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Nov 20
Obedience, Love, Cross
11/20/06 – Vol. 7
Obedience Communicates Divine Strength to the soul.
My poor state continues, full of bitterness because of the almost continuous privations that I suffer, but also of peace. I saw Him just flashing by, telling me: “My daughter (Luisa), Obedience is an unshakable wall, and such it renders the soul. Not only this, but in order to be unshakable, it is necessary for one to be strong and robust, and Obedience communicates Divine Strength, in such a way that, in the face of the Divine Strength it possesses, all things are weak; so much so, that while Obedience can move anything, nothing can move It.” And He vanished away.
11/20/08 – Vol. 8
When the soul makes Love her Food, this Love becomes Solid and Serious.
Continuing in my usual state, full of bitternesses and of privations, this morning blessed Jesus came for a little while; I would lament to Him about my state, but instead of answering me, He would draw closer to me. Then, afterwards, without answering what I was saying, He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the true Loving soul is not content with Loving Me with anxiety, with desires, with surges, but when she comes to make Love her Food and daily Nourishment, only then is she content. It is then that Love becomes solid, serious, and keeps on losing all that lightness of love to which the creature is subject. And since she makes it her Food, it is spread throughout all of her members, and because it is spread everywhere, she has the strength to bear the Flames of Love that consume her and give her Life. By containing Love within her, by possessing it, she no longer feels those intense desires, those anxieties, but she only feels that she Loves more the Love that she possesses. This is the Love of the Blessed in Heaven – this is My own Love. The Blessed burn, but without anxiety, without clamor, rather, with solidity, with admirable seriousness. This is the sign that a soul has come to Feed on Love: she loses more and more the characteristics of human love. In fact, if one sees only desires, anxieties, surges, it is a sign that Love is not her Food, but it is only a few particles of herself that she has dedicated to Love. So, since she is not all Love, she does not have the strength to contain it, and so she has those surges of human love. These souls are very voluble, and without stability in their things; while the former ones are stable, like mountains that never move.”
11/20/09 – Vol. 9
Human and Divine views of the Cross.
As I was in my usual state, my sweet Jesus came for just a little, and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), one who takes the Cross according to human views finds it muddy, and therefore heavier and more bitter. On the other hand, one who takes the Cross according to Divine Views finds it full of Light, light and sweet. In fact, the human views are without Grace, Strength and Light, therefore she has the boldness to say: ‘Why did that person do that wrong to me? Why did this one cause me this displeasure, this calumny?’ And the soul fills herself with indignation, with anger, with revenge, and so the Cross becomes muddy, dark, heavy and bitter. On the other hand, the Divine Views are full of Grace, of Strength and of Light, therefore she does not have the boldness to say: ‘Lord, why did you do this to me?’ On the contrary, she humbles herself, she resigns herself, and the Cross becomes Light and brings her Light and Sweetness.”
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Nov 18
Two Supports of Jesus in Gethsemani – Knowing the Truths
11/19/21 – Vol. 13
The two Supports of Jesus in Gethsemani. In order to know the Truths, it is necessary to have the will, the desire to know them. The Truth is simple.
I was keeping company with my Jesus who was agonizing in the Garden of Gethsemani, and as much as I could, I compassionated Him, I pressed Him tightly to my heart, trying to wipe His mortal sweats. And my sorrowful Jesus, with faint and expiring voice, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), My Agony in the Garden was hard and painful, maybe more painful than that of the Cross. In fact, if that was the Fulfillment and the Triumph over all, here in the Garden it was the beginning, and sufferings are felt more at the beginning than when they are ended. But in this Agony the most harrowing pain was when all sins came before Me, one by one. My Humanity comprehended all their enormity, and each crime carried the mark, ‘Death to a God’, armed with sword to kill Me! Before the Divinity, sin appeared to Me as so very horrifying and more horrible than death itself. Just in comprehending what sin means, I (Jesus) felt I was dying – and I did really die. I cried out to the Father, but He was inexorable. Not even one was there to help Me, so as not to let Me die. I cried out to all creatures to have pity on Me – but in vain. So, My Humanity languished, and I was about to receive the last blow of death.
But do you know who prevented the execution and sustained My Humanity from dying? The first was my inseparable Mama. In hearing Me ask for help, She flew to My side and sustained Me; and I (Jesus) leaned My right Arm on Her. Almost dying, I looked at Her, and I found in Her the Immensity of My Divine Will intact, without ever a break between My Divine Will and hers. My Divine Will is Life, and since the Will of the Father was immovable and death was coming to Me from creatures, another Creature, who enclosed the Life of My Divine Will, gave Me Life. And here is My Mama who, in the portent of My Divine Will, conceived Me and gave Me Birth in time, now giving Me Life for the second time to let Me accomplish the work of Redemption.
Then I (Jesus) looked to My left, and I found (Luisa) the Little Daughter of My Divine Will. I found you (Luisa) as the First, followed by the other daughters of My Divine Will. Since I wanted My Mama with Me as the First Link of Mercy, through which we were to open the doors to all creatures, I wanted to lean My right Arm on Her. And I (Jesus) wanted you (Luisa) as the First Link of Justice, to prevent It from unloading Itself upon all creatures as they deserve; therefore I (Jesus) wanted to lean My left Arm on you (Luisa), so that you might sustain It together with Me.
With these two Supports I felt Life come back to Me, and as if I had not suffered anything, with firm step, I (Jesus) went to meet My enemies. In all the pains that I suffered during My Passion, many of which were capable of giving Me death, these two Supports never left Me. And when they saw Me nearly dying, with My own Divine Will which they contained, they sustained Me, as though giving Me many sips of Life. Oh, Prodigies of My Divine Will! Who can ever count them and calculate their Value? This is why I (Jesus) Love so much (Luisa) one who Lives in My Divine Will: I recognize My Portrait in her (Luisa), My Noble Features; I feel My own Breath, My Voice; and if I (Jesus) did not Love her (Luisa) I would defraud Myself. I would be like a father without offspring, without the noble cortege of his court, and without the crown of his children. And if I did not have the offspring, the Court and the Crown, how could I call Myself a King? My Kingdom is formed by those who Live in My Divine Will, and from this Kingdom, I (Jesus) choose the Mother (Mary), the Queen, the children, the ministers, the army, the people. I AM everything for them, and they are all for Me.”
Afterwards, I was thinking about what Jesus had told me, and I said to myself: ‘How can this be put into practice?’ And Jesus, returning, added: “My daughter (Luisa), in order to know the Truths, it is necessary to have the will, the desire to know them. Imagine a room in which the shutters are closed: no matter how much sun there may be outside, the room remains always in the dark. Now, opening the shutters means wanting light. But this is not enough, if one does not take advantage of the light to reorder the room, dust it, and put himself to work, so as to not kill the light which is given, and become ungrateful. In the same way, it is not enough to have the will to know the Truths if, at the Light of the Truth which Illuminates, one does not try to dust himself of his own weaknesses, reorder himself according to the Light of the Truth he knows, and put himself to work together with the Light of Truth, making of it his own substance, in such a way that the Light of the Truth which he has absorbed may shine through his mouth, through his hands, through his bearing. It would be as if he killed the Truth; and by not putting it into practice, it would be like remaining in total disorder before the Light. Poor room full of Light, but all messed up, upside down, in total disorder, with a person in it who does not take the care of reordering it – how pitiful would it not be? Such is one who knows the Truths, and does not put them into practice.
However, know that simplicity enters into all Truths as the First Nourishment. If the Truths were not simple, they would not be Light, and they could not penetrate into human minds to enlighten them; and where there is no Light, objects can not be distinguished. Simplicity is not only Light, but it is like the air that one breathes which, though it cannot be seen, gives respiration to all; and if it wasn’t for the air, the earth and everyone would remain without motion. Therefore, if the Virtues, the Truths, do not carry the mark of simplicity, they will be without Light and without air.”
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Nov 18
Novena to Our Lady of America for True Change and Hope for America

Novena to Our Lady of America for True Change and Hope for America
St. Paul said to pray “for all in authority, that we may lead a quiet and tranquil life in all devotion and dignity. This is good and pleasing to God our savior, who wills everyone to be saved and to come to knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared in Indiana to Sister Mildred in 1956 and identified herself as “Our Lady of America, The Immaculate Virgin.” She asked for purity and promised peace and protection if we responded to her requests.
On October 5, 1956, Sister Mildred felt a sudden urge to write a prayer to Our Lady of America as the Patroness of our land. Although she did not hear any words, the thoughts came into her mind with such profundity that she could not stop until the beautiful Prayer to Our Lady of America, Patroness of Our Land was finished.
After praying the petition below for each day, pray the following:
Sister Mildred’s Prayer to Our Lady of America
O Immaculate Mother, Queen of our Country, open our hearts, our homes, and our Land to the coming of Jesus, your Divine Son. With Him, reign over us, O heavenly Lady, so pure and so bright with the radiance of God’s light shining in and about you. Be our Leader against the powers of evil set upon wresting the world of souls, redeemed at such a great cost by the sufferings of your Son and of yourself, in union with Him, from that same Savior, Who loves us with infinite charity.
We gather about you, O chaste and holy Mother, Virgin Immaculate, Patroness of our beloved Land, determined to fight under your banner of holy purity against the wickedness that would make all the world an abyss of evil, without God and without your loving maternal care.
We consecrate our hearts, our homes, our Land to your Most Pure Heart, O great Queen, that the kingdom of your Son, our Redeemer and our God, may be firmly established in us.
We ask no special sign of you, sweet Mother, for we believe in your great love for us, and we place in you our entire confidence. We promise to honor you by faith, love, and the purity of our lives according to your desire.
Reign over us, then, O Virgin Immaculate, with your Son Jesus Christ. May His Divine Heart and your most chaste Heart be ever enthroned and glorified among us. Use us, your children of America, as your instruments in bringing peace among men and nations. Work your miracles of grace in us, so that we may be a glory to the Blessed Trinity, Who created, redeemed, and sanctifies us.
May your valiant Spouse, St. Joseph, with the holy Angels and Saints, assist you and us in “renewing the face of the earth.” Then when our work is over, come, Holy Immaculate Mother, and as our Victorious Queen, lead us to the eternal kingdom, where your Son reigns forever as King. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be . . .
By thy holy and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, deliver us from evil!
Day One. Our Lady of America, you asked that the United States of America “be the country dedicated to my purity” and that your children in America “be the children of my Pure Heart.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Two. Our Lady of America, you said, “I desire, through my children of America, to further the cause of faith and purity among peoples and nations. Let them come to me with confidence and simplicity, and I, their Mother, will teach them to become pure like to my Heart that their own hearts may be more pleasing to the Heart of my Son.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Three. Our Lady of America, you said, “What I ask, have asked, and will continue to ask is reformation of life. There must be sanctification from within. I will work my miracles of grace only in those who ask for them and empty their souls of the love and attachment to sin and all that is displeasing to my Son.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Four. Our Lady of America, you said, “My dear children, either you will do as I desire and reform your lives, or God Himself will need to cleanse you in the fires of untold punishment. You must be prepared to receive His great gift of peace.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Five. Our Lady of America, you said, “It is the wish of my Son that fathers and mothers strive to imitate me and my chaste spouse in our holy life at Nazareth. We practiced the simple virtues of family life, Jesus our Son being the center of all our love and activity. The Holy Trinity dwelt with us in a manner far surpassing anything that can ever be imagined. For ours was the earthly paradise where once again God walked among men.”. . . “The Divine Trinity will dwell in your midst only if you are faithful in practicing the virtues of our life at Nazareth. Then, you also, my children, you also will become another paradise. God will then walk among you and you will have peace.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Six. Our Lady of America, you asked your beloved sons, the priests, “to practice self-denial and penance in a special manner, because it is you who must lead my children in the way of peace. . . . Thus, by sanctification from within you, you will become a bright and burning light to the faithful, who look to you for help and guidance.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Seven. Our Lady of America, you asked that the youth of our nation be the leaders of a movement of renewal on the face of the earth. You asked that they be prepared by instilling into them, not only the knowledge of the Divine Indwelling, but a serious study of it, living it in such a way that the Divine Presence becomes, as it were an intimate and necessary part of their life and daily living. From this will flow a great love, a conflagration that will envelop the world in the flames of Divine Charity.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Eight. Our Lady of America, you said that those who wear your medal “with great faith and fervent devotion to you will receive the grace of intense purity of heart and the particular love of the Holy Virgin and her Divine Son.” You also said, ‘Sinners will receive the grace of repentance and the spiritual strength to live as true children of Mary. As in life, so in death, this blessed medal will be as a shield to protect them against the evil spirits, and St. Michael himself will be at their side to allay their fears at the final hour.”
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Day Nine. Our Lady of America, you asked that a statue be made in your image and placed, after being solemnly carried in procession, in the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. You said that you wished to be honored there in a special way as Our Lady of America, the Immaculate Virgin. You promised that the placement of your statue in the Shrine would be a special safeguard for our country.
Please intercede for us that we may be granted this grace and morally good leaders who will act according to the revealed will of God and the foundational principles of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America.
Read here how you may obtain the booklet, An Hour of Prayer for Purity, Peace and Protection with Our Lady of America.
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Nov 17
When the Human Will and the Divine Will are Opposed, One Forms the Cross of the Other.
11/18/13 – Vol. 11
When the human will and the Divine Will are opposed, one forms the cross of the other.
I was thinking about my poor state, and how even the cross has been banished to me. In my interior, Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), when two wills are opposed to each other, one forms the cross of the other. So it is between Me and the creatures: when their wills are opposed to Mine, I (Jesus) form their cross and they form Mine. I AM the long bar of the cross, while they are the short one, and crossing each other, they form the cross. Now, when the will of the soul unites with Mine, the bars remain no longer crossed, but united; therefore, the cross is no longer a cross. Have you understood? Furthermore, I (Jesus) sanctified the Cross; it was not the cross that sanctified Me. The Cross does not sanctify; rather, the resignation to My Divine Will Sanctifies the Cross; therefore, even the Cross can do good as long as it is connected with My Divine Will. Not only this; the Cross sanctifies and crucifies part of the person, while My Divine Will does not spare anything; It Sanctifies everything, crucifying thoughts, desires, will, affections, heart – everything. Being Light, My Divine Will shows to the soul the necessity of this Sanctification and complete crucifixion, in such a way that she, herself, incites Me to accomplish the Crafting of My Divine Will upon her.
Therefore, the Cross and the other Virtues are content as long as they get something; and if they can pierce the creature with three nails, they celebrate triumphantly. Instead, My Divine Will, which does not know how to do incomplete works, is not happy with just three nails, but with as many nails for as many Acts of My Divine Will which I dispose for the creature.”
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Nov 16
How the Soul Can be Food for Jesus
11/17/04 – Vol. 6
How the soul can be Food for Jesus.
Having received Communion, I was thinking about the benignity of Our Lord in giving Himself as food to such a poor creature as I am, and about how I could correspond to such a great favor. While I was thinking of this, blessed Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), just as I (Jesus) make Myself Food for the creature, so can the creature make herself My Food, converting all of her interior into nourishment for Me, in such a way that her thoughts, affections, desires, inclinations, heartbeats, sighs, love – everything, everything should tend toward Me. And I, on seeing the true Fruit of My Food, which is to Divinize the soul and convert everything within Myself, would come to nourish Myself with the soul – that is, with her thoughts, with her love, and with all the rest. In this way, the soul could say to Me: ‘Just as You have reached the point of making Yourself my Food and of giving me everything, I too have made myself Your Food; there is nothing left to give You, because everything I am is all Yours.’
In the meantime I understood the enormous ingratitude of creatures, because while Jesus deigns to reach such Excess of Love as to make Himself our Food, we then, deny Him His Food and cause Him to remain on an empty stomach.
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Nov 15
Sin, the Chain that Binds Man – Jesus Bound to Break Man’s Chains
11/16/21 – Vol. 13
Sin is the chain that binds man, and Jesus wanted to be bound in order to break his (man’s) chains.
This morning my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all bound – bound were His hands, His feet, His waist; and a double iron chain was coming down from His Neck. He was bound so tightly that His Divine Person was deprived of motion. What a harsh position, such as to make even stones cry! And my Highest Good told me: “My daughter (Luisa), during the course of My Passion all the other pains competed with each other, but they would alternate – one would give the place to another. Almost like sentries, they would mount guard to do the worst to Me, and to boast about having been better than the other. But the ropes were never taken away from Me – from the moment I was taken up to Mount Calvary I (Jesus) remained always bound; rather, they kept adding more and more ropes and chains for fear that I might escape, and to make more fun of Me. But how many pains, confusions, humiliations and falls did these chains procure Me!
However, know that in these chains there was a great mystery and great expiation. As man begins to fall into sin, he remains bound with the chains of his own sin; if it is grave, they are iron chains; if venial, they are chains of rope. So, as he tries to walk in good, he feels the hindrance of the chains, and his step remains hindered. This hindrance he feels wears him out, debilitates him, and leads him to new falls. If he works, he feels hindrance in his hands and remains almost as if he had no hands to do good. In seeing him bound like this, passions make feast and say: ‘The victory is ours’; and from the king he is, they render him slave of brutal passions. How abominable man is in the state of sin! And I (Jesus), in order to break his chains, wanted to be bound and never be without chains, so as to keep my chains ever ready to break his. And when the blows and the shoves would make Me fall, I would stretch My Hands toward him to untie him and make him free again.”
As He was saying this, I saw almost all peoples bound by chains, in such a way as to arouse pity; and I prayed Jesus to touch their chains with His Chains, so that, at the touch of His Chains, those of the creatures would be all shattered.
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Nov 15
Novena for the Feast of Christ the King
Novena for the Feast of Christ the King
Begins Today – November 15
for the Kingdom of God’s Will to Reign on Earth as it is in Heaven,
Under the Blue Mantle of Our Blessed Mother Mary, Through the Intercession of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta
Say one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be before praying the following prayer:
O Lord our God, Thou alone art the Most Holy King and Ruler of all nations.
We pray to Thee, Lord, in the great expectation of receiving from Thee, O Divine King, mercy, peace, justice and all good things. Protect, O Lord our King, our families and the land of our birth.
Guard us we pray, Most Faithful One. Protect us from our enemies and from Thy just judgment. Forgive us, O Sovereign King, our sins against Thee.
Jesus, Thou art a King of Mercy. We have deserved Thy just judgment. Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us. We trust in Thy Great Mercy.
O most awe-inspiring King, We bow before Thee and pray: may Thy reign, Thy Kingdom, be recognized on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.
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Nov 14
The Soul Forms her Paradise on Earth
Volume 11 – 11/15/16
The soul forms her Paradise on earth.
I was lamenting to my sweet Jesus that He no longer Loved me as before, and He, all Goodness, told me: “My daughter (Luisa), not Loving one who Loves Me is impossible for Me. Rather, I (Jesus) feel so drawn toward her (Luisa), that at the littlest act of love she does for Me, I respond with triple Love and I place a Divine Vein in her heart, which administers to her Divine Science, Divine Sanctity and Virtue; and the more the soul loves Me, the more this Divine Vein rises, and watering all the powers of the soul, it diffuses for the Good of the other creatures. I (Jesus) have placed this Vein in you (Luisa), and when you lack My presence and do not hear My Voice, this Vein will make up for everything, and will be Voice for you (Luisa) and for the other creatures.”
Another day, I was fusing all of myself, as usual, in the Will of Blessed Jesus, and He said to me: “My daughter (Luisa), the more you fuse yourself in Me, the more I (Jesus) fuse Myself in you. So, it is on earth that the soul forms her Paradise; according to how much she fills herself with holy thoughts, with holy affections, desires, words, works and steps, so does she keep forming her Paradise. To one more holy thought or word, one more contentment will correspond, and many varieties of Beauty, of Contentments, of Glory, for as much more Good as she has done. What will the surprise of this soul be when, once the prison of her body is broken, immediately she will find herself in the Sea of as many Pleasures and Happinesses, as much Light and Beauty, for as much more Good as she has done – be it even a thought!”
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Nov 13
(Luisa) One Who Lives in the Divine Will Possesses the Divine Unity
Volume 25 – 11/14/28
(Luisa) One Who Lives in the Divine Will Possesses the Divine Unity
“My daughter (Luisa), We created man with Our Likeness, therefore he too possesses his human unity. So, if he speaks, if he operates, if he walks and so on, these can be called the effects of his unity, because one is his will, one his head on which all of his acts depend. Therefore, it can be said that it is the strength of the unity of his will that speaks, that operates, that walks, as the effects of it. If man did not have this unity, all of his acts would be in contradiction with one another.
“It happens as to the sun: from the height of its sphere, one is its act of light, and since it possesses the unity of light given to it by its Creator, while it is one single act, its effects of light are innumerable. Now, for one (Luisa) who does and Lives in My Divine Will, the human volition ceases, its life ends, nor has any reason to exist any longer, because the Life of the Unity of My Divine Will begins. And since Mine is one single Act, and everything It created, or can do, can be called the Effects of this single Act, the soul (Luisa), Living in this Unity of My Divine Volition as in her own center, is present in all the Effects of the single Act of It, and—oh! how beautiful it is to see this happy creature in all the Effects that Our Will knows how to, and can produce.
“She (Luisa) runs in the light of the sun as the Effect of Our Will; in the heavens, in the sea, in the wind—in everything. She runs as the human will runs in all the human acts, and as the light of the sun runs in all of its effects; so does the soul (Luisa) run in the Fiat, in all the Effects that It possesses and produces. This is why the Living in Our Will is the greatest Prodigy, and if Our Divinity wanted to make a greater one, It could not; nor could It find anything greater, more Prodigious, more Powerful, more Beautiful, more Happy than Our Will to give to the creature, because by giving Our Divine Will We give everything. Its Power Forms Our Echo in the depth of the soul, and Forms Our most beautiful Images; and the echo of the human littleness becomes one with Ours, in such a way that, uniting to Our Prime Act, she (Luisa) runs and diffuses herself in all the Effects that the single Act of God produces.”
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