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Te Deum – Plenary Indulgence if Recited Publicly on the Last Day of the Year

Te Deum

Te Deum,also sometimes called the Ambrosian Hymn because of its association with St. Ambrose, is a traditional hymn of joy and thanksgiving. St. Ambrose was also traditionally credited with composing the hymn Te Deum, which he is said to have composed when he baptised St. Augustine of Hippo, his celebrated convert. It is used at the conclusion of the Office of the Readings for the Liturgy of the Hours on Sundays outside Lent, daily during the Octaves of Christmas and Easter, and on Solemnities and Feast Days. The petitions at the end were added at a later time and are optional.

A partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who recite it in thanksgiving and a plenary indulgence is granted if the hymn is recited publicly on the last day of the year By a plenary indulgence is meant the remission of the entire temporal punishment due to sin so that no further expiation is required in Purgatory.


Te Deum laudamus:
te Dominum confitemur.
Te aeternum Patrem
omnis terra veneratur.
Tibi omnes Angeli;
tibi caeli et universae Potestates;
Tibi Cherubim et Seraphim
incessabili voce proclamant:
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt caeli et terra
maiestatis gloriae tuae.
Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus,
Te Prophetarum laudabilis numerus,
Te Martyrum candidatus laudat exercitus.
Te per orbem terrarum
sancta confitetur Ecclesia,
Patrem immensae maiestatis:
Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium;
Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum.
Tu Rex gloriae, Christe.
Tu Patris sempiternus es Filius.
Tu ad liberandum suscepturus hominem,
non horruisti Virginis uterum.
Tu, devicto mortis aculeo,
aperuisti credentibus regna caelorum.
Tu ad dexteram Dei sedes, in gloria Patris.
Iudex crederis esse venturus.
Te ergo quaesumus, tuis famulis subveni:
quos pretioso sanguine redemisti.
Aeterna fac cum sanctis tuis in gloria numerari.

[added later, mainly from Psalm verses:]
Salvum fac populum tuum,
Domine, et benedic hereditati tuae.
Et rege eos, et extolle illos usque in aeternum.
Per singulos dies benedicimus te;
Et laudamus Nomen tuum in saeculum, et in saeculum saeculi.
Dignare, Domine, die isto sine peccato nos custodire.
Miserere nostri Domine, miserere nostri.
Fiat misericordia tua,
Domine, super nos, quemadmodum speravimus in te.
In te, Domine, speravi:
non confundar in aeternum.


O God, we praise Thee, and acknowledge Thee to be the supreme Lord.

Everlasting Father, all the earth worships Thee.

All the Angels, the heavens and all angelic powers,

All the Cherubim and Seraphim, continuously cry to Thee:

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts!

Heaven and earth are full of the Majesty of Thy glory.

The glorious choir of the Apostles,

The wonderful company of Prophets,

The white-robed army of Martyrs, praise Thee.

Holy Church throughout the world acknowledges Thee:

The Father of infinite Majesty;

Thy adorable, true and only Son;

Also the Holy Spirit, the Comforter.

O Christ, Thou art the King of glory!

Thou art the everlasting Son of the Father.

When Thou tookest it upon Thyself to deliver man, Thou didst not disdain the Virgin’s womb.

Having overcome the sting of death, Thou opened the Kingdom of Heaven to all believers.

Thou sitest at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father.

We believe that Thou willst come to be our Judge.

We, therefore, beg Thee to help Thy servants whom Thou hast redeemed with Thy Precious Blood.

Let them be numbered with Thy Saints in everlasting glory.


  1. Save Thy people, O Lord, and bless Thy inheritance!
  2. Govern them, and raise them up forever.
  3. Every day we thank Thee.
  4. And we praise Thy Name forever, yes, forever and ever.
  5. O Lord, deign to keep us from sin this day.
  6. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us.
  7. Let Thy mercy, O Lord, be upon us, for we have hoped in Thee.
  8. O Lord, in Thee I have put my trust; let me never be put to shame.

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The (Human) will of the Soul as a Christmas Gift for Baby Jesus.

Immaculate-Heart-of-Mary-icons-immaculate-heart-of-mary-19300636-165-200FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN

V20 – 1.1.27

I was meditating on the old year which was setting, and the new one which was rising. My state continued in the flight of the light of the Divine Will, and I prayed the pretty Little Baby that, just as the old year was dying never to be born again, He would make my will die and live no more; and as gift for the new year, He would give me His Will, just as I gave Him mine as gift, placing it as footstool at His tender little feet, that it might have no life but His Will alone. Now, while I was saying these and other things, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and told me: “Daughter of my Will, how I love, want and yearn that your will may end in you. Oh, how I accept your gift! How pleasing it will be for Me to keep it at my feet as a soft footstool. In fact, as long as it remains in the creature, outside of its center, which is God, the human will is hard; but when it enters once again into the center from which it came, serving as footstool at the feet of its Little Baby Jesus, it becomes soft, and I use it to amuse Myself. Is it not fair that, being little, I have my amusement? And that in the midst of so many sorrows, privations and tears, I may hold your will to make Me smile? Now, You Must Know that one who puts an end to his will, returns to the origin from which he came, and the new life, the life of light, the perennial life of my Will, begins in him.

See, when I came upon earth, I wanted to give many examples and similes about how I wanted the human will to end. I wanted to be born at midnight, so as to break the night of the human will with the refulgent day of Mine. And even though at midnight the night continues and does not finish, it is yet the beginning of a new day; and my Angels, to honor my birth and to point out to everyone the day of my Will, from midnight on, enlivened the vault of the heavens with new stars and new suns, such as to turn the night into more than daylight. This was the homage that the Angels gave to my little Humanity, in which dwelled the full day of the sun of my Divine Will, and the call of the creature into the full day of It. Still little, I submitted Myself to the cruel cut of circumcision, which made Me shed bitter tears for the pain – and not only to Me, but with Me cried my Mama and dear St. Joseph. It was the cut of the human will that I wanted to make, so that all might let the Divine Will flow within that cut, and so that a broken will might have life no more – but only Mine, which had flowed within that cut in order to begin Its life again.

Still little, I wanted to flee to Egypt. A tyrannical and iniquitous will wanted to kill Me – symbol of the human will which wants to kill Mine; so I fled, in order to say to all: ‘Flee the human will, if you do not want Mine to be killed.’ My whole life was nothing other than the call of the Divine Will into the human. In Egypt I lived like a stranger in the midst of that people – symbol of my Will, which they keep as though estranged within their midst; and symbolizing that whoever wants to live in peace and united with my Will, must live as though estranged to the human will. Otherwise, there will always be war between the two of them, because they are two irreconcilable wills.

After my exile, I returned to my fatherland – symbol of my Will which, after Its long exile of centuries upon centuries, will return to Its dear fatherland, to reign in the midst of Its children. And as I went through these stages in my life, I kept forming Its Kingdom in Me, and I called It with incessant prayers, with pains and with tears, to come and reign in the midst of creatures. I returned to my fatherland and I lived hidden and unknown. Oh, how this symbolizes the sorrow of my Will which, while living in the midst of the peoples, lives unknown and hidden! And with my hiddenness, I impetrated that the Supreme Will might be known, in order to receive the homage and the glory which are due to It.

There was nothing I did which did not symbolize a sorrow of my Will, the condition in which creatures put It, and the call I made in order to return Its Kingdom to It. And this is what I want your life to be: the continuous call of the Kingdom of my Will into the midst of creatures.”

Then, after this, I was going around throughout the whole Creation in order to bring the heavens, the stars, the sun, the moon, the sea – in sum, everything, to the feet of Little Baby Jesus together with me, to ask Him, all together, that this Kingdom of His Will may come soon upon earth. And in my desire, I said: ‘See, I am not the only one who is praying You, but the heavens are praying with the voices of all the stars; the sun, with the voice of its light and of its heat, the sea with its murmuring – they are all praying that your Will may come to reign upon earth. How can You resist listening to so many voices that pray You? They are innocent voices – voices animated by your own Will, that are praying You.’

Now, while I was saying this, my little Jesus came out from within my interior to receive the homage of all Creation, and to listen to their mute language; and squeezing me to Himself, He told me: “My daughter, the easiest means in order to hasten the coming of my Will upon earth are the knowledges about It. The knowledges bring light and heat and form the prime act of God within themselves, in which the creature finds the prime act on which to model her own. If she does not find the first act, the creature does not have the virtue of forming the prime act; therefore the acts and the things which are most necessary in order to form this Kingdom, would be missing. See then, what one additional knowledge about my Will means. By carrying the prime act of God within itself, it brings with itself a magnetic force– a powerful magnet in order to draw the creatures to repeating the prime act of God. With its light, it will bring the disillusionment of the human will; with its heat, it will soften the hardest hearts, moving them to bend before these Divine acts; and they will feel enraptured, yearning to be modeled on this act. Therefore, the more knowledges I manifest about my Will, the more the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will hasten Its coming upon earth.”

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How the New Creation of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will was Formed in the Humanity of Our Lord


V20 – 12.29.26

“My daughter, as My Humanity was conceived, so I began a new creation, in order to lay the Kingdom of My Will over all the Acts that My Humanity did. All the Acts I did, both inside and outside of My Humanity, were animated by a Divine Will that contained the Creative Power; therefore My Acts underwent the new creation and converted into Acts of Divine Will, and I extended Its Kingdom in My interior and in all of My external Acts. In fact, who destroyed and rejected this Kingdom of My Will in man? His human will, that, rejecting Mine from itself, did not let itself be dominated and animated by It, but let itself be dominated and animated by its own, and so it formed in it the kingdom of miseries, of passions and of ruins.

“Now, before anything, My Humanity was to redo and to call back this Kingdom of the Supreme Will within Myself, within My human nature, that I might be all set to form the Redemption, and therefore able to give mankind the remedies in order to be saved. Had I not placed this Kingdom in safety within Me, had I not given to It Its rights of dominion, I could not have formed the good of Redemption. My Divine Will would have been inexorable in not conceding Its goods to Me, had I not had the prime right to form Its Kingdom in Me; only then, as second act, It would grant to Me the remedies to save creatures.

“So, My Supreme Will lined Itself up within all of My Acts; It dominated, and, triumphant, It invested My tears, My baby moans, My sighs, heartbeats, steps, works, words, pains—in sum, everything, with Its Creative Power. And as It invested them, It pearled them with Its endless light, and formed the new creation of Its Kingdom in all My Acts. Therefore, in every additional thing I did, the Divine Fiat expanded the boundaries of Its Kingdom within My Humanity.

“Now, if the Creation was called from nothing, and was formed on the foundation of My creative word, that spoke and created, it commanded, and all things took their place of order and harmony, in the creation of the Kingdom of the Supreme Will, instead, It was not content with forming It from nothing, but It wanted, as guarantee of safety, the basis, the foundations, the walls and all the acts and pains of My Most Holy Humanity, in order to form the creation of Its Kingdom.

“See then, how much this Kingdom of My Will cost; with how much love I developed It within Me. Therefore, this Kingdom exists—there is nothing left but to make It known, so as to let all the goods It contains go out into the field. So, what I want from you is that, just as My Humanity left My Will free to form Its Kingdom, you may leave Me free, without opposing in anything, so that, finding no opposition in you, My Acts may flow in you, and taking their place of honor, they may line up, all in order, to continue in you the life of the Kingdom of My Will.”

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Feast Day of St. John the Evangelist


V1 – “My beloved, in the cross are all the triumphs, all the victories, and the greatest gains. You must have no aim other than the cross, and it will be enough for you, in everything. Today I want to make you content; that cross which until now has not been enough to lay you (Luisa) on and crucify you completely, is the cross that you have carried up to now. But since I have to crucify you completely, you need new crosses which I will let descend upon you. So, the cross you have had until now, I will bring to Heaven, to show it to the whole celestial court as pledge of your love, and I will make another one descend from Heaven – a larger one, to be able to satisfy the ardent desires I have upon you.”

While Jesus was saying this, that cross which I had seen the other times made itself present before me. I took it and I laid myself on it. As I was in this way, the Heavens opened and Saint John the Evangelist came down, carrying the cross that Jesus had indicated to me. The Queen Mother and many Angels, when they arrived near me, lifted me from that cross and placed me over the one which they had brought me, which was much larger. Then, an Angel took the cross I had before and took it to Heaven with him. After this, with His own hand, Jesus began to nail me to that cross; Queen Mama assisted me, while the Angels and Saint John were handing the nails.

V4 – 12.4.02 – “…when I (Jesus) resurrected Lazarus, I went there, I had them remove the sepulchral stone, then I had him released, and then, with the empire of My Voice I called him back to life. In resurrecting the young girl, I took her by the hand with my right hand, and I called her back to life; and in many other things which are recorded in the Gospel, and which are known to all, I wanted to be there with my presence. This teaches the way in which the priest must behave in his operating, since the future life of the Church was enclosed in mine. And these are things that pertain to you, though in general; but your specific circumstance they will find on Calvary. I, priest and victim, lifted up on the wood of the cross, wanted a priest to be present, to assist Me in that state of victim – and he was Saint John, who represented the nascent Church. In him I saw everyone – Popes, bishops, priests and all the faithful together; and while assisting Me, He offered Me as victim for the glory of the Father and for the good outgrowth of the nascent Church. The fact that a priest assisted Me in that state of victim did not happen by chance, but everything was a profound mystery predisposed ab aeterno [from eternity] in the divine mind, intending that when I choose a soul as victim for the grave needs present in the Church, a priest must offer her to Me, assist her for Me, help her and encourage her to suffer. If these things are understood – fine, they themselves will receive the fruit of the work they offer; just like Saint John: how many goods did he not receive for having assisted Me on Mount Calvary? If then they are not understood, they do nothing but put My Work amid continuous contrasts, diverting My most Beautiful Designs.

V13 – 10.9.21 – “My daughter, while I (Jesus) was having supper with My disciples, I was surrounded not only by them, but by the whole human family. I had all creatures near Me, one by one; I knew them all, and I called them by name. I also called you (Luisa), and I gave you (Luisa) the place of honor between Me and John, constituting you the little secretary of My Will. And as I divided the lamb, in offering it to My Apostles, I gave it to all and to each one. That lamb, bled dry, roasted, cut to pieces, spoke about Me; it was the symbol of My Life and of how I was to reduce Myself for Love of all. And I wanted to give it to all as delicious food, which represented My Passion, because everything I did, said and suffered was converted by My Love into food for man. But do you know why I called everyone and gave the lamb to all? Because I too wanted food from them. I wanted everything they would do to be food for Me. I wanted the food of their love, of their works, of their words – of everything.”

V15 – 7.11.23 – “My daughter, the greater the work I (Jesus) want to do, the more necessary it is that the creature I choose be unique and singular.  The Work of Redemption was the greatest, and I chose only one creature, endowing Her with all gifts, never conceded to anyone, so that this creature might contain so much grace as to be able to become My Mother, and so that I might deposit in Her all the goods of Redemption.  And in order to keep My own gifts safe, from the moment She was conceived until She conceived Me, I kept Her hidden in the light of the Most Holy Trinity, which was Her custodian and had the office of directing Her in everything.  Then, when I was conceived in Her Virginal Womb, being the true Priest and the head and the first of all priests, I Myself took on the charge of keeping Her and directing Her in everything, even in the motion of Her heartbeat.  And when I died, I entrusted Her to another priest – Saint John.  A soul so privileged, who contained all graces, unique in the divine mind, unique in history – I did not want to leave Her without the assistance of a representative of Mine up to Her last breath.  Have I perhaps done this with other souls?  No, because they did not contain so much good, so many gifts and graces, and therefore so much custody and assistance was not necessary.”

“…Therefore, just as We entrusted Our Mama to St. John, that She might deposit in him, and from him to the Church, the treasures, the graces and all of My teachings which I had deposited in Her during the course of My Life, when She was entrusted to Me and I acted as Priest to Her – as I deposited in Her, as in a sanctuary, all the laws, the precepts and the doctrines which the Church was to possess; and She, faithful as She was, and jealous of even one word of Mine, deposited them in My faithful disciple John, so that they might not be lost, and therefore My Mama has Primacy over the whole Church – so I did with you:  since the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ must serve the whole Church, I entrusted you to a minister of Mine, that you may deposit in him everything I Manifest to you about My Divine Will – the goods contained in It, how the creature must enter into It, and how the Paternal Goodness wants to open another Era of Grace, placing His Goods, which He possesses in Heaven, in common with the creature, and giving back to her the lost happiness.  Therefore, be attentive, and be faithful to Me.”



DAY 27 – “I (Mary) was inseparable from My Son; His pains were reflected in My Heart, liquefied by sorrow and by love, and I felt them more than if they were My own. So I followed Him all night. There was not one pain or accusation they gave Him, which did not resound in My Heart. But at the dawn of the morning, unable to endure any more, accompanied by the disciple John, Magdalene and other pious women, I wanted to follow Him step by step, also corporally, from one tribunal to another.”

DAY 29 – “Now, listen to Me, dear child. You Must Know that after the death of My Son I (Mary) withdrew in the cenacle, together with beloved John and Magdalene. But my Heart was pierced because only John was near Me, and in My sorrow I said: “And the other apostles…where are they?”

DAY 30 – “Then the time came for the Descent of the Holy Spirit, promised by My Son, in the cenacle. What a transformation, my child! As they were invested, they acquired new science, invincible strength, ardent love. A new life flowed within them, which rendered them intrepid and courageous, in such a way that they scattered throughout the whole world to make Redemption known, and to lay down their lives for their Master. I remained with beloved John, and was forced to leave Jerusalem, as the storm of persecution began.”

DAY 31 – “Now, You Must Know that before departing for the Celestial Fatherland, I (Mary) returned again to Jerusalem with My beloved John. It was the last time that I went past the earth in mortal flesh, and the whole Creation, as though realizing it, prostrated itself around Me. From fish of the sea which I crossed, to the tiniest little bird, they wanted to be blessed by their Queen; and I blessed them all, giving them My last good-bye. So I arrived in Jerusalem, and withdrawing into an apartment where John brought Me, I enclosed Myself in it never to go out again.”


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Tu scendi dalle stelle

Nativity 7Tu scendi dalle stelle


Tu scendi dalle stelle,

O Re del Cielo,

e vieni in una grotta,

al freddo al gelo.

O Bambino mio Divino

Io ti vedo qui a tremar,

O Dio Beato

Ahi, quanto ti costò

l’avermi amato!

A te, che sei del mondo

il Creatore,

mancano panni e fuoco;

O mio Signore!

Caro eletto Pargoletto,

Quanto questa povertà

più mi innamora!

Giacché ti fece amor

povero ancora!

Tu scendi dalle stelle


From starry skies descending,

Thou comest, glorious King,

A manger low Thy bed,

In winter’s icy sting;

O my dearest Child most holy,

Shudd’ring, trembling in the cold!

Great God, Thou lovest me!

What suff’ring Thou didst bear,

That I near Thee might be!

Thou art the world’s Creator,

God’s own and true Word,

Yet here no robe, no fire

For Thee, Divine Lord.

Dearest, fairest, sweetest Infant,

Dire this state of poverty.

The more I care for Thee,

Since Thou, o Love Divine,

Will’st now so poor to be.

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V4 – 12.25.00 – As I was in my usual state, I felt I was outside of myself; after wandering around, I found myself inside a cave, and I saw the Queen Mama in the act of giving birth to Little Baby Jesus. What a wonderful prodigy! It seemed that both Mother and Son were transmuted into most pure light. But in that light one could see very well the human nature of Jesus containing the Divinity within Itself, and serving as a veil to cover the Divinity; in such a way that, in tearing the veil of human nature, He was God, while covered by that veil, He was Man. Here is the prodigy of prodigies: God and Man, Man and God! Without leaving the Father and the Holy Spirit – because true love never separates – He comes to dwell in our midst, taking on human flesh. Now, it seemed to me that Mother and Son, in that most happy instant, remained as though spiritualized, and without the slightest difficulty Jesus came out of the Maternal womb, while both of them overflowed with excess of Love. In other words, those Most Pure Bodies were transformed into Light, and without the slightest impediment, Light Jesus came out of the Light of the Mother, while both One and the Other remained whole and intact, returning, then, to their natural state.

Who can tell the beauty of the Little Baby who, at the moment of His birth, transfused, also externally, the rays of the Divinity? Who can tell the beauty of the Mother, who remained all absorbed in those Divine rays? And Saint Joseph? It seemed to me that he was not present at the act of the birth, but remained in another corner of the cave, all engrossed in that profound Mystery. And if he did not see with the eyes of the body, he saw very well with the eyes of the soul, because he remained enraptured in sublime ecstasy.

Now, in the act in which the Little Baby came out to the light, I had wanted to fly and take Him in my arms, but the Angels prevented me, saying that the honor of holding Him first belonged to the Mother. Then, the Most Holy Virgin, as though stirred, returned into Herself and from the hands of an Angel received Her Son in Her arms. In Her ardor of love, She squeezed Him so tightly that it seemed that She wanted to draw Him into Her womb again. Then, wanting to let Her ardent love pour out, She placed Him at Her breast to suckle. In the meantime, I was completely annihilated, waiting to be called so as not to be scolded again by the Angels. Then the Queen said to me: “Come, come and take your Beloved, and you too, enjoy Him – pour out your love with Him.” As She was saying this, I drew near Mama, and She gave Him to me, into my arms. Who can say my contentment, the kisses, the squeezes, the tendernesses? After I poured myself out a little, I said to Him: ‘My beloved, You have suckled the milk of our Mama, share it with me.’ And He, all condescending, poured part of that milk from His mouth into mine, and then He told me: “My beloved, I was conceived united to suffering, I was born to suffering, and I died in suffering. And with the three nails with which they crucified Me, I nailed the three powers – intellect, memory and will – of those souls who yearn to love Me, keeping them all drawn to Myself, because sin had rendered them infirm and dispersed from their Creator – without any restraint.” As He was saying this, He gazed at the world and began to cry over its miseries. On seeing Him cry, I said: ‘Lovable Baby, do not sadden with your tears a night so happy for one who loves you. Instead of pouring ourselves out in crying, let us pour ourselves out in singing’; and as I said this, I began to sing. Jesus was amused at hearing me sing, and He stopped crying; and completing my verse, He sang His own, with a voice so powerful and harmonious that all other voices disappeared at the sound of His most sweet voice. After this, I prayed to Baby Jesus for my confessor, for those who belong to me, and lastly, for everyone, and He seemed all condescending. At that moment He disappeared from me, and I returned into myself.

christmas-nativity-scene-1sepiaV25 – 12.25.28 – I was thinking about the birth of Baby Jesus, and I prayed Him to come to be born in my poor soul. And in order to sing His praises and form a cortege for Him in the act of His birth, I fused myself in the Holy Divine Volition, and flowing in all created things, I wanted to animate the heavens, the sun, the stars, the sea, the earth and everything with my “I love You.”

I wanted to place all created things as though in waiting, in the act of Jesus’ birth, so that all would say to Him, “I love You,” and “We want the Kingdom of Your Will upon earth.”

Now, while I was doing this, it seemed to me that all created things would come to attention in the act of Jesus’ birth, and as the dear Baby came out of the womb of His Celestial Mama, the heavens, the sun, and even the tiny little bird, as though all in chorus, were saying, “I love You,” and “We want the Kingdom of Your Will upon earth.”

My “I love You” in the Divine Will flowed within all things in which the Divine Will had Its life, and therefore all sang praises to the birth of their Creator; and I saw the newborn Baby who, flinging Himself into my arms, all shivering, told me: “What a beautiful feast has the little daughter of My Will prepared for Me; how beautiful is the chorus of all created things saying to Me, ‘I love You,’ and wanting My Will to reign. One who lives in It can give Me anything, and can use all stratagems in order to render Me happy and make Me smile, even in the midst of tears. Therefore, I was waiting for you, to have a surprise of love of yours by virtue of My Divine Volition.

“In fact, you must know that My Life on earth was nothing but suffering, operating and preparing everything that was to serve the Kingdom of My Divine Will, that must be Kingdom of happiness and of possession; therefore, it is then that My works will have their full fruits and will change for Me and for creatures into sweetnesses, into joys and into possession.”

Now, while He was saying this, He disappeared from me; but after a little while He came back, inside a little cradle of gold, clothed with a tiny little garment of light.

And He added: “My daughter, today is My birthday, and I have come to render you happy with My presence. It would be too hard for Me, on this day, not to render one who lives in My Divine Will happy, not to give you My first kiss and tell you, ‘I love you’ as a requital of yours, and, clasping you tightly to My little Heart, make you feel My heartbeats that unleash fire, and would want to burn everything that does not belong to My Will, while your heartbeat, echoing within Mine, repeats for Me your pleasant refrain: ‘May Your Will reign on earth as It does in Heaven.’ Repeat it always, if you want to render Me happy and calm My baby crying. Look—your love has prepared for Me the gold cradle, and the acts in My Divine Will have prepared for Me the little garment of light. Aren’t you happy?”


nativity 2DAY 22

The soul to her Celestial Mama:

Today, holy Mama, I feel an ardor of love, and I feel that I cannot be without coming onto your maternal knees to find the Celestial Little Baby in your arms. His beauty enraptures me, His gazes wound me, His lips, in the act of moaning and bursting into tears, capture my heart to love Him. My dearest Mama, I know that You love me, and therefore I ask You to give me a little place in your arms, so that I may give Him my first kiss, pour my heart into little King Jesus, and entrust to Him my interesting secrets, which so much oppress me. And in order to make Him smile, I will say to Him: “My will is Yours and Yours is mine; therefore, form the Kingdom of your Divine Fiat in me.”

Lesson of the Queen of Heaven to her child:

My dearest child, oh, how I long for you to come into my arms, to have the great contentment of being able to say to our little Baby King: “Do not cry, my pretty one. See, here with us is my little child, who wants to recognize You as King and give You dominion within her soul, to let You lay in her the Kingdom of your Will.”

Now, child of my Heart, while you are all intent on longing for little Baby Jesus, pay attention and listen to Me. You must know that it was midnight when the little newborn King came out of my maternal womb. But the night turned into day; the One who was the Lord of light put to flight the night of the human will, the night of sin, the night of all evils; and as a sign of what He was doing in the order of souls, by means of His usual omnipotent Fiat the midnight turned into most refulgent daylight. All created things ran to praise their Creator in that little Humanity. The sun ran to give its first kisses of light to little Baby Jesus, and to warm Him with its heat; the ruling wind purified the air of the stable with its waves, and with its sweet moaning said to Him: “I love You”; the heavens were shaken from their very foundations; the earth exulted and trembled down to the abyss; the sea roared with its gigantic waves. In sum, all created things recognized that their Creator was now in their midst, and they all competed in singing His praises. The very Angels, forming light in the air, with melodious voices which all could hear, said: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will! The Celestial Baby is now born in the grotto of Bethlehem, wrapped in poor swaddling clothes…” – so much so, that the shepherds who were in vigil, listened to the Angelic voices and ran to visit the little divine King.

My dear child, continue to listen to Me. As I received Him into my arms and gave Him my first kiss, I felt the need of love to give something of my own to my little Son; and offering Him my breast, I gave Him abundant milk – milk formed in my person by the Divine Fiat Itself, in order to nourish little King Jesus. But who can tell you what I felt in doing this, and the seas of grace, of love, of sanctity, that my Son gave to Me in return? Then I wrapped Him in poor but clean little clothes, and I placed Him in the manger. This was His Will, and I could not do without executing it. But before doing this, I shared Him with dear Saint Joseph, placing Him in his arms. Oh, how he rejoiced! He pressed Him to his heart, and the sweet little Baby poured torrents of grace into his soul. Then, together with Saint Joseph, we arranged a little hay in the manger, and detaching Him from my maternal arms, I laid Him in it. Your Mama, enraptured by the beauty of the divine Infant, remained kneeling before Him most of the time. I put all my seas of love into motion, which the Divine Will had formed in Me, to love Him, adore Him, and thank Him.

And what did the little Celestial Baby do in the manger? A continuous act of the Will of Our Celestial Father, which was also His. Moaning and sighing, He wailed, cried and called to everyone, saying in His loving moans: “Come all of you, children of mine; for love of you I am born to sorrow and to tears. Come all of you, to know the excess of my love! Give Me shelter in your hearts.” And there was a coming and going of shepherds, who came to visit Him, and to all He gave His sweet gaze and His loving smile, even amid His tears.

Now, my child, a little word to you: You must know that all my joy was to hold my dear Son Jesus on my lap, but the Divine Will made Me understand that I should place Him in the manger, at everyone’s disposal, so that whoever wanted, could caress Him, kiss Him, and take Him in their arms, as if He were his own. He was the little King of all; therefore, they had the right to make of Him a sweet pledge of love. And I, in order to fulfill the Supreme Volition, deprived Myself of my innocent joys, beginning, with works and sacrifices, the office of Mother – of giving Jesus to all.

My child, the Divine Will is demanding and wants everything, even the sacrifice of the holiest things; and according to circumstances, even the great sacrifice of depriving oneself of Jesus Himself. However, It does so in order to extend Its kingdom even more, and to multiply the life of Jesus Himself. In fact, when the creature deprives herself of Him out of love for Him, her heroism and sacrifice is so great that she has the virtue of producing a new life of Jesus to be able to form another dwelling for Jesus. Therefore, dear child, be attentive, and never deny anything to the Divine Will, under any pretext.

The soul:

Holy Mama, your beautiful lessons confuse me; but if You want me to put them into practice do not leave me alone, so that, when You see me succumb under the enormous weight of the divine privations, I may cling to your maternal Heart and feel the strength never to deny anything to the Divine Will.

Little Sacrifice:

Today, to honor Me, you will come as many as three times to visit little Baby Jesus, and to kiss His little hands; and you will speak to Him five acts of love, to honor His tears and to calm His crying.

Ejaculatory Prayer:

Holy Mama, pour the tears of Jesus into my heart, that He may dispose in me the triumph of the Will of God.

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In His Birth, Jesus Fixes His Gaze on His Mother and on Luisa


Nativity 6

V23 – 12.25.27 – I was thinking of when my sweet Jesus was about to come out of the womb of His beloved Mama to fling Himself into Her arms. Oh! how I too would have wanted to squeeze Him in my arms, to form sweet chains for Him, so that He might no longer depart from me. But while I was thinking of this, I felt my poor mind outside of myself, and I saw my Celestial Mama, all veiled with light, and, in Her arms, little Baby Jesus, fused in the same light. But it lasted only a few instants, and then everything disappeared, and I remained more afflicted than before.

However, later He came back, and clasping His little hands around my neck, He told me: “My daughter, as soon as I came out of the womb of My Mama, I fixed My gazes—one on My dear Mama; nor could I do without looking at Her, because in Her was the enrapturing force of the Divine Will and the sweet enchantment of the beauty and most refulgent light of My Fiat that, eclipsing My pupil, made Me remain fixed in She who possessed My very Life by virtue of It. Seeing My Life bilocated in Her enraptured Me, and I could not remove My gaze from the Celestial Queen, because My very Divine force compelled Me to fix on Her.

“The other gaze I fixed on the one who was to do and possess My Will. They were two links connected together—the Redemption and the Kingdom of My Divine Will—inseparable from each other. The Redemption was to prepare, suffer, do; the Kingdom of the Fiat was to fulfill and possess—both of them of highest importance. Therefore, My gazes were fixed on the chosen ones to whom both one and the other were entrusted, because there was My very Will in them that enraptured My pupil. Why do you fear, then, if you have the gaze of your Jesus always looking at you, defending you, protecting you? If you knew what it means to be looked upon by Me, you would no longer fear anything.”

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Jesus’ Sighs, Tears, Sobs, Pains, were Directed toward Reestablishing the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat upon Earth


From the Book of Heaven

V25 – 1.1.29

9_8_mary_birth2“Daughter, from the moment I was conceived and from the very first days of My being born, I occupied Myself with the Kingdom of My Divine Will and with how to place It in safety in the midst of creatures. These were My sighs, My tears, My repeated sobs, My pains, all directed toward reestablishing the Kingdom of My Fiat upon earth. In fact, I knew that no matter how many goods I might give him, man would never be happy, nor would he possess the fullness of goods and of sanctity, or have the insignia of his creation that constitute him king and dominator; he is always the man-servant, weak, miserable. But with My Will, and by making It reign in their midst, I would give him, in one single stroke of fortune, all goods, his royal palace and his lost dominion.

“About twenty centuries have passed and I have not stopped—My sighs last still; and if I have manifested to you so many knowledges about My Divine Will, these are nothing other than My speaking tears and the indelible characters of My pains and sighs, that, transforming into words, manifest themselves to you, to make you write on paper, with the most tender and convincing manners, what regards My Divine Volition and how It wants to reign on earth as It does in Heaven. Therefore, on Our part, the Divinity has decided with indelible and unshakeable decrees that Our Divine Will come to reign upon earth—and no one can move Us; and as the sign of this, We have dispatched from Heaven the army of Its knowledges. If it were not so, it would not be worthwhile to place the so many values of a Divine Will at risk; just as they have remained hidden to man for many centuries, so could they continue.

“Now We are waiting for the creatures’ part, who are still temporizing from making up their minds, especially those who temporize from occupying themselves with making known the secrets of My Divine Will and the great good of Its knowledges. Human will, how ungrateful you are; I am waiting for your decision so that we may exchange the kiss, and I may give you the Kingdom that I have prepared for you. And you temporize still? My daughter, pray and place no obstacle on your part to a good so great, that will be the greatest display of Our Love.”

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The Last Communion of St. Mary of Egypt

St. Mary of Egyptclick here for more information

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It is Always Christmas for One Who Does the Divine Will


queen-rosaryV16 – 12.26.23

“My daughter, for one who does my Will, it is always Christmas. As the soul enters my Will, I am conceived in her act; as she performs her act, I develop my Life; as she completes it, I rise again, and the soul remains conceived in Me, develops her life in Mine, and rises again in my own acts. See, then, how Christmas holidays are for those who, once a year, prepare and place themselves in my Grace, and so they feel something new about my Birth within them. Bur for one who does my Will it is always Christmas: I am born again in each one of her acts. So, would you want Me to be born in you once a year? No, no – for one who does my Will, my birth, my Life, my Death and my Resurrection must be a continuous act, which is never interrupted; otherwise, what would be the difference, the immeasurable distance, from the other sanctities?”

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