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First Miracle Attributed to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta

“Below is a translation of the testimony given at the 4th International Conference on the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta in April, 2015. The video is in Italian, with no subtitles at this time. This is the link to the news, To view information from local papers in Corato and Bari about this miracle attributed to …

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Nourishing a Moral Life

  Paragraph 2061 – SECTION TWO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 2061 The Commandments take on their full meaning within … According to Scripture, man’s moral life has all its … The first of the “ten words” recalls that … Paragraph 2062 – SECTION TWO THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 2062 The Commandments properly so–called come in the second …

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The Strings of God’s Qualities that He Plays in Luisa and the Souls who Live in the Divine Will

November 22 V20 – December 15, 1927 – “…Now, You Must Know that each created thing contains a delight, one distinct from the other; and these delights were placed by Us, and were to serve Us to delight Ourselves and the creature. Now, in each created thing runs Our Love, and as you go through …

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SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING OF THE UNIVERSE Plenary indulgence can be obtained on that day (under usual conditions)  See below for prayer. Novena to Christ the King taken from MEDITATION JESUS began his public life by announcing His Kingdom. “The Kingdom of God is at hand! Reform your lives and …

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Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy

Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy click image for Enthronement to the Divine Mercy O Jesus, you showed us your infinite compassionate love by exhausting the very last drop of blood and water from your body.  From this day forward, with full confidence, we entrust our families to Your Divine Mercy. …

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The Prize: “The Towers of Corato”

17/11/2015 The third edition of “The Towers of Corato”, was held on Saturday, November 14. It was an evening of awards organized by LO STRADONE newspaper. The purpose of this initiative is the knowledge of those people from Corato who excel in their respective professions giving prestige to our town. Also this year, the majority …

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A Magnanimous King, Full of Love and Infinite Generosity.

NEWSLETTER 17/11/2015 Christ’s Power is shown through His kingship that has its roots in the mystery of the Incarnation. “The Word  was made flesh” (John.1,14). The Word of the Father, wrapped in the virginal purity of Mary’s womb, lays down the mantle of Justice and wears that of Mercy in favour of fallen man, bringing …

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Pray as Jesus Prayed

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V11 – May 3, 1916 – While I was praying, my adorable Jesus placed Himself close to me, and I could hear that He too was praying. So I began to listen to Him. Jesus told me: “My daughter, pray, but pray as I Pray. Pour yourself Entirely into My …

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Mary, Queen of the Church and Most Beautiful Symbol of the Kingdom of the Divine Will

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN  V34 – May 20, 1936 – “Now, in the midst of the disciples there was My Mama, who assisted at My Departure for Heaven. This is the most Beautiful Symbol (of the Kingdom of the Divine Will). Just as She is the Queen of My Church, She assists it, She …

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Divine Justice Enters the Field and Defends God’s Love

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V17 – June 20, 1924 – “…Only one who Possesses Our Will can touch Us Lovingly, and can become one with Us, because in this way the creature would be Happy of Our Own Happiness, and so We remain Glorified by the Happiness of the creature. Only when My Divine …

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