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The Celestial Mother Brings Jesus to the Souls who Repent


 V22 – June 1, 1927 – “…While in life She (the Celestial Queen) made no visible miracle, either of healings or of raising the dead, the great Celestial Mother made, and does make, miracles at each moment, at every hour and every day, because as souls dispose themselves and repent, giving, Herself, the disposition for repentance, She bilocates Her Jesus, the fruit of Her womb, and gives Him as whole to each one, as confirmation of Her great miracle, that God wanted this Celestial Creature to make. The miracles that God Himself wants to be made, without mixing of human will, are perennial miracles, because they start from the Divine fount that is never exhausted, and it is enough to want them in order to receive them.

V34 – May 28, 1937 – (The Celestial Mother says):  “...I am the Bearer of Jesus, nor does He want to go anywhere without Me, so much so that when the priest is about to pronounce the words of the Consecration over the Holy Host, I make wings with My Maternal Hands so that He descends by means of My hands in order to consecrate Himself, such that if unworthy hands touch Him, I make Him feel Mine that defend Him and cover Him with My Love. But this is not enough, I am always on the lookout to see if they want My Son, so much so, that if some sinner repents of his grave sins, and the Light of Grace dawns in his heart, I immediately bring Jesus to him as Confirmation of the pardon, and I think of everything that is needed in order to make Him remain in that converted heart. I am the Bearer of Jesus, and I am that because I possess in Myself the Kingdom of His Divine Will; It reveals to Me who wants Him, and I run, I fly, in order to bring Him—however without ever leaving Him.

  • Paragraph 1434 – V. The Many Forms of Penance in Christian Life
    about by Baptism or martyrdom they cite as means of obtaining forgiveness
    of sins: efforts at reconciliation with one’s neighbor, tears of repentance …CCC
  • Wisdom 11:24 – But thou hast mercy upon all, because thou canst do all things, and overlookest the sins of men for the sake of repentance.


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The Most Powerful Prayers over the Heart of Jesus


Volume 11 – June 15, 1916

In the Divine Will everything is complete.

The Most Powerful Prayers over the Heart of Jesus,

and those which move Him the Most, are to clothe oneself with all that He Himself did and suffered.

LUISA14Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus came, He Transformed me completely in Him, and then He told me:

“Daughter, pour yourself into my Will to make complete reparations for Me.

My Love feels an irresistible need for them; after so many offenses of creatures, it wants one at least who, placing herself between Me and them, would give Me Complete Reparations, Love for all, and would snatch from Me Graces for all. But you can do this only in My Divine Will, in which you shall find Me and all creatures. Oh, with what yearnings am I waiting for you to enter into My Divine Will, to be able to find in you the Satisfactions and the Reparations of all! Only in My Divine Will shall you find all things in act, because I AM engine, actor and spectator of everything.” Now, while He was saying this, I poured myself into His Divine Will – but who can say what I saw? I was in contact with every thought of creature, the Life of which came from God; and I, in His Divine Will, multiplied myself in each thought, and with the Sanctity of His Divine Will I repaired everything, I had a ‘Thank You’ for all, a Love for all. Then I multiplied myself in the gazes, in the words and in everything else – but who can say what was happening? I lack the terms, and maybe the very angelic tongues would stammer; therefore I stop here.

So I spent the whole night with Jesus in His Will. Then I felt the Queen Mama near me, and She told me:

“My daughter, pray.” And I: ‘My Mama, let us pray together, for by myself I don’t know how to pray.’

And She added: The Most Powerful Prayers over the Sacred Heart of my Son, and those which move Him the Most, are for the creature to clothe herself with everything He Himself did and suffered, since He gave everything as Gift to the creature.

Therefore, my daughter,

“Surround your head with the thorns of Jesus, bead your eyes with His tears, impregnate your tongue with His bitterness, clothe your soul with His Blood, adorn yourself with His wounds, pierce your hands and feet with His nails, and like another Christ present yourself before His Divine Majesty. This sight will move Him in such a way that He shall not be able to deny anything to the soul who is clothed with His own insignia. But – oh, how little do creatures know how to make use of the Gifts which my Son gave them! These were my prayers upon earth, and these are my prayers in Heaven.”

So, together we clothed ourselves with the Insignia of Jesus, and together we presented ourselves before the Divine Throne.

This moved all; the Angels made way for us and remained as though surprised.

I thanked Mama, and I found myself inside myself.




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Love with Magnanimous Love in the Divine Will


V34 – MAY 6, 1937 – “…passing to the Acts of the Redemption, I, Luisa, found myself immersed in His (Jesus’) Sufferings.

And my always Lovable Jesus, perhaps to convince me, made Himself seen in my interior in the Act of suffering the Sorrowful Crucifixion. I took part of His sufferings, and I died together with Him; His Divine Blood flowed, His Wounds were open.

And He, with a tender and moving accent, as to feel my heart burst, told me: “I am within you, I am yours, I am at your disposition. My Wounds, My Blood, all My sufferings are yours, you can do with Me what you want, rather, do it as magnanimous, as brave, as Lover, as My True Imitator. Take My Blood in order to give it to whomever you want. Take My Wounds in order to heal the wounds of sinners. Take My Life in order to give the Life of Grace, of Sanctity, of Love, of Divine Will, to all souls. Take My Death in order to make many souls dead in sin rise again. I give you all the freedom; do it, know how to be My daughter. I have given Myself and that is enough.

“You, think of making everything redound to My Glory, and of how to make Me be Loved. My Will will give you the flight in order to make you bring My Blood, My Wounds, My kisses, My Paternal Tendernesses, to My children and to your brothers. Therefore, do not marvel, this is truly the Divine Operation, to keep Its Works in the act of repeating them continuously in order to give them so as to make of them a Gift to the creatures. Each one can say: ‘Everything is mine, even God Himself is mine.’ And O! how We enjoy in seeing them gifted with Our Works, Possessors of their Creator.

“They are the Excesses of Our Love, that in order to be Loved We want to make touched how much We Love them and the Gifts that We want to give them. Then, for one who Lives in Our Volition, if We do not make a Gift of everything to them, We feel as if We would defraud the creature—and this We do not know how to do. Therefore, be attentive, let your soul be embalmed by Our Divine Peace, because We do not know what disturbance is, and all things will bring you the Smile, the Sweetness, the Love of your Creator.”


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Mary the Mother of God image for marialactans

Consider: From the Protoevangelium of S. James:

And they stood in the place of the cave: and behold a bright cloud overshadowing the cave. And [Mary’s] midwife said: My soul is magnified this day, because mine eyes have seen marvellous things: for salvation is born unto Israel. And immediately the cloud withdrew itself out of the cave, and a great light appeared in the cave so that our eyes could not endure it. And by little and little that light withdrew itself until the young child appeared: and it went and took the breast of its mother Mary.

From St. Ephraem’s Hymns on the Nativity:

Mary bore a mute Babe
though in Him were hidden all our tongues.
Joseph carried Him,
yet hidden in Him was a silent nature older than everything.
The Lofty One became like a little child,
yet hidden in Him was a treasure of Wisdom that suffices for all.
He was lofty
but He sucked Mary’s milk,
and from His blessings all creation sucks.
He is the Living Breast of living breath;
by His life the dead were suckled, and they revived.
Without the breath of air no one can live;
without the power of the Son no one can rise.
Upon the living breath of the One Who vivifies all
depend the living beings above and below.
As indeed He sucked Mary’s milk,
He has given suck — life to the universe.
As again He dwelt in His mother’s womb,
in His womb dwells all creation.
Mute He was as a babe,
yet He gave to all creation all His commands.
For without the First-Born no one is able to approach Being,
for He alone is capable of it.

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The Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will invited by the Daughters of Divine Zeal at Altamura


The Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will invited by the Daughters of Divine Zeal at Altamura


In the afternoon of Sunday, November 8, the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will was invited by the Institute of the Daughters of Divine Zeal, at Altamura. Here it was warmly greeted with a welcome reception and immediately an atmosphere of brotherhood and friendship was established. The initial impact with the Institute, almost equal to that of Corato,  confirmed from the very beginning this feeling. The purpose of the visit was, of course, the spreading of the spirituality of Luisa Piccarreta the little daughter of the Divine Will: the Sanctity of living in the Divine Will, a gift that God, our merciful Father, wants to give to everyone universally.

Perhaps not everybody knows the strong bond between Saint Annibale Maria di Francia, founder of the Daughters of Divine Zeal and the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, the mystic from Corato. This is what happened to the representative of the group of voluntary Association PADIF (Father Annibale di Francia) that works inside the Institute at Altamura. She told us that several months ago, while she was doing her volunteer service in the library of the Institute, she discovered some books concerning our Luisa and her exchange of letters with Father Annibale. She was so astonished that she wanted to inaugurate the social year 2015 in the place where you can still feel the presence of the two figures: the Institute of the Daughters of Divine Zeal in Corato where, last March, during the Lenten retreat, the first meeting with the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will took place. On that occasion, Don Sergio spoke about the birth and publication of The Twenty-Four Hours of the Passion that Father Annibale wanted. (He wrote the Preface to the text and added a Treatise on the Divine Will.) This year marks the 100th anniversary of publication of the book.

This aroused in all present and especially in the group from Altamura a new thirst for knowledge about Luisa’s spirituality and they expressed the desire to spread this knowledge to others. So they invited the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will to give a testimony in their town.

We took our seats in the chapel where, after presenting Sister Assunta, the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will.  and its representatives,  Don Sergio began talking about the figure of Luisa from the day of her birth on April 23, 1865. He referred to all the most important points of her life that represent her spirituality and led her to become a victim soul because of her love for Jesus and the salvation of mankind: the vision of Jesus suffering under the weight of the Cross and crowned with thorns, under her balcony; the total stiffening of her body that she called as her usual state;  her continuous dialogue with Jesus and her revelations about  Creation,  Passion, Redemption and Sanctification to learn to live in His Will on earth as it is in heaven.

A video titled “Dawn of a Mystery” was broadcast in support of all that was said. Through it we retraced the life of Luisa, since she was a child, her childhood at “Torre disperata” her perennial immolation in a bed until she died, the years spent at the Institute of the Daughters of Divine Zeal in Corato, in addition to some interviews, about her spirituality, with those who have a deep knowledge as Sister Assunta, Archbishop Giovanni Battista Pichierri, Msgr. Giannotti.

All this was confirmed by those present, who politely followed what was said. They participated and showed interest in increasing this initial knowledge, with questions and short testimonies, as Sister Luisa who “met” Luisa Piccarreta through Sister Vincenzina Caputo and Sr. Assunta, when she was in Corato. She said that when she had just arrived at the convent, she was struck by the recurring name of “Luisa the Saint ” and was astonished that this could be related to her. Then she discovered that it was about another Luisa, precisely, Luisa Piccarreta, died in 1947 in the odor of sanctity.

Sister Candida also gave her testimony. She lived and worked at the Institute of Corato when Luisa had already ended her earthly life. Here she was given the task to be the “teacher” of the children who attended the institute, but Sister Candida felt inadequately prepared, not ready for that task.  So she began to turn to Luisa to get some help by her in any way. One night Luisa appeared to her in a dream, telling her and reassuring her that Jesus is the Master and that she would be only the dog that accompanies and is close to the sheep (the children of the Institute) never stop smiling, what she does really.

Before ending, we prayed all together the last decade of the Rosary that was interrupted because of our arrival at the institute, the Salve Regina and the prayer for the glorification of our sister Luisa Piccarreta. There was still time to visit the room where Father Annibale stayed during his visits to the Institute at Altamura that the next year, 2016, will reach its centenary. In this room the bed, closet, dresser, desk, used by the Saint from Messina are kept, as well as a large glass case containing clothes and objects belonged to him.

Next to the room of Father Annibale there is the room that once belonged to Father Pantaleone Palma, born in Oria (BR). He was one of the closest and main collaborators of Father Annibale. Now this room is transformed into a small museum with other objects and vestments of the Saint.

Inside the institute, the mortal remains of Melanie, visionary of La Salette are kept. St. Annibale Maria di Francia had her remains moved from the cathedral of Altamura and when she was alive he really wanted her by his side because he had found in her, as later in Luisa, spiritual qualities and abilities.

The mutual exchange of hospitality between the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will, the group of Voluntary Association PADIF, the Daughters of Divine Zeal and all the people present in the Chapel, is an invitation to keep alive the ties between the two cities, as claimed by Don Sergio,  so that the knowledge of the Supreme Kingdom could spread through the intercession of Luisa and St. Annibale Maria di Francia: the firstborn daughter and the Apostle of the Divine Will.

Associazione Luisa Piccarreta

Telefono: 0808982221 | Email:
Associazione Luisa Piccarreta – Piccoli Figli della Divina Volontà
Via Luisa Piccarreta, 25/27 CORATO BA70033

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A Silent Soul is a Loving Soul


V12 – January 2, 1919
Just as in Jesus, everything must be silent in souls.

This morning my lovable Jesus made Himself seen under a storm of blows; and with His sweet gaze He looked at me, asking for help and refuge. I flung myself toward Him to extract Him from those blows and enclose Him inside my heart; and Jesus told me: “My daughter, My Humanity remained silent under the blows of the scourges. Not only did My Mouth remain silent, but everything was silent in Me. Esteem, glory, power and honor were silent; but in a mute language My Patience, My Humiliation, My Wounds, My Blood, the annihilation of My Being, almost to dust, were Eloquently Speaking. And My Ardent Love for the salvation of souls gave an Echo to all My Pains.

Here is, My daughter, the True Portrait of Loving souls. Everything Must remain silent in them, and around them: esteem, glory, pleasures, honors, greatness, will, creatures. And if the soul had these things, she must remain as though deaf, and as if she did not see anything. On the other hand, My Patience, My Glory, My Esteem, My Pains, Must take over within her; and everything she does, thinks and loves, will be nothing other than Love, which will have one single Echo with Mine, and will ask Me for souls. My Love for souls is great, and since I want everyone to be saved, I go in search for souls who Love Me and who, taken by the same Follies of My Love, would suffer and ask Me for souls. But alas!, how scarce is the number of those who listen to Me!”

  • Paragraph 561 – III. The Mysteries of Jesus’ Public Life
    561 “The whole of Christ’s life was a continual teaching: his silences, his
    miracles, his gestures, his prayer, his love for people, his special affection CCC
  • Lamentations 3:26 – Teth. It is good to wait with silence for the salvation of God.


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Dialogues des Carmelites final

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Prayer of St. Aloysius Gonzaga




Luisa bookJune 20, 1899 – Afterwards, Heaven opened; it seemed that a very great feast was being prepared. At that very moment a young man of lovely appearance came down from Heaven, all dazzling with fire and flames. Jesus told me: “Tomorrow is the feast of my dear Aloysius – I must go attend.” And I: ‘And so You leave Me alone – what shall I do?’ And He: “You too will come. Look at how beautiful Aloysius is; but the greatest thing in him, which distinguished him on earth, was the love with which he operated. Everything was love in him – love occupied him interiorly, love surrounded him externally; so, one can say that even his breath was love. This is why it is said of him that he never suffered distraction – because love inundated him everywhere, and with this love he will be inundated eternally, as you see.”

And in fact it seemed that the love of Saint Aloysius was so very great, as to be able to burn the whole world to ashes. Then, Jesus added: “I stroll over the highest mountains, and there I form my delight.” Since I did not understand the meaning of it, He continued: “The highest mountains are the Saints who have loved Me the most, and in them I form my delight, both when they are on earth, and when they pass into Heaven. So, everything is in love.”


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Divine Will Laws of Love


V25 – February 22, 1929 – “My daughter, Luisa, You Must Know that in Our Divinity there is the ordinary order for the whole Creation, and this is not moved because of any incident: not one point, not one minute earlier, not one minute later; life ends when it is Established by Us—We are Immutable in this regard. But, in Us, there is also the Extraordinary Order, and since We are the Masters of the Laws of the whole Creation, We have the Right to change them whenever We Want. But if We change them, a great Glory of Ours Must enter into this, and a great good for the whole Creation; We do not change Our Laws because of little things.

V30 – March 27, 1932 – “…My Truths on My Divine Will will be the only Laws that will Dominate the creatures who will enter to Live in this Kingdom—Laws, not of oppressions, but of Love, that will sweetly make themselves loved, because in them they will find the Strength, the Harmony, the Happiness, the Abundance of all Goods. Therefore, Courage, and always forward in My Divine Will.”

V30 – May 30, 1932 “Now Our Paternal Goodness, seeing that man always goes falling more, in order to give him a support, a help, It gave him the Law as the norm for his life, because in the Creation It gave him neither laws, nor other things, except that of My Divine Will, that by continuously giving him Life, gave him Our Divine Law naturally, in a way that he would feel to it in himself, as his own life, without having the need that We would tell and command him. Even more, because where My Will Reigns, there are neither laws, nor commands. Laws are for the servants, for the rebels, not for the children. Between Us and those who Live in Our Volition, everything is resolved in Love.

V33 – October 21, 1934And in the Redemption Itself, there was not one law over Me. No one could obligate Me to suffer so much even to dying. But My Law was Love, and the Operative Virtue of My Divine Spontaneity, so much so that the sufferings first were formed in Me, I gave them Life, and then investing creatures they re-gave them to Me, and I, with that Spontaneous Love with which I had given them Life, received them in the same way.”

V33 – May 14, 1935 – ’ “…My Sufferings, My Wounds, My Blood, everything is yours, Luisa, such that you have no need of asking Me for them, but can take them in order to make use of them for your needs. This is so true, that in one in whom My Divine Will Reigns, she has no need of laws, but feels in herself her nature changed into Divine Lawas she naturally feels the strength of the breath, of the heartbeat, so she feels the strength of the Law as substantial part of her life. And since My Law is Law of Love, of Sanctity, of Order, therefore she feels in herself the nature of Love, of Sanctity, of Order. Where My Will Reigns, so much is Its Love, that It Transforms into nature the Goods that It wants to give to the creature so that she is owner of them, no one can take them away, and I Myself act as Guardian of the Gifts in nature granted to this creature.”

V36 – May 6, 1938“I would never have come down from Heaven without the court of My People; without a Reign in which I could Dominate with My Laws of Love. All the centuries are just like a point for us, in which everything is Ours, in Action. Therefore, when I came down from Heaven as Dominator and King of My children, I felt courted and Loved—as only We can do—and My Love was such that My children were all conceived together with Me. I just couldn’t be without them; I couldn’t have tolerated not finding My Loving children. So they grew with Me in the Womb of My Queen Mother; they were born together with Me, cried with Me, did everything I did. They walked, worked, prayed and suffered together with Me, and I can say that they were with me even on My Cross, to die and Rise Again to New Life for human generations.

“Therefore, the Kingdom of Our Will is already established. We know its numbers, we know them all by name. We already feel them palpitating in ardent Love. O, how much We Love them and yearn for the time to deliver them into the Daylight of Our Will on earth. Then the children of My Volition will have in their power My Conception, My Birth, My steps, Pains and tears; they will be able to be conceived and born again as many times as they want; they will feel My steps and Pains in theirs. Since in My Will, My Birth and Life are repeated every instant, they can take Them for themselves, give Them to others, or do whatever they want. I know that they would never do what I do not want. These children of Ours, born again, formed and fed by Our Will, will be the True Glory of Our Creation; they will crown Our Creative Work, placing the seal of their love in every created thing for the One Who did all for them and Loved them so much.”

V36 – November 13, 1938 – “…My Truths will form the regime, the laws, the food, the fierce army, the defense and the very Life of those who will Live in It. Each of My Truths will have Its own distinct Office: one will be the Master; one the most Loving Father; one the most Tender Mother who carries her daughter on her lap to protect her from every danger, rocking her in her arms, feeding her with her Love, clothing her in Light. In sum, every Truth will be the Bearer of a special Good.

  • Paragraph 1972 – III. The New Law or the Law of the Gospel
    1972 The New Law is called a law of love because it makes us act out of the
    love infused by the Holy Spirit, rather than from fear; a law of grace …
  • Paragraph 459 – I. Why Did the Word Become Flesh?
    … Father commands: “Listen to him!” 75 Jesus is the model for the Beatitudes
    and the norm of the new law: “Love one another as I have loved you.” 76 …
  • Paragraph 715 – III. God’s Spirit and Word in the Time of the Promises
    … people in the language of the promise, with the accents of “love and fidelity …
    Lord’s Spirit will renew the hearts of men, engraving a new law in them. …
  • Ecclesiasticus 11:15 – Wisdom and discipline, and the knowledge of the law are with God. Love and the ways of good things are with him.
  • Romans 13:10 – The love of our neighbour worketh no evil. Love therefore is the fulfilling of the law.
  • Ecclesiasticus 2:19 – They that fear the Lord, will seek after the things that are well pleasing to him: and they that love him, shall be filled with his law.



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Feast Day of Pope St. Leo the Great

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