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How Jesus, in His Incarnation, formed from Himself one Jesus for each creature to exist, so that each one of them might have one Jesus at her disposal.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/20/38 – Vol. 35 How Jesus, in His Incarnation, formed from Himself one Jesus for each creature to exist, so that each one of them might have one Jesus at her disposal. I am in the Arms of the Divine Volition, that Loves me so much and, to show me …

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The Divine Will is like opium for the soul. The creature does nothing other than want Jesus to do everything in her.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/19/13 – Vol. 11 The Divine Will is like opium for the soul. The creature does nothing other than want Jesus to do everything in her. Continuing in my usual state and having received Holy Communion, my always adorable Jesus told me: “My daughter (Luisa), My Divine Will is like …

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Pope Benedict calls Mary a ‘Perfect Model’ of Obedience to Divine Will

Pope Benedict calls Mary a ‘Perfect Model’ of Obedience to Divine Will  L’Aquila, Italy, July 4, 2010 / 11:30 am (CNA/EWTN News).– Before leading the Angelus prayer from the Italian city of Sulmona he visited on Sunday, the Holy Father proposed Mary as “the Perfect Model of Obedience to the Divine Will.” He hoped also …

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How Jesus can Live in the soul, and the soul in Jesus and from His Life.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/18/12 – Vol. 11 How Jesus can Live in the soul, and the soul in Jesus and from His Life. Finding myself in my usual state, my always adorable Jesus came and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), everything you do for Me, even a breath, enters into Me as a …

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Love is the Cradle of man.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/17/22 – Vol. 14 Love is the Cradle of man. I felt oppressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and I did nothing but call Him, desire Him – but in vain. After much hardship, when I could take no more, He came. Who knows how many things …

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How the Fiat Places Everything in Communication, wherever It Reigns. Example of the Spouses. The Working of the Divine Will is the Fullness of the Acts, and the Triumph of the Divine Act in the human.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/16/27 – Vol. 20 How the Fiat Places Everything in Ccommunication, wherever It Reigns.  Example of the Spouses.  The Working of the Divine Will is the Fullness of the Acts, and the Triumph of the Divine Act in the human. I was going around in the whole Creation, to bring …

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How the Divine Life has need of Nourishments in order to Grow in the creature. The creature, with her love, forms in God Himself His Divine Life.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/15/31 – Vol. 29 How the Divine Life has need of Nourishments in order to Grow in the creature.  The creature, with her love, forms in God Himself His Divine Life.  How Divine Love Possesses the Seed of Generating Continuous Life. My abandonment in the Divine Fiat continues, though I …

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How the Acts of (Luisa) one who Lives in the Divine Will are extended for all, and become the Narrators of the Supreme Being. Display of Love. How God Created Forgiveness in Creating the Virgin.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/14/38 – Vol. 35 How the Acts of (Luisa)  one who Lives in the Divine Will are extended for all, and become the Narrators of the Supreme Being.  Display of Love.  How God Created Forgiveness in Creating the Virgin. My flight continues in the Divine Volition.  O, how lost I …

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The Good of being Faithful and Attentive.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN 2/13/23 – Vol. 15 The Good of being Faithful and Attentive. I felt all afflicted, and my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen for just a little, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), Courage, be Faithful and Attentive to Me, because Faithfulness and Attentiveness produce equality of Humors in the soul, forming …

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Deserted churches, and without ministers.

FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN  2/12/18 – Vol. 12 Deserted churches, and without ministers. Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen so very afflicted, and I said to Him: ‘My Love, why are You so afflicted?’ And He: “Ah! my daughter (Luisa), when I allow that churches remain deserted, ministers …

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