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When the Divine Will Reigns, the enemy will shut himself up into the abyss


Luisa1V17 – 9.22.24 I continue: while I was writing what is written above, I saw my Sweet Jesus placing His Mouth at the point of my heart, and Feeding me the Words I was writing. At the same time, I heard a horrible din from afar, as if people were beating each other, and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turning to my Jesus, said to Him: ‘My Jesus, my Love, who is making all this din? They sound like furious demons. What is the matter, that they rage so much?’

And Jesus: “My daughter, it really is them. They would want you not to write about My Divine Will, and when they see you write more Important Truths on Living in My Divine Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment the damned even more. They fear so much that these Writings on My Divine Will be Manifested because they see that they lose their kingdom upon earth, which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his own human will… Ah, yes, it was exactly then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if My Will Reigns upon earth, My enemy, by himself, will shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they wrestle with so much fury: they feel the Power of My Will in these Writings, and at the mere thought that they may be Manifested, they fly into a rage and try anything they can in order to hamper a good so Great. You, however, do not pay attention to them, and learn from this to Appreciate My Teachings.”

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Feast of St. Matthew – Banquet of Love

The Call of St. Matthew

the Tax Collector

St. Matthew“…we must realize that Matthew not only gave a banquet for the Lord at his earthly residence, but far more pleasing was the banquet set in his own heart which he provided through faith and love…”

 The Venerable Bede

This excerpt from a homily on the call of Saint Matthew, the Tax Collector, by Saint Bede the Venerable (Hom. 21: CCL 122, 149-151) is used in the Roman Catholic Office of Readings for the Feast of St. Matthew, apostle and evangelist on September 21 (observed on this day at least from the 8th century).  Matthew, originally called Levi and the son of Alpheus, was, as a publican, excommunicated from the life of the synagogue and shunned in Jewish society.  The fathers of the Church find a figure of the four evangleists in the four living creatures mentioned by Ezechiel and in the New Testament book of Revelation, and Matthew is seen symbolized by the man, since he begins his gospel with the human genealogy of Jesus.  St. Bede the Venerable was one of the earliest and most important Christian writers from Britain.  This homily on the gospel story of St. Matthew the Tax Collector become apostle (Matthew 9:9-13), was first given by St. Bede in the early 8th century.

Jesus saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office, and he said to him: Follow me. Jesus saw Matthew, not merely in the usual sense, but more significantly with his merciful understanding of men.

He saw the tax collector and, because he saw him through the eyes of mercy and chose him, he said to him: Follow me. This following meant imitating the pattern of his life – not just walking after him. St. John tells us: Whoever says he abides in Christ ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

And he rose and followed him. There is no reason for surprise that the tax collector abandoned earthly wealth as soon as the Lord commanded him. Nor should one be amazed that neglecting his wealth, he joined a band of men whose leader had, on Matthew’s assessment, no riches at all. Our Lord summoned Matthew by speaking to him in words. By an invisible, interior impulse flooding his mind with the light of grace, he instructed him to walk in his footsteps. In this way Matthew could understand that Christ, who was summoning him away from earthly possessions, had incorruptible treasures of heaven in his gift.

As he sat at table in the house, behold many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. This conversion of one tax collector gave many men, those from his own profession and other sinners, an example of repentance and pardon. Notice also the happy and true anticipation of his future status as apostle and teacher of the nations. No sooner was he converted than Matthew drew after him a whole crowd of sinners along the same road to salvation. He took up his appointed duties while still taking his first steps in the faith, and from that hour he fulfilled his obligation and thus grew in merit. To see a deeper understanding of the great celebration Matthew held at his house, we must realise that he not only gave a banquet for the Lord at his earthly residence, but far more pleasing was the banquet set in his own heart which he provided through faith and love. Our Savior attests to this: Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

On hearing Christ’s voice, we open the door to receive him, as it were, when we freely assent to his promptings and when we give ourselves over to doing what must be done. Christ, since he dwells in the hearts of his chosen ones through the grace of his love, enters so that he might eat with us and we with him. He ever refreshes us by the light of his presence insofar as we progress in our devotion to and longing for the things of heaven. He himself is delighted by such a pleasing banquet.


Luisa holding CrucifixV35 – 12.14.37 – “How beautiful is the beginning of the Day of one who Lives in Our Fiat. It is the enchantment of all the Heaven. If the Celestial Court were subject to envy, It would envy the one who is so fortunate as to possess, within her soul—while still living in time—the beginning of the Eternal Day—the precious Day in which God begins to Live His Life together with the creature.

“Now, as soon as she begins the second act in the Divine Volition, the Sun of My Eternal Will Rises. The Fullness of Its Light is such as to Invest the whole of earth, visiting all hearts and bringing the ‘good morning’ of Light and New Joys to all the Celestial Court. This Light is crammed with Love, Adoration, Thanksgiving, Gratitude, Glory and Benediction—but whom do these belong to? To the creature who, with her act in My Will, made the Sun Rise that shines over all, so that all may find the one who loved God for them—the one who adored Him, thanked Him, blessed Him and glorified Him. Everyone finds the thing that he was supposed to do for God. She compensates for everyone. One Act in My Will must enclose everything. It has the Power and the Capacity to make up for everyone and to do Good to all; otherwise It could not be called ‘Act, done in My Will.’ These Acts are full of Unheard-of Prodigies, Worthy of Our Creative Work.

“Now, as she turns to her third act in Our Will, the Full Afternoon of Our Eternal Sun is formed within the creature. Do you know what she gives Us with this Full Afternoon? She prepares a banquet for Us. And do you know what she gives Us for food? The Love We have given to her—Our Divine Qualities. Everything carries the mark of Our Beauty and of Our Chaste and Pure Perfumes. We like it so much that We eat Our fill; and even if something may be missing for Our Status, since the creature is in Our Will, she is the owner of all Our Goods; she takes from Our Treasure whatever is needed, and prepares for Us the most beautiful banquet, Worthy of Our Supreme Majesty. And We invite all the Angels and the Saints to sit at this Celestial banquet, so that they may take and eat with Us, of the Love that We received from the creature who Lives in Our Will. Now, after We’ve banqueted together, the other acts that she does in Our Will serve—some to form for Us Celestial melodies, some Loving chants, some the most Beautiful scenes; some others repeat Our Works, which are always in action. In sum, she keeps Us always busy. And when she has given course to all her actions in Our Will, We give her rest, resting together with her. After the rest, We begin the Work, starting another Day, and so forth.

“Many times, this loyal daughter of Ours—since true loyalty consists in Living in Our Divine Will—seeing that her brothers and sisters are about to be struck by the deserved chastisements for their sins, doesn’t close her Day, but prays and suffers to beseech Graces for their souls as well as for their bodies. The Life of one who Lives in My Divine Will is New Joy and Glory for Heaven, and Help and Graces for the earth.”


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Message of Our Lady of La Salette


The Message of Our Lady of La Salette
Our_Lady_of_La_Salette_(crying)click image for the Message of Our Lady of La Salette

“Our Lady’s Apocalypse”

Delivered by Our Lady to


The message was approved by the Catholic Church and was published in its entirety at Lecce. France, on November 15, 1979 with the imprimatur of Bishop Zola.

Published by the Shepherdess of La Salette with Imprimatur by Mgr. Bishop of Lecce.

“Well my children you will pass this on to all of my people.”

Simple reproduction without commentary or controversy of the original edition of Lecce in 1879.

APPARITION of the BLESSED VIRGIN on the Mountain of

LA SALETTE the 19th of September, 1846


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Contemplating the beauty of creation inspires us to recognize the love of the Creator

Contemplating the beauty of creation inspires us to recognize the love of the Creator, that Love which “moves the sun and the other stars”. (Message for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace. 1 January, 2010)”
Pope Benedict XVI


LUISA14V31 – October 9, 1932 “Now, one who goes around in Our Will, as she finds Our Works that were prepared in order to then Create man, she sounds the little bell to call all creatures to recognize this Love of God toward man. And its sweet sound calls Our Attention, Our Love reawakens, and makes arise again in Us Our Ecstasies of Love toward her. Ecstasies mean total Re-Pouring toward whom one Loves, and one who comes into Our Will has the strength to make Us undergo Our Ecstasy of Love so that We pour Ourselves out again in her. And with Our Power, We put the creature into Ecstasies for Us, so that nothing remains for her, and everything re-pours into Our Supreme Being.

“A mutual re-pouring occurs, the one into the other, because there is nothing that pleases Us more, then seeing the creature in that same Will in which she was Created. To contemplate Our Works, know them, and feel the pulsations of Our Love that each created thing possesses, was the Garment that We prepared and gave to man in Creating so many things and the whole of Creation. Now, who receives the life of the good that created things contain? One who makes use of this Garment so splendid, and with Right knows them. Knowing them she finds Our Palpitating Love, Our Operating Will, and she loves them and loves in them that Supreme Being who Loves her so much. Therefore be attentive and constant in going around in Our Works, so that We give each other a hand in Loving each other, take turns placing ourselves in Ecstasy, and with utility you will make use of the great Garment that with so much Love your Creator has given you.”

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The Soul Who Lives in the Divine Will becomes Enrolled in the Celestial Militia

Luisa bookV34 – 6.28.37 – “My daughter, do not marvel because of what I have told you, rather, I will tell you more surprising things yet, but how much I would want that everyone would listen in order to make everyone decide to Live in My Volition. Listen, how consoling and Beautiful is what My Love pushes Me to tell you. So much is My Love, that I feel the need of telling you where We reach for one who Lives in Our Volition. Now, you must know that as the soul decides repeatedly and firmly to live no more of her will but of Ours, her name becomes written in Heaven with Indelible characters of Light, and she becomes enrolled in the Celestial Militia as Heiress and Daughter of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

“But this is not enough for Our Love. We Confirm her in Good in a way that she will feel such horror for every least sin, that she will not be capable anymore of falling. Not only this, but she will remain Confirmed in the Goods, in the Love, in the Sanctity, etc., of her Creator. She will be invested by the Prerogative of reclaimed part, she will no longer be looked at as exiled, and if she will remain on earth, she will be as officiating of the Celestial Militia, not as exiled. She will have all the Goods at her disposition. She will be able to say: ‘His Will being mine, what is of God is mine.’ Rather, she will feel herself Possessor of her Creator.

“And since she no longer operates with her will, but with Mine, all the barriers are broken that impeded her from hearing her Creator, the distances have disappeared, the dissimilarity between her and God does not exist anymore. She will feel herself so Loved by He who has Created her, as to feel her heart burst with Love in order to Love He who Loves her. And feeling herself Loved by God is the greatest joy, honor, and glory for the creature. My daughter, do not marvel. They are Our Goals, the Purpose for which the creature was Created—to find in her Our Life, Our Reigning Will, Our Love, in order to be Loved and to Love her. If this were not so, all Creation would be a work unworthy of Us.”

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All Creation will be “Recapitulated” in Christ – John Paul II


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Jesus’ Prayer to the Cross


Meanwhile, my Jesus, You look at the Cross that your enemies are preparing for You. You hear the blows of the hammer with which your executioners are forming the holes into which they will drive the nails that will hold You crucified. And your Heart beats, more and more strongly, jumping with divine inebriation, yearning to lay Yourself upon that bed of pain, to seal with your death the salvation of our souls. And I hear You say:

“Please, O Cross, receive Me soon into your arms, I AM impatient of waiting! Holy Cross, upon you I shall come to give completion to all. Hurry, O Cross, fulfill the burning desire that consumes Me, to give life to souls. Delay no more; I anxiously yearn to lay Myself upon you in order to open the Heavens to all My children.

Oh Cross, it is true that you are My Martyrdom, but in a little while you will also be My Victory and My most complete Triumph; and through you I will give abundant inheritances, victories, triumphs and crowns to My children.”

As Jesus is saying this, His enemies command Him to lay Himself upon it; and promptly He obeys, to repair for our disobedience.

My Love, before You lay Yourself on the Cross, allow me to hold You more tightly to my heart, and to kiss your loving and bleeding wounds. Hear me, O Jesus, I do not want to leave You; I want to come with You, to lay myself on the Cross and remain nailed to It with You. True love does not tolerate separation, and You will forgive the daring of my love. Concede that I be crucified with You. See, my tender Love, I am not the only one to ask this of You, but also your sorrowful Mama, inseparable Magdalene, faithful John: we all say to You that it would be more bearable to be nailed with You to Your Cross, than to see You crucified alone! Therefore, together with You I offer myself to the Eternal Father – identified with your Will, with your Heart, with your reparations and with all your pains.

Ah, it seems that my adored Jesus says to me: My child, you have anticipated My Love; this is My Will: that all those who love Me be crucified with Me. Ah, yes, come and lay yourself on the Cross with Me; I will give you Life with My Life, I will hold you as the beloved of My Heart.”

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A Soul Perfectly United to the Divine Will Makes Mercy Win over Justice.


divine mercyV9 – Sept. 11, 1910 – “My daughter, justice and mercy are in a continuous fight, and the victories of mercy are more than those of justice. Now, when a soul is perfectly united with my Will, she takes part in my actions ad extra, and as she satisfies with her sufferings, mercy obtains its most beautiful victories over justice. And since I delight in crowning all of my attributes with mercy, even justice itself, in seeing Myself being importuned by the soul united with Me, in order to content her, I surrender to her, because she has surrendered all of her things in my Will. This is why I do not come when I do not want to surrender – because I don’t trust that I can resist without surrendering. So, what is your doubt?”

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Jubilee Year of Mercy


divine mercyV6 – 4.16.04 – “…Jesus told Luisa: ‘Enough, enough, do not go any further; you want to speak of MERCY, and what about Justice – what are we going to do with It? I have told you and I repeat to you: ‘It is necessary that Justice follow Its course’.” So I replied: ‘There is no remedy – why then leave me on this earth when I can no longer placate You and suffer in the place of my neighbor? Since it is so, it is better if You let me die.’ At that moment I saw another person behind the shoulders of blessed Jesus, and He told me, almost making a sign with His eyes: “Present yourself to my Father and see what He tells you.’ I presented myself, all trembling, and as soon as He saw me, He told me: “Why have you come to Me?” And I: ‘Adorable Goodness, infinite MERCY, knowing that You are MERCY Itself, I have come to ask for your MERCYMERCY on your very images, MERCY on the works created by You; MERCY on nothing else but your creatures themselves.’ And He said to me: “So, it is MERCY that you want. But if you want true MERCY, after Justice has poured Itself out It will produce abundant fruits of MERCY.” Not knowing what else to say, I said: ‘Father, infinitely Holy, when servants or people in need present themselves before their masters or rich people, if these are good, even if they do not give everything that is necessary for them, they always give something. And to me, who have had the good of presenting myself before You, absolute Master, rich without limit, infinite Goodness, don’t You want to give anything of what this poor little one has asked of You? Does a master perhaps not remain more honored and content when he gives, than when he denies what is necessary to his servants?’ After a moment of silence He added: “For Love of you, instead of doing ten, I will do five.” Having said this, They disappeared, and in several places of the earth, especially of Europe, I saw wars, civil wars and revolutions multiply.

V12 – 12.6.19Now, I remember that one night I was doing the adoration of my Crucified Jesus, telling Him: ‘My Love, in your Will I find all generations; and in the name of the whole human family, I adore You, I kiss You, I repair You for all. I give your wounds and your Blood to all, so that all may find their salvation. And if the lost souls can no longer benefit from your Most Holy Blood, nor Love You, I take It in their place, in order to do what they should have done. I do not want your Love to remain defrauded in anything on the part of creatures. I want to compensate, repair You, Love You for all, from the first to the last man…’

While I was saying this and other things, my sweet Jesus stretched His arms around my neck, and squeezing all of me, told me: “My daughter, echo of my Life, while you were praying, my MERCY was softening, and my Justice was losing sharpness – and not only in the present time, but also in the future, because your prayer will remain in act in My Divine Will. By virtue of it, my softened MERCY will flow more abundantly, and my Justice will be less rigorous. Not only this, but I will feel the note of the Love of the lost souls, and my Heart will feel for you a Love of special tenderness, finding in you the Love which these souls owed Me; and I will pour into you the graces which I had prepared for them.”

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Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI said “inner hygiene” is Key and “the Truth, Love and Goodness that Come from God, Make Man Pure”

The Emeritus Pope said “inner hygiene” is Key and “the Truth, Love and Goodness that Come from God, Make Man Pure”

Vatican insider staff

August 30, 2015

Pope-Benedict-XVI_7“The truth, love and goodness that come from God, make man pure and truth, love and goodness come together in the Word which brings liberates a world that no longer thinks of God from ‘forgetfulness’.” This was at the heart of the homily which the Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI pronounced during a mass he presided over this morning in the Teutonic Cemetery church in the Vatican. The mass was attended by members of the Schuelerkreis (Ratzinger’s “student circle”) and the New Schuelerkreis, who gathered at Castel Gandolfo in recent days to reflect on the theme “How to speak to God today”. The priest and philosopher Tomas Halik also participated. The news was posted on the Ratzinger Foundation website.

Does not the evil that afflicts us come from the outside? This was the essence of the question posed by the Emeritus Pope in his German homily. We need to be cleansed of all the impurity that exists out there: “We could respond to the many illnesses and sometimes epidemics that threaten us, by maintaining an external cleanliness,” Benedict XVI said. It is important to care for our exterior in this way so that death does not prevail, the Emeritus Pope said. But this is not enough, he added, because there is also “the epidemic of the heart” to consider, that inner epidemic that “leads to corruption and other filth, the kind of filth that drives man to think only of himself and not of goodness.” So, aside from worship, ethos, “inner hygiene” in other words, also plays a decisive role: “What does a pure man do? What is the real power of purification? How does one come to have a cleansed heart?” Benedict XVI asked.

“In another passage of the Gospel,” he continued, “the Lord says to his people: ‘You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you’.” So we become pure by means of the Word: “The Word is Jesus Christ himself and we come across the Word even in those who reflect It, those who show us the face of God and reflect his meekness, his humble heart, his simplicity, his lovingness, his sincerity.”


V29 – 3.16.31 – I was continuing my “I love You” in the Divine Fiat, and was thinking to myself: “But, is my love Pure?”

“My daughter, in order for you to be able to give Me a pure love, a glance to your interior says everything: if your heart palpitates, yearns for, desires only My Love; if your hands operate only for love of Me; if your feet walk only out of love; if your will wants only My Love; if your intelligence seeks always the way to love Me; your ‘I love You’ with the word—do you know what it does? It gathers all together the whole complex of the love that you have inside yourself, and makes it one, and forms an act of pure and complete love for your Jesus. So, your word does nothing other than make known its extension of the love that you have inside yourself. But if inside not everything is love, since the pure fount is missing inside, there can be neither pure nor complete love.”

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