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Message of Our Lady of America on February 11, 1958

Our Lady of America

Towards evening of February 11, I heard these words addressed to me by Our Lady:
“I am the Mother of the sacred humanity, and it is my special work as Co-Redemptrix of the human race to help souls reach the Sanctity of the Father in Eternal Union by showing them how to put on Christ, to imbibe His Spirit, and thus become one with Him.”

I am informed that tomorrow, the Friday before Palm Sunday, is a traditional Feast of Our Lady, Co-Redemptrix, in connection with Her sorrowful witness at The Crucifixion, one title which She used to identify Herself to Sister Mary Ephrem, C.Pp.S.  (Mildred Neuzil).


V17 – 5.1.25 –In addition to Myself, there is My Celestial Mama, Who was given the Unique Mission of Mother of a Son-God, and the office of Co-Redemptrix of mankind. For Her mission of Divine Maternity, She was Enriched with so much Grace, that all that belongs to the other creatures, both Celestial and terrestrial, United all together, will never be able to equal Her. But this was not enough to Draw the Word into Her Maternal Womb; She Embraced all creatures, She Loved, Repaired, Adored the Supreme Majesty for all, in such a way as to accomplish, Herself alone, all that the human generations owed God. So, in Her Virginal Heart She had an Inexhaustible Vein toward God and toward all creatures. When the Divinity found in this Virgin the Requital of the Love of all, It felt Enraptured, and Formed in Her Its Conception. And as She Conceived Me, She took on the Office of Co-Redemptrix, and She took part in, and Embraced Together with Me, all the pains, the satisfactions, the reparations, the Maternal Love toward all. So, in the Heart of My Mother there was a fiber of Maternal Love toward each creature. This is why, when I was on the Cross, in Truth and with Justice I Declared Her the Mother of all. She ran together with Me in the Love, in the Pains – in Everything; She Never left Me alone. If the Eternal One had not placed so much Grace in Her as to be able to receive the Love of all from Her alone, He would never have moved from Heaven to come upon earth to Redeem mankind. Here is the necessity, the befittingness, that, having the Mission of Mother of the Word, She Embrace and Surpass Everything.”

V17 – 5.4.25 – “…Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, inseparable from One Another but distinct among Themselves, forming the whole beatitude of Heaven; in the same way, on earth there will be three persons who, because of their Missions, will be distinct and inseparable among themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity which veils the Paternity of the Celestial Father and encloses His power in order to fulfill Her mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co-Redemptrix of mankind; my Humanity, for the mission of Redeemer, which enclosed the Divinity, and the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, manifested my celestial wisdom – adding the bond of rendering Myself inseparable from my Mama; and you (Luisa), for the Mission of My Divine Will, as the Holy Spirit will make display of His Love, manifesting to you the Secrets, the Prodigies of My Divine Will, the Goods It contains, to make Happy those who will give themselves to knowing how much good this Supreme Will Contains, to Love It and to let It Reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It dwell within their hearts, that It may be able to form Its Life in them – adding the bond of inseparability between you, the Mother and the Eternal Word.


“O Cross, how could You be so cruel with my Son? Ah, You have spared Him nothing! What wrong had He done to You? You have not permitted Me, His sorrowful Mama, to give Him even a sip of water, while He was asking for it; and to His parched mouth You gave gall and vinegar!  I felt my pierced Heart melt, and I wanted to offer It to His lips to quench His thirst, but I had the sorrow of seeing Myself rejected. O Cross, cruel, yes, but holy, because divinized and sanctified by contact with my Son! Turn that cruelty which You used with Him into compassion for miserable mortals; and for the sake of the pains He suffered on You, Impetrate grace and strength for the souls who suffer, so that not one of them may be lost because of tribulations and crosses. Souls cost Me too much – they cost Me the life of a Son God; and as Co-Redemptrix and Mother, I bind them to You, O Cross.” And after kissing It over and over again, You leave.”

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AnnunciationMarch 25 liturgically commemorates the ‘FIAT’ of a young woman which would forever change the world. Her consent permitted God the Father, in the order of human freedom, to bring us our Redeemer.

One hundred years ago, on March 25, 1915, the renowned Belgian cardinal and World War I hero, Desire` Cardinal Mercier, began a petition movement in the Catholic Church for the solemn definition of the Blessed Virgin Mary as the “Spiritual Mother” of all humanity.

Mercier’s reasons were simple.  If the pope were to infallibly define that Mary is the world’s Spiritual Mother, then torrents of grace, to a historic proportion, would rain down upon the Church.  Why?  Because, historically, every dogmatic definition of a Marian truth has brought down great and extraordinary graces upon the Church and the world.

For example, after defining the first Marian dogma that Mary is the “Mother of God,” devotion to Our Lady exploded in both the East and West, with ubiquitous expressions of Marian love manifest in liturgy, theology, art, icons, architecture, liturgy, poetry, and most every other form of western culture.

Before the defining of the third Marian dogma, the Immaculate Conception, the Church in general and the pope in particular were in grave crisis.  Pius IX had been driven out of the Vatican by invading troops from the south, and the Papal States were overrun.  While in exile at Gaeta, Pius IX was requested by several pleading cardinals to define the Immaculate Conception precisely as a remedy for the grave state of the papacy and of the Church.  The Marian cardinals argued that if Our Lady’s doctrine was declared as a dogma, she would directly intercede to save both the papacy and the current dismal state of the Church.  The saintly pontiff consented.

Thus from exile in 1849, Bl. Pius IX wrote to the bishops of the world, informing them of his intention to define the Immaculate Conception as a dogma. After doing so on December 8, 1854, not only did the Church experience a tremendous grace of unity and solidarity under the Chair of Peter, but the returning pontiff soon after declared the dogma of papal infallibility, which further solidified Catholic faith and life under the Holy Father.

Yes, Marian dogmas bring grace—great grace—to the Church.

The definition of Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood ( it had been argued by Mercier and could still be argued today), would unleash upon the Church even more graces, since this proposed dogma would be to define the very roles in which Mary acts as a “Mother to us in the Order of Grace” (Lumen Gentium, n. 61).

  Mary’s titles are her functions. As St. John Paul II noted, “She acts as a Mediatrix, not as an outsider, but in Her position as Mother” and “she has the Right to do so” (Redemptoris  Mater, n. 21).

If our Holy Father were to define Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood, it would allow Her the fullest possible exercise of Her Motherly roles on our behalf.  Only when human free will consents to Mary’s titles, can her function as “Spiritual Mother” be fully activated.  As St. Augustine reminds us, God created us without us, but he will not save us without us.”

God needs our consent to save us, and Mary needs our consent to be fully activate Her titles by more completely mediating the infinite graces of Jesus into today’s troubled human drama. The pope’s “yes” to Mary’s spiritual Motherhood in the form of a dogma would be not only the pope’s, but in virtue of his universal office, a “fiat” on the part of all humanity, for Mary’s full blown intercession for the contemporary world.

Mary’s FIAT “freed the Father, in the order of human freedom, to bring us our Redeemer.  Now Mary awaits our fiat, in the Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus 2person and office of the Holy Father, in the order of human freedom, to bring inestimable grace to the world, including the graces necessary for world peace.

One observer to this now one hundred year movement commented, “Why not? What could we lose by defining what the Church already teaches about Mary?”  Another observer added, “If it’s true, then why not declare it, especially if it’s a truth about Mary?” I heartily agree with both.

By 1918, Cardinal Mercier had gathered over 300 bishop petitions and thousands upon thousands of petitions from clergy and faithful to the Holy Father for this fifth Marian dogma. Since these initial petitions inspired by Mercier, over 7 million petitions and over 550  cardinals and bishops have petitioned the popes for the dogma of Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood.

Why petitions? Because it’s the Catholic way.  Both Pius IX and Pius XII thanked the millions of Christian faithful who had petitioned them for their respective dogmatic proclamations of the Immaculate Conception and Assumption.  Canon Law actually encourages the faithful to bring to the attention of the Pastors of the Church issues they deem important for the Church’s good.

We are free to do the same.  If you agree with Cardinal Mercier, hundreds of Catholic bishops, millions of Catholic faithful, and people like Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, Mother Angelica, and other Catholic leaders and faithful worldwide—that to define Mary as Spiritual Mother of all humanity would bring great graces to the Church—then you can exercise your own Catholic privilege to let the Holy Father know.

You are certainly free to petition Pope Francis—a great lover of Our Lady, and one not shy in communicating with his flock—about your perspective regarding defining Mary’s Spiritual Motherhood.  With an envelope, three postage stamps, and 5 minutes, you can jot down a quick note to Pope Francis, if you would like to offer him your own personal fiat for the dogma of Mary’s Motherhood.  Here’s the Pope’s address:

Pope Francis

Vatican City


Mary’s FIAT brought us Jesus.  Your fiat could help Mary bring peace to the world. Prayerfully consider praying for this Marian definition and writing Pope Francis.  Great achievements are wrought through humble fiats by humble souls (Cf. Lk. 1:38).

Dr. Mark Miravalle

Professor of Theology and Mariology

Franciscan Univeristy of Steubenville,

March 25, 2015 

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Feast of St. Patrick


St.-Patricks-Breastplate-631x604I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the Threeness,
Through confession of the Oneness
of the Creator of creation.

I arise today
Through the strength of Christ’s birth with His baptism,
Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

I arise today
Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
In the obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In the prayers of patriarchs,
In the predictions of prophets,
In the preaching of apostles,
In the faith of confessors,
In the innocence of holy virgins,
In the deeds of righteous men.

I arise today, through
The strength of heaven,
The light of the sun,
The radiance of the moon,
The splendor of fire,
The speed of lightning,
The swiftness of wind,
The depth of the sea,
The stability of the earth,
The firmness of rock.

I arise today, through
God’s strength to pilot me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.

I summon today
All these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel and merciless power
that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom,
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man’s body and soul;
Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.

Christ with me,
Christ before me,
Christ behind me,
Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down,
Christ when I sit down,
Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.


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Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father is Perfect

“Be you therefore Perfect, as also your Heavenly Father is Perfect.” -Matt.. 5:48

Trinity_lightenedJesus to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta from the Book of Heaven:

V2 – 5.12.1899 – “My daughter, only then is Charity Perfect when it is done for the Sole Purpose of Pleasing Me; and only then is it called True Charity and is it recognized by Me, when it is stripped of everything.”

V3 – 12.27.1899 – Charity must be like a Mantle which Must cover all of your actions, in such a Way that everything Must Shine with Perfect Charity.

V4 – 11.10.1900 – The Most Perfect Love is in the True Trust that one Must have in the Loved object, and even if it should appear that the object one Loves is lost – then more than ever is the time to Prove this Living Trust. This is the easiest means to take possession of that which one Ardently Loves.”

V4 – 11.20.1900 – “My beloved, since you Must Live from My Heart, it is appropriate for you to undertake a more Perfect Way of Living. Therefore, from you I Want:

(1.} Perfect Conformity to My Will, because you will only be able to Love Me Perfectly if you Love Me with My Own Divine Will. Even more, I tell you that by Loving Me with My Own Divine Will, you will Arrive at Loving Me, and your neighbor, with My same Way of Loving.

(2.) Profound Humility, placing yourself, in front of Me and of creatures, as the last among all.

(3.) Purity in everything, because any slightest fault against Purity, both in Loving and in Operating, is reflected all in the heart, and it remains stained. Therefore I Want Purity to be like dew upon the flowers at the rising of the sun, which, its rays reflecting upon them, transmutes those little drops into as many precious pearls, such as to enchant the people. In the same way, if all your works, thoughts and words, heartbeats and affections, desires and inclinations, are Adorned with the Celestial Dew of Purity, you will weave a Sweet Enchantment, not only for the human eye, but for the Whole of Heaven.

(4.) Obedience, which Must be Connected with My Divine Will, because if this Virtue regards the superiors I have given you on earth, My Divine Will is Obedience which regards Me directly; so much so, that it can be said that both one and the other are Virtues of Obedience – with this difference alone: one regards God, and the other regards men. However, both of them have the Same Value, and one cannot be without the other; therefore you Must Love both one and the other in the Same Way. “Then He added: “Know that from now on you will Live with My Heart, and you Must see things the Way My Heart Does, that I may find My Satisfactions in you. Therefore be careful, for this is no longer your heart, but Mine.”

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Luisa Piccarreta’s Transition into Heaven

The Holy Death of Luisa Piccarreta

March 4, 1927

LUISA FUNERAL 1At the news of Luisa’s death which occurred on March 4,1947, it seemed that the people of Corato paused to live a unique and extraordinary event. Their Luisa, their Saint, was no more. And like a river in full spate they poured into Luisa’s house to look at her and express their affection to her, for so many years esteemed and beloved by all. On the day of her funeral official mourning was declared in the town. Luisa’s body remained exposed for public veneration (with the permission of the health service’s doctor) to satisfy the thousands of people of Corato and the surrounding area who poured into the house day and night. It was necessary to have recourse to the police to control the flow of people. Everyone was under the impression that Luisa had fallen asleep and was not dead. In fact, her body, laid on the bed, did not undergo rigor mortis. It was possible to raise her hands, move her head in all directions, bend her fingers without forcing them, and raise and bend her arms. Her eyelids could be lifted and one could see her shining eyes, undimmed by death: everyone – strangers, priests, ecclesiastical and civil figures – wanted to see this unique and marvelous case. A great many skeptics left the mortuary chamber shocked, crying and renewed. Luisa seemed alive, as if a placid and serene sleep had stopped her for an instant.

LUISA FUNERAL 2Everyone was convinced that she wasn’t dead, and some said: “Call the bishop and you will see that by making the sign of the cross he will awaken her; isn’t Luisa a daughter of obedience?“. This hope expressed the love they all felt for the Servant of God. But a council of doctors, summoned by the religious, civil and health authorities, declared after a careful examination that beloved Luisa really was dead. As long as she remained exposed for public veneration, she gave no sign of corruption nor did her body emanate any odors of putrefaction. Like a queen, she remained sitting on her bed. It proved impossible to lay her out, so that a special “p” shaped coffin had to be built for her, the front and sides of glass so that everyone could see her for the last time. Luisa the Saint, who for about 70 years had always remained sitting up in bed without ever leaving her room, passed among the immense lines of people, borne on the shoulders of a numerous group of sisters of all orders and surrounded by an unspecified number of priests and religious.

Her funeral was celebrated by the entire chapter in the main church, with the participation of all the confraternities of LUISA FUNERAL 4Corato…I visited Luisa’s body several times during the four days that she remained exposed, touching her several times and taking some of the flowers that were constantly placed upon her feet and legs, which I have guarded jealously for many years among my books. Many were given to the sick who were healed when they touched them and were able to attend her funeral. As the coffin passed, the bed-ridden were carried to the doors of their houses and many, it was said, received special graces. Luisa was buried in the Calvi family chapel. On July 3, 1963, her mortal remains were returned to Corato, to rest permanently in the parish Church of Santa Maria Greca.

Last Words of Luisa Piccarreta,

March 4, 1947

(At the age of 81 years, ten months and nine days, her parenthesis in history ended – to be projected into God. The joyful transit happened on March 4, 1947, at six o’clock in the morning.)

“Now I die with greater Contentment, because the Divine Will has Consoled me more than usual with Its Presence in these last few moments of my life.”

“Now I see a Long, Beautiful and Spacious Road, all Illuminated by an Infinite Number of Resplendent Suns – Oh yes, I recognize them! They are all my Acts Done in the Divine Will!”

“This is the Road that I Must Now Take; it is the Road that the Divine Will has Prepared for me. It’s the Road of my Victory: it’s the Way of my Glory, which will Unite me with the Immense Happiness of the Divine Will.”

“It’s my Road; its’ the Road that I have Prepared for you. It’s the Road that I will Keep Reserved for all the souls who will ever Want to Live in the Divine Will.”

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Holy Mass is Called Communion – Union with God

He who can separate you from the altar is your only enemy. There is no other.” 

~ Fr. Jozo Zovko 9.15.14 ~

Place your life upon this altar. You will witness how a priest will place a drop of water within a chalice full of wine. That drop of water intermingles with the wine and signifies you in the Holy Mass. You can become one, unite with and intermingle with Jesus. That is why the Holy Mass is called Communion …union with God …you and your God together …that is the Holy Eucharist. All of us together and Jesus. That is the church, and that is where the one, holy Catholic apostolic church comes from.          


V8 – 1.8.09
Luisa holding Crucifix“…if your heart Loves Me (Jesus) alone, you will leave our heart and will take Mine, and will Love Me with My Own Love; and so with all the rest. So,you will be Enveloped with all My Things, and I with all of yours. Can there be a tighter Union than this? If the soul reaches the point of no longer recognizing herself, but the Divine Being within her, these are the Fruits of Good Communions, and this is the Divine Purpose in Wanting to Communicate Himself to souls…”
V11 – 10.2.16
This morning I received Communion in the way Jesus had taught me – that is, united with His Humanity, His Divinity and His Will; and Jesus, on coming, made Himself seen and I kissed Him and clasped Him to my heart. He returned my kiss and my embrace, and told me: “My daughter, How content I AM that you have come to receive Me United with My Humanity, Divinity and Will! You have Renewed in Me all the Contentment I received when I Communicated Myself; and while You were kissing Me and embracing Me, since all of Myself was in you, you Contained all creatures, and I felt I was given the kiss of all, the embraces of all, because this was your will, as was Mine in Communicating Myself – to Return to the Father all the Love of creatures, even though many would not Love Him…”
V18 – 11.5.25
“The Sacrament of the Eucharist is not only their own life that souls receive, but is My very Life that Gives Itself to them. So, the Fruit of this Sacrament is to Form My Life in them, and each Communion serves to make My Life Grow, to Develop It, in such a way that one may be able to say: ‘I am another Christ’.”
V19 – 9.13.26
“Only by Possessing Our Will could the creature Acquire the Rights of Communion, of Likeness and of all the Goods of his Creator. Without It there can be no Communion with Us; and if he takes anything at all, it is just Our flowerings and the crumbs of Our Endless Goods.”

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Praise the Name of Jesus


15By Hm therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise always to God, that is to say, the fruit of lips confessing to His Name. 16And do not forget to do good, and to impart; for by such sacrifices God’s favour is obtained.

Holy Name of JesusNAMES OF JESUS

II His Names. Each name has a literal meaning, a symbolic meaning and a practical usage for Christian living. 1. Wall of Fire 2. The Branch 3. Messenger of The Covenant 4. Sun of Righteousness 5. Son of Abraham 6. A Governor 7. Friend to Sinners 8. My Beloved Son 9. Sower 10. Bridegroom 11. Good Master 12. One Son 13. Well Beloved 14. Son of the Highest 15. The Highest 16. Babe 17. Salvation of God 18. Sign 19. Lord of Sabaoth 20. A Certain Samaritan 21. A Light to Lighten the Gentiles 22. A Certain Nobleman 23. The Word 24. Only Begotten of the Father 25. Mighty Prophet in Word and Deed 26. Rabbi 27. Gift of God 28. True Bread from Heaven 29. Living Bread 30. The Resurrection 31. Master 32. The Life 33. Our Keeper 34. My Lord and My God 35. Holy One and Just 36. A Prince and a Savior 37. Lord of All 38. Jesus of Nazareth 39. His Own Son 40. Man Whom He Hath Ordained 41. The First Born among Many Brethren 42. Minister of the Circumcision 43. Righteousness 44. The Last Adam 45. The Image of God 46. Branch 47. Jehovah, My God 48. Refiner 49. Jesus Christ 50. Jesus 51. The Young Child 52. Servant of Jehovah 53. The Christ 54. The Prophet of Nazareth 55. The Carpenter 56. Son of the Most High God 57. Christ, Son of the Blessed 58. God My Savior 59. Dayspring from on High 60. Consolation of Israel 61. The Child Jesus 62. The Master of the House 63. The Chosen of God 64. Light of Man 65. Lamb of God 66. King of Israel 67. Messiah 68. Bread of God 69. His Only Begotten Son 70. Bread of Life 71. I AM 72. Lord Jehovah 73. A Great Prophet 74. One Shepherd 75. A Grain of Wheat 76. The Truth 77. The Way 78. The Vine 79. The Overcomer 80. The Man 81. Head of Every Man 82. The Lord from Heaven 83. The Wisdom of God 84. Lord Both of the Living and the Dead 85. Our Passover 86. That Spiritual Rock 87. A Quickening Spirit 88. The Head 89. Head over All Things 90. Son of Mary 91. A Ransom 92. Son of Man 93. King of The Jews 94. Horn of Salvation 95. Christ, The Lord 96. Glory of the People of Israel 97. The Lord’s Christ 98. Holy One of God 99. Physician 100. The Christ of God 101. A Guest 102. The True Light 103. Son of God 104. Light of the World 105. Good Shepherd 106. Savior of the World 107. Door of the sheep 108. The Christ, Son of God 109. Sent of the Father 110. Approved of God 111. Prince of Life 112. The Just One 113. Judge of Quick & Dead 114. Jesus Christ Our Lord 115. God Blessed Forever 116. The Deliverer 117. The Power of God 118. Sanctification 119. The Foundation 120. Thine Holy One 121. The Holy Child Jesus 122. Lord Jesus 123. Redemption 124. Lord over All 125. Lord of Glory 126. The Unspeakable Gift 127. He That Filleth All in All 128. Our Peace 129. A Sacrifice to God 130. Lord Jesus Christ 131. First-Born of Every Creature 132. The Beginning 133. Christ Our Life 134. Lord of Peace 135. The Mediator 136. Blessed and Only Potentate 137. The Great God 138. Brightness of His Glory 139. Upholder of All Things 140. Captain of Our Salvation 141. The Builder 142. King of Righteousness 143. Minister of the Sanctuary 144. Mediator of a Better Covenant 145. Mediator of a New Covenant 146. Great Shepherd of the Sheep 147. A Lamb Without Blemish or spot 148. Bishop of Souls 149. DayStar 150. Eternal Life 151. Propitiation 152. True God 153. Jesus Christ 154. Savior of the World 155. Prince of the Kings of the Earth 156. The First and the Last 157. Hidden Manna 158. Beginning of the Creation of God 159. The Lamb Slain 160. Lamb in the Midst of the Throne 161. A Sweet Smelling Savour 162. His Dear Son 163. Creator of All Things 164. First-Born from the Dead 165. All in All 166. Our Hope 167. The Man Christ Jesus 168. God Our Savior 169. God 170. The Apostle 171. The Great High Priest 172. The Forerunner 173. The Surety 174. Author of Eternal Salvation 175. Higher than the Heavens 176. He That Shall Come 177. The Author of Faith 178. A Priest Forever 179. My Helper 180. That Worthy Name 181. A Living Stone 182. A Stone of Stumbling 183. A Rock of Offence 184. A Chief Corner Stone 185. Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 186. Advocate 187. Jesus Christ, The Righteous 188. Son of the Father 189. The Faithful Witness 190. The First Begotten from the Dead 191. He That Liveth 192. Lion of The Tribe of Judah 193. King of Saints 194. Lord God Omnipotent 195. Faithful and True 196. Bright & Morning Star 197. An Offering 198. Image of the Invisible God 199. Head of the Body 200. Hope of Glory 201. The Lord Christ 202. Christ Jesus 203. God Manifest in the Flesh 204. Righteous Judge 205. Heir of All Things 206. Sin Purger 207. Express Image of His Person 208. Seed of Abraham 209. High Priest 210. King of Peace 211. Our Intercessor 212. Separate from Sinners 213. The Testator 214. A Rewarder 215. The Finisher of Faith 216. Jesus Christ the Same 217. The Word of Life 218. Just 219. An Elect Stone 220. A Precious Stone 221. The Chief Shepherd 222. The Son 223. Eternal Life 224. The Almighty 225. The Morning Star 226. Alpha and Omega 227. The Amen 228. Faithful and True Witness 229. Lord of Lords 230. King of Kings 231. The Testifier 232. The Temple 233. The Offspring of David 234. The Word of God 235. Captain of the Host of the Lord 236. Tender Grass 237. Lifter Up of Mine Head 238. My Shepherd 239. Jehovah, Mighty in Battle 240. Fortress 241. A Stranger and an Alien 242. Showers Upon the Earth 243. My High Tower 244. Understanding 245. Bundle of Myrrh 246. Lily of the Valley 247. Altogether Lovely 248. The Child 249. Wonderful 250. Everlasting Father 251. A Tired Stone 252. Rod Out of the Stem of Jesse 253. Ensign of the People 254. A Glorious Throne to His Father’s House 255. Refuge form the Storm 256. Diadem of Beauty 257. Shadow of a Great Rock in a Weary Land 258. Our Lawgiver 259. The Everlasting God 260. The Polished Staff 261. Man of Sorrow 262. God of the Whole Earth 263. King in His Beauty 264. Mine Elect 265. A Leader 266. The Redeemer 267. Angel of His Presence 268. My Physician 269. A Righteous Branch 270. Shepherd of Israel 271. Stone Cut out Without Hands 272. The Hope of His People 273. Rock of My Salvation 274. Daysman 275. Restorer 276. King of Glory 277. The Rock that is Higher than I 278. The King’s Son 279. My First Born 280. Wisdom 281. A Friend 282. Cluster of Camphire 283. Him Who My Soul Loveth 284. Branch of the Lord 285. Sanctuary 286. Counsellor 287. Prince of Peace 288. Branch Out of His Roots 289. My Strength 290. My Song 291. Strength to the poor and needy 292. Rock of Ages 293. The Foundation 294. Cover from the Tempest 295. Rivers of Water in a Dry Place 296. Jehovah 297. Light of the Gentiles 298. Holy One of Israel 299. My Righteous Servant 300. Witness to the People 301. Root Out of Dry Ground 302. Thine Everlasting Light 303. Balm of Gilead 304. My Portion 305. David 306. Their King 307. Feeder 308. Forgiver of Sins 309. Ancient of Days 310. My Servant 311. The Offering 312. Offering for Sins 313. My Glory 314. A Worm and no Man 315. The Strong and Mighty Jehovah 316. My Strong Rock 317. A Strong Tower 318. Rain Upon Mown Grass 319. Head Stone of the Corner 320. Ointment poured forth 321. Excellent 322. Rose of Sharon 323. Chiefest Among Ten Thousand 324. Jehovah of Host 325. A Great Light 326. The Mighty God 327. Light of Israel 328. Root of Jesse 329. A Nail Fastened in a Sure Place 330. A Shadow From the Heat 331. A Crown of Glory 332. A Sure Foundation 333. Covert 334. A Hiding Place from the Wind 335. My Maker 336. A Commander 337. Teacher 338. Our Potter 339. The Hone of Israel 340. Resting Place 341. River 342. A Plant of Renown 343. Stronghold 344. Shelter 345. A Ruler 346. Prince of Princes 347. King over All the Earth 348. The King 349. The Light of the City 350. Purifier 351. The Son of David 352. Emmanuel 353. Immanuel 354. Nazarene 355. My Beloved 356. Jesus the Christ 357. Master 358. Our Brother 359. Seen of the Woman 360. The Stone of Israel 361. Manna 362. Angel of Jehovah 363. Shiloh (peacemaker) 364. A Sceptre 365. The Blessing for Every Nation 366. Giver of Every Good and Perfect Gift

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Twenty One Egyptian Martyrs

Egyptian Martyrs

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The Coptic Orthodox Church has announced that the murder of the 21 Egyptian Christians killed by the so-called Islamic State in Libya will be commemorated in its Church calendar.

Pope Tawadros II announced that the names of the martyrs will be inserted into the Coptic Synaxarium, the Oriental Church’s equivalent to the Roman Martyrology. This procedure is also equivalent to canonization in the Latin Church.

According to, the martyrdom of the 21 Christians will be commemorated on the 8th Amshir of the Coptic calendar, or February 15th of the Gregorian calendar. The commemoration falls on the feast day of the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.

Militants of the Islamic State released a gruesome video entitled “A Message Signed in Blood to the Nation of the Cross” in which they released a warning saying they were “south of Rome.” They then proceeded to behead the Christian men, some of whom were seen

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Meaning of the Ceremonies at Latin Mass

Meaning of the Ceremonies at Latin Mass

Latin MassBelow is an analogy of how the part of the Latin Mass relate to the Passion,  which was written over 200 years ago.

1.The Priest Goes to the altar – Christ Goes to Mount Olivet.
2 The Priest Commences Mass – Christ Begins to pray.
3 The Priest Says Confiteor – Christ Falls down and sweats blood.
4 The Priest Goes up and kisses the altar – Christ Is betrayed by Judas with a kiss.
5 The Priest Goes to the Epistle side – Christ Is captured, bound, and taken to Annas
6 The Priest Reads the Introit – Christ Is falsely accused by Annas and blasphemed.
7 The Priest Goes to the middle of the altar and says the Kyrie eleison – Christ Is brought to Caiphas and there three times denied by Peter.
8 The Priest Says the Dominus vobiscum – Christ Looks at Peter and converts him.
9 The Priest Reads the Epistle – Christ Is brought to Pilate.
10 The Priest Says the Munda cor meum at the middle of the altar – Christ Is taken to Herod and mocked.

11 The Priest Reads the Gospel – Christ Is taken back to Pilate and again mocked.
12 The Priest Uncovers the chalice – Christ Is shamefully exposed.
13 The Priest Offers bread and wine – Christ Is cruelly scourged.
14 The Priest Covers the chalice – Christ Is crowned with thorns.
15 The Priest Washes his hands – Christ Is declared innocent by Pilate.
16 The Priest Says the Orate Fratres – Christ Is shown by Pilate to the people with the words, Ecce Homo.
17 The Priest Prays in a low voice – Christ Is mocked and spit upon.
18 The Priest Says the Preface and the Sanctus – Christ Is preferred instead of Barrabas and condemned to crucifixion.
19 The Priest Makes the Memento for the living – Christ Carries the Cross to Mount

20 The Priest Continues to pray the Canon in a low voice – Christ Meets His Mother and the other pious women.

21 The Priest Blesses the bread and wine with the sign of the cross – Christ Is nailed to the cross.
22 The Priest Elevates the Sacred Host – Christ Is raised on the Cross.
23 The Priest Elevates the chalice – Christ Sheds Blood from the five Wounds.
24 The Priest Prays in a low voice – Christ Sees His afflicted Mother at the Cross.
25 The Priest Says aloud, Nobis queque peccatoribus – Christ Prays on the Cross for men.
26 The Priest Says aloud the Pater noster – Christ Says the seven last words on the cross.
27 The Priest Breaks and separates the Host – Christ Gives up His Spirit and dies.
28 The Priest Lets a small portion of the Sacred Host fall into the chalice – Christ His soul descends to Limbo.
29 The Priest Says the Agnus Dei – Christ Is acknowledged on the Cross as the Son of God by many bystanders.

30 The Priest Administers Holy Communion – Christ Is laid in the tomb.
31 The Priest Cleanses the chalice – Christ Is anointed by pious women.
32 The Priest Prepares the chalice again – Christ Rises from the dead.
33 The Priest Says the Dominus vobiscum – Christ Appears to His Mother and the disciples.
34 The Priest Says the last prayers – Christ Teaches for forty days.
35 The Priest Says the last Dominus vobiscum – Christ Takes leave of His disciples and Ascends to Heaven.
36 The Priest Gives the Benediction to the people – Christ Sends down the Holy Ghost
37 The Priest Says the Ita Missa est and the last Gospel – Christ Sends the apostles into all parts of the world to preach the Gospel.

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Twenty One Human Persons

Monday, February 16, 2015

Twenty One Human Persons

These are the names of twenty one human persons.

1. Milad Makeen Zaky 





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