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V9 – October 17, 1910 – “My daughter, I do not look so much at the sacrifices, but at the love with which they are made and at the union with Me that they have. So, the more the soul is united with Me, the more I take into account her sacrifices. If the soul is more tightly united with Me, I take great account of her littlest sacrifices, because in the union there is the measure of love, and the measure of love is eternal measure, which has no end and no boundaries. On the other hand, with a soul who may sacrifice herself very much but is not united with Me, I look at her sacrifice as that of a stranger, and I give her the remuneration she deserves – a limited one.

V13 – January 20, 1922 – Wanting to have one’s own merits is of servants, of slaves – not of children. What belongs to the father, belongs to his children. Besides, what are all the merits that you could acquire compared to one single Act of My Will? All merits have their own little value, weight and measure; but who could ever measure one single Act of My Will? No one – no one. And then, what are your merits compared to Mine? In My Will you will find them all, and I make of you the owner. Aren’t you happy?

V20 – October 15, 1926 – ‘My Kingdom is in the midst of My children, and right within their inmost acts.’ In fact, as much as the creature takes of My Will, so much do I extend My Kingdom in her, and she extends her Kingdom in My Will; but according to how much she lets Me dominate in her acts, so does she expand her boundaries in My Kingdom, and I give, and she takes more joy, more happiness, more goods, and more glory.

“In fact, it is established that in the Celestial Fatherland they will receive as much glory, beatitude and happiness, for as much of My Will as they have enclosed in their souls on earth. Their glory will be measured by that very Will of Mine that their souls will possess; nor will they be able to receive more, because their capacity and wideness is formed by that very Divine Will that they have done and possessed while living on earth. And even if My liberality wanted to give them more, they would lack the space to contain it, and it would overflow outside.

V20 – November 3, 1926 – “The more the soul possesses of My Will, the more value her prayers, her works, her pains, contain; and so she can bring more relief to those blessed souls (souls in Purgatory). I measure and give value to everything that the soul can do, according to how much of My Will she possesses. If My Will runs in all of her acts, the measure I take is immense; even more, I never stop measuring, and I put so much value into it, that its weight cannot be calculated. On the other hand, if one does not care much about My Will, the measure is scarce and the value of little importance. And if one does not care at all, as much as the soul may do, I have nothing to measure, nor any value to give. Therefore, if they have no value, how can they bring relief to those souls who, in Purgatory, recognize nothing, nor can they receive anything, but what My Eternal Fiat produces.

Paragraph 760 – II. The Church’s Origin, Foundation, and Mission

God created the world for the sake of communion with his divine life, a communion brought about by the “convocation” of men in Christ, and this “convocation” is the Church. The Church is the goal of all things,154 and God permitted such painful upheavals as the angels’ fall and man’s sin only as occasions and means for displaying all the power of his arm and the whole measure of the love he wanted to give the world: (294, 309)

Paragraph 2045 – III. Moral Life and Missionary Witness

2045    Because they are members of the Body whose Head is Christ,89 Christians contribute to building up the Church by the constancy of their convictions and their moral lives. The Church increases, grows, and develops through the holiness of her faithful, until “we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.”90 (753, 828)

Matthew 7:2 – For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.

Mark 4:24 – And he said to them: Take heed what you hear. In what measure you shall mete, it shall be measured to you again, and more shall be given to you.

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September 21

maria_y_jesus2V7 – February 28, 1906 – God communicates His Grace, and the Grace of truth, in such a way that the soul can see the truth in everything without deceit, without darkness. And here is how, what God is by nature – eternal Truth which cannot deceive nor be deceived – the soul becomes by Grace. That is to say, the soul feels detachment from the things of the earth, she sees their fleetingness, their instability, how everything is false, everything is rot, which deserves to be abhorred rather than loved. While the soul feels this state, God communicates His Grace, and the Grace of true love and of eternal love; He communicates His beauty, in such a way as to make the loving soul go mad, and the soul remains filled with the love and the beauty of God. And here is how, what God is by nature – love and eternal beauty – the soul becomes by Grace;…”


1701    “Christ,… in the very revelation of the mystery of the Father and of his love, makes man fully manifest to himself and brings to light his exalted vocation.”2 It is in Christ, “the image of the invisible God,”3 that man has been created “in the image and likeness” of the Creator. It is in Christ, Redeemer and Savior, that the divine image, disfigured in man by the first sin, has been restored to its original beauty and ennobled by the grace of God.4 (359)

Isaiah – 35-2: It shall bud forth and blossom, and shall rejoice with joy and praise: the glory of Libanus is given to it: the beauty of Carmel, and Saron, they shall see the glory of the Lord, and the beauty of our God.

John 14:23 – Jesus answered, and said to him: If any one love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him, and will make our abode with him.

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Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will raise up to David a just branch: and a king shall reign, and shall be wise, and shall execute judgement and justice in the earth.  Jeremiah 23:5

V2 – February 28, 1899 – “…Now, let us go back again to the idea of food: by taking food, the body is not only sustained, but shares in the substance of the food, which transforms into the body itself. The same for the soul who Lives of Faith: since Faith is God Himself, the soul comes to Live of God Himself; and by nourishing herself with God, she comes to share in the substance of God; and by sharing in Him, she comes to resemble Him and to be transformed with God Himself. Therefore, it happens to the soul who lives of Faith, that, just as God is holy, the soul is holy; powerful God – powerful the soul; Wise, Strong and Just God – Wise, Strong and Just the soul; and so with all the other Attributes of God. In sum, the soul becomes a little god. Oh, the Blessedness of this soul on earth, to then be more Blessed in Heaven!

V2 – August 10, 1899 – “The Daughter of Justice is Truth. Just as I AM the Eternal Truth, and I do not deceive, nor can I deceive, in the same way, the soul who possesses Justice makes Truth shine in all of her actions. Therefore, since she knows by experience the True Light of Truth, if someone wants to deceive her, since that Light which she feels within herself is missing, she immediately recognizes the deceit. And so it happens that with this Light of Truth she deceives neither herself, nor her neighbor, nor can she be deceived. The Fruit produced by this Justice and by this Truth is Simplicity, which is another quality of My Being – being Simple; so much so, that I penetrate everywhere; there is nothing that can prevent Me from penetrating inside of it. I penetrate into Heaven and into the abysses, into good and into evil; but My Being, which is most Simple, by penetrating even into evil, does not get dirty; even more, it does not receive the slightest shadow. In the same way, through Justice and Truth, gathering this Beautiful Fruit of Simplicity within herself, the soul penetrates into Heaven, she enters into hearts to lead them to Me, she penetrates into everything that is good; and if she finds herself with sinners and sees the evil that they do, she does not get dirty because, being Simple, she immediately brushes it off, without receiving any harm. Simplicity is so Beautiful, that My Heart is wounded at one gaze alone of a Simple soul. She is the admiration of Angels and men.”

V2 – October 14, 1899 – “Peace, Peace, Peace, don’t you know that the Kingdom of Hope is a Kingdom of Peace, and that the Right of this Hope is Justice? You, when you see that My Justice Arms Itself against the people – enter into the Kingdom of Hope, and investing yourself with the most Powerful Qualities she possesses, rise up to My Throne and do as much as you can to Disarm the Armed Arm. And you will do this with the most Eloquent, the most Tender, the most Compassionate Voices, with the most Compelling Reasons, with the most Heated Prayers, which Hope Herself will Dictate to you. But when you see that Hope Herself is about to support certain Rights of Justice which are Absolutely Necessary, and wanting to give them up would be wanting to give affront to herself, which cannot be – then Conform to Me and Surrender to Justice.”

Paragraph 1807 – I. The Human Virtues

1807    Justice is the moral virtue that consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and neighbor. Justice toward God is called the “virtue of religion.” Justice toward men disposes one to respect the rights of each and to establish in human relationships the harmony that promotes equity with regard to persons and to the common good. The just man, often mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures, is distinguished by habitual right thinking and the uprightness of his conduct toward his neighbor. “You shall not be partial to the poor or defer to the great, but in righteousness shall you judge your neighbor.”68 “Masters, treat your slaves justly and fairly, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.”69 (2095, 2401)

 Paragraph 1060 – VI. The Hope of the New Heaven and the New Earth 2854

1060  At the end of time, the Kingdom of God will come in its fullness. Then the just will reign with Christ for ever, glorified in body and soul, and the material universe itself will be transformed. God will then be “all in all” (1 Cor 15:28), in eternal life.

Paragraph 271 – IV. The Divine Works and the Trinitarian Missions

271      God’s almighty power is in no way arbitrary: “In God, power, essence, will, intellect, wisdom, and justice are all identical. Nothing therefore can be in God’s power which could not be in his just will or his wise intellect.”110

Job 31:6 – Let him weigh me in a just balance, and let God know my simplicity.

2 Thessalonians 1:5 – For an example of the just judgment of God, that you may be counted worthy of the Kingdom of God, for which also you suffer.

Daniel 9:14 – And the Lord hath watched upon the evil, and hath brought it upon us: the Lord our God is just in all his works which he hath done: for we have not hearkened to his voice.

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Feast of the North American Martyrs

North American Martyrsclick image for information on the North American Martyrs


V25 – 2.27.29 – “Now, the effects of My Fiat are given to those who do My Divine Will, who adore Its dispositions, who bear with patience what It wants. By doing so, the creature recognizes that there is this Supreme Will, and by seeing Itself recognized, It does not deny to her It admirable effects. On the other hand, one who must live in My Divine Volition must possess within herself the whole life and not only the effects—but the life with all the effects of My Divine Fiat. And since there is no sanctity, past, present and future, of which My Divine Will has not been the primary cause, in forming all the species of sanctity that exist, It therefore holds within Itself all the goods and effects of sanctity that It has issued; and so, the soul who will live in My Will, by possessing Its life with all Its effects, will see within herself, all together, all the sanctities that have been issued.

“She will be able to say: ‘The others have done one part of sanctity, while I have done everything, I have enclosed everything within myself of all that each Saint has done.’ Therefore, the sanctity of the ancients, that of the prophets, that of the martyrs will be seen in her; the sanctity of the penitents, the great sanctities as well as the small ones will be seen. Not only this, but the whole Creation will be seen portrayed in her. In fact, My Divine Will loses nothing by issuing Its works; on the contrary, while It puts them out, It holds them within Itself as primary fount. Therefore, for one who lives in It, there is nothing that My Divine Volition has done or will do, of which she will not have possession.


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The Celestial Sower

Jesus Sower of the SeedFROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN

V28 – September 30, 1930“My daughter, all the good and holy acts of the prophets, the patriarchs, and of the ancient people, formed the ground in which the Supreme Being sowed the seed in order to make germinate the life of the Celestial Baby Mary, because Her seed was taken from the human stock. The Virgin, having within Herself the operating life of the Divine Will, expanded this ground with Her acts, fecundated it and divinized it. She made flow in it, more than beneficial and refreshing rain, the sanctity of Her virtues, the heat of Her love; and darting through it with the light of the Sun of the Divine Will that She possessed as Her own, She prepared the ground to germinate the Celestial Savior; and Our Divinity opened Heaven and made the Just One, the Holy One, the Word, rain down into this shoot. And so My Life was formed, human and Divine, to form the Redemption of mankind.

“See, then, in all Our works, directed for the good of creatures, We want to find a shelf, a place, a little ground in which to lay Our work and the good We want to give to creatures. Otherwise, where do We put it? In the air?—without one at least who would know it and would draw Us with her acts, forming her little ground; and We, as the Celestial Sower, sowing the good We want to give? If this were not so—that on both sides, Creator and creature, they feel drawn together: she, preparing herself to receive with her little acts; and God, by giving—it would be as if We did, or wanted to give, nothing to the creature. So, the acts of the creature prepare the ground for the Divine Sower. If there is no soil, there is no sowing to hope for; no one goes to sow if he does not have a little ground; much less does God, Celestial Sower, cast the seed of His Truths, the fruit of His works, if He does not find the little ground of the creature. The Divinity, in order to operate, first wants to place Itself in agreement with the soul; after We have agreed together and We see that she wants to receive that good, to the point of praying Us and forming for Us the ground in which to lay it—then, with all love, We give it. Otherwise, it would be like exposing Our works to uselessness.”

V30 – November 16, 1931 – “…each Act done by the Divine Will in the act of the creature is a Divine Seed that Germinates in her; the act prepares the soil in which My Will sows Its Seed, to make it Germinate into a Divine Plant. In fact, according to the seed that is sown into the womb of the earth, that is the plant that is born: if the seed is of flowers, the flower is born; if the seed is of fruit, the fruit is born.

“Now, My Divine Will sows a distinct Seed in each act of creature: in some It sows the Seed of Sanctity, in some the Seed of Love, in others the Seed of Goodness, and so forth. The more acts she does in It, the more soil she prepares in which My Will prepares Its Distinct Seed, to fill the earth with these human acts. So, one who lets herself be dominated by My Divine Will is Beautiful, is Striking; each of her acts, containing the variety of the Divine Seeds, is a note of her Creator: one act says Sanctity, another Mercy, others Justice, Wisdom, Beauty, Love. In sum, a Divine Harmony appears, with such order, that it shows the Finger of God Operating in her.

“Do you see, then, the necessity of the act of the creature in order for Us to be able to find the soil in which to enclose Our Divine Seed? Otherwise, where to sow it? As for Us, We have no soil; therefore she must form it for Us with her acts, so that, with Our Seeds, We may Germinate Our Divine Being in the creature. Therefore, one who does and Lives in Our Divine Will can be called she who Reproduces her Creator and Hosts within herself He who Created her.”

V35 – October 19, 1937 – “Our Will is the Fecundator and the Sower of Our Life. Where It finds souls disposed It Loves Itself, Fecundating them with Its Love—Sowing in them Its Divine Acts, that, United together, Form the Great Prodigy of the Divine Life in the creature. Therefore, Abandon yourself completely in My Will. Let It make of you whatever It Wants, and we’ll be Happy—you and Us.”

Sower (Celestial)Paragraph 33 – II.         Ways of Coming to Know God

The soul, the “seed of eternity we bear in ourselves, irreducible to the merely material,”9 can have its origin only in God. (2500, 1730, 1776, 1703, 366) CCC

Paragraph 541 – III. The Mysteries of Jesus’ Public Life

“To carry out the will of the Father Christ inaugurated the kingdom of heaven on earth.”247 Now the Father’s will is “to raise up men to share in his own divine life.”248 He does this by gathering men around his Son Jesus Christ. This gathering is the Church, “on earth the seed and beginning of that kingdom.”249 (2816, 763, 669, 768, 865) CCC

2 Corinthians 9:10 – And he that ministereth seed to the sower, will both give you bread to eat, and will multiply your seed, and increase the growth of the fruits of your justice:

Luke 8:5, 15 – The sower went out to sow his seed. And as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and it was trodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. [15]…But that on the good ground, are they who in a good and perfect heart, hearing the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit in patience.

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The Priests are the New Evangelists of the New Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will


V23 – January 18, 1928 – “…I enjoy in seeing the interest that Priests take in these Writings that will form the Kingdom of My Will. This means that they appreciate the great good of them, and each one would want to keep such a great treasure with himself, to be the first to communicate it to others. And while the issue of who is going to win lasts, one approaches the other in order to consult one another on what to do. And I enjoy that more of My Ministers get to know that there is this treasure so great, of making known the Kingdom of My Divine Will; and I use this to form the first Priests of My coming Kingdom of My Fiat.

“My daughter, it is a great necessity to form the first Priests; they will serve Me like the Apostles served Me to form My Church; and the ones who will occupy themselves with these Writings in order to publish them, putting them out to print them—to make them known, will be the New Evangelists of the Kingdom of My Supreme Will. And just as the ones who are most mentioned in My Gospel are the four Evangelists who wrote It, to their highest honor and My Glory, so it will be for those who will occupy themselves with writing the knowledges on My Will in order to publish them. Like New Evangelists, there will be greater mention of them in the Kingdom of My Will, to their highest honor and My great Glory in seeing the order of the creature, the life of Heaven on earth—the only purpose of Creation—return into My bosom.

“Therefore, in these circumstances I expand the circle, and, like a fisherman, I catch those who must serve Me for a Kingdom so holy. Therefore, let Me do, and do not be worried.”

V24 – August 23, 1928 “…The Truths about My Fiat are the New Gospel of the Kingdom of My Divine Will, in which they will find the norms, the Sun, the teachings on how to ennoble themselves, elevate themselves to their origin, and take the state given to them by God at the beginning of Creation. They will find the Gospel that, taking them by the hand, will lead them into true happiness, into constant peace. The only law will be My Will that, with Its brush of love, dipped in the vivid colors of Its light, will give back to man the Likeness of his Creator. Oh! how they should have yearned to receive and to make known a good so great. But, instead, all the opposite.

“In Redemption, the Evangelists considered themselves honored to make themselves known as the ones who were putting out the Gospel, that It might be known by the whole world; and with glory they marked their names, so much so, that when the Gospel is preached, the name of the one who wrote It is stated first, and then is the Gospel spoken. So I want it to be done with the Truths about My Will, that everyone may know who the ones are that brought so much good into the world.

Paragraph 539 – III. The Mysteries of Jesus’ Public Life

539      The evangelists indicate the salvific meaning of this mysterious event: Jesus is the new Adam who remained faithful just where the first Adam had given in to temptation. Jesus fulfills Israel’s vocation perfectly: in contrast to those who had once provoked God during forty years in the desert, Christ reveals himself as God’s Servant, totally obedient to the divine will. In this, Jesus is the devil’s conqueror: he “binds the strong man” to take back his plunder.243 Jesus’ victory over the tempter in the desert anticipates victory at the Passion, the supreme act of obedience of his filial love for the Father. (397, 385, 609) CCC

Isaiah:  41:27 – The first shall say to Sion: Behold they are here, and to Jerusalem I will give an evangelist.

2 Timothy 4:5 – But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober.


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The Word Made Flesh, the Son of the Father, Formed the New Graft with the Tree of Humanity

crucified-jesusFROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN

V27 – 10.27.29 – “Before My coming upon earth, God and the creature were with each other like the earth and the sun: the earth does not possess the seed with which, by pulverizing it, it may form the shoot in order to form the plant of that seed; the sun, not finding the shoot, cannot communicate the effects it possesses so as to be able to form, with its vivifying virtue, the development and the formation of that plant. So, earth and sun are as though foreign to each other; it can be said, if they had reason, that they would as though scowl at each other, for the earth cannot produce and receive that good, and the sun cannot give it.

“Such was the state of humanity without the seed of My Fiat, and if there is no seed it is useless to hope for the plant. Now, with My coming upon earth, the Divine Word clothed Himself with human flesh and, by this, He formed the graft with the tree of humanity. My Humanity lent Itself as seed to the Eternal Word, and My Divine Will formed the new graft with My human will. From this, since I was the head of all human generations, began the right on both sides, human and Divine—for them, to be able to receive the Kingdom of My Divine Will; for God, to be able to give It.

“Now, when a graft is made, it does not immediately assimilate the strength of the new humors, but it keeps assimilating the new humors of that graft little by little; therefore, at the very beginning it gives few fruits, but as it keeps forming, the fruits increase, they are bigger and more tasty, until the whole tree is formed, loaded with branches and fruits. Such is the graft made by Me with the tree of humanity. About two thousand years have passed, and humanity has not received all the humors of My graft; but there is reason to hope, because the seed, the graft, is there, and therefore the creature can ask for it. God finds Himself in the possibility of giving it, because there is My Humanity that, possessing My Divine Will by nature by virtue of the Word made flesh, has given back the rights to man and to God. Therefore, everything I did in Redemption is nothing other than preparation, watering, cultivation, to give development to this celestial graft made by Me between the two wills, the human and the Divine.

V35 – 12.25.37 – “My blessed daughter, in My descent upon earth the Wonders—the ardor of Our Love—were so Great and so many that neither Angels nor creatures can understand all that Our Divinity Operated in the Mystery of My Incarnation. You Must Know that Our Supreme Being possesses Its Incessant Motion by nature. If this Motion could cease, even for an instant—which cannot be—all things would remain paralyzed and with no life, because all things—the life, the preservation and all that exists in Heaven and on earth—everything—depends on that Motion. Therefore, in descending from Heaven to earth, I, Word and Son of the Father, departed from Our Primary Motion; I mean—remaining, I left. The Father and the Holy Spirit descended with Me—They were concurrent (neither did I do any Act if not together with Them), and they still remained on the Throne—Full of Majesty, in the Celestial Regions.

“So, as I left, My Immensity, My Love and My Power descended together with Me; and My Love—which is incredible and is not satisfied if It doesn’t form, from My Life, a Life for each existing creature—not only did this, but It formed My Life everywhere and in every place—multiplying It. Keeping My Immensity in Its Power, My Love filled It with many of My Lives, so that everyone could have a Life of Mine for himself, and the Divinity could have the Glory and the Honor of a Divine Life for as many things and creatures as We delivered to daylight. Ah! Our Love repaid Us for the Work of Creation. And by forming many of Our Lives, It not only repaid Us, but It gave Us even more than We had done. Our Divinity remained Enraptured, and felt a sweet Enchantment in seeing the devices and stratagems of Our Love—in seeing so many of Our Lives being spread out, since Our Love used Our own Immensity as the circle in which to place them. Therefore, while My Life was the center, My Immensity and Power were the circumference in which these Innumerable Lives were being deposited. These Lives could find everything and everyone, and offered Themselves to Love Us and to be Loved.”

  • Paragraph 458 – I. Why Did the Word Become Flesh?
    458 The Word became flesh so that thus we might know God’s love: “In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him.”72 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”73 (219) CCC
  • Paragraph 460 – I. Why Did the Word Become Flesh?
    The Word became flesh to make us “partakers of the divine nature”:78 “For this is why the Word became man, and the Son of God became the Son of man: so that man, by entering into communion with the Word and thus receiving divine sonship, might become a son of God.”79 “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God.”80 “The only–begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature, so that he, made man, might make men gods.”81 (1265, 1391, 1988) CCC
  • Paragraph 475 – IV. How Is the Son of God Man?
    …Christ possesses two wills and two natural operations, divine and human. They are not opposed to each other, but cooperate in such a way that the Word made flesh willed humanly in obedience to his Father all that he had decided divinely with the Father and the Holy Spirit for our salvation.110 Christ’s human will “does not resist or oppose but rather submits to his divine and almighty will.”111 (2008, 2824) CCC

ROMANS 1:3 – [1] Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God, [2] Which he had promised before, by his prophets, in the holy scriptures, [3] Concerning his Son, who was made to him of the seed of David, according to the flesh, [4] Who was predestinated the Son of God in power, according to the spirit of sanctification, by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead; [5] By whom we have received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith, in all nations, for his name;

JOHN 1:14 – And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.



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V12 – JULY 25, 1917You Must Know that the most Noble, the most Sublime, the Greatest and most Heroic act is to do My Will, and to Operate in My Volition. At this Act, which no one else can equal, I Display the Pomp of All My Love and Generosity.”

V12 – December 25, 1918 – “…I (Jesus) will be Generous with them according to how they will appreciate My Work, My Sayings and My Teachings.”

V12 – January 29, 1919 – Every two thousand years I have Renewed the world. In the first two thousand years I Renewed it with the Deluge; in the second two thousand I Renewed it with My Coming upon earth when I Manifested My Humanity, from which, as if from many fissures, My Divinity Shone Forth. The good ones and the very Saints of the following two thousand years have lived from the Fruits of My Humanity and, in drops, they have enjoyed My Divinity. Now we are around the third two thousand years, and there will be a Third Renewal. This is the reason for the general confusion: it is nothing other than the preparation of the Third Renewal. If in the Second Renewal I Manifested What My Humanity Did and Suffered, and very little of What My Divinity was Operating, now, in this Third Renewal, after the earth will be purged and a great part of the current generation destroyed, I will be even More Generous with creatures, and I will Accomplish the Renewal by Manifesting What My Divinity Did Within My Humanity; how My Divine Will Acted with My human will; how everything remained Linked Within Me; how I Did and Redid Everything, and how even each thought of each creature was Redone by Me, and Sealed With My Divine Volition.

V13 – October 29, 1921 – “My daughter, everyone is stingy with Me, even the good. How much stinginess they have toward Me, how many restrictions; how many things they do not manifest, of that which I tell them and which they comprehend about Me! And you, how many times are you not stingy with Me? Each time you either do not write what I tell you, or do not manifest it, is an act of stinginess toward Me, because each additional Knowledge that one acquires about Me is one more Glory, one more Love that I receive from creatures. Therefore, be attentive and more Generous with Me, and I will be more Generous with you.”

V14 – February 14, 1922 – ‘My Love, to write the Truths that You tell me is a sacrifice; but the sacrifice becomes harder, and I almost feel no strength to make it, when I am obligated and when they force me to write of my Intimacies between You and me, and of things that regard me. I don’t know what I would do so as not to put the pen on paper.’ And Jesus: “You remain always aside; it is always about Me that you speak: what I do to you, How Much I Love you, and where My Love toward creatures reaches. This will push others to Love Me, so that they too may receive the Good that I Do to you. Besides, this mixing you and Me in writing is also Necessary, otherwise some might say: ‘To whom did He Say this? To whom was He so Generous in Lavishing His Favors? Maybe to the wind, to the air?’ Is it not said that in My Life I was so very Generous with My Mama? That I spoke to the Apostles, to the crowds, and that I healed such and such sick person? Therefore, everything is Necessary; and be sure that, in what you write, it is always Me that you Make Known more.”

V14 – July 30, 1922 – “My daughter, why do you want to hide Me? Am I perhaps a dishonored person, that you don’t want to mention My Name? When one speaks about a good, a saying, a work, a truth from a dishonored person, one does not want to say who that person is, so as not to cause the loss of the esteem, of the glory, of the prestige and of the effect contained in that good, in that saying, etc. In fact, if one says who the person is, it will not be appreciated and will lose all its beauty, since others will know that the source from which it comes deserves no appreciation. On the other hand, if he is a good and honored person, first one mentions the name of that person, so as to make whatever he said or did stand out more and be more appreciated; and then talks about what he did or said.

So, do I not Deserve that My Name be placed before My Words? Ah, how badly you treat Me! I did not expect this Sorrow from you! Yet, I have been so Generous with you; I have Manifested to you many things about Me; I have let you Know many things, and the most Intimate ones, about Me, which I have not Done with others. You should have been more Generous in making Me Known; instead – so sparing! Others would have manifested the little I told them by trumpets, in order to make Me Known and Loved. You, instead, want to hide Me. I don’t like this at all.”

Confused and humiliated to the summit, I said to Him: ‘My Jesus, forgive me, You are right; it is because of the great repugnance I feel. This putting my will into how I should come out tortures me. Have pity on me, give me more Strength and Grace, and make my heart Larger, so that I may never again give you this Sorrow.’ And Jesus: “I Bless you, so that your heart may receive more Grace, and may be more Generous in Making Me Known and Loved.”

V30 – December 21, 1931 – “So, if you want to Receive Much, Seek to Know What My Will Did and Does in Creation, and what It Did in Redemption, and I will be Generous with you, and will deny you nothing of What I Make you Know.”

V30 – February 10, 1932 –  My sweet Jesus, with His Enrapturing Force, Pulls me always into His Adorable Will, to let me cover the Multiplicity of His Works, that seem to be waiting for me to Give me something More than What they have Given me; and I remain amazed at so much Divine Goodness and Generosity.

V35 – January 16, 1938 – The Divine Volition is always around me—now It calls me, now It squeezes me to Its Lap of Light; and if I respond to Its Call—if I give It my embrace in return, It Loves me so much—It wants to give me so much—that I don’t know where to put it all. I remain confused in the middle of so much Love and generosity, so I call the Holy Will that Loves me so much.

And my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul, with Unspeakable Tenderness told me: “Daughter of My Will, You Must Know that only your Jesus Knows All the Secrets of My Fiat because, as the Word of the Father, I Glorify Myself in Becoming the Narrator of All that It has Done for the creature. Its Love is Exuberant. It Called you in Everything It Did, both in the Works of Creation and in the Works of Redemption. And if you listened to Its Call by saying: ‘I’m here. What do you want?’ It would Give you the Gifts of Its Works. If you didn’t answer, It would keep Calling you Always, until you would listen.”

V36 – April 25, 1938 – “…Many times I’m (Jesus) forced, for Love of the creatures, to embitter the good they do, so that they enter themselves and try to operate Truly and Generously. On the other hand, for the one who Lives in Our Will, there is no danger that the smoke of self-esteem may enter even the greatest works she may do.”

2622 The prayers of the Virgin Mary, in her Fiat and Magnificat, are
characterized by the generous offering of her whole being in faith.

Paragraph 1968 – III. The New Law or the Law of the Gospel
The Gospel thus brings the Law to its fullness through imitation of the perfection of the heavenly Father, through forgiveness of enemies and prayer for persecutors, in emulation of the divine generosity. 23 (129, 582)

Romans 5:8 – But God commendeth his charity towards us;

1 Corinthians 13:2 – And if I should have prophecy and should know all mysteries, and all knowledge, and if I should have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

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The Soul Who Goes Around in the Triune God’s Works, Gives Them All that the Whole Creation Gives Them

Adam and Eve talking with GodFROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN

V31 – September 25, 1932 – “My daughter, the great structure of the world attached to the Great Divine Structure continually goes around. Animated by Our Incessant Motion, it goes around Us in order to give back to Us the Glory, the Honor, and the Love with which they came forth from Us. So, We are in the midst of Our Works that, while they go around Us, they praise Our Supreme Being with secret and ancient voices, so We feel Our Life scattered in created things, and We feel given back to Us the heartbeat of Our Love, the profundity of Our Adoration, the cortege of Our Glory, the areola of Our refulgent Beauty, the Life of Our Light.

            “Now, one who goes around in Our Works unites herself to give Us all that the whole Creation gives Us. My Divine Will gives her a place in all created things in order to do what they do, also done for her. And it happens that as she goes around, she takes more Love, more Light of Knowledge, and embellishes herself more. It is an enchantment to see that as she goes around, she takes into herself the Life of her Creator, and copies it. And My Divine Fiat gives her the Right of keeping her place of honor in Its Works. One who Lives in Our Will is inseparable from Us, and from the greatest to the least Work Created by Us, Its Creative and Unitive Strength unites her with everything, with an Indissoluble and Perennial Bond.

Paragraph 283 – I. Catechesis on Creation
… With Solomon they can say: “It is he who gave me unerring knowledge of what
exists, to know the structure of the world and the activity of the world and the activity of the elements… for wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me.”121 (159, 341) CCC

Romans 1:20 – For the invisible things of Him, from the Creation of the world, are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made; His Eternal Power also, and Divinity:

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