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Be at Peace


“My Jesus, help me; do not abandon me. O please! give me peace, that peace that You so much wanted me to possess.” – V29 – 2.15.31


V10 – 1.8.10 – “…Give yourself to my work, use the courage I have given you only for Me, and I will be all for you, and will repay you by giving you peace and grace.

V10 – 2.10.12 –…when the soul leaves everything, and operates and loves everything divinely, she enjoys my peace, and instead of having the sentinels and the eyes of the prickings, she has the sentinel of peace, which moves anything that can disturb her peace away from her; and the eyes of love, which put to flight and burn those who want to disturb her. Therefore they remain at peace with regard to that soul; they give her peace, and they place themselves at her disposal. It seems that the soul can say: ‘Nobody touch me, because I am divine, and I am fully of my sweet love, Jesus. Nobody dare to disturb my sweet rest with my Highest Good; and if you dare to, with the power of Jesus which is mine, I will put you to flight’.”

V27 – 10.18.29 – “My daughter, courage, I do not want you to afflict yourself. I want to see in your soul the peace and the joy of the Celestial Fatherland; I want your very nature to give of the fragrance of Divine Will, that is all peace and happiness. It would feel uncomfortable in you, and as though jeopardized in Its light and happiness, if perennial peace and happiness is not in you. And then, don’t you know that one who lives in My Divine Fiat forms two arms for herself? One is immutability, the other arm is firmness in operating continuously. With these two arms she keeps God clasped, in such a way that He cannot free Himself from the creature; not only this, but He enjoys her keeping Him clasped to herself. Therefore, you have no reason to afflict yourself, whatever the circumstances might be, when you have a God who is all your own. So, let your thought be to live in that Fiat that gave you life to form life in you, and I will take care of the rest.”

V27 – 11.20.29 – “My daughter, courage, do not lose peace; peace is My fragrance, My air, it is the effect that My breath produces. So, in the soul in whom there is no peace I do not feel I am in My Royal Palace—I feel uncomfortable. My very Divine Will, that is peace by nature, finds Itself like the sun when clouds advance against the light and prevent the sun from shining in its fullness over the earth. It can be said that when the soul is not all peace, whatever the circumstances might be, it is like a rainy day for her, and the Sun of My Will feels as though hindered from communicating to her Its life, Its heat, Its light. Therefore, calm yourself, and don’t form for Me clouds in your soul—they hurt Me, and I cannot say: ‘I am in this creature with perennial peace, with My joys, and with My light of My Celestial Fatherland.’

V29 – 5.10.31 – “Now, My daughter, to give and to receive are first and indispensable acts that, in clear notes, indicate that We love the creature and that she loves Us. But this is not enough—one must know how to receive by converting the good received into one’s nature, by eating it and masticating it thoroughly, in such a way as to convert the gift into the soul’s blood. This is Our purpose in giving Our Gifts—wanting to see the gift We gave converted into her nature, because then are Our Gifts not in danger, and We dispose Ourselves to give greater gifts; and the creature, having converted it into her nature, places Our Gift in safety, becomes the possessor of it, and will feel within herself the good, the fount, and the good received converted into her nature. And since Our Gifts are bearers of peace, of happiness, of invincible strength, of celestial air, she will feel within herself the nature of peace, of happiness, of Divine Strength, that will form in her the air of Heaven. This is the reason why, when I give you the great gift of My Word, then I remain silent; it is because I am waiting for you to nourish yourself and masticate My Word well, in such a way as to see in you, changed into your nature, what I have told you.”

V29 – 7.13.31 – “My daughter, one who lives in My Will becomes the peacemaker between God and the creatures. All of her acts, words, steps, her prayers, her little sacrifices, are like many bonds of peace between Heaven and earth; they are like peacemaking weapons, as she fights her Creator with weapons of peace and of love in order to disarm Him and render Him favorable, and change the scourges into mercy. And just as the human will formed the war, to wage war against He who had created it—not only this, but it broke the accord, the order and the peace—so My Will, with the strength of Its Omnipotence, reigning in the creature, converts what the creature does into bonds of accord, of order, of peace and of love. So, from her comes out as though a little white cloud that, surging, spreads and rises up to the Divine Throne; and bursting into as many voices for as many acts as she has done, it says: ‘Great God, peace I bring to You from the earth; and You—give me Your Peace, to bring it as bond of peace between You and the human generation.’ This little cloud ascends and descends, descends and ascends, and does the office of peacemaker between Heaven and earth.”

V29 – 11.4.31 – “…What I want is perennial peace in you, so that I may carry out what I want. If you are not at peace, I feel molested in My Work, and with difficulty, not with ease, I go along carrying out My Designs.”

Paragraph 2305 – III. Safeguarding Peace – 2305 Earthly peace is the image and fruit of the peace of Christ, the messianic
“Prince of Peace.” 100 By the blood of his Cross, “in his own person CCC

John 14:27 – Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid. – Douay- Rheims Bible


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The Bread of Knowledge of the Divine Will




Paragraph 50 – CHAPTER TWO GOD COMES TO MEET MAN – But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of Divine Revelation. … CCC

Romans 11:33 – O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and of the knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways! – Douay-Rheims Bible


V21 – 2.23.27 – “Now, My little daughter, while you were calling Me in the sea with all its voices, I listened to you and I said: ‘Let her go around through all created things, that she may gather them all together for Me; and then I will let Myself be found. In this way, I will be able to receive the visit of all My works, that are like as many children of Mine; and so, they will make Me happy, and I will make them happy.’ Therefore, the living in My Will contains indescribable surprises. I can say that wherever It reigns, the soul becomes My Happiness, My Joy, My Glory; and I prepare for her the banquet of Its knowledges, so that, making each other happy, we extend the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, that It may be known, loved and glorified. Therefore, I expect often these surprises of My little daughter, who brings Me the visit of the whole family that belongs to Me.

V24 – 4.6.28 – “My daughter, by her nature the creature cannot receive a great good, a light that has no boundaries, all together, but she must take it sip by sip, waiting to swallow the first sip to then have another one. And if she wanted to take everything together—poor one, she would be drowned and would be forced to put out what she cannot contain, waiting to first digest the little she has taken, for it to flow like blood in her veins, and for that vital humor to spread within her whole person, to then dispose herself to have another sip.

“Has this not been the order I have had with you, manifesting to you what regarded My Eternal Fiat little by little, starting from the first lessons, then the second, the third, and so on? And when you were chewing the first and you swallowed it, and it flowed like blood in your soul, I prepared for you the second lesson, and My Will formed the first acts of life in you. And I celebrated Its glory and fulfilled the purpose of Creation, anxiously waiting to be able to give you more sublime lessons, to fill you so much that you yourself would not know where to take from in order to repeat them.

“So I will do to form the Kingdom of My Divine Will. I will start from the first lessons that I have given you, and this is why I want that they begin to be known, that they may make their way, preparing and disposing souls, so that, little by little, they may yearn to listen to more lessons, in view of the great good they have received from the first ones. This is why I have prepared lessons so long about My Will—because It encloses the primary purpose for which man was created, as well as all things and the very life that man must carry out in It. So, without My Will, it is as if man did not have true life, but a life almost foreign to him and therefore full of dangers, of unhappiness and of miseries.

“Poor man, without the life of My Will—it would have been better for him if he had never been born. But, to his great misfortune, he does not even know his true life, because until now there has been no one who has broken the true bread of Its Knowledges, so as to form pure blood and allow Its true life to grow in the creature. They have broken for him a stale, medicated Bread that, if it has not made him die, has not let him grow healthy, vigorous and strong of a Divine Strength, as the Bread of My Will makes one grow.

“My Will is life and has the virtue of giving Its life; It is light and dispels darkness; It is immense and takes man from all sides to give him strength, happiness, sanctity, in such a way that everything is safe around him. Ah! you do not know what treasures of grace these knowledges conceal—what good they will bring to creatures; and this is why you do not have interest that they begin to make their way to give start to forming the Kingdom of My Will.”

V25 – 4.4.29 – “My daughter, the first who will do My Divine Will and will live in It, will be like the Yeast of Its Kingdom. The many Knowledges that I have manifested to you about My Divine Fiat will be like the flour for the bread, that, in finding the yeast, becomes fermented—as much flour as one puts in. But the flour is not enough—it takes the yeast and the water in order to form the true bread, to nourish the human generations.

“In the same way, the yeast of the few who live in My Divine Volition is necessary to Me, as well as the multiplicity of the knowledges about It, that will serve as the mass of light that will give all the goods that are needed in order to nourish and make happy all those who want to live in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Therefore, do not worry if you are alone and few are those who know, in part, what regards My Divine Will; as long as the little portion of the yeast is formed, united to Its knowledges, the rest will come by itself.”

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Faith, Hope, Charity

mary-and-luisaParagraph 1991 – I. Justification With justification, faith, hope, and charity are poured into our hearts,
and obedience to the Divine Will is granted us. ( 1812 )- CCC


V2 – 9.19.99 – He (Jesus) showed me His Heart, which contained three distinct globes of light, which then formed a single one. And Jesus, resuming His speech, told me: “The globes of light which you see in my Heart are the Faith, the Hope and the Charity which I brought upon earth to make suffering man happy by offering them to him as gift. Now, to you also I want to give a more special gift.” And while He was saying this, many threads of light came out of those globes of light, which inundated my soul like a sort of net, and I remained inside of it. And Jesus: “Here is how I want you to occupy your soul. First, fly upon the wings of Faith, and in that light, by plunging yourself into it, you will know and acquire ever more news about Me, your God; but by knowing Me more, your nothingness will feel almost dissolved, and you will have no place to lean on. You, however, rise more, and dive into the immense sea of Hope, which is made of all my merits that I acquired in the course of my mortal life, and of all the pains of my Passion, which I also gave to man as gift. Only through these can you hope for the immense goods of Faith, because there is no other way to obtain them. So, as you avail yourself of these merits of mine as if they were your own, your ‘nothing’ will no longer feel dissolved and sinking into the abyss of nothingness, but acquiring new life, it will be embellished and enriched, in such a way as to draw the very divine gazes upon itself. Then the soul will no longer be timid, but Hope will administer to her courage and strength, in such a way as to render her stable like a pillar exposed to all the intemperances of the air, which are the various tribulations of life, and which do not move her a tiny bit. And Hope will cause the soul not only to immerse herself without fear into the immense riches of Faith, but to make herself the owner of them; and through Hope she will reach such a point as to make God Himself her own. Ah, yes! Hope makes the soul reach wherever she wants; Hope is the door of Heaven – only by means of It can it be opened, because one who hopes for everything, obtains everything. Then, after the soul has reached the point of making God Himself her own, immediately, without any obstacle, she will find herself in the immense ocean of Charity, and carrying Faith and Hope with her, she will immerse herself in it and will form one single thing with Me, her God.”

Most loving Jesus continued: “If Faith is the king, Charity is queen, and Hope is like the peacemaking mother who pacifies everything. In fact, with Faith and Charity there may be disturbance, but Hope, being bond of peace, converts everything into peace. Hope is support, Hope is refreshment; and when the soul, rising by means of Faith, sees the beauty, the sanctity and the love with which she is loved by God, and feels drawn to love Him, but in seeing her insufficiency, how little she does for God, and how she should love Him but does not, she feels discomforted, disturbed and almost does not dare to draw near God – immediately this peacemaking mother comes out, and placing herself between Faith and Charity, she begins to perform her office of peacemaker. She makes the soul peaceful again, she pushes her, raises her, gives her new strengths; and carrying her before king Faith and queen Charity, she excuses the soul, she places a new effusion of her merits before the soul, and she prays them to receive her. And Faith and Charity, with their gazes fixed only on this peacemaking mother, so tender and compassionate, receive the soul, and God forms the delight of the soul, and the soul the delight of God.”

Oh, holy Hope, how admirable you are! I imagine seeing the soul who is possessed by this beautiful Hope, like a noble wayfarer, who walks in order to go and take possession of a land that will make his whole fortune. But since he is unknown and he journeys through lands which are not his, some deride him, some insult him, some strip him of his clothes, and some reach the point of beating him and even of threatening to kill him. And the noble wayfarer – what does he do in all these trials? Will he be disturbed? Ah, no – never! On the contrary, he will deride those who do all this to him, and knowing with certainty that the more he suffers, the more he will be honored and glorified when he comes to take possession of his land, he himself teases the people into tormenting him more. But he is always tranquil, he enjoys the most perfect peace; and what is more, while in the midst of these insults, he remains so calm, that while the others are all alert around him, he keeps sleeping in the bosom of his longed-for God. Who administers so much peace and so much firmness to this wayfarer in continuing the journey he has undertaken? Certainly Hope in the eternal goods that will be his; and since they are his, he will surpass everything in order to take possession of them. Now, by thinking that they are his own, he comes to love them – and here is how Hope gives rise to Charity.

Who can say, then, what the light of blessed Jesus makes me see? I would rather have let it pass in silence, but I see that lady obedience, laying down her friendly guises of friendship, assumes the aspect of a warrior and is arming his weapons to wage war against me and to wound me. O please! Do not arm yourself so quickly – lay down your claws, be quiet, for I will do as you say, as much as I can, and so we will always remain friends.

Now, when the soul carries herself into the most extensive sea of Charity, she experiences ineffable delights, and enjoys joys which are unspeakable to mortal soul. Everything is love; her sighs, her heartbeats, her thoughts, are as many sonorous voices that she makes resound around her most loving God. These voices are all of love, calling Him to themselves, in such a way that blessed God, drawn and wounded by these loving voices, requites them, and it happens that His sighs, His heartbeats, and all of the Divine Being continuously call the soul to God.

Who can say, then, how wounded the soul is by these voices; how she begins to rave as though taken by a most ardent fever; how she runs, almost made insane, and goes to plunge herself into the loving Heart of her Beloved to find refreshment, and how she suckles, in torrents, the divine delights? She becomes inebriated with love, and in her inebriation, she makes canticles, all of love, for her most sweet Spouse. But who can say everything that passes between the soul and God? Who can speak about this Charity, which is God Himself?

At this moment, I see an immense light, and my mind remains stupefied; it applies itself now at one point, now at another, and I try to write it on paper, but I feel I stammer in expressing it. So, not knowing what to do, for now I keep silent, and I believe that lady obedience will forgive me this time, because if she wants to get huffy with me, this time she is not so right. The wrong is all hers, for not giving me a more fluent tongue to be able to express it. Have you understood, most reverend obedience? We remain at peace, don’t we?


1 Corinthians 13:13 – And now there remain faith, hope, and charity, these three: but the greatest of these is charity.

1 Thessalonions1:3 – Being mindful of the work of your faith, and labour, and charity, and of the enduring of the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ before God and our Father:

1 Thessalonions 5:8 – But let us, who are of the day, be sober, having on the breastplate of faith and charity, and for a helmet the hope of salvation.

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Our Lady of Ransom/Mercy

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Courage, Do Not Fear



Jesus_and_the_children_002“My blessed daughter, Courage, banish every fear from your heart; this is the weapon that either kills or wounds love and makes you lose familiarity with your Jesus;…”

“…Blessed Jesus placed His arm behind my neck, and leaning His head on my shoulder, He placed Himself in the act of wanting to take rest.  While He was resting, I felt I was in a place in which there were many movable tiles, and underneath them, the abyss.  Fearing I might fall, I woke Him up, invoking His help, and He said to me:  “Do not fear, this is the path that all cover.  It takes nothing but all of one’s attention; and since the majority walk carelessly, this is why many fall into the abyss and few are those who reach the harbor of salvation.”

“My daughter, courage, do not fear; love will make up for everything. Besides, since you have set your will of truly doing what I want, even if sometimes you should fail, I will make up for you – therefore, do not fear.

“In fact, how can one who loves Me ever fear, if she feels my whole Being flow within her and form her very life? Can she ever fear my Sanctity, if she takes part in Sanctity Itself?”

in all your pains and privations, never forget that I love you very much, so as to never forget to love Me; and as Daughter of Our Will, you have the task to love Me for all. In this way, you will remain in order and you will fear nothing.”

“…do not fear, but rather, abandon yourself like a little newborn in Our Arms, that you may feel Our Support and the protection of your very acts.”

“My daughter, why do you fear? Don’t you know that the thing which the infernal snake knows the least about Me is my Will? Because he did not want to do It, and by not doing It, he did not know It nor love It. And even less did he penetrate into the secrets of my inscrutable Volition in order to know the effects and the value of my Will; and if he does not know them, how could he speak about them? Even more, the thing which he abhors the most is that the creature do my Will. He does not care whether the soul prays, goes to Confession, goes to Communion, does penance or makes miracles; but the thing which harms him the most is that the soul do my Will, because as he rebelled against my Will, then was hell created in him – his unhappy state, the rage that consumes him. Therefore, my Will is hell for him, and every time he sees the soul being subject to my Will and knowing Its qualities, value and Sanctity, he feels hell being redoubled, because he sees the paradise, the happiness and the peace he lost, being created in the soul. And the more my Will is known, the more tormented and furious he is…”

“…be attentive, and when some fear assails you, think that you are not alone, but that you have my whole Life as help to form this Kingdom of mine within you; and continue your flight, constantly, in the unity of the supreme light of the Divine Will.  It is there that I await you, to give you my surprises in return – to give you my lessons.”

“…courage, wait for Me and do not fear.”


2 Kings (2 Samuel) 10:12 – Be of good courage, and let us fight for our people, and for the city of our God: and the Lord will do what is good in his sight.

Tobias (Tobit) 5:13 – And the young man said to him: Be of good courage, thy cure from God is at hand.

Daniel 10:19 – And he said: Fear not, O man of desires, peace be to thee: take courage and be strong. And when he spoke to me, I grew strong: and I said: Speak, O my lord, for thou hast strengthened me.


Paragraph 1805 – I. The Human Virtues
“If anyone loves righteousness, [Wisdom’s] labors are virtues; for she teaches
temperance and prudence, justice, and courage.”

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Only God has the Power to Enter into the hearts and Dominate them as He Pleases.


Power of the Holy Name of Jesus'V6 – 9.2.04 – Being in my usual state, I was feeling all oppressed, with the addition of the fear that my poor state might be all a diabolical work, feeling my soul and body being consumed. Then, He came for just a little and told me: “My daughter, why do you trouble yourself so much? Don’t you know that if all the diabolical forces would unite together, they could not enter into a single heart and take dominion of it, unless the soul herself, of her own will, would let them in? Only God has this Power of Entering into the hearts and Dominating them as He pleases.” And I: ‘Lord, why do I feel my soul and body being Consumed when You deprive me of Yourself? Is this not the diabolical breath that has penetrated into my soul and torments me like this?’ And He: “On the contrary, I tell you that it is the Breath of the Holy Spirit which, Blowing Continuously into you, Keeps you Always Ignited and Consumes you for Love of Him.”

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When the Divine Will Reigns, the enemy will shut himself up into the abyss


Luisa1V17 – 9.22.24 I continue: while I was writing what is written above, I saw my Sweet Jesus placing His Mouth at the point of my heart, and Feeding me the Words I was writing. At the same time, I heard a horrible din from afar, as if people were beating each other, and roaring with such clamor as to strike fear. And I, turning to my Jesus, said to Him: ‘My Jesus, my Love, who is making all this din? They sound like furious demons. What is the matter, that they rage so much?’

And Jesus: “My daughter, it really is them. They would want you not to write about My Divine Will, and when they see you write more Important Truths on Living in My Divine Will, they suffer a double hell and they torment the damned even more. They fear so much that these Writings on My Divine Will be Manifested because they see that they lose their kingdom upon earth, which they acquired when man, withdrawing from the Divine Will, gave free step to his own human will… Ah, yes, it was exactly then that the enemy acquired his kingdom on earth; and if My Will Reigns upon earth, My enemy, by himself, will shut himself up into the deepest abysses. This is why they wrestle with so much fury: they feel the Power of My Will in these Writings, and at the mere thought that they may be Manifested, they fly into a rage and try anything they can in order to hamper a good so Great. You, however, do not pay attention to them, and learn from this to Appreciate My Teachings.”

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Feast of St. Matthew – Banquet of Love

The Call of St. Matthew

the Tax Collector

St. Matthew“…we must realize that Matthew not only gave a banquet for the Lord at his earthly residence, but far more pleasing was the banquet set in his own heart which he provided through faith and love…”

 The Venerable Bede

This excerpt from a homily on the call of Saint Matthew, the Tax Collector, by Saint Bede the Venerable (Hom. 21: CCL 122, 149-151) is used in the Roman Catholic Office of Readings for the Feast of St. Matthew, apostle and evangelist on September 21 (observed on this day at least from the 8th century).  Matthew, originally called Levi and the son of Alpheus, was, as a publican, excommunicated from the life of the synagogue and shunned in Jewish society.  The fathers of the Church find a figure of the four evangleists in the four living creatures mentioned by Ezechiel and in the New Testament book of Revelation, and Matthew is seen symbolized by the man, since he begins his gospel with the human genealogy of Jesus.  St. Bede the Venerable was one of the earliest and most important Christian writers from Britain.  This homily on the gospel story of St. Matthew the Tax Collector become apostle (Matthew 9:9-13), was first given by St. Bede in the early 8th century.

Jesus saw a man called Matthew sitting at the tax office, and he said to him: Follow me. Jesus saw Matthew, not merely in the usual sense, but more significantly with his merciful understanding of men.

He saw the tax collector and, because he saw him through the eyes of mercy and chose him, he said to him: Follow me. This following meant imitating the pattern of his life – not just walking after him. St. John tells us: Whoever says he abides in Christ ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.

And he rose and followed him. There is no reason for surprise that the tax collector abandoned earthly wealth as soon as the Lord commanded him. Nor should one be amazed that neglecting his wealth, he joined a band of men whose leader had, on Matthew’s assessment, no riches at all. Our Lord summoned Matthew by speaking to him in words. By an invisible, interior impulse flooding his mind with the light of grace, he instructed him to walk in his footsteps. In this way Matthew could understand that Christ, who was summoning him away from earthly possessions, had incorruptible treasures of heaven in his gift.

As he sat at table in the house, behold many tax collectors and sinners came and sat down with Jesus and his disciples. This conversion of one tax collector gave many men, those from his own profession and other sinners, an example of repentance and pardon. Notice also the happy and true anticipation of his future status as apostle and teacher of the nations. No sooner was he converted than Matthew drew after him a whole crowd of sinners along the same road to salvation. He took up his appointed duties while still taking his first steps in the faith, and from that hour he fulfilled his obligation and thus grew in merit. To see a deeper understanding of the great celebration Matthew held at his house, we must realise that he not only gave a banquet for the Lord at his earthly residence, but far more pleasing was the banquet set in his own heart which he provided through faith and love. Our Savior attests to this: Behold I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me.

On hearing Christ’s voice, we open the door to receive him, as it were, when we freely assent to his promptings and when we give ourselves over to doing what must be done. Christ, since he dwells in the hearts of his chosen ones through the grace of his love, enters so that he might eat with us and we with him. He ever refreshes us by the light of his presence insofar as we progress in our devotion to and longing for the things of heaven. He himself is delighted by such a pleasing banquet.


Luisa holding CrucifixV35 – 12.14.37 – “How beautiful is the beginning of the Day of one who Lives in Our Fiat. It is the enchantment of all the Heaven. If the Celestial Court were subject to envy, It would envy the one who is so fortunate as to possess, within her soul—while still living in time—the beginning of the Eternal Day—the precious Day in which God begins to Live His Life together with the creature.

“Now, as soon as she begins the second act in the Divine Volition, the Sun of My Eternal Will Rises. The Fullness of Its Light is such as to Invest the whole of earth, visiting all hearts and bringing the ‘good morning’ of Light and New Joys to all the Celestial Court. This Light is crammed with Love, Adoration, Thanksgiving, Gratitude, Glory and Benediction—but whom do these belong to? To the creature who, with her act in My Will, made the Sun Rise that shines over all, so that all may find the one who loved God for them—the one who adored Him, thanked Him, blessed Him and glorified Him. Everyone finds the thing that he was supposed to do for God. She compensates for everyone. One Act in My Will must enclose everything. It has the Power and the Capacity to make up for everyone and to do Good to all; otherwise It could not be called ‘Act, done in My Will.’ These Acts are full of Unheard-of Prodigies, Worthy of Our Creative Work.

“Now, as she turns to her third act in Our Will, the Full Afternoon of Our Eternal Sun is formed within the creature. Do you know what she gives Us with this Full Afternoon? She prepares a banquet for Us. And do you know what she gives Us for food? The Love We have given to her—Our Divine Qualities. Everything carries the mark of Our Beauty and of Our Chaste and Pure Perfumes. We like it so much that We eat Our fill; and even if something may be missing for Our Status, since the creature is in Our Will, she is the owner of all Our Goods; she takes from Our Treasure whatever is needed, and prepares for Us the most beautiful banquet, Worthy of Our Supreme Majesty. And We invite all the Angels and the Saints to sit at this Celestial banquet, so that they may take and eat with Us, of the Love that We received from the creature who Lives in Our Will. Now, after We’ve banqueted together, the other acts that she does in Our Will serve—some to form for Us Celestial melodies, some Loving chants, some the most Beautiful scenes; some others repeat Our Works, which are always in action. In sum, she keeps Us always busy. And when she has given course to all her actions in Our Will, We give her rest, resting together with her. After the rest, We begin the Work, starting another Day, and so forth.

“Many times, this loyal daughter of Ours—since true loyalty consists in Living in Our Divine Will—seeing that her brothers and sisters are about to be struck by the deserved chastisements for their sins, doesn’t close her Day, but prays and suffers to beseech Graces for their souls as well as for their bodies. The Life of one who Lives in My Divine Will is New Joy and Glory for Heaven, and Help and Graces for the earth.”


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Message of Our Lady of La Salette


The Message of Our Lady of La Salette
Our_Lady_of_La_Salette_(crying)click image for the Message of Our Lady of La Salette

“Our Lady’s Apocalypse”

Delivered by Our Lady to


The message was approved by the Catholic Church and was published in its entirety at Lecce. France, on November 15, 1979 with the imprimatur of Bishop Zola.

Published by the Shepherdess of La Salette with Imprimatur by Mgr. Bishop of Lecce.

“Well my children you will pass this on to all of my people.”

Simple reproduction without commentary or controversy of the original edition of Lecce in 1879.

APPARITION of the BLESSED VIRGIN on the Mountain of

LA SALETTE the 19th of September, 1846


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Contemplating the beauty of creation inspires us to recognize the love of the Creator

Contemplating the beauty of creation inspires us to recognize the love of the Creator, that Love which “moves the sun and the other stars”. (Message for the Celebration of the World Day of Peace. 1 January, 2010)”
Pope Benedict XVI


LUISA14V31 – October 9, 1932 “Now, one who goes around in Our Will, as she finds Our Works that were prepared in order to then Create man, she sounds the little bell to call all creatures to recognize this Love of God toward man. And its sweet sound calls Our Attention, Our Love reawakens, and makes arise again in Us Our Ecstasies of Love toward her. Ecstasies mean total Re-Pouring toward whom one Loves, and one who comes into Our Will has the strength to make Us undergo Our Ecstasy of Love so that We pour Ourselves out again in her. And with Our Power, We put the creature into Ecstasies for Us, so that nothing remains for her, and everything re-pours into Our Supreme Being.

“A mutual re-pouring occurs, the one into the other, because there is nothing that pleases Us more, then seeing the creature in that same Will in which she was Created. To contemplate Our Works, know them, and feel the pulsations of Our Love that each created thing possesses, was the Garment that We prepared and gave to man in Creating so many things and the whole of Creation. Now, who receives the life of the good that created things contain? One who makes use of this Garment so splendid, and with Right knows them. Knowing them she finds Our Palpitating Love, Our Operating Will, and she loves them and loves in them that Supreme Being who Loves her so much. Therefore be attentive and constant in going around in Our Works, so that We give each other a hand in Loving each other, take turns placing ourselves in Ecstasy, and with utility you will make use of the great Garment that with so much Love your Creator has given you.”

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