May 13
Our Lady of Fatima
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May 12
Every day, Jesus humbles Himself just as He did when He came from His Heavenly Throne into the Virgin’s Womb; everyday He comes to us and lets us see Him in abjection, when He descends from the Bosom of the Father into the hands of the priest at the altar.
-St. Francis of Assisi
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May 11
Good Shepherd Sunday is the Fourth Sunday of Easter in the Catholic liturgical calendar; that is, the Sunday three weeks after Easter Sunday. The name derives from the gospel readings on this day which are taken from the 10th chapter of John. In this reading Christ is described as the Good Shepherd who, by dying on the Cross, lays down his life for his sheep. In the Traditional (pre-1970) Latin Liturgy (see Tridentine Mass), this Mass is said on the Second Sunday after Easter, i.e., the Sunday after “Low Week” (the week beginning with Quasimodo or “Low” Sunday).
In recent times the feast day has also become known as Vocations Sunday, a day on which prayers should be said for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
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May 10
Maternal Appeal of the Queen of Heaven
Dearest child, I feel the irresistible need to come down from Heaven to make you my maternal visits. If you assure Me of your filial love and faithfulness, I will remain always with you in your soul, to be your teacher, model, example and most tender Mother.
I come to invite you to enter into the Kingdom of your Mama – the Kingdom of the Divine Will – and I knock at the door of your heart, that you may open it to Me. You know, with my own hands I bring you this book as gift; I offer it to you with maternal care so that in your turn, in reading it, you may learn to live of Heaven and no longer of earth.
This book is of gold, my child. It will form your spiritual fortune and your happiness also on earth. In it you will find the fount of all goods: if you are weak, you will acquire strength; if you are tempted, you will achieve victory; if you have fallen into sin, you will find the compassionate and powerful hand which will raise you again. If you feel afflicted, you will find comfort; if cold, the surest way to get warm; if hungry, you will enjoy the delicious food of the Divine Will. With It you will lack nothing; you will no longer be alone, because your Mama will keep you sweet company and with all her every maternal care will take on the commitment to making you happy. I, Celestial Empress, will take care of all your needs, provided that you agree to live united with Me.
If you knew my yearnings, my ardent sighs, and also the tears I shed for my children…! If you knew how I burn with desire that you listen to my lessons, all of Heaven, and learn to live of Divine Will…!
In this book you will see wonders; you will find a Mama who loves you so much as to sacrifice her own beloved Son for you, in order to allow you to live of that very life from which She lived on earth.
O please! Do not give Me this sorrow – do not reject Me. Accept this gift of Heaven I am bringing you; welcome my visit and my lessons. Know that I will go all over the world; I will go to each individual, to all families, to religious communities, to every nation, to all peoples, and if needed, I will go about for entire centuries until, as Queen, I have formed my people, and as Mother, my children, who would know the Divine Will and let It reign everywhere. Here is the purpose of this book explained to you. Those who will welcome it with love will be the first fortunate children to belong to the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and with gold characters I will write their names in my maternal Heart.
Do you see, my child? That same infinite love of God, which wanted to use Me in the Redemption to make the Eternal Word descend upon earth, is now calling Me into the field once again, entrusting to Me the difficult task, the sublime mandate to form the children of the Kingdom of His Divine Will on earth. Therefore, with maternal care I put myself to work, preparing for you the way which will lead you to this happy Kingdom. For this purpose I will give you sublime and celestial lessons and, finally, I will teach you special and new prayers, through which you will bind the heavens, the sun, the Creation, my very life and that of my Son, and all the acts of the saints, so that in your name they may beseech the adorable Kingdom of the Divine Will. These prayers are the most powerful because they bind the divine work itself. Through them God will feel disarmed and conquered by the creature. Confident of this help, you will hasten the coming of His most happy Kingdom, and with Me you will obtain that the Divine Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven, according to the desire of the Divine Master.
Courage, my child; make Me content, and I will bless you.
Prayer to the Celestial Queen for each day of the month of May
Immaculate Queen, my Celestial Mother, I come onto your maternal knees to abandon myself in your arms as your dear child, and to ask of You, with the most ardent sighs – in this month consecrated to You – the greatest of graces: that You admit me to live in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.
Holy Mama, You who are the Queen of this Kingdom, admit me to live in It as your child, that It may no longer be deserted, but populated by your children. Therefore, Sovereign Queen, I entrust myself to You, that You may lead my steps into the Kingdom of the Divine Will; and clinging to your maternal hand, You will lead all of my being to live perennial life in the Divine Will. You will be my Mama, and to You, my Mama, do I give my will, that You may exchange it with the Divine Will, and so I may be sure I will not go out of Its Kingdom. Therefore I beg You to illumine me in order to make me comprehend what ‘Will of God’ means.
Hail Mary…
Little Sacrifice of the Month:
Each morning, midday and night – three times a day – let us go onto the knees of our Celestial Mama, and say to Her: “My Mama, I love You; and You – love me, and give a sip of Divine Will to my soul. Give me your blessing, that I may do all of my actions under your maternal gaze.
DAY 3 – My child, listen to Me; it is the heart of a mother that speaks to you, and as I see that you want to listen to Me, My Heart rejoices and feels the sure hope that My child will take possession of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, which I possess within My maternal Heart to give to My children. Therefore, be attentive in listening to Me, and write all My words within your heart, that you may always meditate on them, and mold your life according to My teachings.
DAY 4 – My child, if you knew how much I love to hold you tightly in my arms, leaning on my maternal Heart, to let you hear the celestial secrets of the Divine Fiat…! And if you sigh so much to listen to Me, those are my sighs that echo in your heart; it is your Mama that wants her child, and wants to entrust Her secrets to her, and to narrate to her the story of that which the Divine Will operated in Me.
Child of my Heart, pay attention to Me: it is my Heart of Mother that wants to pour itself out with her child.
I want you to imitate your Mama, I ask you, as a Mother, never to deny anything to your God, even though they might be sacrifices that would last all your life.
DAY 5 – You know that I am your Mother, and a Mama wants to see her child happy; but how can you be happy if you do not decide to live without the human will, as your Mama lived? If you do so, I will give you everything; I will place myself at your disposal, and I will be all for my child, provided that I receive the good, the contentment, the happiness, of having a child who lives all of Divine Will.
DAY 6 – I loved you so much that I acted as your Mother before God; my prayers and my sighs were for you, and in the delirium of a Mother, I said: “Oh, how I wish to see my child possessor of everything, just as I am!”
DAY 8 – Without knowing then that I was going to be the Mother of the Divine Word, I felt a double maternity in Me: maternity toward God, to defend His just rights; and maternity toward the creatures, to bring them to safety. I felt I was the Mother of all. The Divine Will which reigned in Me, and which knows not how to do isolated works, brought God and all creatures from all centuries into Me. In my maternal Heart I felt my God offended, wanting to be satisfied, and I felt the creatures under the rule of Divine Justice. Oh, how many tears I shed! I wanted to make my tears descend into each heart, in order to let everyone feel my maternity, all of love. I cried for you and for all, my child. Therefore, listen to Me; have pity on my crying. Take my tears in order to dampen your passions, and to make your will lose life. O please! accept my mandate – that you do always the Will of your Creator.
DAY 10 – I wanted to act as Queen and Mother, enclosing everyone in my Heart, to bring everyone to safety, and to give them the great gift of the Divine Kingdom. In my Heart I had a place for everyone, because for one who possesses the Divine Will there are no constraints – only infinite expanses. I looked also at you, my child – no one escaped Me. And since on that day everyone celebrated my birth, it was also feast for Me.
DAY 11 – I wanted to act as Queen and Mother, enclosing everyone in my Heart, to bring everyone to safety, and to give them the great gift of the Divine Kingdom. In my Heart I had a place for everyone, because for one who possesses the Divine Will there are no constraints – only infinite expanses. I looked also at you, my child – no one escaped Me. And since on that day everyone celebrated my birth, it was also feast for Me.
DAY 15 – My dearest child, how sweet is your whispering to my ears – hearing you say that you want to be enclosed in the living temple of the Divine Will, and that you want no other company but that of your Jesus and mine. Ah, dear child, you make the joys of a true Mother arise in my maternal Heart! If you let Me do it, I am certain that my child will be happy, and my joys will be hers; and to have a happy child is the greatest happiness and glory of a maternal heart.
DAY 17 – Cheer up, my child – have courage and trust in your Mama, and an iron resolution never to give life to your will. Oh, how I would love to hear from your lips: “My Mama, my will is finished, and the Divine Fiat has total empire within me.” These are the weapons which make it die continuously, and which conquer the Heart of your Mama to use all the loving arts of Mother, so that Her child may live in the Kingdom of Her Mama.
DAY 20 – My child, you must know that from the moment I was conceived, I loved you as Mother, I felt you within my Heart, I burned with love for you, but I did not understand why. The Divine Fiat would make me do things, but would keep the secret hidden from Me. But as He incarnated Himself, He revealed the secret to Me, and I understood the fecundity of my maternity – I was to be not only Mother of Jesus, but Mother of all; and this maternity was to be formed on the stake of suffering and of love. My child, how much I have loved you, and I do love you!
DAY 22 – And I, in order to fulfill the Supreme Volition, deprived Myself of my innocent joys, beginning, with works and sacrifices, the office of Mother – of giving Jesus to all.
DAY 23
Therefore, in addition to the right of Mother which I had over all, I acquired the right of Mother and Queen of all Sorrows.
DAY 28 – Now, listen to Me, my child; I want to speak to you as a Mother who loves her child very much.
DAY 31 – I want to make my testament to you, leaving you as dowry that same Will which your Mama possesses, and which filled Me with so much grace, to the point of making of Me the Mother of the Word, Lady and Queen of the Heart of Jesus, and Mother and Queen of all.
Meditation 1 – As I became Mother of Jesus and your Mother, my seas of love doubled, and unable to contain them all, I felt the need to pour them out, and to be the first bearer of Jesus to creatures, even at the cost of great sacrifices.
Meditation 4 – My dearest child, my Heart of Mother rejoiced at the faithfulness, the correspondence and the sacrifice of these Magi Kings, to come to know and adore my Son. But I cannot hide from you a secret sorrow of mine: among many, only three. In the history of the centuries, how many times is this sorrow of mine and this human ingratitude not repeated! My Son and I do nothing but make stars arise, one more beautiful than the other, to call some to know their Creator, some to sanctity, some to rise again from sin, some to the heroism of a sacrifice… But do you want to know what these stars are? A painful encounter is a star; a truth that one comes to know is a star; a love unrequited by other creatures is a star; a setback, a suffering, a disillusion, an unexpected fortune, are as many stars which shed light in the minds of creatures. Caressing them, they want to make them find the Celestial Infant, who fidgets with love, shivers with cold, and seeks a refuge in their hearts to be known and loved. But, alas, I who hold Him in my arms, wait in vain for the stars to bring Me creatures, in order to place Him in their hearts, and my maternity is restrained and hindered. While I am the Mother of Jesus, I am prevented from being the Mother of all, because they are not around Me, and do not look for Jesus. So the stars hide, and they remain in the Jerusalems of the world, without Jesus. What sorrow, my child, what sorrow! It takes correspondence, fidelity and sacrifice to follow the stars; and if the sun of the Divine Will rises in the soul – how much attention does it not take. Otherwise, one remains in the darkness of the human will.
Now, my child, as they entered Jerusalem, the holy Magi Kings lost the star, but in spite of this they did not stop looking for Jesus. However, as they went outside the city, the star reappeared and led them, festive, into the grotto of Bethlehem. I received them with Mother’s love, and the dear Baby looked at them with great love and majesty, letting His Divinity shine through His little Humanity. Bowing down, they knelt at His feet, adoring and contemplating that celestial beauty; they recognized Him as true God. They remained enraptured, ecstatic – enjoying Him; so much so, that the Celestial Baby had to withdraw His Divinity into His Humanity, otherwise they would have remained there, unable to move from His divine feet.
Then, as they came round from their rapture, in which they offered the gold of their souls, the incense of their faith and adoration, the myrrh of their whole beings and of any sacrifice He might have wanted of them, they added the offering of external gifts, symbols of their interior acts: gold, incense and myrrh. But my love of Mother was not yet content; I wanted to place the sweet Baby in their arms, and – oh, with how much love did they kiss Him and press Him to their breasts! They felt paradise in advance within them. Through this, my Son bound all the gentile nations to the knowledge of the true God, and placed the goods of Redemption, the return to faith of all peoples in common for all. He constituted Himself King of the rulers; and ruling over all with the weapons of His love, of His pains and of His tears, He called the Kingdom of His Will upon earth. And I, your Mama, wanted to be the first apostle. I instructed them; I told them the story of my Son, of His ardent love; I recommended that they make Him known to all, and assuming the first place of Mother and Queen of all Apostles, I blessed them, I had them blessed by the dear Baby, and, happy and in tears, they left again for their regions. But I did not leave them; I accompanied them with maternal affection, and to repay them, I let them feel Jesus in their hearts. How happy they were! You must know that only when I see that my Son has dominion, possession, and forms His perennial dwelling in the hearts of those who search for Him and love Him – then do I feel a true Mother.
Now a little word to you, my child: if you want Me to act as your true Mother, let me place Jesus in your heart. You will make Him happy with your love; you will feed Him with the food of His Will, because He takes no other food; You will clothe Him with the sanctity of your works. And I will come into your heart, I will raise my dear Son again together with you, and will perform the office of Mother for you and for Him; in this way I will feel the pure joys of my maternal fecundity. You must know that anything which does not begin from Jesus, who is inside the heart – be they even the most beautiful works on the outside – cannot please Me, because they are empty of the life of my dear Son.
Meditation 6 – My dearest child, my Heart is swollen with love, and I felt the need to tell you the reason why, together with my Son, I wanted to be present at this wedding of Cana. Do you think it was because of a simple ceremony? No, child; there are profound mysteries. Pay attention to Me, and I will tell you new things: how my love of mother was displayed in an incredible manner, and how the love of my Son gave true signs of paternity and royalty for the creatures.
Now listen to Me. My Son had come back from the desert, and was preparing Himself for His public life; but first He wanted to be present at this wedding, and therefore He allowed Himself to be invited. We went there, not to celebrate, but to work great things for the human generations. My Son took the place of Father and King in the families, and I took the place of Mother and Queen. With Our presence We renewed the sanctity, the beauty, the order of the marriage formed by God in the Garden of Eden – that of Adam and Eve – married by the Supreme Being in order to populate the earth, and to multiply and increase the future generations. Marriage is the substance from which arises the life of the generations; it can be called the trunk from which the earth is populated. The priests, the religious, are the branches; but if it were not for the trunk, not even the branches would have life. Therefore, through sin, by withdrawing from the Divine Will, Adam and Eve caused the family to lose its sanctity, beauty and order. And I, your Mama, the new innocent Eve, together with my Son, went to reorder that which God did in Eden; I constituted Myself Queen of families, and impetrated the grace that the Divine Fiat might reign in them, that I might have families which would belong to Me, holding the place of Queen in their midst.
But this is not all, my child. Our love was burning, and We wanted to make known to them how much We loved them, and to give them the most sublime of lessons. And here is how: at the height of the lunch, wine lacked, and my Heart of mother felt consumed with love, wanting to give help. Knowing that my Son can do anything, with supplicating accents, but certain that He would listen to me, I say to Him: “My Son, the spouses have no more wine.” And He answers Me: “My hour to do miracles has not yet come.” And knowing that He certainly would not deny what His Mama asked of Him, I say to those who are serving the table: “Do what my Son tells you, and you will have what you want; even more, you will receive in addition, and in superabundance.”
My child, in these few words I gave a lesson, the most useful, necessary and sublime for the creature. I spoke with the heart of a mother and I said: “My children, do you want to be holy? Do the Will of my Son. Do not move from what He tells you, and you will have His likeness, His sanctity in your power. Do you want all evils to cease? Do whatever my Son tells you. Do you want any grace, even difficult? Do whatever He tells you and wants. Do you also want the necessary things of natural life? Do whatever my Son tells you. Because in His words, in everything He tells you and wants, He encloses such power that, as He speaks, His word contains what you ask for, and makes the graces you desire arise within your souls. How many see themselves as full of passions, weak, afflicted, unfortunate and miserable; yet, they pray and pray, but because they do not do what my Son asks, they obtain nothing; Heaven seems to be closed for them. This is a sorrow for your Mama, because I see that while they pray, they move away from the source in which all goods reside – the Will of my Son.
Now, those who were serving did precisely what my Son said to them – that is: “Fill the jars with water and bring them to the table.” My dear Jesus blessed that water and it turned into delicious wine. Oh, a thousand times blessed, the one who does what He says and wants! With this, my Son gave Me the greatest honor, He constituted Me Queen of miracles; this is why He wanted my union and my prayer in doing His first miracle. He loved Me too much – so much that He wanted to give Me first place as Queen in miracles also. And with facts, not with words, He said: “If you want graces and miracles, come to my Mother; I will never deny anything She wants.”
In addition to this, my child, with my presence at this wedding, I looked at the future centuries. I saw the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth; I looked at families, and I pleaded for them to symbolize the love of the Sacrosanct Trinity, so that Its Kingdom might be in full force. And with my rights of Mother and Queen, I took to heart Its regime, and possessing the source of it, I placed at the creatures’ disposal all of the graces, the helps and the sanctity needed to live in a Kingdom so holy. So I keep repeating: “Do whatever my Son tells you.”
My child, listen to Me: look for nothing else, if you want to have everything in your power, and give Me the contentment of being able to make of you my true child, and child of the Divine Will. Then will I take on the commitment of forming the marriage between you and the Fiat; and acting as your true Mother, I will bind the marriage by giving you the very life of my Son as dowry, and my maternity and all my virtues as gift.
LETTER #17 – “My life will start today; I am born again together with my Queen Mama, with Jesus, and with the Divine Will.”
LETTER #28 – But to the ladies who ask for graces I say that the most powerful means to obtain them is to do the Divine Will, to put their wills into the hands of the Queen so that She may exchange them with the Divine, and also to give Her the first place as Queen and Mother of their families. Oh, how the Heavenly Lady will feel enraptured! As the first miracle, She will give them Her own Son as gift; She will enclose Him in their hearts that they may live together, and She Herself will stay to take care of Her dear Son. And to us, her children, She will give peace and put order between Creator and creature. Once She has done this, the rest will come by itself, always provided that it is for the good of their souls…
LETTER # 35 – Dearest brother in Jesus Christ,
I was immensely pleased by your request for the book of the Queen of Heaven, thinking that the Celestial Mama comes also to the prison to visit you and to be your Mother, Teacher, consoler; and also to give you her sweet company in order to teach you how to live from the Divine Will, and form, in prison too, the Kingdom of the Divine Volition.
Therefore, my brother, courage, trust, for you have a Celestial Mama who loves you very much, who will never leave you, and if you listen to Her, will make a sanctuary of the prison. And if human weakness took you to prison, the Sovereign Queen comes with the strength of the Divine Will to take you to Heaven and render your days less sad; even more, She will turn pains, privations, loneliness, into ransoms and eternal conquests; She will make you feel the peace that, even in the world, cannot be enjoyed. The Divine Will will transform you, and you will feel the new life that the Celestial Lady brings you.
Know that I am your sister in prison. For more than fifty years the Supreme Fiat has kept me imprisoned in a bed. Yet, I am glad – I am happy; but what makes me happy? The Divine Will, Which I try to do always. You too can be happy, if you do the Divine Will. Oh, how It will change your bitterness! You will feel a true divine strength that will ease your painful state. Never neglect the Rosary to the Celestial Mother, and if you can, be a missionary in the prison, by making known that the Queen of Heaven wants to visit all the prisoners to give them the gift of the Divine Will. And if you need some more copies and you cannot pay, I am willing to send them for free.
I leave you under the mantle of the Celestial Mother, listening to Her lessons of Heaven – and with a thousand regards, I say,
your most affectionate sister,
the little daughter of the Divine Will
LETTER #75 – When the book “The Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” was published in Italy, this good Mother took the first step to let us comprehend how much She loves us; so much so, as to take us onto her lap, to give us this gift of which She is the bearer. But the machinations of the enemies of her little book hindered her step, and She was sent back into the heavenly regions. From there, with invincible patience, She is waiting for a change of times, of people and of conditions, in order to continue her way, and give us that which is now despised.
LETTER #112 – …continue to call many children around the Father and the Celestial Mother.
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May 10
“Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His Grace to mold them accordingly.”
– St. Ignatius of Loyola
Letter #18. Send everything – pains, bitterness, strains – into the Divine Will; tell Him from the heart that you want nothing but His Will, and look at all things as bearers of a Will so holy, and you will see that the Fiat will defend you. Don’t get discouraged, do not fear, do not lose peace, abandon yourself more than ever in the arms of the Divine Will, and be tranquil, waiting in full confidence for the helps and means which are necessary to you.
Letter #21. In every good act we do, every time we abandon ourselves in His arms, and every time we cry out from the depths of our heart: “Lord, I want to do your Will”, the dear Little One repeats His birth.
Letter #23. I read your sorrowful letter and from the heart I feel compassion for you. However, pluck up courage, do not abandon yourself to yourself; rather, abandon yourself in God and in the arms of our Queen Mama. In your state of sorrow, they await you in their arms as their favorite one, because you are a daughter of sorrow; but they want you more peaceful, and less concerned about your state, because apprehension worsens the trouble, and makes one see it darker, and maybe worse than it really is. And then, my daughter, I must tell you the truth, if you resign yourself, your state is the greatest state of sanctity; it is the jealousy of God that takes creatures away from you; it is because of the great love He has for you that, jealous, wanting to be loved and loving you very much, He takes everyone away from you. Therefore, thank the Lord for He has placed His divine eyes upon you to make of you a saint.
Letter #42. Courage, trust and abandonment in the arms of our adorable Jesus, in your pains. I believe that they are nothing but raw material in His hands, in order to repeat His Life in you; and if you knew with how much love He is inside and outside of you, in order to shape you to Himself…! Jesus feels the need to make of the creatures the repeaters of His Life, and He does so on the stake of suffering and love. Sufferings are firewood, and love ignites it, while Jesus gives us the shape He wants, fully similar to Himself. And woe to the world, if these stakes were not there!
Therefore, my daughter, let Jesus Do – let Him, the Celestial Doctor, Do. And as He operates, your life will alternate, now with suffering, and now with sweet rest, which Jesus Himself will give to you. Do not listen to so many stories of doctors, with many opinions, each one contrary to the other. It is fair not to believe in any of them. Stay with your peace, and until you find doctors who are in agreement with their opinions, don’t do anything. Jesus, Who has helped you until now, will continue to help you. Besides, He holds suffering in His hands; whenever He wants, He makes us feel it, and when He does not want, He gives the opium of His Will, and puts it to sleep. Therefore, think about making yourself a saint. In every pain, give Jesus a kiss, hug Him very tightly, and force Him to let the Kingdom of the Fiat come upon earth. (…)
Letter #57. Place the Fiat before and after each one of your acts. Everything you want, abandon it completely in the Divine Volition; do not worry, and It will take on the commitment of all your things.
Letter #86. …if we are not in the Divine Will, we are without a place, without a home, without means to live and to become saints. If Jesus does not find His Will in us, He does not find the adaptable material to make us saints, nor can He make of us His faithful copy. Therefore, my wish is that our will may rise again in His; in this way, you will give work to Jesus. Oh, how happy He will be, and you too will feel His peace, confidence, love, and full abandonment in His arms. You will feel safe, like a baby in the arms of her mama. How happy you will be, and how happy will be dear Jesus!
Letter #90. …I send you my wishes; but do you know which ones? That you may no longer recognize yourself in yourself, but in Jesus. Oh, how He will love you! He will carry you in His arms, and give you a place in His little Heart. Be attentive, and live all abandoned in Jesus. Regards from my heart,
Letter #93. In fact, by doing His Will in all our acts, both spiritual and natural, His image is formed and circulates like a coin throughout the Heavens. However, this is what I recommend to you: never lose heart; never be disturbed; try to live abandoned in the arms of Jesus, and He will be your Mama, your Father and your custodian. You will feel Him living and palpitating within your soul, forming the life of your life.
Let us thank the Lord for all He has disposed upon us. But I beg you to never go out of His Will. In this way, the Lord will give you His own Love to love Him, His own Sanctity to make yourself a saint, His own Peace in the storms of life. Together with Him, you will feel strong – of a divine strength – in the pains you suffer. In this way you will fear nothing.
Pray for me, as I do it for you from the heart. With my regards, and leaving you in the arms of the Divine Fiat, I say,
Luisa Piccarreta
Letter #108. My good daughter in the Divine Volition,
I recommend that you do not lose peace, and that you live so abandoned in the Divine Will as to feel It as your own life. If you do so, this Will so holy will take you upon Its maternal knees, more than a mother; It will hold you tightly to Its Divine Heart; It will raise you as Its beloved daughter. So, in all your pains, you will feel your Mama near you, assisting you, guiding you and changing your little pains into a Sun and into little coins for Heaven. In each pain, dear Jesus will give you a kiss, a hug, and will adorn your soul with most refulgent gems. Therefore, courage, my daughter; never lose heart; never get discouraged. It is Jesus that wants His daughter similar to Himself; aren’t you happy? So, do not care about anything else but to live abandoned in His arms. With this you will feel a new strength, and you will no longer feel alone; sufferings will turn for you into sanctity and into celestial joys. Dear Jesus will give you His pains as courting, strength and company.
I leave you in the Divine Volition to make yourself a great saint; and sending you my regards from the heart, I say,
Most affectionately yours,
The little daughter of the Divine Will.
Corato, December 15, 1941
Letter #129. Abandon yourself to the Divine Will. Let Its Divine Life rise again in all your sufferings.
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May 09
Everything Should be Will of God within us
Fiat – In Voluntate Dei!
43. My good daughter in the Divine Volition,
Oh, how I’d love that everything in you were Will of God! I tell you as a mother that your concern about feeling cold, about not having one tear for the pains of Jesus and the like, almost unintentionally prevents the fullness of the life of the Divine Will in you, while everything should be Will of God within us: cold, warmth, sleep, vigil, crying and not crying… There are tears of the heart, the tears of the soul, which are more bitter and transform us into our beloved Jesus. The tears of the eyes relieve us, satisfy us, they are a vent, while the tears of the heart petrify us, and give us such a hard pain that there is no hope of relieve… Oh, how easily we pay attention to what we feel! Feeling is not ours, it is not in our power; while Jesus, because He loves us very much, gave us our will into our power, so that, as we put it on the countertop of the Divine Will, it could turn into divine acts, which contain such immensity and power that we are unable to contain them; and dear Jesus, in order to allow us to possess them, makes the great prodigy of living within us to give us their possession. And then, what happens? Our life and our acts have the life and the acts of Jesus as their foundation. Even our breathing takes origin in His breathing… Therefore, our coldness, the tears not shed, our pains, the involuntary distractions, can ask for the Kingdom of God upon earth. They will be as many sweet pledges in the hands of Jesus, which bind Him to make the Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth.
Therefore, let’s be attentive, let us live as if we had no other life, no other word, but the Divine Will. (…)
The little daughter of the Divine Will.
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May 08
Apparition of Saint Michael the Archangel
Thursday, May 08, 2014
Monte Gargano, Italy (492)
In that year, a man named Gargan was pasturing his large herds in the countryside. One day a bull fled to the mountain, where at first it could not be found. When its refuge in a cave was discovered, an arrow was shot into the cave, but the arrow returned to wound the one who had sent it. Faced with so mysterious an occurrence, the persons concerned decided to consult the bishop of the region. He ordered three days of fasting and prayers. After three days, the Archangel Saint Michael appeared to the bishop and declared that the cavern where the bull had taken refuge was under his protection, and that God wanted it to be consecrated under his name and in honor of all the Holy Angels.
Accompanied by his clergy and people, the pontiff went to that cavern, which he found already disposed in the form of a church. The divine mysteries were celebrated there, and there arose in this same place a magnificent temple where the divine Power has wrought great miracles. To thank God’s adorable goodness for the protection of the holy Archangel, the effect of His merciful Providence, this feast day was instituted by the Church in his honor.
This mighty leader of the heavenly host, the vanquisher of Lucifer and his followers, has appeared on other occasions during the Christian ages; for example, it was he who summoned St. Joan of Arc from the care of her flocks to the command of armies. We may mention his apparition in Rome, where Saint Gregory the Great saw him in the air sheathing his sword, to signal the cessation of a pestilence and the appeasement of God’s wrath. Another apparition to Saint Ausbert, bishop of Avranches in France, led to the construction of Mont-Saint-Michel in the sea, a famous pilgrimage site. The angelic visitor has always been honored by the Church as her guardian under God, and as the protector of the faithful.
It is said of this special guardian and protector of the Church that, during the final persecution of Antichrist, he will powerfully defend it: “At that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince who protects the children of thy people.” (Dan. 12:1) Compare this text with Chapter 10 of the Apocalypse of Saint John.
O God, who wondrously directs the services of angels and men, grant that our lives on earth may be guarded by the angels who stand ever before Your face ministering to You in heaven. Through Our Lord . . .
O Lord, graciously accept the Sacrifice of praise we offer You. May it bring us closer to our salvation through the Angels’ prayers of intercession. Through our Lord . . .
We rely on the prayers of the blessed Archangel Michael, O Lord, that the Sacrament that we have received upon our lips may always remain in our hearts. Through our Lord . . .
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May 06
St. Thomas Aquinas: 5 Reasons for Christ’s Resurrection
St. Thomas Aquinas gives us 5 reasons for Christ’s Resurrection. The following comes from The Sacred Page:
It behooved Christ to rise again, for five reasons. First of all; for the commendation of Divine Justice, to which it belongs to exalt them who humble themselves for God’s sake, according to Lk. 1:52: “He hath put down the mighty from their seat, and hath exalted the humble.” Consequently, because Christ humbled Himself even to the death of the Cross, from love and obedience to God, it behooved Him to be uplifted by God to a glorious resurrection; hence it is said in His Person (Psalm 138:2): “Thou hast known,” i.e. approved, “my sitting down,” i.e. My humiliation and Passion, “and my rising up,” i.e. My glorification in the resurrection; as the gloss expounds.
Secondly, for our instruction in the faith, since our belief in Christ’s Godhead is confirmed by His rising again, because, according to 2 Cor. 13:4, “although He was crucified through weakness, yet He liveth by the power of God.” And therefore it is written (1 Corinthians 15:14): “If Christ be not risen again, then is our preaching vain, and our [Vulg.: ‘your’] faith is also vain”: and (Psalm 29:10): “What profit is there in my blood?” that is, in the shedding of My blood, “while I go down,” as by various degrees of evils, “into corruption?” As though He were to answer: “None. ‘For if I do not at once rise again but My body be corrupted, I shall preach to no one, I shall gain no one,'” as the gloss expounds.
Thirdly, for the raising of our hope, since through seeing Christ, who is our head, rise again, we hope that we likewise shall rise again. Hence it is written (1 Corinthians 15:12): “Now if Christ be preached that He rose from the dead, how do some among you say, that there is no resurrection of the dead?” And (Job 19:25,27): “I know,” that is with certainty of faith, “that my Redeemer,” i.e. Christ, “liveth,” having risen from the dead; “and” therefore “in the last day I shall rise out of the earth . . . this my hope is laid up in my bosom.”
Fourthly, to set in order the lives of the faithful: according to Rm. 6:4: “As Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in newness of life”: and further on; “Christ rising from the dead dieth now no more; so do you also reckon that you are dead to sin, but alive to God.”
Fifthly, in order to complete the work of our salvation: because, just as for this reason did He endure evil things in dying that He might deliver us from evil, so was He glorified in rising again in order to advance us towards good things; according to Rm. 4:25: “He was delivered up for our sins, and rose again for our justification.”[From Summa Theologica, III, Q. 53, Art. 1]
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May 05
“The worship of the Eucharist outside of the Mass is of inestimable value for the life of the Church. This worship is strictly linked to the celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. The presence of Christ under the sacred species reserved after Mass—a presence which lasts as long as the species of bread and or wine remain—derives from the celebration of the sacrifice and is directed toward communion, both sacramental and spiritual. It is the responsibility of pastors to encourage, also by their personal witness, the practice of Eucharistic adoration, and exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in particular, as well as, prayers of adoration before Christ present under the Eucharistic species.” (Pope John Paul II, Ecclesia de Eucharistia)
“The best the surest and the most effective way of establishing everlasting peace on the face of the earth is through the great power of Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.” (Pope John Paul II – Prayer beginning Perpetual Adoration on December 8, 1982 at St. Peter’s in Rome).
“The Church and the world have a great need of Eucharistic worship. Jesus waits for us in this Sacrament of Love. Let us be generous with our time in going to meet Him in adoration and in contemplation that is full of faith and ready to make reparation for the great faults and crimes of the world. May our adoration never cease.”(Pope John Paul II, Dominicae Cenae, February 1980)
“The hidden treasure… is Jesus himself, the Kingdom in person. In the Sacred Host, he is present, the true treasure, always waiting for us. Only by adoring this presence do we learn how to receive him properly-we learn the reality of communion”. (Pope Benedict XVI, address to Religious and seminarians, Altotting, Germany, Sept., 11, 2006)
“In a world where there is so much noise, so much bewilderment, there is a need for silent adoration of Jesus concealed in the Host. Be assiduous in the prayer of adoration and teach it to the faithful. It is a source of comfort and light, particularly to those who are suffering.” “With the Synod Assembly, therefore, I heartily recommend to the Church’s pastors and to the People of God the practice of Eucharistic Adoration, both individually and in community…Great benefit would ensue from a suitable catechesis explaining the importance of this act of worship, which enables the faithful to experience the liturgical celebration more fully and more fruitfully. Wherever possible, it would be appropriate, especially in densely populated areas, to set aside specific churches or oratories for Perpetual Adoration.”(Pope Benedict XVI, February 22, 2007, Sacramentum Caritatis, Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation)
1418 Because Christ himself is present in the sacrament of the altar, he is to be honored with the worship of adoration. “To visit the Blessed Sacrament is . . . a proof of gratitude, an expression of love, and a duty of adoration toward Christ our Lord” (Paul VI, MF 66).
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May 04
Eucharistic Adoration – Hidden God
Eucharistic Adoration
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