luisa Piccarreta – Piccoli Figli della Divina Volontà
Via Luisa Piccarreta, 25/27 CORATO BA70033

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A Magnanimous King, Full of Love and Infinite Generosity.



Christ’s Power is shown through His kingship that has its roots in the mystery of the Incarnation. “The Word  was made flesh” (John.1,14).

The Word of the Father, wrapped in the virginal purity of Mary’s womb, lays down the mantle of Justice and wears that of Mercy in favour of fallen man, bringing with Himself the key of salvation

Christ, with His Human and Divine Royalty, invites all mankind to rediscover the path of reconciliation and forgiveness.

A magnanimous King, full of love and infinite generosity, who washes away the wound of original sin and gives us salvation. This is the fruit of forgiveness that arose from His Passion, by His wounds and His Blood.

He is sitting at the right hand of God and continues His redemptive mission in the midst of His people confirming as in act, what he announced on earth: “The Kingdom of God is among you.” (Luke 17:21)

Now he invites us to recognize and conquer a Kingdom so holy “prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. (Mt 25:34)

The Kingdom that God gives us is the gift of His Will as life in every single man to return to live as a son in the Father’s Heart.

Jesus is the Kingdom of God in person. The Kingdom of God is present wherever he is present” (Benedict XVI from “Jesus of Nazareth”).

Sin erased the mark of mercy on the coin minted by the Divine Crucifix, on the royal throne of the Cross, but the merciful love of the Redeemer, won over sin and gave back what “He promised  to our fathers in remembrance of His mercy (Luke. 1.54 to 55).

The Divine King, collects onto Himself all the ills of mankind, to purify them and cover them with the balm of His love and His mercy. By virtue of His kingship, Christ wants to restore the image and likeness that was given to man in the Creation, in order to restore the kingdom that was lost because of original sin.

The Kingdom of God flows into the immense and infinite sea of the Will of the Father, in the Salvation always ‘in act’ accomplished by the Son, and in the Sanctifying and perennial Act of the Holy Spirit. Everything is concentrated on the Spirit of the Trinitarian Family from which springs the Kingdom.

For this purpose man was created, to participate by grace in all goods arising from the Trinitarian Kingdom

The Kingdom was announced  by Jesus who invited to beg for it, through the prayer of Church par excellence, the “Pater Noster” from which comes the promise to live the Divine Will “as in Heaven, so on earth.” (Mt 6:10)

It is important  that man dispose himself in order to acquire the eternal Kingdom,  but it is also necessary for him to acquire regime over himself and the dominion of his own passions.  Only in that way he can live of Christ and with Christ.

“This  is the meaning of being one with the Father’s Will.” (Benedict XVI)

The Jubilee of mercy let us to foretaste the first fruits of the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom on earth and the prelude to the triumph of  the “Fiat Voluntas Tua”  for all mankind.

“Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever”.


Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

Telefono: 0808982221 | Email:

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