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Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy

Act of Consecration of the Family to The Divine Mercy

divine mercyclick image for Enthronement to the Divine Mercy

O Jesus, you showed us your infinite compassionate love by exhausting the very last drop of blood and water from your body. 

From this day forward, with full confidence, we entrust our families to Your Divine Mercy.

We abandon our past, our present and our future.

We place into your wounds all of our wounds which are caused by lack of love, understanding and trust.

Jesus, expel Satan and all evil from our families,free us from the consequence of sin and protect us from further harm.

Heal our wounds.

May our families learn to venerate your Divine Image that they will never perish but experience your loving mercy.


Prayer composed by Rev. Dermot S. Roache, SMA Imprimatur + John J Myers, D.D., J.C.D., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey 07/12/2013 
SMA Fathers, Dedham, Massachusetts, USA

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The Prize: “The Towers of Corato”


The third edition of “The Towers of Corato”, was held on Saturday, November 14. It was an evening of awards organized by LO STRADONE newspaper. The purpose of this initiative is the knowledge of those people from Corato who excel in their respective professions giving prestige to our town. Also this year, the majority of these excellences came from the most important cities in the country and abroad.

The Municipal Theatre of Corato that hosted the event was crowded, with the participation also of the Consul General of Venezuela, Amarilys Gutierrez Graffe.

The event, which had as its theme “creativity”, opened with the notes of the famous tune of the Marseillaise to commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks that took place in recent days in Paris. Marina Labartino, vice-director of LO STRADONE, presented the event with Luigi Di Zanni, versatile artist

The eight winners of this edition are:

Domenico Petrone: founder and president of Viasat Group. Tarshito (Sanskrit: thirst for inner knowledge): his first name Nicola Strippoli, architect, artist and designer. His creative genius derived from his meeting with the spiritual dimension of India. Nicolas Vangi: cosmopolitan artist, painter and teacher of art therapy for the Epilepsy Foundation of Florida. The biggest lesson arising from his creative work is that you can turn a disease into a virtue. Epilepsy, that distress him for years, was also one of his first sources of inspiration. Art is catharsis and therapy, positivity and joy of living. Gregorio Sgarra: artist of international renown,  he is famous for his sacred icons and his paintings both classic and modern. Mariateresa Padula: set designer and decorator of environments. Her decors adorned famous movies and plays. Pino Leone: fashion photographer, ready to capture beauty in people and nature. Luigi Quinto: sculptor; he is very known for his original and precious wooden works especially with religious subjects. Some of his most significant works are four wooden sculptures, the largest in the world. Arcangela Gallo: embroideress of the ‘tombolo’ (lace making). She developed a passion for this ancient art of bobbin lace since she was very young. This ancient tradition is now in danger of extinction, so Arcangela aims to set up an association in Corato that could bring it back to life. Her fine laces adorn the most beautiful trousseaus of young brides.

Working-The-TomboloIn this respect, her testimony is very significant. She said that before starting work, she prays  another her fellow citizen, who shared with her the same love for this art: the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, born in 1865 and died in 1947 in the odor of holiness. Luisa, in fact, supported herself with her work of ‘tombolo’. She welcomed the girls who wanted to learn that art, and  through art she taught spirituality. Arcangela asks Luisa to work together, as well as Luisa asked Jesus not to leave her alone. In fact, one day, while the servant of God was working, she physically felt a hand moving inside her hand: it was Jesus who was accomplishing her acts.

On the initiative of AIC  (Association of Entrepreneurs from Corato), a Special Prize was awarded to a young girl graduate for her thesis on the theme “business and industry of Puglia”. In this connection, Dr. Marina Mastromauro, administrator of the Pasta Factory Granoro,  granted a scholarship named after her father, Attilio Mastromauro, founder of the Pasta Factory  who died recently, but still alive in the memory of the people of Corato.

“A dream remains so until you decide to make it happen” was adopted as a significant maxim by LO STRADONE throughout this event, as Marina Labartino said, with the intention to encourage young people to pursue their own objectives even if they are difficult and ambitious, following the example of the guest awarded, who have shown that thanks to their persistent efforts and their firm determination it is possible to overcome any obstacle and achieve positive results.

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Associazione Luisa Piccarreta – Piccoli Figli della Divina Volontà
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Via Luisa Piccarreta, 25/27 CORATO BA70033

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A Magnanimous King, Full of Love and Infinite Generosity.



Christ’s Power is shown through His kingship that has its roots in the mystery of the Incarnation. “The Word  was made flesh” (John.1,14).

The Word of the Father, wrapped in the virginal purity of Mary’s womb, lays down the mantle of Justice and wears that of Mercy in favour of fallen man, bringing with Himself the key of salvation

Christ, with His Human and Divine Royalty, invites all mankind to rediscover the path of reconciliation and forgiveness.

A magnanimous King, full of love and infinite generosity, who washes away the wound of original sin and gives us salvation. This is the fruit of forgiveness that arose from His Passion, by His wounds and His Blood.

He is sitting at the right hand of God and continues His redemptive mission in the midst of His people confirming as in act, what he announced on earth: “The Kingdom of God is among you.” (Luke 17:21)

Now he invites us to recognize and conquer a Kingdom so holy “prepared for you from the foundation of the world”. (Mt 25:34)

The Kingdom that God gives us is the gift of His Will as life in every single man to return to live as a son in the Father’s Heart.

Jesus is the Kingdom of God in person. The Kingdom of God is present wherever he is present” (Benedict XVI from “Jesus of Nazareth”).

Sin erased the mark of mercy on the coin minted by the Divine Crucifix, on the royal throne of the Cross, but the merciful love of the Redeemer, won over sin and gave back what “He promised  to our fathers in remembrance of His mercy (Luke. 1.54 to 55).

The Divine King, collects onto Himself all the ills of mankind, to purify them and cover them with the balm of His love and His mercy. By virtue of His kingship, Christ wants to restore the image and likeness that was given to man in the Creation, in order to restore the kingdom that was lost because of original sin.

The Kingdom of God flows into the immense and infinite sea of the Will of the Father, in the Salvation always ‘in act’ accomplished by the Son, and in the Sanctifying and perennial Act of the Holy Spirit. Everything is concentrated on the Spirit of the Trinitarian Family from which springs the Kingdom.

For this purpose man was created, to participate by grace in all goods arising from the Trinitarian Kingdom

The Kingdom was announced  by Jesus who invited to beg for it, through the prayer of Church par excellence, the “Pater Noster” from which comes the promise to live the Divine Will “as in Heaven, so on earth.” (Mt 6:10)

It is important  that man dispose himself in order to acquire the eternal Kingdom,  but it is also necessary for him to acquire regime over himself and the dominion of his own passions.  Only in that way he can live of Christ and with Christ.

“This  is the meaning of being one with the Father’s Will.” (Benedict XVI)

The Jubilee of mercy let us to foretaste the first fruits of the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom on earth and the prelude to the triumph of  the “Fiat Voluntas Tua”  for all mankind.

“Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever”.


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Pray as Jesus Prayed

Luisa_Piccarreta_with_JesusFROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN

V11 – May 3, 1916 – While I was praying, my adorable Jesus placed Himself close to me, and I could hear that He too was praying. So I began to listen to Him. Jesus told me: “My daughter, pray, but pray as I Pray. Pour yourself Entirely into My Will, and you will find God and all the creatures in It. You will give them to God as if they were one single creature, because the Divine Volition is the Owner of All; then you will place at the Feet of the Divinity the Good Acts in order to give Honor to It, and the bad ones in order to Repair for them through the Sanctity, Power and Immensity of the Divine Will, from which nothing can escape.

This was the life of My Humanity upon earth. As Holy as It was, I still needed this Divine Volition in order to give Complete Satisfaction to the Father, and to Redeem the human generations. In fact, only in this Divine Volition could I find all generations, past, present and future, and all their thoughts, words, acts, etc., as though in act. In this Holy Will, I took all the thoughts into My Mind – nothing could escape Me – and for each one of them in particular I placed Myself before the Supreme Majesty and I Repaired them. In this Same Will, I Descended into the mind of each creature, giving them the Good which I had pleaded for their intelligences. In My Glances I took the eyes of all creatures; their words in My Voice; their movements in My Movements; their works in My Hands; their steps in My Feet; their affections and desires in My Heart; and Making them My Own, in the Divine Will My Humanity Satisfied the Father, and I Saved the poor creatures. And the Divine Father remained Satisfied. He could not reject Me, He Himself being the Holy Will. Would He perhaps reject Himself? Certainly not. More so, since in these Acts He found Perfect Sanctity, Unreachable and Enrapturing Beauty, Highest Love, Immense and Eternal Acts, Invincible Power… This was the Whole Life of My Humanity upon earth, which Continues in Heaven and in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Now, why can’t you also do this? For one who loves Me, United with Me, Everything is Possible. In My Will, pray and bring before the Divine Majesty the thoughts of all within your thoughts; the glances of all in your eyes; in your words, movements, affections and desires, those of your brothers, in order to repair them and plead Light, Grace and Love for them. In My Will you will find yourself in Me and in all, you will live my Life, and will pray with Me. The Divine Father will be Happy, and the whole of Heaven will say: ‘Who is calling Us from earth? Who is the one who wants to compress this Holy Will within herself, enclosing all of us together?’ And how much good the earth can obtain, Making Heaven Descend upon earth!”

  • Paragraph 2838 – V. “And Forgive Us Our Trespasses, as We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us”
    … first three petitions of the Lord’s Prayer, since Christ’s sacrifice is “that sins
    may be forgiven.” But, according to the second phrase, our petition will …
  • Paragraph 2646 – V. Prayer of Praise
    2646 Forgiveness, the quest for the Kingdom, and every
    true need are objects of the prayer of petition.
  • Psalms 85:6 – Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer: and attend to the voice of my petition.
  • Luke 23:34 – And Jesus said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.
  • Matthew 26:39 – And going a little further, he fell upon his face, praying, and saying: My Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me. Nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt.


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Mary, Queen of the Church and Most Beautiful Symbol of the Kingdom of the Divine Will


 V34 – May 20, 1936 “Now, in the midst of the disciples there was My Mama, who assisted at My Departure for Heaven. This is the most Beautiful Symbol (of the Kingdom of the Divine Will). Just as She is the Queen of My Church, She assists it, She Protects It, She Defends It, so She will Dit in the midst of the Children of My Will. She will Always be the Engine, the Life, the Guide, the Perfect Model, the Teacher of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat that remains so close to Her Heart. They are Her Anxieties, Her Ardent Desires, Her Deliriums of Maternal Love because She Wants Her children on earth in the Kingdom where She Lived. She is not content that She has Her children in Heaven in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, but She Wants them also on earth. She feels that She has not completed the Task given to Her by God as Mother and Queen. As long as the Divine Will does not Reign on earth in the midst of creatures, Her Mission is not finished. She Wants Her children who are like Her and who Possess the Inheritance of their Mama.

“So the Great Lady is all eye in order to look, all heart in order to Love, so as to help the one whom She sees in some way disposed, that they Want to Live of Divine Will. Therefore in the difficulties, think that She is Around you, She Sustains you, She Fortifies you, She Takes your volition in Her Maternal Hands in order to Make it Receive the Life of the Supreme Fiat.”

  • Paragraph 972 – III. Mary—Eschatological Icon of the Church
    972 After speaking of the Church, her origin, mission, and destiny, we can find no better way to conclude than by looking to Mary. In her we contemplate what the Church already is in her mystery on her own “pilgrimage of faith,” and what she will be in the homeland at the end of her journey. There, “in the glory of the Most Holy and Undivided Trinity,” “in the communion of all the saints,”518 the Church is awaited by the one she venerates as Mother of her Lord and as her own mother. (773, 829, 2853) CCC
  • Luke 1:30 – And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.


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Divine Justice Enters the Field and Defends God’s Love


V17 – June 20, 1924 – “…Only one who Possesses Our Will can touch Us Lovingly, and can become one with Us, because in this way the creature would be Happy of Our Own Happiness, and so We remain Glorified by the Happiness of the creature.

Only when My Divine Will shall Reign in the creature in a Complete Way, then will Charity reach Complete Perfection in the creature, because, then, by Virtue of My Will, everyone will be found in every creature, Loved, Defended and Sustained, just as her Creator Loves her, Defends her and Sustains her. Each one will be Transfused in the other, as in one’s own life. Then, All Virtues will reach Complete Perfection, because they will not be Nourished by human life, but by Divine Life.

V21 – March 31, 1927 – “My daughter, you do not know how My Burning Heart wants to run with Love toward creatures. But while it runs, they reject It, while they run toward Me with the most brutal offenses and with the most horrendous pretenses. So, as My Love sees itself being persecuted, My Justice Enters the Field and Defends My Love, striking with scourges those who persecute Me, and uncovering the pretenses they make—not only with Me, but also among themselves as nations, because, in brawling, they reveal themselves—that instead of Loving one another, they hate one another fiercely.

“This century can be called the century of the most awful pretenses—and among all classes; and this is why they never come to an agreement among themselves, and while apparently it seems that they want to agree, in reality they are plotting new wars. Pretense has never brought True Good, either in the civil order or in the religious order; at the most, a few shadows of a fleeting Good. And so, here is how they are converting that Peace, so praised with words, but not with deeds, into preparations for war. As you can already see, many different races have united to fight, some with one pretext, some with another—and more will unite together.

“But I will use the union of these races, because for the coming of the Kingdom of My Divine Will it is necessary to have the union of all races by means of another war, much more extensive than the last one, in which Italy was involved financially. Through the union of these races, the peoples will come to know one another, and after the war, the diffusion of the Kingdom of My Will shall be easier. Therefore, have patience in bearing My privation—this is the Void that My Justice Wants to Form in order to Defend My Persecuted Love. You, pray and offer everything, so that the Kingdom of My Fiat May Come Soon.”

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“Father, forgive them,…

America praying to Jesus“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing!”


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The Power of the Divine Will in the Cross


V17 – July 25, 1924 – This morning my sweet Jesus made Himself seen in my interior in the act of stretching His arms in the shape of the cross, and I remained stretched together with Him. Then He said to me: “My daughter, the last act of My Life was to lay Myself on the cross and to stay there until I died, with My Arms opened, unable to move or to oppose what they wanted to do to Me. I was the True Portrait, the True Image, of one who lives, not in the human will, but in the Divine. Being unable to move, having lost every right over Myself, the horrible tension of My Arms…how many things they said! And while I was losing My Rights, the others Acquired My Life.

The First Right was of the Supreme Will, which, using Its Immensity and All-Seeingness, gathered all souls – innocent and penitent sinners, good and contrite wicked – and placed them in My stretched Arms, so that I might bring them to Heaven. And I refused no one. So, the Divine Will gave a place to everyone in My Arms.

The Supreme Will is a Continuous Act, which is never interrupted, and what It does once, It never ceases. And although My Humanity is in Heaven and is not subject to suffering, I go in search of souls who act not in the human will, but in the Divine, and who oppose nothing; souls who lose each one of their rights, so that, leaving all of their rights at the Mercy of My Will, My Will may continue Its Act of placing all souls – sinners and saints, innocent and evil – in the arms of those who offer to lay themselves in My Divine Will, in order to repeat and continue what my arms did, stretched on the Cross. This is why I laid Myself within you – so that the Supreme Will may continue Its Act of bringing all into my arms.

 V17 – August 9, 1924After much waiting for the presence of my adorable Jesus, I felt Him in my interior, extending His arms and saying to me: “My daughter, extend your arms together with Me, in My Will, to repair for many who lay their works in the human will, which forms for them the net of all evils that makes them fall into the eternal abyss, and to prevent My Justice from pouring upon them in order to vent Its Just Fury. In fact, when the creature lays herself in My Will in order to work and to suffer, My Justice feels touched by the creature with the Power of My Will, and it ceases Its Just Rigors. And so a Divine Vein comes out, which the creature makes flow between God and the human family; and because of it, My Justice cannot help having regard for poor humanity.”

V17 – January 4, 1925“My daughter, how can it not be important to Make it Known that Fusing oneself in My Divine Will is to Live in It? The soul who Fuses herself in My Will receives, as though in deposit, all My Divine and Eternal Goods. The very Saints compete with each other in order to deposit their merits in the soul Fused in My Will, because they feel in her the Glory, the Power of My Will, and feel Glorified in a Divine Manner by the littleness of the creature.

Listen, My daughter: to Live in My Will Surpasses even Martyrdom in merit. Martyrdom kills the body, but Living in My Will implies that the creature kills her own will with a Divine Hand, and It gives her the Nobility of a Divine Martyrdom. And every time the soul decides to Live in My Divine Will, My Volition prepares the blow in order to kill the human will, and forms the Noble Martyrdom of the soul. But in order to reach this happy state, the human will and the Divine Will Must be tied together: one has to give the place to the Other, and the human will Must be content with remaining extinguished under the Power of the Divine Will. Therefore, every time you dispose yourself to Live in My Volition, you dispose yourself to undergo the Martyrdom of your will.”

V17 – 8.4.25 – “My daughter, you must die continuously.” And while he was saying this, He made me share in various pains. Then, assuming a more affable look, added: “My daughter, what do you fear, if the Power of My Divine Will is in you? It is so true that My Will is in you, that in one instant It transformed you into My Pains, and you offered yourself to receive them with Love. While you were suffering, you stretched out your arms to Embrace My Will; and as you Embraced It, everything that Lives in My Will – the Angels, the Saints, My Celestial Mama, and the very Divinity – felt the grip of your Embrace, and they all ran toward you to Embrace you; and in chorus, they said: ‘How pleasing and dear is the Embrace of our little exiled, who lives on earth in order to do the Will of God Alone, just as we do it in Heaven! She is our Joy; she is the New and Only Feast which comes to us from the earth.’

Oh, if you knew what it means for a soul to Live in My Will! There is no division between her and Heaven. Wherever My Will is, she is. Her acts, her pains, her words, are in act and Operative in every place in which My Will is. And since My Will is everywhere, the soul places herself in the Order of Creation, and through the Electricity of the Supreme Will, she is in Communication with all Created things. Just as the Created things are in Order and Harmony among themselves, each one is the support of the other, and not one of them can move; and if even one thing created by Me moved – may this never be – the Creation would become all upset; there is a Secret Accord among them, a Mysterious Force, such that, while all the Spheres Live in the space, suspended in the air, without any support, by the power of communication which they have among themselves, each thing sustains the other – in the same way, one who does My Will is in Communication with all, and is Sustained by all the Works of her Creator. Therefore, everyone Recognizes her, Loves her, and Offers her the Electricity, the Secret, in order to Live Together with them, Suspended between Heaven and earth, All Sustained Only by the Power of the Divine and Supreme Will.”

  • Paragraph 271 – IV. The Divine Works and the Trinitarian Missions
    271 God’s almighty power is in no way arbitrary: “In God, power, essence,
    will, intellect, wisdom, and justice are all identical. Nothing therefore can be in God’s power which could not be in his just will or his wise intellect.”110 CCC
  • Paragraph 494 – II. …Born of the Virgin Mary
    494      At the announcement that she would give birth to “the Son of the Most High” without knowing man, by the power of the Holy Spirit, Mary responded with the obedience of faith, certain that “with God nothing will be impossible”: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be [done] to me according to your word.”139 Thus, giving her consent to God’s word, Mary becomes the mother of Jesus. Espousing the divine will for salvation wholeheartedly, without a single sin to restrain her, she gave herself entirely to the person and to the work of her Son; she did so in order to serve the mystery of redemption with him and dependent on him, by God’s grace:140 (2617, 148, 968, 726) CCC
  • John 6:39 – Now this is the Will of the Father who sent Me: that of all that he hath given Me, I should lose nothing; but should raise it up again in the last day.
  • Galatians 1:4 – Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present wicked world, according to the will of God and our Father:


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On the Cross the Soul Can Measure the Love of God

From the Eighteenth Hour of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ :

Jesus embraces the Cross – My tortured Good, with You I repair, with You I suffer. But I see that your enemies hurl You down the stairs; the people await You with fury and eagerness; they make You find the Cross ready, which You long for with many sighs. And You – with love You gaze on It, and with firm step You approach It and embrace It. But, before that, You kiss It, and as a shiver of joy runs through your Most Holy Humanity, with highest contentment You gaze on It again, measuring Its length and breadth. In It, already, You establish the portion for each creature. You dower them all, enough to bind them to the Divinity with a bond of marriage, and make them heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven. Then, unable to contain the love with which You love them, You kiss the Cross again, and say:

“Adored Cross, finally I embrace you. You were the longing of my Heart, the martyrdom of my love. But you, O Cross, have delayed until now, while my steps were always toward you. Holy Cross, you were the goal of my desires, the purpose of my existence down here. In you I concentrate my whole being, in you I place all my children, and you will be their life, their light, defense, custody and strength. You will assist them in everything, and will bring them gloriously to Me in Heaven. Oh Cross, Pulpit of Wisdom, you alone will teach true sanctity; you alone will form the heroes, the athletes, the martyrs, the Saints. Beautiful Cross, you are my Throne, and since I have to leave the earth, you will remain in my place. To you I give all souls as dowry – keep them, save them; I entrust them to you!”

V9 – October 17, 1910 – “My daughter, I do not look so much at the sacrifices, but at the love with which they are made and at the union with Me that they have. So, the more the soul is united with Me, the more I take into account her sacrifices. If the soul is more tightly united with Me, I take great account of her littlest sacrifices, because in the union there is the measure of love, and the measure of love is eternal measure, which has no end and no boundaries. On the other hand, with a soul who may sacrifice herself very much but is not united with Me, I look at her sacrifice as that of a stranger, and I give her the remuneration she deserves – a limited one. Imagine a father and a son who love each other. The son makes small sacrifices, and the father, because of the bond of union of paternity, of sonship and of love, which is the strongest bond, looks at these small sacrifices as a great thing; he is triumphant, he feels honored, he gives all of his riches to his son, and dedicates all of his attentions and cares to his son. Now consider a servant, who works all day long, is exposed to heat and to cold, is at the command of his master, and if necessary, stays up even at night on his behalf – and what does he receive? The miserable remuneration of one day, such that, if he does not work every day, he will have to starve. Such is the difference that passes between the soul who possesses union with Me and the soul who does not possess it.”

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Through Luisa, Knowledge and Correspondence Opens the Eyes of the Soul


 V14 – July 10, 1922 – “…Now it is necessary that you, Luisa, Rise and Carry with you My Life, My Will, so that My Volition of the earth and That of Heaven may Fuse together, and you may Live for some time in the Womb of the Divinity, where your volition will be acting in Mine, in order to expand it as much as a creature can be capable of. Then, you. Luisa, will descend again upon the earth, Bringing the Power and the Prodigies of My Divine Will, in Such a Way that the creatures will be shaken, they will open their eyes, and many will Know What it Means to Live in My Divine Will – to Live in the Likeness to their Creator. This will be the Beginning of the Coming of My Kingdom upon earth, and of the Final Fulfillment of My Divine Will.

V14 – July 24, 1922 – “My daughter, do you also want to accept the bond with each being, so that there may be no dissimilarity between Me and you?”

I don’t know how, I felt as if the weight of all were leaning on my shoulders. I saw my unworthiness and weakness, and I felt such repugnance as to feel faint, to the point that blessed Jesus, having compassion for me, took me in His arms and pressed me to His Heart, letting me place my mouth at the opening of the wound that pierced Him, telling me: “Drink, My daughter, the Blood which gushes forth from this Wound, that you may receive the strength that you lack. Courage, do not fear, I will be with you. We will share all the weight, the work, the pains and the deaths. This is why I tell you, ‘be Attentive and Faithful’ – because My Grace Wants Correspondence; otherwise, it takes nothing to go down. What does it take to open and to close one’s eyes? It takes nothing. Yet, see the great Good of keeping them opened, and the great harm of keeping them closed. By keeping them opened, the eyes are filled with light – with the sun; and with this light the hand can work, the foot can walk safely and without stumbling; one can distinguish objects, whether they are good or bad; one can reorder things, read, write… Now, what does it take to lose all this good? Closing one’s eyes! – and then the hand cannot work, the foot cannot walk, and if it does, it is subject to stumbling; one can no longer distinguish objects; he reduces himself to inability… Such is the Correspondence: nothing but opening the eyes of the soul. And as one opens them, Light comes to the mind, My Image is Reflected in all that she does, copying Me faithfully; in such a way that she does nothing but Receive continuous Light from Me, so as to Convert all of her being into Light. On the other hand, lack of Correspondence plunges the soul into darkness, and renders her inactive.”

Luisa_Piccarreta_with_JesusV36 – November 13, 1938 – “My blessed daughter, do not be surprised; My Will has the Power to let the creature reach every place, as long as she remains with It. Now, You Must Know that Its Kingdom will be Formed and Founded on the Truths I have Manifested. The more Truths I Manifest, the more Sumptuous, Beautiful, Majestic and Superabundant in Goods and Joys this Kingdom will be. My Truths will Form the Regime, the Laws, the Food, the Fierce Army, the Defense and the very Life of those who will Live in It. Each of My Truths will have Its Own Distinct Office: one will be the Master; one the Most Loving Father; one the Most Tender Mother who Carries her daughter on her lap to protect her from every danger, rocking her in her arms, feeding her with her Love, Clothing her in Light. In sum, every Truth will be the Bearer of a Special Good.

See how this Kingdom of My Will shalll be; I have been talking so much about It. I feel sorry when you are not attentive enough to write everything, because you will cause an additional Good to be missing, since creatures will Enjoy according to their Knowledge. Knowledge will Reveal the Life, the Light and the Good for them to Possess. It is almost impossible to Possess a Good without Knowing it. It would be as if they had no eyes to see, no intelligence to understand, no hands to work, no feet to walk, and no heart to love. On the other hand, the first thing Knowledge does is to give them eyes, to prevent them from being like the poor blind. It lets them Look, Understand and Desire the Good and the Life It Wants to Give them. Furthermore, the Knowledge of My Truths becomes, Itself, the Actor and Spectator Transmitting Its Own Life to the creature.”

  • Paragraph 158 – III. The Characteristics of Faith
    The grace of faith opens “the eyes of your hearts” 34 to a lively understanding
    of the contents of Revelation: that is, of the totality of God’s plan and …
  • Paragraph 153 – III. The Characteristics of Faith
    … to move and assist him; he must have the interior helps of the Holy Spirit, who
    moves the heart and converts it to God, who opens the eyes of the …
  • Isaias (Isaiah) 42::7 – That thou mightest open the eyes of the blind, and bring forth the prisoner out of prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.
  • Acts of Apostles 26:18 – To open their eyes, that they may be converted from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and a lot among the saints, by the faith that is in me.


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