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The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin had the same Power of the Creative “FIAT”


3c3527af8097bb56461281d33dc89f8a 1/17/21 – Vol. 12

The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin had the same Power of the Creative “FIAT”. The Third “FIAT” will be the Fulfillment and the Completion of the Prayer taught by Jesus: Fiat Voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in Terra.

I felt my poor mind immersed in the immense Sea of the Divine Volition. I could see the Mark of the FIAT everywhere. I saw it in the sun, and it seemed to me that the Echo of the FIAT in the sun brought me Divine Love, which darted through me, wounded me and flashed through me. And I, on the Wings of the FIAT of the sun, went up to the Eternal One bringing, in the name of the whole human family, the Love which darted, wounded, and flashed through the Supreme Majesty. And I said: ‘In Your FIAT You gave me all this Love, and only in the FIAT can I return it to You.’

I looked at the stars and I could see the FIAT in them; and in their sweet and meek glittering, this FIAT brought me Pacific Love, Sweet Love, Hidden Love, Compassionate Love in the very night of sin. And I, in the FIAT of the stars, in the name of all, brought to the Throne of the Eternal One Pacific Love in order to put Peace between Heaven and earth, the Sweet Love of the loving souls, the Hidden Love of many others, the Love of the creatures when, after sin, they come back to God. But who can say all that I understood and did in the many FIATs which were scattered over all Creation? I would be too long; so I stop here.

Then, my sweet Jesus took my hands in His Own, and squeezing them tightly, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the FIAT is all full of Life – even more, It is Life Itself, and this is why all lives and all things come from within the FIAT. Creation came out from My ‘FIAT’; therefore in each created thing one can see the Mark of the FIAT. Redemption came out from the ‘FIAT MIHI’ of My dear Mama, pronounced in My Volition and carrying the same Power of My Creative ‘FIAT.’ Therefore, there is nothing in Redemption which does not contain the Mark of the ‘FIAT MIHI’ of My Mama. Even My very Humanity, My Steps, Words and Works were Marked by Her ‘FIAT MIHI.’ My Pains, My Wounds, My Thorns, My Cross, My Blood, had the Mark of Her ‘FIAT MIHI’, because things carry the mark of the origin from which they come. My Origin in time was the ‘FIAT MIHI’ of the Immaculate Mama; therefore all of My Works carry the Mark of Her ‘FIAT MIHI.’ So, Her ‘FIAT MIHI’ is in each Sacramental Host; if man rises again from sin, if the newborn is baptized, if Heaven opens to receive souls, it is the ‘FIAT MIHI’ of My Mama that Marks everything, follows everything, and from It everything proceeds. Oh, Power of the FIAT! It rises every instant; It multiplies, and It becomes Life of all Goods.

LUISA14Now I (Jesus) want to tell you (Luisa) why I asked for your ‘FIAT’ – your ‘yes’ in My Volition. I want the prayer which I taught – the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua sicut in Coelo et in terra’ – this prayer of so many centuries, of so many generations – to have its Fulfillment and Completion. This is why I wanted another ‘yes’ in My Volition – another ‘FIAT’ containing the Creative Power. I want the ‘FIAT’ that rises every instant, and multiplies in everyone. I want, in one soul (Luisa), My Own ‘FIAT’ which ascends to My Throne and, by Its Creative Power, brings upon earth the Life of the ‘FIAT on earth as It is in Heaven’.”

Surprised and annihilated in hearing this, I said: ‘Jesus, what are You saying? Yet, You know how bad and incapable of anything I am.’ And He: “My daughter (Luisa), it is my usual way to choose the most abject, unable, poor souls for My Greatest Works. Even My Mama had nothing extraordinary in her exterior life; no miracles – not a sign that would distinguish Her from other women. Her only distinction was Perfect Virtue, to which almost no one paid attention. And if to other Saints I gave the distinction of miracles, and I adorned others with My Wounds, to My Mama, nothing – nothing. Yet, She was the Portent of portents, the Miracle of miracles, the True and Perfect Crucified – no one else like Her.

I usually act like a master who has two servants. One of them seems a herculean giant, good at everything; the other one is short, unable, and seems to be good at nothing – not an important service. If the master keeps him, it is more for charity, and also for fun. Now, having to send a million – a billion, to another town, what does he do? He calls the little and incapable one, and entrusts the great sum to him, saying to himself: ‘If I give it to the giant, all will fix their attention on him; thieves may attack him and rob him; and if he tries to defend himself with his herculean strength, he may be wounded. I know that he is capable, but I want to spare him; I do not want to expose him to the obvious danger. On the other hand, no one will pay attention to this little one, knowing him to be incapable; no one would think that I would entrust such an important sum to him; and so he will come back safe and sound.’ The poor incapable one is surprised that the master would trust him, when he could have used the giant, and all trembling and humble, he goes to deposit the great sum, with no one deigning to give him even a glance. So, he returns safe and sound to his master, more trembling and humble than before.

So I (Jesus) do: the greater the Work I want to do, the more I choose abject, poor, ignorant souls, with no outward appearance which may expose them. The abject state of the soul will serve as safe custody for My Work. The thieves of self-esteem and love of self will not pay attention to her (Luisa), knowing her inability. And she (Luisa), humble and trembling, will carry out the Office entrusted by Me, knowing that she (Luisa) has done nothing by herself, but that I (Jesus) did everything in her (Luisa).”

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Jesus Christ explains to her (Luisa) the Order of Charity.



1/16/01 – Vol. 4

Jesus Christ explains to her (Luisa) the Order of Charity.

As I continued to see Him a little indignant with the world, I wanted to occupy myself with placating Him, but He distracted me by saying to me: “The Charity most acceptable to Me is toward those who are closest to Me, and those who are closest to Me are the purging souls, because they are confirmed in My Grace and there is no opposition between My Divine Will and theirs. They Live continuously in Me, they ardently Love Me, and I AM forced to see them suffer within Myself, impotent to give themselves the slightest relief on their own. Oh, how tortured My Heart is by the position of these souls, because they are not far away, but close to Me – not only close, but inside of Me! And how pleasing to My Heart one who interests himself with them. Suppose you had a mother or a sister who lived with you in a state of sorrow, incapable of helping themselves on their own, and then someone else, foreign, who lived outside of your house, also in a state of sorrows, but capable of helping himself by himself. Would you not be more pleased if someone occupied himself with relieving your mother or your sister, rather than the foreign one who can help himself on his own?” And I: ‘Certainly, O Lord!’

Then He added: “The second Charity most acceptable to My Heart is for those who, though living on this earth, are almost like the purging souls – that is, they love Me, they always do My Divine Will, they interest themselves with My things as if they were their own. Now, if these are oppressed, in need, in a state of sufferings, and someone occupies himself with relieving them and helping them, this is more pleasing to My Heart than if it were done to others.”

Then Jesus disappeared, and as I found myself inside myself, it seemed to me that those things did not go according to the Truth. So, on coming back, my adorable Jesus made me understand that what He had told me was according to the Truth. There was only something left to say about the members separated from Him, which are the sinners – that if one occupied himself with reuniting these members, this would be very acceptable to His Heart. The difference that exists is this: that if a sinner were oppressed, in the midst of a misfortune, and one occupied himself, not to convert him, but to relieve him and help him materially, the Lord would be more pleased if this were done for those who are in the Order of Grace. In fact, if these suffer, it is always a product, either of the Love of God for them, or of their love for God; while if sinners suffer, the Lord sees in them the mark of guilt and of their obstinate will. This is how I seemed to understand; after all, I leave the judgment to those who have the right to judge me, whether this goes according to the Truth or not.

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One who wants to Love, Repair, Substitute for all, must Live in the Divine Will.



1/15/20 – Vol. 12

One who wants to Love, Repair, Substitute for all, must Live in the Divine Will.

I was pouring all of myself into the Divine Volition, to be able to substitute for everything that the creature is obliged to do toward the Supreme Majesty; and while I was doing this, I said to myself: ‘Where can I find enough Love to be able to give my sweet Jesus Love for all?’ And He told me in my interior: “My daughter (Luisa), in My Divine Will you will find this Love, which can make up for the love of all, because one who enters My Divine Will will find many springing Founts; and as much as he may take, they never decrease one drop. There is the Fount of Love, which impetuously spouts its Waves; but as much as it spouts, it always springs forth. There is the Fount of Beauty, and no matter how many Beauties it releases, it never fades; on the contrary, it springs with ever new and more rare Beauties. There is the Fount of Wisdom, the Fount of Contentments, the Fount of Goodness, of Power, of Mercy, of Justice, and of all the rest of My Qualities.

They all spring up, and each one pours into the other, in such a way that Love is Beautiful, is Wise, is Powerful, etc. The Fount of Beauty gives Beauty of Love, Wise and Powerful, and with such Power as to keep the whole of Heaven enraptured, without ever tiring It. These springing Founts form such a Harmony, such a Contentment and an Enchanting Show that all the Blessed remain so sweetly Enchanted that they never move, even one glance, so as not to miss even one of these Contentments. Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), for one who wants to Love, Repair and Substitute for all, there is the strict necessity to Live in My Volition, from where everything springs; where things multiply as many times as needed, and remain all Coined with the Divine Imprint. This Divine Imprint forms the other Founts, whose Waves rise and rise so much, that in pouring out, they flood everything and do good to all. Therefore, always – always in My Divine Will. There I await you – there I want you.”

“God is Love, and he who abides in Love abides in God, and God abides in him” (1 Jn 4:16).


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One is not worthy of Jesus if he does not empty himself of everything. Jesus forms His Image in the light that comes out of the soul.



1/14/02 – Vol. 4

One is not worthy of Jesus if he does not empty himself of everything. What true exaltation consists of.

As I was in my usual state, my adorable Jesus came and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), only one who has emptied himself of everything and has filled himself completely with Me can be truly worthy of Me, in such a way as to make of himself an Object of Divine Love alone; to the point that My Love must come to form his life, and he must Love Me, not with his love, but with My Own Love.” Then He added: “What do these words mean: He has cast down the mighty from their thrones and has lifted up the lowly? That the soul, destroying herself completely, fills all of herself with God, and as she Loves God with God Himself, God exalts the soul to an Eternal Love. This is the true and greatest exaltation, and also true humility.” Then He continued: “The true sign to know whether one possesses this Love is that the soul cares about nothing but Loving God, making Him Known, and making everyone Love Him.” Then, as He withdrew in my interior, I heard Him pray, saying: “Ever Holy and indivisible Trinity, I Adore You profoundly, I Love You intensely, I Thank You perpetually, for all and in the hearts of all.” And I went on in this way, hearing Him pray almost continuously inside of me, and I with Him.


1/14/06 – Vol. 6

Jesus forms His Image in the light that comes out of the soul.

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus came for just a little and told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), I AM not content when only glimmers of light come out of the soul; I want that her thought be Light – Light the word, Light the desire, Light the works, Light the steps; and that these Lights, united together, form a sun, so that in this sun My whole Image may be formed.  And this happens when she does everything – everything for Me; then does she become all Light.  And just as one who wants to enter into the solar light finds no obstacle to entering it, so do I (Jesus) find no obstacle in this sun which the creature has made of her whole being.  On the other hand, with one who is not all light, I find many hindrances to forming My Image.”

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Luisa sees the Most Holy Trinity. The evil of adulations.



1/13/03 – Vol. 4

Luisa sees the Most Holy Trinity. The evil of adulations.

As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see the Most Holy Trinity. They were looking at One Another, and in those Gazes Their Beauty was so great that They would remain ecstatic at the mere gazing upon One Another. In this state They overflowed with Love, and were as though stirred by that Love, to then become more intensely ecstatic. So, all of Their Good and Delight was comprised within Themselves, and the whole of Their Eternal Life, Beatitude and Exercise, was enclosed in this Word alone: ‘Love’. And the whole Beatitude of the Saints was formed by this perfect Operating of the Most Holy Trinity. While I was seeing this, the Son assumed the form of the Crucified, and coming out from Their midst, He came to me, sharing with me the Pains of the Crucifixion. And while remaining with Me, He brought Himself once again into Their midst, and offered His sufferings and mine, satisfying for the love that all creatures owed Them. Who can say Their Delight, and how satisfied They were by the offering of the Son! It seemed that, since in creating the creatures nothing had come out of Their interior but contained flames of love; so much so, that in order to give vent to this love They began to create many other images of Themselves – only when They receive what They have given, are They then satisfied – that is, love They gave, Love They want. So, the most awful affront is to not Love Them. Yet, Oh God, three times Holy, who is there that Loves You?

After this, They disappeared; but who can say what I understood? My mind got lost, and my tongue is unable to articulate a word. Then, after a little while, Blessed Jesus came back with His Face covered with spit and with mud, and He said to me: “My daughter (Luisa), praises, adulations, are spit and mud that dirty and smear the soul, and blind her mind, so as to prevent her from knowing who she really is, especially if they do not start from the truth. In fact, if they start from the truth and the person is worthy of praises, knowing the truth she will give the Glory to Me; but if they start from falsehood, they drive the soul to such excess that she will confirm herself more in evil.”


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‘The Principle’

‘The Principle’

 The Principle the long interview – Earth is the center of the universe


Vol. 34

“This is the reason My Speaking still continues, because all the Queens have not come forth form Our Divinity in order to complete their Office.  And since the Speaking about My Will is the continuation of the Creation of the Fiat that Created the universe, and as then the Creation of the universe was preparation to the Creation of Man, so today My Speaking about My Fiat is nothing other than the continuation of Creation in order to prepare the sumptuousness, the decency, for My Kingdom and for those who will possess It.  Therefore be attentive and do not let anything escape you, otherwise you would suffocate an Act of My Will and constrain Me to repeat My Lessons.”


“And now a word to all of you who read these writings… I beg you, I implore you to receive with love what Jesus wants to gives us, that is, His Will.

But to give you His Will, He wants yours, otherwise His own cannot reign. If you only knew… With this love my Jesus wants to give you the greatest gift that exists in both heaven and earth: His Will!

Oh, what bitter tears He sheds, for He sees that in following your own will you wander all over the wretched earth! You are no good at keeping a good resolution, and do you know why? Because His Will does not reign in you.

Oh, how Jesus weeps and sighs over your destiny! And sobbing, He begs you to make His will reign in you. He wants to make you change your lot: from sick to healthy, from poor to rich, from weak to strong, from hesitant to steadfast, from slaves to kings. He wants no great penances, no lengthy prayers nor anything else; except that His Will reign in you and that yours live no more.

Ah, listen to Him, and I am ready to give my life for each one of you, to suffer any hardship so that you open the doors of your soul and the Will of my Jesus can reign and triumph over the human generations!

Now will you all deign to accept my invitation? Come with me to Eden, the place of your origins where the Supreme One created man, made him king and gave him a kingdom to rule over; this kingdom was the whole universe; but his scepter, his crown and his orders came from the depths of his soul in which the divine Fiat dwells as a ruling King and constitutes man’s true kingship. His robes were royal, brighter than the sun, his acts noble, his beauty entrancing. God so loved him, entertained himself with him, called him my little king and son. All was happiness, order and harmony


Preface to the Hours

The first Fiat extracted the whole Universe from nothing. The second Fiat, pronounced by the Most Holy Virgin Mary, hailed by the Angel, determined the Incarnation of the Divine Word in Her most pure Womb and the subsequent Redemption of mankind.  The third Fiat was left to us by Our Lord Jesus Christ in the great Prayer of the Our Father, with those divine words:  “Fiat Voluntas Tua Sicut in Coelo et in terra” – Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

October 13, 1916

I was making “The Hours of his Passion, and Blessed Jesus said to me:

“My daughter, in the course of my mortal Life, thousands of Angels courted my Humanity and gathered together what I did: my words, steps, even breaths, pains, drops of my Blood, in a word, everything. They were Angels deputed to my care, to render Me honor, obedient to my every gesture; they descended and ascended to Heaven, as to present what I did to the Father.

Now, these Angels have a special office: As the soul recalls my Life, my Passion, my prayers, they place themselves round her, thus gathering together her words, her prayers, the compassion she shows Me, her tears, her offenses; whereby, uniting them to Mine, they carry them off to my Majesty, as to renew for Me the glory of my own Life. And the Angels enjoy it so much that they reverently stand in attention as to hear what the soul is saying, and they pray together with her. Therefore, with attention and respect, the soul ought to make these Hours, while remembering that the Angels hang upon her every word, as to repeat after her what she says!”….

 May 16, 1917

Then I found myself outside of myself.  I found myself among many souls—it seemed as though they were the souls of Purgatory and the Saints—who named a person I knew who died not long ago, and they said to me:  “He feels as happy in seeing that there is no soul who enters into Purgatory who does not carry the imprint of the Hours of the Passion.  Further, helped and escorted by these Hours, he takes his position in a secure place.  Moreover, there is not a soul that flies into Paradise who is not accompanied by these Hours of the Passion.  These Hours rain continuous dew from Heaven onto the earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.”

Upon hearing this I said to myself:  “Perhaps my beloved Jesus, in order to keep His word given—that for every word of The Hours of the Passion He would save a soul—(grants that) there be no soul saved who would not have made use of these Hours.”

Afterwards, I returned into myself, and, having found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him if this were true.

And He:  “These Hours are the order of the universe and put Heaven and earth into harmony, as well as keep Me from destroying the world.  I feel My Blood, My Wounds, My Love, and all that I did, put into circulation; and they flow upon all to save all.  Further, as souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel My Blood, My Wounds, and My anxieties to save souls come to life, and I feel My Life repeated to Me.

“How can creatures obtain any good, if not by means of these Hours?  Why do you doubt it?  The thing is not yours, but Mine.  You have been the constrained and weak instrument.”

 The Queen

Listen, my child: as soon as the Divinity smiled and celebrated my Conception, the Supreme Fiat took the third step over my little humanity. Tiny, tiny as I was, It endowed Me with divine reason; and moving all Creation in feast, It made Me recognized by all created things as their Queen. They recognized in Me the life of the Divine Will, and the whole universe prostrated itself at my feet, even though I was tiny and not yet born.

Now, dear child, if your life and your pains have the Divine Will as their center of life, be certain that sweet Jesus will use you and your pains to give help, light and grace to the whole universe. Therefore, pluck up courage; the Divine Will can do great things where It reigns. In all circumstances, reflect yourself in Me and in your sweet Jesus, and move forward.

Volume 35

The Sun, the sky, the stars, the wind and the sea are not Lives but, being our works, how much good do they not do?  They serve as the most beautiful and primary residence for man…. What are their houses compared to the great residence We made of all the Universe?  There is a blue vault dotted with gold, which never fades; there is a Sun which is never extinguished; there is air which, being breathed, gives life; there is a wind which purifies and refreshes… and many more things.

 Volume 34

December 8, 1935

“The Creation of the universe was Created by Us in an admirable way, and it is maintained by Us under the Empire of Our Creating and Conserving Act, without Us adding anything else.  On the other hand, in this Virgin, We maintain the Creating, Conserving, and Growing Act.  This is the Prodigy of prodigies, the Life of Our Volition Reborn in Her, and Its continuous Growth in every Act that She did.  And Our Fiat, in order be Born in Her, pronounced Itself in the Act of Her Conception.  And when this pronounces Itself, Our Act has such Sumptuousness, Sublimity, Height, Immensity, Power, that It takes everything in the net of Its Love, It does not set anyone aside, everyone can take the Good that Our Operating Fiat possesses, except whoever would not want it.

“See, therefore, where Our Love arrives at for one who Lives in the Divine Will—even to not wanting to do anything without her.  She is the harmony of Our Infinite Wisdom, that as the Creation of the universe always goes around Us, and as they go around fecundating the earth and maintaining the natural life of all creatures, so this New Creation of the Conception of the Immaculate Lady always goes around God, and God always goes around Her, and They maintain the fecundity of Good, They form the Sanctity of souls, and the Recall of creatures to God.”

Volume 31

I am repeating the way that I had in Creation, I pronounced the Fiat, then I was silent; and although they say days, at that time days did not exist, therefore they can even be called epochs, in which I formed the great machine of the universe.  I spoke and I worked; and so much was My Pleasure with the Work that My Word produced, that with one ‘Fiat’ of Mine it disposed Me and enraptured from Me another ‘Fiat’ of Mine, and then still another, even to such that My ‘Fiat’ only stops when I see that nothing lacks to Its Work.  On the contrary, everything was Sumptuousness, Beauty, Order and Harmony, and in order to enjoy My Works, I remained as Life and at watch over My same ‘Fiat.’

Volume 30

I spoke in Creation, and My Word served to form the admirable things of the whole universe; I spoke in Redemption, and My Word, My Gospel, serves as guide to My Church, as light, as support.  It can be said that My Word is the substance and the Life palpitating in the womb of My Church.  Now, if I have spoken and I still speak about My Divine Will, it will not be in vain—no, but I will have the admirable effects and the Life of My Will, known, operating and palpitating in the midst of creatures.  Therefore, let Me do, and I will dispose things in a way that My Word will not be a dead word—but Alive, that will give Life with all its admirable effects.  More so, since these Celestial Fields and Seas of Ours will act as mothers to the fortunate souls who would want to live in them; they will educate them in a Divine Manner, they will nourish them with delicious foods taken from the Celestial table, and will raise them in a noble and holy way, such that in all their acts, steps and words, it will appear, written in clear notes:  ‘They are similar to their Creator.’

Volume 29

“Now, you must know that in creating the whole universe, the variety of many manifold things, We placed a determined act, an ‘enough’ to each thing, in such a way that they cannot surpass any limit from the way in which they were created.  However, even though it was a determined act and they cannot go any further, it was yet a full act; so much so, that creatures are unable, nor do they have the capacity, to take all the good that each created thing contains.  This is so true that, who can say:  ‘I can take all the light of the sun’?  ‘The heavens are not enough for me over my head’?  ‘All the waters are not enough for me to quench my thirst’?  ‘The earth is not sufficient under my feet’?  And so with many other things.  And this, because as Our Divinity does an act, creates things, Our Love, the superabundance We possess, is so great, that We put in display, luxury, pomp.  Of none of Our Works can it be said that it is poor; they all make display—some of luxury of light, some make pomp of beauty, some of variety of colors, and more.  They seem to be saying, in their mute language:  ‘Our Creator is immensely rich, beautiful, powerful, wise, and therefore all of us, as worthy works of Him, make display of luxury in the office given to us by God.’


‘My Creative Strength maintains all this machine of the universe; if It withdrew, the sun would disappear as if by magic, the heavens and all the other things would resolve into nothing, just as from nothing they came out.  So, My Creative Power keeps on creating It continuously, and can say in all reality:  ‘It is precisely for you that I am creating the sun, so that your life, your journey, may be strewn with light.  For you the azure heavens, so that your eye may wander afar and delight in their extension.  I am creating everything for you; I maintain everything in order because I love you.’  My Divine Will makes Itself life in act of all things, It sustains them and preserves them, It places them around the creature to make her feel, from all things and from all sides, Its unmovable Life, Its immutable Strength, Its invincible Love.  It can be said that It clasps her everywhere as triumph of Its Love.  And It maintains not only the external order and all things in act, as if It were creating them, but It maintains internally, with Its Creative Strength, the whole internal order of the creature.  So, It is always in act of creating the heartbeat, the breath, the motion, the circulation of the blood, the intelligence, the memory, the will.  It runs as life in the heartbeat, in the breath—in everything; It sustains and preserves, without ever withdrawing from the soul and from the body.  Yet, this Supreme Will of Mine is everything, does everything, and is not recognized, but rather, forgotten.  It could say as I said to the Apostles:  ‘I have been with you for so long, and you still do not know Me.’  Many things are made known that do not form the life of the creature; and of My Will, that forms the life and is continuous Act of Life—otherwise she could not live—nothing is made known.  Therefore, My daughter, be attentive, recognize It in you and outside of you—in everything, more than your own life, and you will feel admirable things, Its continuous Act that loves you with untiring love, and only because It loves you, It gives you Life.”

 “But do you know where We can form this Life and this fulfilled Act of Ours, as much as it is possible and imaginable for a creature to receive from her Creator?  In the soul who lives in Our Divine Will and lets herself be dominated by It.  Ah! only in her can We form the Divine Life and carry out Our fulfilled Act.  Our Will disposes the creature to receive all the Divine Qualities and colors; and Our Breath, never interrupted, as most skillful brush, paints with admirable and inimitable mastery the most beautiful shades, and forms the facsimiles of Our Supreme Being.  If it were not for these facsimiles, the work of Creation would have been nothing great, nor a great work of the Power of Our Creative Hands; to create the sun, the heavens, the stars and the whole universe would have been an absolute nothing for Our Power.

Volume 28

Then, I continued my round in the Creation, and my always lovable Jesus added:  “My daughter, see what order there is in the creation of the whole universe:  there are heavens, stars, suns – all ordered.  Much more so in creating man; Our Divine Being stretched out the order of Our divine qualities like many heavens in the depth of his soul.  So, We stretched out in him the heaven of love, the heaven of Our goodness, the heaven of Our sanctity, of Our beauty, and so on.  And after We stretched out the order of the heavens of Our divine qualities, Our Fiat, in the vault of these heavens, constituted Itself Sun of the soul, which, with Its light and heat, reflecting Itself in him, was to grow and preserve Our Divine Life in the creature.  And just as Our divine qualities point out Our Supreme Being, so do these heavens, stretched out in man, point out that he is Our dwelling.  Who can tell you the way – the Love with which We delighted in creating man?  Oh! if he knew who he is, what he possesses, oh! how he would esteem himself more, and would be attentive not to stain his soul, and would love the One who created him with so much love and grace.”

“My daughter, my Love toward creatures is so great, that It does not cease to love them for one single instant.  If I ceased to love them for one instant alone, the whole machine of the universe and all creatures would resolve into nothing, because the existence of all things had the first act of life from my Love – full, whole, complete, interminable and incessant; and so that my Love might have all Its fullness, I released from Myself, as act of life of the whole universe and of each act of creature, my Divine Will.  So, my Will is life of everything, my Love is continuous nourishment of all Creation.

Volume 27

In fact, this great machine of the universe was done in order to give It to the creature – but to that creature who would let Our Divine Volition reign. 

So, after the universe was created and all things were at their place of order, waiting for the one around whom, like an ordered army, they were to line up so as to serve him and obey his wishes, We created man.  All created things and his very Creator poured themselves over him to sing to him Our eternal loves, and say to Him:  ‘We all have the mark of our Creator, and we pour it over you, who are His image.’  Heaven and earth made complete feast, and Our very Divinity celebrated with so much love the creation of man, that at the mere memory of it, Our love seethes so strongly that, overflowing, it forms immense seas around Us.

Volume 25

One is the Virgin, and therefore universal Mother and Queen of all.  One is your Jesus, and therefore my Redemption extends everywhere and in a universal way; everything I did and suffered is at the disposal of all and of each one.  One is the little newborn of my Divine Will, and therefore the whole entire universe will receive, in a universal way, all the goods of the manifestations and knowledges of my Divine Fiat which, like sacred deposit, I have deposited in you, so that, more than splendid sun, it may shine its innumerable rays to illuminate the whole entire world.  Therefore, everything I tell you contains the universal virtue, which will give itself to all and will do good to all.  So, be attentive, and always follow my Divine Will.”

May everything be for the glory of God and for the fulfillment of His Fiat!!!

 Volume 24

I was doing my round in the Divine Fiat, and many things about the Supreme Volition wandered through my mind; so I thought to myself:  ‘How can it be that if the knowledges about this Divine Will become known, then Its Kingdom can come?  If He did so much for the coming of the Kingdom of Redemption – the mere knowledge of it was not enough, but He worked, suffered, died, performed miracles… – will the knowledges alone be enough for the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat which is greater than Redemption?’  But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior and told me:  “My daughter, in order to form the smallest thing, creatures need works, steps and raw materials; but God, your Jesus, does not need anything to create and form the greatest works and the entire universe.

So, all that you see in the whole universe are nothing but the effects of the one single act of God; and because it is one single act, it possesses the virtue of order and harmony in all of the effects it produces.

Volume 23

“My little daughter, you must know that Our love gushed out in Creation, and overflowing outside of Ourselves – without anyone having merited such a great good, not even with a single word – Our highest goodness and liberality with no limits created the whole machine of the universe with such great magnificence, order and harmony, for love of the one who did not yet exist.  After this, Our love gushed out more strongly, and We created the one for whom all things had been created.  And since, in operating, We operate always with unreachable magnanimity, and while We are not depleted, We give everything, so that nothing of magnanimity, of greatness and of all goods may be lacking to Our work – in creating man, with no merit at all on his part, as dowry, foundation and substance of all goods, joys and happinesses, we gave him Our Will as his Kingdom, so that he might lack nothing, having a Divine Will at his disposal and, with It, Our Supreme Being.

 Volume 22

It happens as it did in Creation:  Our Being existed ab eterno[1][1], but nothing could be seen outside of Ourselves before Creation, because all Our operating, Our portents and beatitudes were carried out within Ourselves; but when Our Divine Being wanted to operate outside of Ourselves, Our Will had the occasion to operate, and It issued the whole universe, with such sumptuousness, order and harmony, as to form the amazement of all generations and the triumph and victory of Our Supreme Being.  The same with the soul who lives in Our Will:  as she operates, she gives It the occasion to form more works worthy of It.  Therefore, she is Our continuous triumph and the carrying out of Our works; she keeps the divine attitude up.  So, while forming Our triumph and Our victory, at the same time the soul triumphs and conquers the Divine Will.  Therefore, both one and the other are seen as victorious:  God and the littleness of the creature.  Do you think it is trivial that the littleness of the creature sings victory, moves a Divine Will to operate, and conquers It?”

[1][1]  From eternity.

Volume 1

It happens in two ways: the first is instantaneous, almost in a flash; and it is so sudden, that it seemed to me that the body would lift a little bit from the bed in order to follow the soul, but then it would stay there. And it seemed to me that the body would remain as dead, while the soul would follow Jesus, walking throughout the whole universe – the earth, the air, the seas, the mountains, Purgatory and Heaven, where many times He showed me the place where I will be after I die. The other way, then, for the soul to go out, is more quiet. It seems that the body dozes off insensibly and remains as though petrified at the presence of Jesus Christ; however, the soul remains with the body, and the body no longer feels anything of external things – even if all the universe turned upside down; even if they burned me up and reduced me to pieces.

Dear Friend in Christ,

My guests on this week’s Mic’D up were Robert Sungenis & Rick DeLano, discussing the highly debated documentary, ‘The Principle’. Set for release this spring, it’s a 90 minute spectacle of cinematography which presents the most compelling 21st century scientific and cosmological data. All of this research raises questions about Earth’s place in the Universe. Could Earth really be at the center of the entire universe? Is mankind at the center of this vast universe? And if we are…why?

If this sounds interesting, please watch this Mic’D Up episode!

GOD Bless you and your loved ones,

Michael Voris
~senior executive producer at ChurchMilitant.TV

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Love Wants to be Matched by Love. The Souls who Live in the Divine Will will be for the Body of the Church like skin to the body



1/11/12 – Vol. 10

Love Wants to be Matched by Love.

After I received Communion, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all around me, and I was in the middle, as if within a flow. Jesus was the flow and I the nothing which was in the middle of this flow. Now, who can say what I experienced in this flow? I felt I was immense, yet nothing existed of me but nothingness; I felt breathed upon by Jesus; I felt His breath around me and everywhere… But I don’t have the words to express myself, I am too ignorant; I wrote this to obey. Then, afterwards Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), see how much I Love you and how I keep you safe within My Flow – that is, within Me. This is how you should keep Me safe and sheltered within you. Love wants to be matched by Love, so as to have the contentment of making a greater surprise of Love. Therefore, never go out from within My Love, from within My Desires, from within My Works, from within My All.”


1/11/22 – Vol. 13

The Souls who Live in the Divine Will will be for the Body of the Church like skin to the body, and will bring to all of Its Members the Circulation of Life.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the Holy Divine Will, and I said to myself: ‘All the children of the Church are members of the Mystical Body, of which Jesus is the Head. What place will the souls who do the Will of God occupy in this Mystical Body?’ And Jesus, always benign, on coming, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the Church is My Mystical Body, of which I Glory in being the Head. But in order to enter this Mystical Body, the members must grow to a proper stature, otherwise they would deform My Body. But, alas! – how many not only do not have the due proportion, but are rotten, wounded, so much as to be disgusting to My Head and to the other healthy members. Now, the souls who Live, or will Live in My Divine Will will be for the Body of My Church like skin to the body. The body has internal skin and external skin, and because in the skin there is the blood circulation which gives life to the whole body, it is by virtue of this circulation that the members reach the proper stature. If it wasn’t for the skin and for the blood circulation, the human body would be horrible to the sight, and its members would not grow to the due proportion.

Now, see how these souls who Live in My Divine Will are necessary to Me. Since I have destined them to be like skin to the body of My Church, and like circulation of Life for all the members, they will be the ones who will give the proper growth to the members which have not grown; who will heal the wounded members, and who will restore the Freshness, the Beauty, the Splendor of the whole Mystical Body by their continuous Living in My Divine Will, rendering it fully similar to My Head, which will sit in Full Majesty upon all those members. This is why the end of days cannot come if I do not have these souls who Live as though dissolved in My Divine Will – they interest Me more than anything. What impression would this Mystical Body make in the Celestial Jerusalem without them? And if this is what interests Me more than anything, it must interest you (Luisa) also more than anything, if you love Me. From now on, I (Jesus) will give to your acts done in My Divine Will the Virtue of Circulation of Life for the whole Mystical Body of the Church. Just like the blood circulation in the human body, your acts, extended within the Immensity of My Divine Will, will extend over all and will cover these members like skin, giving them proper growth. Therefore, be attentive and faithful.”

Then, afterwards, I was praying, all abandoned in the Will of Jesus, and almost without thinking, I said: ‘My Love – everything in Your Will: my little pains, my prayers, my heartbeat, my breathing – all I am and all I can, united to all that You are, so as to give proper growth to the members of the Mystical Body.” In hearing me, Jesus made Himself seen again, and smiling with satisfaction, added: “How beautiful it is to see My Truths in your heart as Fount of Life immediately having the Development and the Effect for which they have communicated themselves! Therefore, correspond with Me, and as soon as I see one Truth developed, I (Jesus) will make it an Honor for Myself to make another Fount of Truth arise.”

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The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin. God wants a Second “YES” in His Will. The “FIAT” of Luisa.



1/10/21 – Vol. 12

The “FIAT MIHI” of the Most Holy Virgin. God wants a Second “YES” in His Will. The “FIAT” of Luisa.

I was concerned about what is written above, and I said to myself: ‘I don’t know what Jesus wants from me; yet, He knows how bad I am, and how good at nothing.’ And Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), remember that years ago I (Jesus) asked you (Luisa) if you wanted to Live in My Divine Will; and since I wanted you in My Divine Will, I wanted you (Luisa) to pronounce your ‘YES’ in My Own Volition. This ‘YES’ was bound to an Eternal Point, and to a Will which will never end. This ‘YES’ is in the Center of My Volition, surrounded by infinite Immensity; and if it tries to go out, it almost cannot find the way. Therefore, at your little oppositions, at some discontent of yours, I (Jesus) laugh and I amuse Myself, because I (Jesus) see you (Luisa) like those people who are bound, by their own will, in the depth of the sea, and wanting to go out, they find nothing but water. And since they are bound in the depth of the sea, they feel the bother of wanting to get out, and in order to remain tranquil and happy, they plunge themselves even more into the depth of the sea. In the same way, in seeing you (Luisa) perplexed, as though wanting to go out, and in seeing that, unable to do it, being bound by your own ‘YES’, you plunge yourself even more into the Depths of My Divine Will – I (Jesus) laugh, and I amuse Myself. And then, do you think it is something trivial and easy to move from within My Divine Will? You would move an Eternal Point; and if you knew what it means to move an Eternal Point, you would tremble with fright.”

Then He added: “I asked the first ‘YES’ in My FIAT, of My dear Mama (Mary), and – oh, the Power of Her FIAT in My Divine Will! As soon as the Divine FIAT met with the FIAT of My Mama (Mary), the two became one. My FIAT raised Her, Divinized Her, overshadowed Her, and with no human intervention, conceived Me, the Son of God. Only in My FIAT could She conceive Me. My FIAT communicated to Her Immensity, Infinity, Fecundity, in a Divine Manner, and therefore the Immense Eternal Infinite One could be conceived in Her. As soon as She said, ‘FIAT MIHI’, not only did She take possession of Me, but She overshadowed all creatures and all created things. She felt within Herself the Life of all creatures, and from that moment She began to Act as the Mother and Queen of all. How many Portents does this ‘YES’ of My Mama (Mary) not contain – if I wanted to tell them all, you would never stop listening.”

Now, I (Jesus) asked a second ‘YES’ in My Divine Will, of you (Luisa); and you, though trembling, pronounced it. This ‘YES’ in My Volition will accomplish its Portents – it will have its Divine Fulfillment. You (Luisa) – follow Me, plunge yourself more deeply into the Immense Sea of My Divine Will, and I (Jesus) will take care of everything. My Mama did not think about how I would manage to Incarnate Myself in Her; She just said, ‘FIAT MIHI’, and I (Jesus) took care of how to be Incarnated. So you (Luisa) will do.”


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Everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love – Each created thing holds out the Love of God to man


 Nativity 4


1/9/03 – Vol. 4

Everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love.

This morning I was feeling all oppressed, and since Monsignor had come to visit me, saying that he was not sure that it was Jesus Christ who operated in me, when Blessed Jesus came, He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), in order to comprehend a subject well it takes belief, because without belief everything is dark in the human intellect. On the other hand, the mere believing turns on a Light in the mind, and by means of this Light one can recognize with clarity Truth and falsehood, when it is Grace that operates, when it is nature, and when the devil. See, the Gospel is known to all, but who comprehends the meaning of My Words, and the Truths contained in It? Who keeps them in his heart and makes of them a Treasure with which to purchase the Eternal Kingdom? One who believes. As for all others, not only do they not understand a thing, but they use My Words to mock them and to make fun of the Holiest things. So, it can be said that everything is written in the hearts of those who Believe, Hope and Love, while nothing is written for everyone else. The same with you: one who has a little bit of belief sees things with clarity and finds the Truth; one who does not, sees things as all confused.”

1/9/20 – Vol. 12

Each created thing holds out the Love of God to man.

ourladyofvictoryI was praying, and with my thought I was fusing myself in the Eternal Volition; and bringing myself before the Supreme Majesty, I said: ‘Eternal Majesty, I come to Your Feet in the name of the whole human family, from the first to the last man of the future generations, to adore You profoundly. At your Most Holy feet I want to seal the adorations of all; I come to recognize You in the name of all as Creator and absolute Ruler of all. I come to Love You for all and for each one; I come to return Love to You for all, because of each created thing, in which You placed so much Love that the creature will never find enough love to repay You in Love. But in Your Will I find this Love, and wanting that my Love, as well as the other Acts, be complete, full and for all, I have come into Your Will where everything is Immense and Eternal, and where I can find Love to be able to Love You for all. So, I Love You for each star You have created; I Love You for all the drops of light and for all the intensity of heat which You have placed in the Sun…’ But who can tell all that my poor mind was saying? I would be too long; therefore I stop here.

Now, while I was doing this, a thought told me: ‘How is it, and in what way did Our Lord place Rivers of Love for the creature in each created thing? And a Light answered my thought: “Indeed, My daughter (Luisa), My Love poured out in torrents toward the creature in each created thing. I (Jesus) told you elsewhere and I confirm to you (Luisa) now that, as My uncreated Love created the Sun, It placed Oceans of Love in it. In each drop of light which was to inundate the eye, the step, the hand, and everything of the creature, My Love ran toward her; and almost pounding sweetly on her eye, hand, step and mouth, It gives her My Eternal Kiss and It holds out My Love to her.

Together with light, runs the heat, and pounding on her again, a little more strongly, almost impatient for the love of the creature, to the extent of pelting her, I repeat to her more intensely My Eternal ‘I Love you.’ And if the sun fecundates the plants with its light and heat, it is My Love that runs to nourish man; and if I extended the heavens above man’s head, studding it with stars, it is My Love that, wanting to delight the eyes of man, also at night, repeats to him My ‘I Love you’ in every sparkling of star… So, each created thing holds out My Love to man; and if it were not so, Creation would have no Purpose; and I do nothing without Purpose. Everything has been made for man; but man does not recognize it, and he has turned into Sorrow for Me.

Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), if you want to soothe My Sorrow, come often into My Divine Will and give Me, in the name of all, Adoration, Love, Gratitude and Thanksgiving for everything.”


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