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Love is the Cradle of man.


Creation of Adam2/17/22 – Vol. 14

Love is the Cradle of man.

I felt oppressed because of the privation of my sweet Jesus, and I did nothing but call Him, desire Him – but in vain. After much hardship, when I could take no more, He came. Who knows how many things I wanted to tell Him; but He rose up high without giving me time, and I looked at Him and called Him: ‘Jesus, Jesus, come!’ He too looked at me, and He let a Dew rain upon me from His Person, which beaded all of me. This Dew drew Him toward me, in such a way that He lowered Himself toward me and told me: “My daughter (Luisa), the desire of the soul to see Me tears the veil which exists between time and Eternity; and her repeated desire makes her take flight to come close to Me. My Love is almost restless when I see that the soul yearns for Me, and I do not make Myself seen. And only then does she calm herself when I not only make Myself seen, but I give her New Charisms and New Pledges of Love.

My Love is always in the Act of wanting to give New Pledges of Love to the creature; and as soon as It sees that My Divine Will takes the Operating and Directing Role of giving Itself to the creature, My Love makes Feast, runs – flies toward her, and becomes the Cradle of man. And if It sees that she does not rest in Its Cradle, It rocks her and sings for her, to make her rest and sleep on Its Lap. And while she sleeps, It breathes into her mouth to give her New Life of Love. If It sees from her interrupted breath that her heart is not Happy, by sending her Its Breath, My Love forms the Cradle for her within her heart so as to take bitternesses, hindrances and bothers away from her, and make her Happy with Love. And when she wakes up – oh, how My Love rejoices in seeing her Reborn, Happy and Full of Life. It says to her: ‘See, I rocked you on My Lap to give you rest; I kept vigil at your side during your sleep, so that you might wake up Strong, Happy, and completely different from the one you were. Now I want to be a Cradle for your steps, for your works, for your words – for everything. Think that you are being rocked by Me, and place your love in the Cradle of My Love, so that, identifying ourselves with each other, we may make each other happy. Be careful not to put anything else; otherwise you will sadden Me, and will make Me cry bitterly.

My Love is that which comes closest to man – even more, It is the Cradle in which he was born, although everything is in Harmony in My Divinity, just as the members are in full harmony with the body. Even though the intelligence takes on the directing role, in which the will of man resides, if he does not want, one can say that the eye does not see, the hand does not work, the foot does not walk. On the other hand, if he wants, the eye sees, the hand works, the foot runs – all members place themselves in accord. The same with My Divinity: My Divine Will takes on the Directing Role, and all the other Attributes place themselves in Full Harmony in order to follow what My Divine Will wants. Therefore, Wisdom, Power, Science, Goodness, etc., concur. And since all of My Attributes, although distinct among themselves, Live in the Fount of Love and overflow with Love, this is why, while it is Love that Runs, Acts and gives Itself, all of My other Attributes concur with It.

Furthermore, that which is most necessary to man is Love. Love is like bread for the natural life. One can do without Science, Power, Wisdom, or at most, these are things which one wants in time and circumstance. But what would one say if I had created man and did not Love him? Besides, why create him if I were not to Love him? It would be a dishonor for Me, and a Work unworthy of Me, who can do no other thing but Love. And what would happen to man if he did not have an Origin of Love and could not Love? He would a brute, and unworthy even to be looked at. Therefore, Love must run in everything. Love should run in all the human actions, just as the image of the king circulates in the currency of a kingdom; and if the coins are not marked with the image of the king, they are not recognized as currency. In the same way, if Love does not run in a work, it is not recognized as My Work.”


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How the Fiat Places Everything in Communication, wherever It Reigns. Example of the Spouses. The Working of the Divine Will is the Fullness of the Acts, and the Triumph of the Divine Act in the human.


Luisa12/16/27 – Vol. 20

How the Fiat Places Everything in Ccommunication, wherever It Reigns.  Example of the Spouses.  The Working of the Divine Will is the Fullness of the Acts, and the Triumph of the Divine Act in the human.

I was going around in the whole Creation, to bring all created things together with me before the Supreme Majesty, as Homage, Praises, Adorations, because they are Works of His Creative Hands, worthy only of the One Who has Created them, for they are Animated by His Divine Will.  But while I was doing this, I thought to myself:  ‘Created things do not move, they stay at their place – they do not come with me; so, it is useless to say that I bring them together with me, because they do not come.’  But while I was thinking of this, my sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and at the same time He showed me my little soul, which had many Rays centered within itself, that maintained the Communication with each Created thing, in such a way that they were in Communication with me, and I with them.  But the Main Point of Origin from which these Rays started, was God, who kept the Communications with everyone and with everything.  And my lovable Jesus told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), wherever My Divine Will Reigns with Its Light, which no one can resist because it is Immense and Penetrating, It places everything in Communication.  Each Ray starts from the Divine Center, in which My Divine Will has Its Primary Dwelling.  The Rays are nothing but the Acts which the Divine Fiat releases from Itself, which, investing each Created thing, form their life, and as many secondary dwellings in each one of them.  Now, it is natural that, for (Luisa) the soul in whom My Divine Will Reigns, as she forms her Acts in My Divine Volition, all Created things receive the Communication of that Act by Virtue of the Light that Unites them, and along the Flight of that same Light, they Unite together in order to perform the Act that soul (Luisa) does, in whom My Divine Will Reigns.  In fact, one is the Will which they possess – one is the Strength, therefore one is the Act they want to do.  It is My Divine Will Itself that moves everything, and makes the Act of one, Act of all.  Therefore, be sure that, even though Created things remain at their place, they all follow you (Luisa).  My Divine Will Itself puts them on their way to you, so that you may not be alone, but accompanied by all of them.

It happens as in a wedding:  the bride and the groom walk in the front by themselves, but behind them follows the great number of those who are invited.  You (Luisa) are the Bride with whom My Divine Will wanted to Form Its Royal Wedding; It wanted to destroy the division, the obstacles which existed between you and It, in order to Form the most Happy Couple which has ever existed.  So, these are days of Celebration for you (Luisa) and for It; your Acts Animated by the Divine Fiat are continuous Invitations that you (Luisa) make to all the things that came out of Our Creative Hands.  Therefore your Invitation is extremely vast, and there is no one who can do without accepting, because it is a Divine Will that Calls all of Its Works to Its Banquet, excluding not even My Celestial Mama; and all feel Honored and Triumphant in attending the Wedding and in participating in the Nuptial Banquet of this Supreme Will of Mine.  This is why they anxiously await your Acts, your Invitations, your Calls, to come and sit at the Banquet and Celebrate the two spouses.  Therefore, you (Luisa), go ahead together with My Divine Will before the Supreme Majesty – My Works follow you behind.  And this happens with Justice, because in Creating all things, it is to the creature that We gave Supremacy over all Our Works – that is, to the creature in whom Our Divine Fiat was to Reign fully, not to the creature degraded by her will.  This one is the last among all, and has no right, nor communication; while the creature in whom My Divine Will Reigns, has the Right to be the First one to call everyone, and to be followed by everyone.

Therefore, Operating in My Divine Will is the Greatest Miracle, and the Fullness of all Acts United together, and the Triumph of the Divine Act in the human act, because My Divine Will was as though sterile in the midst of creatures, and It is now made Happy by Its First Daughter, in whom It sees Its many Newborns who will come to Light.  So, It will no longer live as a sterile mother in the midst of the people, but as a Mother Fecund with many children.  It used to be a widow, because in Creating the first man (Adam) It Espoused the human nature, Dowering it with the Immense Riches of Its Divine Will, as the Seal of the Marriage It formed with man.  As he (Adam) withdrew from It, It remained a Widow for many centuries; but now It has removed the mourning of Its Widowhood, and Marrying again, It has taken Its Garments of Bride and has released Its Dowries into the Field, once again – and the Seal of the Dowries are the Knowledges about It, through which It offers the Gift of the Riches It Possesses.  Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), be attentive in preserving your Garments of Bride, and in enjoying the Dominions that My Divine Will has given you (Luisa) as Dowry.”

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How the Divine Life has need of Nourishments in order to Grow in the creature. The creature, with her love, forms in God Himself His Divine Life.



How the Divine Life has need of Nourishments in order to Grow in the creature.  The creature, with her love, forms in God Himself His Divine Life.  How Divine Love Possesses the Seed of Generating Continuous Life.

My abandonment in the Divine Fiat continues, though I live in the nightmare of intense bitternesses, of continuous tears, and I am forced to live from the unhealthy air of agitations, that take away from me the beautiful Serene Day of Peace, always enjoyed by me.  I am resigned, I kiss the Hand that strikes me, but I feel, vividly, the fire that burns me, of the many storms that are unloading themselves over my poor existence.  My Jesus, help me; do not abandon me.  O please! give me Peace, that Peace that You so much wanted me to possess.  And even though Jesus often tears the veils of the thick clouds that surround me by speaking a few little words to me, afterwards, however, I return, a little cheered, to my restless state.

So, my sweet Jesus, surprising me, told me:  “My good daughter (Luisa), Courage, and do not fear that I might abandon you; I feel My Life in you, and if I abandoned you, this Life of Mine in you would remain without Food to make It Grow, without Light to make It Happy; the real Cortege of My Divine Life that I Myself have formed in you (Luisa) would be missing.  In fact, you must know that My Life within Myself has need of nothing—neither of growing, nor is It subject to decreasing; but My Life that I keep forming in the creature, in order to make It Grow, has need of Divine Nourishments to make It Grow, in such a way that little by little My Divine Life may fill all the creature.  Therefore, I (Jesus) cannot leave you (Luisa); and while it seems that I leave you, and it seems that everything is over between you and Me, all of a sudden I come back to My little daughter (Luisa) to Feed you the food of My Divine Will.  In fact, you must know that My Divine Will is Light, and the soul who Lives in It is administered the Properties of Light; and while she operates, her works fill themselves with Light—but so much, as to overflow outside, in such a way that they appear to be done within the properties of the Light of her Creator.  If she loves, the Properties of Divine Love fill the love of the creature; if she adores, the properties of the Divine Adoration fill the adoration of the creature.  In sum, there is not one act that the creature does that the Divine Properties do not fill these acts.  In My Divine Will, what is human ceases—it remains nullified, and the creature has always something to take; the Divine Properties are at her disposal.  Oh! if all knew what it means to Live in My Divine Will, the Great Good that comes to them—and in the most simple way.”

Then, I continued my abandonment in the Divine Fiat, and unable to do anything else, I kept saying my little “I love You” in the Divine Acts.  Not only this, but I was saying to myself:  “My Jesus, my Love, may my ‘I love You’ flow in Your Heartbeat, in Your Breath, on Your Tongue, in Your Voice, and even in the littlest Particles of Your Adorable Person.”  But while I was doing this, my dear Life, making Himself seen, made me place my “I love You” in His Heart, inside and outside of His whole Divine Person.  And He enjoyed it so much, that He incited me to repeat as many “I love You’s” as I could, so as to be able to find the well-liked “I love You” in His whole Being.

And then, clasping me to Himself, He told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), Love is Life, and when this Love comes out of (Luisa) the soul who Lives in My Divine Will, it has the Virtue of forming in God Himself the Life of Love.  And since the Substance of the Divine Life is Love, the creature, with her love, forms in God another Divine Life, and We feel inside of Our very Selves Our Life formed by the creature.  This Life that, with her love, United to Our Divine Will—because it is Our Divine Will that administers to her the Power, such that the creature can reach the point of forming the very Divine Life, all of Love, within God—this Life is the Triumph of God and the Triumph of the creature.  And in Act of Triumph We take this Divine Life that the creature has formed within Our very Selves, and We give It for the Good of all creatures as the Precious Gift that (Luisa) the little daughter of Our Divine Will gives to all; and We anxiously await her to come with her love to form more Divine Lives within Our Supreme Being.  My daughter (Luisa), Our Love is not sterile; on the contrary, It has the Seed of Generating Continuous Life; so, as you were saying ‘I love You’ in My Heartbeat, in My Breath, so I Generated another Heartbeat, another Breath—and so with all the rest, in such a way that I felt within Myself the New Generation of your ‘I love You’ that formed the New Life of My Love; and—oh! how Happy I felt, thinking that My daughter (Luisa) was forming for Me, inside of Me, My very Life within Me, all of Love.  If you knew how moving is this act of the creature, that with her love gives God to God….  Oh! how it enraptures Us; and feeling enraptured, We give more Love, to have the Contentment of making her repeat Our New Lives of Love.  Therefore, love, love very much, and you (Luisa) will make your sweet Jesus Happier.”

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How the Acts of (Luisa) one who Lives in the Divine Will are extended for all, and become the Narrators of the Supreme Being. Display of Love. How God Created Forgiveness in Creating the Virgin.


3c3527af8097bb56461281d33dc89f8a2/14/38 – Vol. 35

How the Acts of (Luisa)  one who Lives in the Divine Will are extended for all, and become the Narrators of the Supreme Being.  Display of Love.  How God Created Forgiveness in Creating the Virgin.

My flight continues in the Divine Volition.  O, how lost I feel inside Its Immensity!  Its Power and Activity are such that, when It Operates in the act of the creature, It wants to give that act to everyone, filling Heaven and earth, to make everyone see and feel what It can do and how It can Love.  I remained surprised, and my beloved Jesus, visiting my little soul, all Goodness told me:  “My blessed daughter (Luisa), the Love of My Divine Will Operating in the creature is such as to appear unbelievable.  When It Works, My Divine Will wants all to receive that Act and make it their own.  With Its Omnipotent Breath, It puts wings on that Act so as to impose it on the sun, the Heaven, the stars, the wind, the sea, and even the air that all breathe.  Then it flies higher, up to the Celestial Regions, and everyone—the Angels, the Saints, the Mother and Queen, and even Our Divinity—goes through that Act, in such a way that they all must be able to say:  ‘This Act is mine.’  But do you know why?  The Love of My Divine Will is such that It wants everyone to possess Its Act, giving Life to each one of them.  It wants to decorate, ornament and Invest everything and everyone with Its Creative Virtue in order to receive the Glory, the Love and the Honor of My Divine Will from everything and from each one.

“My Volition never stops.  It is satisfied only when It sees that Its Act has filled everything; then, It carries along with Itself—as a Triumph—(Luisa) the creature who gave It the freedom to Operate in her act, to make It known and be Loved by all.  These are Our Feasts—Our Pure Joys of Creation:  to be able to place Ourselves in the creature, as if We wanted to duplicate Our Power, Immensity, Love and Glory to the Infinite, within the human act of the creature.  And there’s no wonder about it—Our Divine Will is everywhere; therefore, Our Acts that Animate the acts of the creatures fly, taking shelter inside Our Volition, even in the most tiny hiding places in which My Divine Will is present.  These Acts serve Us as a return of Love for the whole of Creation, as the sweetest of company—as narrators of Our Supreme Being.  Therefore, Our Love is Exuberant for (Luisa) the one who wants to Live in Our Fiat.  We are all Eyes over her—almost spying—to see when she gives Us her act; to let Our Creative Virtue Operate in it.  This creature is for Us the show of Our Love—the Activity of Our Power; and she (Luisa) becomes the Repeater of Our own Life.”

After this, I continued my Round in the Divine Volition, while my sweet Jesus transported my little will inside the Creative Act of His Will.  My God, how many Surprises!  My poor intelligence gets lost and is unable to say anything.

queen-rosaryThen, my always Adorable Jesus, repeating His short little visit, all Goodness told me:  “My good daughter (Luisa), Our Fiat displayed Our Operating, Powerful and Wise Love in the Creation, in such a way that all created things are Filled with Our Love, Power, Wisdom and Unspeakable Beauty.  We can call them ‘the Administrators of Our Supreme Being.’  But We did even more in the Creation of the Sovereign Queen (Mary).  Our Love was not satisfied by the mere display, rather, It wanted to assume the Attitude of Piety, Tenderness and Compassion, so profound and intimate, as to be turned into Tears for Love of the creatures.  This is why, as We pronounced Our Fiat to Create Her and called Her to Life, We Created Forgiveness, Mercy and Reconciliation between Us and humankind, and We deposited it in this Celestial Creature (Mary), as the Administrator between Our children and Hers.  Therefore, the Sovereign Lady (Mary) possesses Seas of Forgiveness, Mercy and Piety, as well as seas of tears of Our Love, in which She can cover all human generations, Regenerated in these Seas Created by Us within Her—Seas of Forgiveness, of Mercy, and of a Piety so tender as to soften the hardest hearts.

“My daughter (Luisa), it was Just that everything was deposited in this Celestial Mother so that, having to possess the Reign of Our Divine Will, She might be entrusted with everything.  She is the only One who has sufficient space to be able to possess those Seas Created by Us.  With Its Creative and Preserving Power, Our Divine Will maintains whatever It Creates intact, without ever lessening, in spite of Our continuous Giving.  Therefore, where Our Divine Will is not present We cannot give, or entrust, or deposit—We just do not find the space.  Our Love remains hampered, to perform the many Beautiful Works We want to do in the creatures.  Only in this Sovereign Lady (Mary) did Our Love not find any obstruction, and It displayed so much and did so many Wonders, that It gave Her Divine Fecundity and made of Her the Mother of Her Creator.”

So, my beloved Jesus showed me all the Acts that He did together with His Celestial Mother, and while They were Operating, the Seas of Love from both of Them became one and, raising their Waves up to Heaven, invested everything, “even Our Divinity [shift to direct speech from Jesus]; forming a thick rain of Love upon Our Divine Being, they carried the Love of everyone—the refreshment and balm by which Our Divine Being remained soothed—turning Justice into Motion of Love for the creatures.  One can say that Our Love Regenerated the human family with New Love, and God Loved it with Doubled Love—but where?  In the Queen (Mary) and in Her dear Son.

“Now, listen to another surprise.  When I, as a little Baby, was suckling the Milk from My Mama (Mary), I suckled the souls, because She kept them in deposit, and in giving Me Her Milk She deposited all souls within Me; she wanted Me to Love them, kiss them all, and make of them My Victory and Her Own.  Not only this—in giving Me Milk She also made Me suckle her Maternity and Tenderness, imposing Herself on Me so that I Loved the souls with Maternal and Paternal Love.  I received Her Maternity and Her Unspeakable Tenderness within Me, so I Loved the souls with Divine, Maternal and Paternal Love.

“After She deposited all the souls within Me, with one of My Stratagems of Love—with a breath, with a sweet gaze—I redeposited them again in Her Maternal Heart, and to repay Her I gave Her My Paternal Love—My Divine Love which is unceasing, firm, unshakable and never moves.  Human love changes easily, so I wanted My inseparable Mother to have the same attributes of My Love, and to Love souls the way only a God can Love.  Therefore, every single Act We did, from the tiniest to the greatest, was an exchange of deposit of souls—I in Her, She in Me.  Even more, I can say that We duplicated this deposit of souls, because I kept inside My Divine Heart, with highest Jealousy, all that I received from My dear Mama, as the greatest Gift She could give to Me.  And She received My Gift so jealously that She used all her Maternity to keep that Gift which Her Son was giving to Her.  Now, in these exchanges of deposit, Our Love grew and Loved all creatures with New Love.   We formed Projects on how to Love them more and how to win them all, through Love, exposing Our Life to rescue them.”

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The Good of being Faithful and Attentive.


2/13/23 – Vol. 15

The Good of being Faithful and Attentive.

LUISA14I felt all afflicted, and my sweet Jesus, making Himself seen for just a little, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), Courage, be Faithful and Attentive to Me, because Faithfulness and Attentiveness produce equality of Humors in the soul, forming one single Humor and establishing Perfect Peace; and this Peace renders her Dominator, in such a way that she does whatever she wants, and reaches wherever she wants.  Especially for one who Lives in My Divine Will, it happens as to the sun – it never changes, one is its act:  to unleash light and heat from its sphere.  It does not do something today, and something else tomorrow; it is always faithful and constant in doing the same thing.  But while its act is one, as this act descends and hits the surface of the earth, how many different acts do not take place?  They are almost innumerable.  If it finds a flower half-closed, with the kiss of its light and with its heat, it opens it and gives it color and fragrance.  If it finds an unripe fruit, it matures it and gives it sweetness.  If it finds fields that are green, it makes them golden.  If it finds air that is putrid, it purifies it with the kiss of its light.  In sum, to all things it gives what they need for their existence on this earth, and to be able to produce the utility which they contain, and which has been established by God.  So, by its faithfulness and by doing always the same thing, the sun is the Fulfillment of the Divine Will over all created things.  Oh, if the sun were not always equal in sending its light, how many fluctuations, how many disorders there would be on earth!  And man would not be able to make any calculation, either about fields, or about plants.  He would say:  ‘If the sun does not send me its light and its heat, I do not know when I am supposed to harvest, nor when the fruits will mature.’

The same happens with the soul who is Faithful and Attentive:  in My Divine Will one is her Act, but its Effects are Innumerable.  On the other hand, if she is inconstant and inattentive, neither she nor I can make any calculation, nor establish the Good which she can produce.”


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Deserted churches, and without ministers.


 2/12/18 – Vol. 12

Deserted churches, and without ministers.

Continuing in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen so very afflicted, and I said to Him: ‘My Love, why are You so afflicted?’ And He: “Ah! my daughter (Luisa), when I allow that churches remain deserted, ministers dispersed, Masses reduced, it means that the Sacrifices are offenses for Me, that the prayers are insults, the adorations irreverences, the confessions amusements, and without Fruit. Therefore, no longer finding My Glory, but offenses, nor any Good for them – making no use of them, I take them away. But this tearing ministers away from the Sanctuary means also that things have reached the ugliest point, and that the variety of scourges will multiply. How hard man is – how hard!”


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Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes

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How man was Created to Live in Intimacy with God and in His House, and as he withdrew from His Will, by God’s Goodness he was given the legal share.



The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

Working-The-Tombolo 2/11/30 – Vol. 27

How man was Created to Live in Intimacy with God and in His House, and as he withdrew from His Will, by God’s Goodness he was given the legal share.

My poor mind undergoes the sweet enchantment of the refulgent Sun of the Eternal Fiat, and—oh! how many Beautiful Touching Scenes It unfolds within me, such that, if I were able to tell them as I see them, all would undergo the Sweet Enchantment and, in chorus, all would say:  “We want to do the Divine Will.”

But, alas! I am always the little ignorant one, and only stammering can I say something.  But in comprehending the Great Good of this Divine Volition, and how we swim in Its Gigantic Waves of Light, of unspeakable Beauty, of unreachable Sanctity, I was thinking to myself:  “How is it possible for such a Great Good not to be Known?  And while we swim inside of it, we ignore the Great Good that surrounds us, that Invests us inside and out, that gives us Life; and only because we ignore it, we do not enjoy the Admirable Effects of all the Great Goods that a Will so holy contains?  O please! reveal Yourself, Oh Omnipotent Fiat, and the face of the earth will change.  And besides, why did Our Blessed Lord not please to manifest, from the Beginning of Creation, the many Admirable things that this Most Holy Will wants to do and give to creatures?”

And while my mind was wandering, as though enraptured in the Sweet Enchantment of the Divine Volition, My Love, My Life, Jesus, the Celestial Teacher, who Charms with His Lovely Speaking on His Own Will, making Himself seen, told me:  “My little daughter (Luisa) of My Divine Will, the creature cannot live, either soul or body, without My Divine Will; and since It is her First Act of Life, she finds herself in the condition either of receiving Its Act of Continuous Life from It, or of not being able to have existence.  And since man was Created for him to Live in the Opulence of the Goods of this Divine Will, his Beloved Inheritance, he was therefore Created for him to Live of Us and in Our House, like a son who lives with his father.  Otherwise, how could he be Our Amusement, Our Joy and Happiness, if he were not to Live close to Us, together with Us in Our Divine Will?  A son who is far away cannot form the joy of his father, his smile, his amusement, his intimate conversation.  From afar, they cannot play together or smile with happiness; on the contrary, the mere distance breaks the love and brings the bitterness of not being able to enjoy the beloved.

“See, then, man was Created to Live in Intimacy with Us, in Our House, in Our Own Will, for Us to secure Our Joys and Perennial Happiness as well as his.  But man, Our son, though he was Happy in the House of his Father, rebelled and went out of his Paternal House, and by doing his will he lost the Smile of his Father, His Pure Joys; and since he could not Live without the Concourse of Our Divine Will, We Acted as Father and gave him the legal share of Our Divine Will—no longer as Life, that carried him on Its Lap to render him Happy and Holy, but as concurring, to preserve him alive—not to make him Happy as before, but to give him the things of strict necessity and according to how he would behave.

“Without My Divine Will there cannot be Life.  And this is why so little is Known about My Divine Fiat, because it is Its mere legal share that creatures know, and many times this legal share is not even recognized completely, because one who lives of the legal share does not Live in the House of his Father; he is far away from Him, and many times he finds himself in the condition of spoiling with unworthy acts the very legal share he received.  Therefore, do not be surprised if little is Known about My Divine Will, if one does not Live in It, if one is not in continuous contact to receive Its Life that makes one Happy, that Sanctifies and, one being close to It, opens Its Secrets and makes Itself Known—who It is, what It can give to the creature, and how It Yearns to keep her on Its Lap to form in her Its Divine Life.  More so since, by doing his will, man placed himself in the condition of a servant, not of an heir, and a servant has no right to the inheritance of his master, but to the miserable compensation for him to live life with hardship.

“Therefore, My daughter (Luisa), it can be said that with you (Luisa) I (Jesus) have opened the Doors, to let you enter to Live in Our House, in Our Divine Will.  And keeping you with Us, We have Manifested to you so much about Our Divine Volition—not as the legal share, but as Our Fortunate Heiress.”

After this, He added:  “My daughter (Luisa), more so, since in that little that was written of My Divine Will in the whole history of the world, having known only the legal share, they have written of It what they have known of My Fiat after sin, what relationships It has with creatures, even though they offend It and do not Live in Our House.  But as for the relations that passed between My Fiat and Adam Innocent, before sinning, they have written nothing.  And how could they write if no one has Lived in My Divine Will as in one’s own house?  How could they know Its Secrets and the Great Prodigy that the Operating Life of a Divine Will can do in the creature?

“Therefore, they could and can say of My Divine Fiat that It disposes everything, that It Commands, that It Concurs; but as for saying of My Divine Will how It Operates within Itself, in Its House, the Power of Its Immensity that in one instant does everything, envelops everything, in the creature as It does within Itself—this is Science that the creature has ignored until now; it could not be written if not by Manifestation of My Divine Fiat, and to one (Luisa) whom It called to Live in Our House as Our daughter, close to Us, inside My Divine Will—not far away—such that, being able to Amuse Ourselves with her (Luisa), We would make her aware of Our Most Intimate Secrets.  And if We had wanted to Manifest what Regards Our Will in relationship with the creature, and she were not Living in It, she would not have understood Us; it would have been for her like a foreign and unintelligible dialect.”

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(Luisa) One who Lives in the Divine Will lends to It her nothingness emptied, that the Fiat uses as the space in which to exercise Its Creation.




The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

Luisa_Piccarreta_5 2/10/29 – Vol. 25

(Luisa) One who Lives in the Divine Will lends to It her nothingness emptied, that the Fiat uses as the space in which to exercise Its Creation.

I was doing my round in the Creation, to follow all the Acts that the Divine Fiat has done and is continuing in It.  Not only this, but my poor mind kept tracing everything that the Divine Volition had done in Adam and in all generations, before and after the Redemption.  It seemed to me that all the Acts done by the Divine Will, both in the Creation and in creatures, were more than suns, that I was to follow, embrace and make my own.  And even though I was doing that, my poor heart could not help feeling the tortures of the privation of my Highest Good, Jesus.

And He, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter (Luisa), courage, in (Luisa) one who Lives in My Divine Will and follows Its Acts, My Fiat continues Its Creation, and in each of Its Acts that she follows, It assumes the attitude of forming Its Creations; and only when It sees all of Its Acts in (Luisa) the soul who Lives in It, all lined up and ordered, like a New Creation, and therefore a New Heaven, a New Sun, a Sea more Beautiful, a flowering more surprising—then is My Divine Fiat content.

“And then, since the Act of Creating man was the most Beautiful, the most Tender, done in an Ardor of Love, the Most Intense, It wants to repeat over (Luisa) the creature who Lives in My Volition the Acts that We did in the Act of Creating man.  And, oh! how My Fiat puts Itself in Feast in repeating Its Acts—because only in (Luisa) one who Lives in It can It have Its Act of always Creating, things that It has done as well as New Things.  In fact, the soul lends to It her nothingness emptied, that My Volition uses as the space in order to create what It wants, almost as It used the void of the universe in order to extend the heavens, to create the sun, to put boundaries to the sea, so that the earth might form its Beautiful Flowerings.

“And this is the reason why you go around in the Acts of My Fiat and as though many waves of Light pass through your mind, in which you follow and feel, impressed into yourself, like many Scenes, the Creation, man in the Act of being Created, the Queen of Heaven in the Act of being Conceived, the Word Descending, and many more Acts done by My Divine Will:  it is the Power of My Creating Fiat that wants to always do, always give, without ever ceasing.  Therefore, be attentive, for this is about something too Great—no less than your having to remain in the act of undergoing the Continuous Act of My Creating Will.  It will feel It has not completed Its Work in you if It does not see all of Its Acts enclosed in your soul as the attestation and Triumph of Its Reigning in you (Luisa).

“Therefore, all Its attention is in looking at whether all of Its Acts have Life in you (Luisa).  And do you know how these Acts are Created in you?  As for you, by calling them, recognizing them and loving them; and My Volition, by Pronouncing Its Fiat over your call and over your love, forms the Life of Its Acts in you (Luisa).  And the Continuity of Its Work in you is such, that It does not stop even in seeing you tortured by the Pain of My privation, because It has much to do, and therefore It moves on.  And I let It do so, because you (Luisa) and I (Jesus) must give Primacy to Our Volition in everything, for the just Triumph of Its Cause, and to give It the Field in order to Form Its Kingdom.”

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The Tortured Body of Jesus is the True Portrait of the man who commits sin.



The Call of the Creatures to the Order, the Place, and the Purpose for which they were Created by God.

2/9/22 – Vol. 14

The Tortured Body of Jesus is the True Portrait of the man who commits sin. In the Scourging, Jesus let His Flesh be torn to shreds, and He reduced all of Himself to a Wound in order to give Life back to man once again.

JesusChristScourgedFinding myself in my usual state, I was following the Hours of the Passion; and while I was accompanying my sweet Jesus in the Mystery of His painful Scourging, He made Himself seen all skinned. His Body was stripped, not only of His Garments, but also of His Flesh; His Bones could be counted one by one. His sight was not only harrowing, but horrible to look at, such as to strike fear, fright, reverence, and love at the same time. I felt mute before such a harrowing scene. I would have wanted to do who knows what to relieve my Jesus, but I could do nothing – the sight of His Pains gave me death; and Jesus, all Goodness, told me: “My beloved daughter (Luisa), look well at Me, that you may know My Pains in depth. My Body is the True Portrait of the man who commits sin. Sin strips him of the Garments of My Grace; and I let Myself be stripped of My Garments so as to give them back to him once again. Sin deforms him, and while he is the most beautiful creature that came out of My Hands, he becomes the ugliest one – disgusting and repugnant. I was the Most Beautiful of men, and I can say that, in order to give Beauty back to man, My Humanity took on the ugliest form. Look at Me – how horrid I AM..! I let My Skin be ripped off by dint of lashes, to the point that I could no longer recognize Myself. Not only does sin take Beauty away, but it forms deep wounds, rotten and gangrenous, which corrode the most intimate parts of him; they consume his vital humors, so everything he does are dead – skeletal works. They snatch from him the Nobility of his Origin, the Light of his Reason – and he becomes blind. And I, in order to fill the depth of his wounds, let My Flesh be torn to shreds; I reduced all of Myself to a Wound, and by shedding My Blood in rivers, I made the vital humors flow in his soul, so as to give Life back to Him once again.

Ah! Had I not had the Fount of the Life of My Divinity within Me, which, since My Humanity died at each pain that they gave Me, substituted My Life – I would have died from the very beginning of My Passion.

Now, My Pains, My Blood, My Flesh which fell off in shreds, are always in the Act of giving Life to man; but man rejects My Blood so as not to receive Life; he tramples upon My Flesh so as to remain wounded. Oh, how I feel the weight of ingratitude!” And throwing Himself into my arms, Jesus burst into tears. I clasped Him to my heart, but He was Crying strongly. What torment, to see Jesus Crying! I would have wanted to suffer any pain so that He would not Cry. So I compassionated Him, I kissed His Wounds, I dried His Tears; and He, as though cheered, added: “Do you know how I Act? I Act like a father who loves his son very much. This son is blind, deformed, crippled; and his father who loves him to folly – what does he do? He plucks his own eyes out; he cuts his own legs, tears his own skin off, and gives everything to his son, saying: ‘I am happier to remain blind, crippled, deformed myself, as long as I see that you, my son, can see, can walk, and are beautiful…’ Oh, how happy is that father, in seeing his son looking with his eyes, walking with his legs, and covered with his beauty! But what would the sorrow of the father be, if he saw his son, ungrateful, throwing away his eyes, legs and skin, contenting himself with remaining ugly as he is? So I AM: I took care of everything, but men, ungrateful, form My Most Bitter Sorrow.”

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