BOOK OF HEAVEN 10/8/01 – Vol. 4 When the soul operates united with Jesus, her acts have the same effects as His operating. Value of the intention. This morning, I struggled very much in waiting for my adorable Jesus; however, while waiting for Him, I did as much as I could to unite everything I …
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Oct 06
October 7 – Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
FEAST DAY OF OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY October 7 click image for Latin Rosary The feast dedicated to “Our Lady of the Rosary” was instituted by Pope Pius V. It was to commemorate the anniversary of the defeat of the Turkish fleet at the battle of Lepanto on the first Sunday in October 1571. …
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Oct 06
No Errors In the Writings Of Luisa Piccarreta
No Errors In the Writings Of Luisa BOOK OF HEAVEN From The Writings Of Luisa Piccarreta “The Little Daughter Of The Divine Will” VOL. 3 – January 8, 1900 The ‘errors’ contained in these writings, which will do good. Firmness and stability in operating. I was thinking to myself: ‘Who knows how …
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Oct 03
Droplets of Silence
Droplets of Silence “Silence is necessary to hear what God says to the soul. The language that God hears the most is silent love. “ (St. John of the Cross) Sisters, brothers, the Light of the Divine Will that was given to us as a Gift, invites us to deepen also inner silence, that is …
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Oct 03
St. Francis of Assisi
October 4th is the FEAST DAY OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI St. Francis of Assisi (Italian: San Francesco d’Assisi, born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone, but nicknamed Francesco (“the Frenchman”) by his father, 1181/1182 – October 3, 1226)[1][3] was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher. He founded the men’s Order of Friars Minor, the women’s Order …
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Oct 02
October 3 – Book of Heaven
BOOK OF HEAVEN 10/3/01 – Vol. 4 Luisa offers herself in a special way. There is no greater obstacle to the union with God than the human will. Having received Communion, I was thinking of how to offer something more special to Jesus – how to prove my love and give Him more pleasure; …
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Oct 01
Moses and Luisa
Day 348 – How did Moses pray? How did Moses pray? From Moses we learn that “praying” means “speaking with God”. At the burning bush God entered into a real conversation with Moses and gave him an assignment. Moses raised objections and asked questions. Finally God revealed to him his holy name. Just as Moses …
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Oct 01
October 1st Readings
BOOK OF HEAVEN 10/1/99 – Vol. 2 Jesus speaks with bitterness about the abuses of the Sacraments. This morning lovable Jesus continued to make Himself seen in silence, but with a most afflicted appearance; He had a thick crown of thorns driven onto His head. I felt my interior powers silent and I did not …
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Sep 30
St. Therese of Lisieux
THE STORY OF ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX My Novena Rose Prayer O Little Therese of the Child Jesus Please pick for me a rose from the heavenly garden and send it to me as a message of love. O Little Flower of Jesus, ask God to grant the favors I now place with confidence in …
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