September 21 V7 – February 28, 1906 – God communicates His Grace, and the Grace of truth, in such a way that the soul can see the truth in everything without deceit, without darkness. And here is how, what God is by nature – eternal Truth which cannot deceive nor be deceived – the soul …
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Oct 20
Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will raise up to David a just branch: and a king shall reign, and shall be wise, and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth. Jeremiah 23:5 V2 – February 28, 1899 – “…Now, let us go back again to the idea of food: by …
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Oct 19
Feast of the North American Martyrs
click image for information on the North American Martyrs FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V25 – 2.27.29 – “Now, the effects of My Fiat are given to those who do My Divine Will, who adore Its dispositions, who bear with patience what It wants. By doing so, the creature recognizes that there is this Supreme …
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Oct 19
The Celestial Sower
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V28 – September 30, 1930 – “My daughter, all the good and holy acts of the prophets, the patriarchs, and of the ancient people, formed the ground in which the Supreme Being sowed the seed in order to make germinate the life of the Celestial Baby Mary, because Her seed …
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Oct 18
The Priests are the New Evangelists of the New Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V23 – January 18, 1928 – “…I enjoy in seeing the interest that Priests take in these Writings that will form the Kingdom of My Will. This means that they appreciate the great good of them, and each one would want to keep such a great treasure with himself, to …
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Oct 17
The Word Made Flesh, the Son of the Father, Formed the New Graft with the Tree of Humanity
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V27 – 10.27.29 – “Before My coming upon earth, God and the creature were with each other like the earth and the sun: the earth does not possess the seed with which, by pulverizing it, it may form the shoot in order to form the plant of that seed; the …
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Oct 16
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V12 – JULY 25, 1917 – “You Must Know that the most Noble, the most Sublime, the Greatest and most Heroic act is to do My Will, and to Operate in My Volition. At this Act, which no one else can equal, I Display the Pomp of All My Love …
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Oct 15
The Soul Who Goes Around in the Triune God’s Works, Gives Them All that the Whole Creation Gives Them
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V31 – September 25, 1932 – “My daughter, the great structure of the world attached to the Great Divine Structure continually goes around. Animated by Our Incessant Motion, it goes around Us in order to give back to Us the Glory, the Honor, and the Love with which they came …
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Oct 14
Get Ready for Christmas by Praying the Christmas Novena! Thanksgiving (Nov 24), Advent begins (Nov 27), the Immaculate Conception (Dec 8), Our Lady of Guadalupe (Dec 12), St John of the Cross (Dec 14, for all you Carmelite Fans), then Our Lord’s Birthday (Dec 25) followed by the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, the …
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Oct 14
The Guide of the Soul Who Wants to Live in the Divine Will
FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN V30 – 12.6.31 – “…there is a sentence pronounced by Us in the terrestrial Paradise: ‘Here one cannot enter—this is a place only for those who do and Live in Our Will.’ And therefore the first creatures were put out, placing an Angel as Guard, to prevent their entrance. Our …
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