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Let the Life of Our Hearts be All Love/Jesus’ First Act in Receiving Himself Sacramentally



10/23/11 – Vol. 10

We must let the life of our hearts be all love, because Jesus wants to take food within our hearts.

This morning my always lovable Jesus came, but who can say how much in suffering He makes Himself seen! It seems that He feels within Himself all the pains of the creatures, and they are so many that He looks for Refreshment and Relief. Now, after keeping Him with me in silence, telling Him my nonsense of Love as Refreshment, and adding kisses and caresses, it seemed He was relieved; and then He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), let the Life of your heart be all Love; let nothing else enter into it, because I (Jesus) want to take Food from within your heart, and if I (Jesus) do not find it all Love, it will not be enjoyable Food for Me.  As for the other parts of you (Luisa), you can give to each one its office – that is, to your mind, to your mouth, to your feet, to all of your senses; to some adoration, to some reparation, to some praise, thanksgiving and all the rest.  But from your heart I (Jesus) want Love only.”

10/23/17 – Vol. 12

The First Act that Jesus did in receiving Himself Sacramentally.

LUISA14This morning, after I received blessed Jesus, I was saying to Him: ‘My Life, Jesus, tell me: what was the First Act that You did when You received Yourself Sacramentally?’ And Jesus: “My daughter (Lusia), the First Act I (Jesus) did was to Multiply My Life into many Lives, for as many creatures as can exist in the world, so that each one of them might have one Life of Mine only for herself; a Life that continuously prays, thanks, satisfies, loves only for her. In the same way, I (Jesus) Multiplied My Pains for each soul, as if I were suffering only for her, and not for others. In that Supreme Moment of receiving Myself, I (Jesus) gave Myself to all, to suffer My Passion in each heart, to be able to Conquer the hearts by dint of pains and of Love. In giving all My Divinity, I (Jesus) came to take the Dominion of all. But, alas! My Love remained disappointed by many; and I (Jesus) anxiously await Loving hearts which, in receiving Me, would Unite with Me to Multiply themselves in everyone, desiring and wanting what I want, so that I (Jesus) may take at least from them what the others do not give to Me, and receive the Contentment of having them as Conformed to My Desire and to My Divine Will. Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), when you receive Me, do what I (Jesus) did, and I (Jesus) will Receive the Contentment that at least the two of us want the same thing.”

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The Cross, a Way Strewn with Stars




10/22/99 – Vol. 2

The cross, a way strewn with stars.

Jesus continues to make Himself seen afflicted. The moment He came, He threw Himself into my arms, totally exhausted, almost wanting Refreshment. He shared with me a little bit of His Sufferings, and then He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the way of the cross is a way strewn with stars, and as one walks through it, those stars change into most luminous suns. What will be the happiness of the soul for all Eternity in being surrounded with these suns? Furthermore, the great reward I (Jesus) give to the cross is so great that there is no measure, either of width or of length – it is almost incomprehensible to the human minds; and this, because in bearing crosses, there can be nothing human – all is Divine.”

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Upright Intention – October 21



10/21/01 – Vol. 4

The upright intention. Everything which is not done for God is dispersed like dust by a mighty wind.

This morning, on coming, blessed Jesus seemed to be making a Circle with His Arms almost to enclose me inside of it; and while clasping me, He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), when the soul does everything for Me, everything remains Enclosed in this Circle – nothing goes out, be it even a sigh, a heartbeat, or just any movement. Everything enters into Me, and in Me everything is numbered. And I (Jesus), as Recompense, pour them back into the soul, but all doubled with Grace, in such a way that, as the soul (Luisa and the souls Linked to Luisa) pours them once again into Me, and I into her, she comes to Acquire a Surprising Capital of Grace. All this is My Way of Delighting – that is, to give to the creature what she has given Me as if it were her own, always adding from My Own. One who, with his ingratitude, prevents Me from giving what I want, prevents My Innocent Delights. If then one does not operate for Me, everything goes out of My Circle, dispersed, like dust by a mighty wind.


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The Soul can Make of herself a Host for Love of Jesus


10/20/17 – Vol. 12

The soul can make of herself a host for love of Jesus.

Having received my Jesus, I was thinking about how I could give back Love for Love. It was impossible for me to be able to shrink and become smaller, like Jesus does in the Host for Love of me. This is not in my power, as it is in the Power of Jesus. And my beloved Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), if you cannot shrink all of yourself within the brief circle of a host for love of Me, you can very well shrink all of yourself within My Divine Will, to be able to form the host of yourself in My Divine Will. For every act you (Luisa and the souls Linked to Luisa) do in My Divine Will, you will make a host for Me; and I will Feed Myself from you, as you do from Me. What forms the host? My own Life in it. And what is My Divine Will? Isn’t It the whole of My Life? Therefore, you (Luisa and the souls Linked to Luisa) too can become host for Love of Me: the more acts you do in My Divine Will, the more hosts you will form, to give back to Me Love for Love.”

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Garabandal, MMP, Luisa and the Divine Will

Garabandal, the MMP, Luisa and the Divine Will 

conchita garabandalWithin one year of the Warning, according to Conchita of Garabandal, the Great Miracle will occur at Garabandal, in April, between the 8th and the 16th, on a Thursday, on the feast of a little known Martyr of the Eucharist. Conchita will announce this Miracle eight days beforehand. A permanent sign will then be left at Garabandal and everywhere Our Blessed Mother has appeared. The people of the world will know Jesus is God as a result of this and will have a short time for conversion and repentance. If the world does not repent and convert then the great tribulation and chastisement will follow. In any event, by the year 2000, or thereabouts, we will have the Second Pentecost, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and the return of Jesus in glory as we enter the New Era of Peace, sin will be no more, an era when heaven and earth will be joined and we have new heavens and a new earth.

This will be the New Era in which Our Lord’s Prayer, “Our Father, Who art in Heaven….Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven” will at last be fulfilled.

 fr. gobbi 2Our Blessed Mother told Fr. Gobbi, in Message 532, December 5, 1995:

“I confirm to you that, by the great jubilee of the year two thousand, there will take place the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, of which I foretold you at Fatima, and this will come to pass with the return of Jesus in glory, to establish his Reign in the world.  Thus you will at last be able to see with your  own eyes the new heavens and the new earth.”

Our Blessed Mother told Fr. Gobbi, in Message 453 on August 15, 1991: 

“The New Era, which I announce to you, coincides with the complete Fulfillment of the Divine Will, so that at last there is coming about that which Jesus taught you to ask for, from the Heavenly Father:  “Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.”  This is the time of the Holy Spirit is being accomplished by the creatures.  From the perfect fulfillment of the Divine Will, the whole world is becoming renewed, because God finds there, as it were, His new garden of Eden, where He can dwell in loving companionship with His creatures… Herein, Christ reigns in the splendor of His Glorified Body, and the Immaculate Heart of your heavenly Mother Triumphs in the light of her body, Assumed into the Glory of Paradise.

February 5, 1928

Solemn promise of Jesus in the Our Father

for the advent of the Reign of the Divine Will on Earth.

LUISA-READING-HOLY-SCRIPTUEI was thinking how the Reign of the Divine Will could ever become reality upon the earth, and my beloved Jesus, making his usual little visit to me, said:

“My daughter (Luisa), as Adam sinned, God made him the promise of the future Redeemer. Centuries passed, but the promise did not fail and the generations had the good of the Redemption. Now, as I came from Heaven and formed the Kingdom of the Redemption, before departing from the earth, I made another promise, more solemn, of the coming of the Kingdom of My Divine Will in the prayer of the ‘Our Father.’

“Furthermore, so that this Kingdom would be more surely obtained, I (Jesus) made this formal promise in the solemnity of My prayer–praying that the Father would let His Kingdom come, and that the Divine Will be done on earth as in Heaven. I wanted to place myself as head of this prayer, knowing that such was the Divine Will of My Father, that, prayed by me, My Father could not have denied Me, much less since, with His own Divine Will, I prayed and asked for a thing desired by My own Father.

“After having formed this prayer before My Celestial Father, confident that he would have accorded Me the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon the earth, I (Jesus) taught it to My Apostles so that, in their turn, they might teach it to all the world. Thus one would be the cry of all: ‘Your Will be done on earth as in Heaven.’ Promise more certain and solemn could not have been made. The centuries for Us (Triune God) are as one point alone, and Our Words are Acts and Deeds accomplished; thus centuries have passed, but the Kingdom of the Divine Will certainly will come.

“My very prayer to the Celestial Father: ‘Come. Your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as in Heaven,’ signifies that with My coming upon the earth, I (Jesus) did not come to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Otherwise, I would have said: ‘My Father, may Our Kingdom which I have already established upon the earth be confirmed and Our Will Rule and Reign.’ Instead, I said ‘Come,’ which signified that It must come, and creatures must await It with that certainty with which the Hebrews awaited the future Redeemer.  

“There is My Divine Will, bound and committed in those words of the ‘Our Father’; and, when It is bound, what It promises is more than certain. Even much more so, since all was prophesied by Me (Jesus). There is not lacking other than the Manifestations of My Kingdom; and thus I am already doing. Moreover, if I manifest so many truths about my Fiat, it is not to give a simple report, no, but because I want that all know that Its Kingdom is near, and that they appreciate Its beautiful prerogatives–so that all live and yearn to enter to Live in a Kingdom so Holy, Full of Felicity, and all Good Things. Therefore, that which to you seems difficult, to the power of our Fiat is easy, because our Fiat knows how to remove all difficulties and conquer everything as It wishes, and when It wishes.”

(Words of Our Lord to Luisa taken from various Volumes)

Jesus to Luisa: Why marvel that I (Jesus) have called you (Luisa) to be the First? …it is so True that I (Jesus) have called you (Luisa) to be the First, that to no other soul, however dear to Me, have I (Jesus) Manifested the manner of Living in My Divine Will, Its Effects, the Marvels and the Goods the creature (Luisa) Receives Operating in the Supreme Will. Check how many lives of the Saints you wish, or books of Doctrine; in none will you find the Prodigies of My Divine Will operating in the creature and the creature operating in Mine. At the most you will find resignation, union of wills; but the Divine Will operating in it and it in Me, in no one will you find it. This signifies that the time had not yet arrived in which My Goodness should call the creature (Luisa) to Live in this Sublime state. Even the very manner in which I (Jesus) have you (Luisa) pray cannot be compared to any other….If I waited so many centuries before making Known My Divine Will Operating in the creature and its Operating in Mine, it was because I (Jesus) first had to dispose men to pass from lesser knowledge to Greater…. When I (Jesus) make a Truth Known to man it is a Sign that I (Jesus) want to Give it to him as a Gift.

…Its First Fulfillment, My Daughter (Luisa), I (Jesus) want from you… This is why I (Jesus) often speak to you about Living in My Divine Will, which until now I (Jesus) have not Manifested to anyone. At most they have known the shadow of My Divine Will, the Enchantment, the Sweetness which doing It contains. But to penetrate there within, to embrace Its Immensity, to multiply oneself in Me and penetrate every- where (even while being on earth), into Heaven and into hearts, to give up the human ways and to work with the Divine Ways, this is not yet Known; such that it will appear strange to not a few. And he who does not have his mind open to the Light of the Truth will not understand anything about it; but, little by little, I (Jesus) shall make My Way…

The Theme which your Jesus asks of  you is the Most Noble Theme that can exist: that is of the Eternal Will … When I speak to you of My Divine Will, which is My whole Self, there goes out from Me a Life, which is the Greatest Gift which exists. I AM eager to see if men are capable of receiving It…. This Knowledge will be a Powerful Magnet which will draw creatures. It will bring them to Receive the Inheritance of My Divine Will; and it will at last bring to light the Second Generation of the Sons of Light, the Sons of the Divine Will. Be attentive, My Daughter (Luisa), because you will be the spokesman, the bell, which will call together this generation of My Predilection, so ardently desired by Me.

The world Finds itself in the precise situation that existed when I (Jesus) was about to come upon the earth. All were in expectation of a Great Event, of a New Era; as in fact did come to pass. And so it is now. With the Great Event which must come to pass – the New Era in which the Will of God is done on earth as in Heaven – all are in expectation of this New Era, weary of the present, but without knowing what this New Thing will be – this change – as they did not know it when I came upon the earth.

In My All-seeingness I see that these writings will be for My Church as a New Sun that will Rise in her midst; and, attracted by Its Radiant Light, they will be diligent in Transforming themselves into this Light and go out Spiritualized and Divinized; wherefore, Renewing the Church, they shall Transform the face of the earth…. Thus, in view of the Good that I (Jesus) see, I urge you (Luisa) to omit nothing in writing.


 Excerpt from a speech by Father Stefano Gobbi

June 24, 1996 in San Marino, Italy 

father_gobbi“Dear Mother (Father Gobbi turns to the statue of Our Lady next to him), forgive me, I am not pleased that the serpent is here but I am pleased that You crush its head—crush it!

“Finally, the power of the serpent will be broken, it will be powerless, it will no longer be able to seduce creatures to say no to the Divine Will. The creatures will say YES to the Divine Will of God.

“In this complete fulfillment of the Divine Will the creation will be almost transposed into an original state, in a state of a new earthly paradise, in which all creatures will say YES to the Divine Will of the Heavenly Father.

“Here in Italy, a certain woman named [Luisa] Piccarreta, [Servant of God,] whose beatification is in progress, wrote a great book about Divine Will. Once when I was in Mexico, I was shown

passages of the book, which related to so many topics about which our book [To the Priests: Our Lady’s Beloved Sons] also speaks.

“Let me cite a passage from this book [The Book of Heaven] by [the Servant of God, Luisa] Piccarreta. She says that 2000 years after creation came the Great Flood so that the water would

cleanse mankind; and 2000 years later, came the flood of the Blood: the Redemption; and still 2000 years hence, there will be the flood of fire—a spiritual fire, I believe—and finally the

Kingdom of [the] Divine Will will come upon this world: because every creature will fulfill the Divine Will of God in a complete way.

“This is what I think, that the Second Coming of Christ in glory will bring this Kingdom of [the] Divine Will.

“Every creature will fulfill the Will of the Father completely and the Heavenly Father will be glorified in His children, who will say YES to His Divine Will. Christ will bring His Kingdom, the Kingdom of holiness and of humble obedience to the Will of the Heavenly Father.” 

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October 18 – Hidden Works



10/18/06 – Vol. 7

As I was in my usual state, blessed Jesus just barely came and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the works which I (Jesus) like the most are the hidden works because, free from any human spirit, they contain such preciousness within themselves, that I (Jesus) keep them as the choicest inside My Heart; so much so, that in comparing a thousand external and public works with one internal and hidden work, the one thousand external ones remain below the single internal work, because in the external works the human spirit always takes its part.”

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October 17 – God’s Love in Creating Souls

The Book of Heaven


10/17/24 – Vol. 17
With how much Love God Creates souls. How He Raises them; how He Waters them and Gives All of Himself to them.

I was thinking of the Great Love with which Jesus Loves us. My mind was wandering within the Eternal Love, and my sweet Jesus, Moving in my interior, showed me Spokes of Light, before my mind. Within these Spokes there was a Sun, and this Sun contained as many Rays for as many existing creatures; and each creature had a Ray all for herself, which Gave her Life, Light, Heat, Strength, Growth – everything that is necessary to Form a Life. It was delightful to see how each creature was Attached, like Branch to the Vine, to each Ray of this Sun, from which she had been Delivered. And while my mind was wandering through this, my adorable Jesus said to me: “My daughter (Luisa), do you see with how Much Love I (Jesus) Love the creature? Before coming out to the light of the day of this world, she was already in My Womb, and in delivering her, I (Jesus) did not leave her: a Ray of Light Containing Ly Life follows her in order to Administer to her all that is Necessary to Develop this Life. And with how Much Care do I (Jesus) not raise her! With how Much Love do I (Jesus) not Water her? I Myself Become Light, Heat, Food, Defense. And when she ends her days in time, on the Way of that same Ray, I withdraw her into My Womb, to let her Wander through the Celestial Fatherland.

My Love for the creature Becomes more than the sun which I (Jesus) formed in the blue heavens; even more, the sun I (Jesus) Created for the Benefit of humanity is nothing other than the shadow of the True Sun; it is My Ray which I (Jesus) Communicate to the creature. The sun of the atmosphere does not form the plants, nor does it give them water so as not to let them wither, nor does it provide all those aids which are necessary so that the plants may grow beautiful and strong; and men, even if blind, can in part enjoy its light. It only does its office of illuminating and warming, and it moves on. And if the plants are not watered, it can do nothing to communicate its effects to them; rather, it withers them even more. On the other hand, I (Jesus), WHO AM the TRUE SUN of the souls, do not leave them, either at night or at daytime. I Myself Form the souls; I Give them the Water of My Grace so as not to let them wither; I (Jesus) Nourish them with the Light of My Truths; I (Jesus) Strengthen them with My Examples; I (Jesus) Give them the Zephyr of My Caresses to Purify them, the Dew of My Charisms to Embellish them, the Arrows of My Love to Warm them. In sum, there is nothing I (Jesus) do not do for them: I AM EVERYTHING for them, and I (Jesus) Place My Whole Life at the creature’s disposal, for her own Good.

But how much ingratitude on the part of creatures! They seem to be attached like branches to My Vine, not out of Love, but by force, because they cannot do without Me; and so they grow like those branches which, not receiving all the Good Humors that the Vine contains, grow thin, without ever forming mature grapes, but unripe, such as to embitter My Divine Taste.

Ah, if all reflected on how I (Jesus) Love their souls, they would all be taken by the Power and the Attractiveness of My Love, and they would Love Me! Therefore, Love Me, and may your love expand so much as to Love Me for all.”

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October 16 – Feast Day of the Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Feast Day of the Purity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

October 16


This image of Our Lady of Purity hung in Padre Pio’s cell in San Giovanni Rotondo.
We have no information on the artist or date.

His own mother gave him this picture. He said that “The Blessed Mother is the Mother of all mothers,” and he referred to her affectionately as “my dear little Mother.” In one of his letters he wrote, “Poor dear mother, how she loves me! What great care she took to accompany me to the altar this morning. It seemed to me that she had nothing else to think about except myself, as she filled my whole heart with sentiments of holy love. I wish I had a voice strong enough to invite the sinners of the world to love Our Lady. But since this is not within my power, I have prayed and will pray to my dear Angel to perform this task for me.” [From the Housetops, p. 14.]

From the Book of Heaven

Jesus says: “See how pure I AM – in you (Luisa) also I want to find Purity in everything.” At these words the soul feels a divine Purity enter into her. This Purity is transmuted into herself, and she arrives at Living as if she no longer had a body – and so with the other Virtues. Oh! how desirable is this speaking of Jesus. As for myself, I would give away everything that is on earth – if I could possess it – to have one of these words of Jesus alone.

Luisa Receives the Mystical Marriage

on the Feast of the Purity of Mary Most Holy


Now, during these exits that the Lord would make me do, sometimes He would renew the Promise of the Marriage, which I already mentioned. Who can tell the ardent yearnings that the Lord infused in me for this Mystical Marriage to take place? Many times I would solicit Him, telling Him: ‘Most sweet Spouse, hurry, no longer delay my intimate Union with You. O please! let us bind each other with stronger Bonds of Love, so that no one may ever again be able to separate us, even for simple instants.’ And Jesus would correct me now about one thing, now about another. I remember that one day He said to me: “Everything that is of the earth, everything – everything you (Luisa) must remove, not only from your heart, but also from your body. You cannot understand how harmful are the slightest earthly shadows, and how much they hinder Love.” Immediately I said to Him: ‘If I have something else that must be removed, tell me, for I am ready to do it.’ But as I was saying this, I myself realized that I had a gold ring at my finger, portraying the image of the Crucifix; and immediately I said to Him: ‘Holy Spouse, do you want me to take it off?’ And He told me: “Since I Myself will give you (Luisa) a more Precious, more Beautiful Ring, which will have My Living Image impressed on it, and every time you will look at it your heart will receive New Arrows of Love – this one is not necessary.” And I promptly removed it.

The longed for day finally arrived, after not a little suffering. I remember that it was almost one year that I had been continuously in bed – it was the day of the Purity of Mary Most Holy. On the night before that day, my Lover Jesus made Himself seen all Festive. He drew near me, took my heart in His Hands, and He looked at it over and over again; He dusted it, and then He gave it back to me. Then He took a Garment of immense Beauty, whose background seemed to be a Surface of Gold streaked with various Colors, and He clothed me with that Garment. Then He took two Gems, as if they were Earrings, and He Bejewelled my ears. Then He adorned my neck and my arms, and surrounded my forehead with a Crown of immense Value, all enriched with Precious Stones and Gems, all refulgent with Light; and it seemed to me that those Lights were as many Voices which resounded among themselves, speaking in clear Notes of the Beauty, the Power, the Fortitude, and of all the other Virtues of my Spouse Jesus. Who can tell what I comprehended, and in what sea of consolation my soul was swimming? It is impossible to say it.

Now, while He was Crowning my forehead, Jesus told me: “Most sweet spouse (Luisa), I place this Crown upon you so that nothing may be missing in order to make you (Luisa) worthy of being My spouse; but then, after our Wedding is finished, I will take it with Me to Heaven, to keep it for you at the moment of your death.” Finally, He took a Veil and covered me completely with it, from head to foot; and He left me in that way. Ah! it seemed to me that there was a great Meaning in that Veil, because the demons, in seeing me all covered with that Veil, were so frightened and had such fear of me, that they fled, terrified. The very Angels were around me with such Veneration, that I myself was confused and all full of blushing.

On the morning of the aforementioned day, Jesus made Himself seen again all Affable, Sweet and Majestic, together with His Most Holy Mother and Saint Catherine. First, the Angels sang a Hymn, while Saint Catherine assisted me, Mama took my hand, and Jesus put the Ring on my finger. Then, we Embraced and He Kissed me, and so did Mama also. Then we had a conversation, all of Love – Jesus told me of the great Love He had for me, and I also told Him of the love I had for Him. The Most Holy Virgin made me comprehend the great Grace I had received, and the correspondence with which I was to correspond to the Love of Jesus.

My Spouse Jesus gave me New Rules in order to Live more perfectly, but since it has been a long time, I don’t remember them so well; therefore I will skip them. And so it ended, for that day.

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October 15 – All are Waiting for the Story of the Divine Will


LUISA PRAYING10/15/29 – Vol. 27

How all are in waiting for the narration of the story of the Divine Will.  Void of the acts of the creature in the Divine Will.

I was feeling all immersed in the Divine Fiat; before my poor mind I could see the whole Creation and the great Prodigies Operated by the Divine Will in It.  It seemed that each created thing wanted to Narrate what it Possessed of the great Divine Fiat in order to make It Known, Loved and Glorified. 

Then, while my mind wandered in looking at the Creation, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), all are in waiting for the Narration of the Great Poem of the Divine Will; and since the Creation was the first External Act of the Operating of My Fiat, It therefore contains the Beginning of Its Story of how much It has done for Love of the creature.  This is the reason why, wanting to tell you (Luisa) the whole Story of My Divine Volition, I (Jesus) enclosed in It the whole Story of Creation, with so many Details and simple and special Ways, so that you (Luisa) and all might know what My Divine Fiat has done and what It wants to do, and Its Just Rights in wanting to Reign in the midst of the human generations. 

“Everything that was done in Creation is not completely known by creatures—the Love We had in creating It, how each created thing carries a Note of Love, one distinct from the other, enclosing inside a Special Good for creatures, so much so, that theirs lives are bound to Creation with indissoluble Bonds, and if the creature wanted to withdraw from the Goods of the Creation, she could not live.  Who would give her the air in order to breathe, the light in order to see, the water to drink, the food to nourish herself, the solid earth to let her walk?  And while My Divine Will has Its continuous Act, Its Life and Its Story to be made known in each created thing, the creature ignores It, and lives from It without knowing It. 

“And so this is why all are in waiting, Creation Itself, wanting to make known a Will so Holy; and by My having spoken to you with so much love about Creation Itself, and of what My Divine Fiat does in It, Creation shows Its great desire of wanting to be known better.  More so, since a Good that is not known brings no Life, nor the Good It contains.  Therefore, My Will is as though sterile in the midst of creatures, nor can It produce the Fullness of Its Life in each one of them, because It is not known.”

After this, I felt an interior Force within me that wanted to follow all the Acts that the Divine Fiat had done in Creation and Redemption; but while I was doing it, I thought to myself:  “What is the Good I do in wanting to follow the Divine Volition in everything?”

And my beloved Jesus added:  “My daughter (Luisa), you must know that Everything that My Divine Will has done both in Creation and in Redemption, It has done for Love of creatures, and so that creatures, by knowing It, would ascend into Its Act in order to look at It, love It and unite their act to Its Own, so as to keep It company, and place even just one comma, one point, one gaze, one ‘I love You,’ on the so many Works and Divine Prodigies that, in the ardor of Its Love, My Fiat has done for all.  Now, when you (Luisa and the souls linked to Luisa) follow It in Its Acts, It feels your company, It will not feel alone; It feels your little act, your thought that follows Its Act, therefore It feels requited. 

“But if you did not follow It, It would feel the void of you (Luisa and the souls linked to Luisa) and of your acts in the Immensity of My Divine Volition, and with Sorrow would cry out:  ‘Where is (Luisa) the little daughter of My Will?  I do not feel her in My Acts, I do not enjoy her gazes that admire what I do, to say to Me a “thank You.” I do not hear her voice that says to me:  “I love You.” Oh! how loneliness weighs upon Me.  And It would make you hear Its Moans in the depth of your heart, saying to you:  ‘Follow Me in My Works—do not leave Me alone.’  So, the evil you would do would be to form the void of your acts in My Divine Will; while, if you do It, you would do the Good of keeping It company; and if you knew how pleasing is company in operating, you would be more attentive.  And just as My Divine Fiat would feel the void of your acts if you did not follow It, so would you (Luisa) feel the void of Its Acts in your will, and you would feel alone, without the Company of My Divine Will that Loves to occupy you so much, as to make you feel no longer that your will lives in you.”


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October 14 – Book of Heaven



10/14/18 – Vol. 12

True Peace comes from God. The greatest chastisement is the triumph of the evil.  Luisa_Piccarreta_5

Continuing in my usual state, full of bitternesses and privations, as my sweet Jesus came, He told me: “My daughter (Luisa), governments feel the ground missing under their feet. I will use all means to make them surrender, to make them come back to their senses, and to make them know that only from Me can they hope for True Peace – and lasting Peace. So, now I (Jesus) humiliate one, now another; now I make them become friends, now enemies. I (Jesus) will be up to all sorts of things; I will make their arms fall off; I (Jesus) will do unforeseen and unexpected things in order to confuse them, and make them comprehend the instability of human things and of themselves – to make them comprehend that God alone is the stable Being from Whom they can expect every Good, and that if they want Justice and Peace, they must come to the Fount of True Justice and of True Peace. Otherwise, they will not be able to do anything; they will continue to struggle; and if it may seem that they will arrange peace, it will not be lasting, and the brawls will start again, more strongly. My daughter (Luisa), the way things are now, only My Omnipotent Finger can fix them. At the right time I (Jesus) will place it, but great trials are needed and will occur in the world. Therefore, it takes great Patience.”

Then, with a more moving and sorrowful tone, He added: “My daughter (Luisa), the greatest chastisement is the triumph of the evil. More purges are needed, and through their triumph the evil will purge My Church. Then I will crush them and scatter them, like dust in the wind. Therefore, do not be troubled at the triumphs that you hear, but cry with Me over their sad lot.”

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