“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing!” _____________
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Nov 17
“Father, forgive them,…
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/17/father-forgive-them/
Nov 17
The Power of the Divine Will in the Cross
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V17 – July 25, 1924 – This morning my sweet Jesus made Himself seen in my interior in the act of stretching His arms in the shape of the cross, and I remained stretched together with Him. Then He said to me: “My daughter, the last act of My Life …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/17/the-power-of-the-divine-will-in-the-cross/
Nov 16
On the Cross the Soul Can Measure the Love of God
From the Eighteenth Hour of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ : Jesus embraces the Cross – My tortured Good, with You I repair, with You I suffer. But I see that your enemies hurl You down the stairs; the people await You with fury and eagerness; they make You find the Cross ready, …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/16/on-the-cross-the-soul-can-measure-the-love-of-god/
Nov 15
Through Luisa, Knowledge and Correspondence Opens the Eyes of the Soul
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V14 – July 10, 1922 – “…Now it is necessary that you, Luisa, Rise and Carry with you My Life, My Will, so that My Volition of the earth and That of Heaven may Fuse together, and you may Live for some time in the Womb of the Divinity, where …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/15/through-luisa-knowledge-and-correspondence-opens-the-eyes-of-the-soul/
Nov 14
The Celestial Mother Brings Jesus to the Souls who Repent
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V22 – June 1, 1927 – “…While in life She (the Celestial Queen) made no visible miracle, either of healings or of raising the dead, the great Celestial Mother made, and does make, miracles at each moment, at every hour and every day, because as souls dispose themselves and repent, …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/14/the-celestial-mother-brings-jesus-to-the-souls-who-repent/
Nov 14
The Most Powerful Prayers over the Heart of Jesus
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN Volume 11 – June 15, 1916 In the Divine Will everything is complete. The Most Powerful Prayers over the Heart of Jesus, and those which move Him the Most, are to clothe oneself with all that He Himself did and suffered. Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/14/the-most-powerful-prayers-over-the-heart-of-jesus/
Nov 13
Love with Magnanimous Love in the Divine Will
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V34 – MAY 6, 1937 – “…passing to the Acts of the Redemption, I, Luisa, found myself immersed in His (Jesus’) Sufferings. And my always Lovable Jesus, perhaps to convince me, made Himself seen in my interior in the Act of suffering the Sorrowful Crucifixion. I took part of His …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/13/love-with-magnanimous-love-in-the-divine-will/
Nov 13
Mary the Mother of God
click image for marialactans Consider: From the Protoevangelium of S. James: And they stood in the place of the cave: and behold a bright cloud overshadowing the cave. And [Mary’s] midwife said: My soul is magnified this day, because mine eyes have seen marvellous things: for salvation is born unto Israel. And immediately the cloud …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/13/mary-the-mother-of-god/
Nov 13
The Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will invited by the Daughters of Divine Zeal at Altamura
NEWSLETTER The Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will invited by the Daughters of Divine Zeal at Altamura 10/11/2015 In the afternoon of Sunday, November 8, the Association Luisa Piccarreta – Little Children of the Divine Will was invited by the Institute of the Daughters of Divine Zeal, at Altamura. Here it …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/13/the-association-luisa-piccarreta-little-children-of-the-divine-will-invited-by-the-daughters-of-divine-zeal-at-altamura/
Nov 12
A Silent Soul is a Loving Soul
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V12 – January 2, 1919 Just as in Jesus, everything must be silent in souls. This morning my lovable Jesus made Himself seen under a storm of blows; and with His sweet gaze He looked at me, asking for help and refuge. I flung myself toward Him to extract Him …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookofheaven.org/2015/11/12/a-silent-soul-is-a-loving-soul/