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In His Birth, Jesus Fixes His Gaze on His Mother and on Luisa


Nativity 6

V23 – 12.25.27 – I was thinking of when my sweet Jesus was about to come out of the womb of His beloved Mama to fling Himself into Her arms. Oh! how I too would have wanted to squeeze Him in my arms, to form sweet chains for Him, so that He might no longer depart from me. But while I was thinking of this, I felt my poor mind outside of myself, and I saw my Celestial Mama, all veiled with light, and, in Her arms, little Baby Jesus, fused in the same light. But it lasted only a few instants, and then everything disappeared, and I remained more afflicted than before.

However, later He came back, and clasping His little hands around my neck, He told me: “My daughter, as soon as I came out of the womb of My Mama, I fixed My gazes—one on My dear Mama; nor could I do without looking at Her, because in Her was the enrapturing force of the Divine Will and the sweet enchantment of the beauty and most refulgent light of My Fiat that, eclipsing My pupil, made Me remain fixed in She who possessed My very Life by virtue of It. Seeing My Life bilocated in Her enraptured Me, and I could not remove My gaze from the Celestial Queen, because My very Divine force compelled Me to fix on Her.

“The other gaze I fixed on the one who was to do and possess My Will. They were two links connected together—the Redemption and the Kingdom of My Divine Will—inseparable from each other. The Redemption was to prepare, suffer, do; the Kingdom of the Fiat was to fulfill and possess—both of them of highest importance. Therefore, My gazes were fixed on the chosen ones to whom both one and the other were entrusted, because there was My very Will in them that enraptured My pupil. Why do you fear, then, if you have the gaze of your Jesus always looking at you, defending you, protecting you? If you knew what it means to be looked upon by Me, you would no longer fear anything.”

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Jesus’ Sighs, Tears, Sobs, Pains, were Directed toward Reestablishing the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat upon Earth


From the Book of Heaven

V25 – 1.1.29

9_8_mary_birth2“Daughter, from the moment I was conceived and from the very first days of My being born, I occupied Myself with the Kingdom of My Divine Will and with how to place It in safety in the midst of creatures. These were My sighs, My tears, My repeated sobs, My pains, all directed toward reestablishing the Kingdom of My Fiat upon earth. In fact, I knew that no matter how many goods I might give him, man would never be happy, nor would he possess the fullness of goods and of sanctity, or have the insignia of his creation that constitute him king and dominator; he is always the man-servant, weak, miserable. But with My Will, and by making It reign in their midst, I would give him, in one single stroke of fortune, all goods, his royal palace and his lost dominion.

“About twenty centuries have passed and I have not stopped—My sighs last still; and if I have manifested to you so many knowledges about My Divine Will, these are nothing other than My speaking tears and the indelible characters of My pains and sighs, that, transforming into words, manifest themselves to you, to make you write on paper, with the most tender and convincing manners, what regards My Divine Volition and how It wants to reign on earth as It does in Heaven. Therefore, on Our part, the Divinity has decided with indelible and unshakeable decrees that Our Divine Will come to reign upon earth—and no one can move Us; and as the sign of this, We have dispatched from Heaven the army of Its knowledges. If it were not so, it would not be worthwhile to place the so many values of a Divine Will at risk; just as they have remained hidden to man for many centuries, so could they continue.

“Now We are waiting for the creatures’ part, who are still temporizing from making up their minds, especially those who temporize from occupying themselves with making known the secrets of My Divine Will and the great good of Its knowledges. Human will, how ungrateful you are; I am waiting for your decision so that we may exchange the kiss, and I may give you the Kingdom that I have prepared for you. And you temporize still? My daughter, pray and place no obstacle on your part to a good so great, that will be the greatest display of Our Love.”

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The Last Communion of St. Mary of Egypt

St. Mary of Egyptclick here for more information

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It is Always Christmas for One Who Does the Divine Will


queen-rosaryV16 – 12.26.23

“My daughter, for one who does my Will, it is always Christmas. As the soul enters my Will, I am conceived in her act; as she performs her act, I develop my Life; as she completes it, I rise again, and the soul remains conceived in Me, develops her life in Mine, and rises again in my own acts. See, then, how Christmas holidays are for those who, once a year, prepare and place themselves in my Grace, and so they feel something new about my Birth within them. Bur for one who does my Will it is always Christmas: I am born again in each one of her acts. So, would you want Me to be born in you once a year? No, no – for one who does my Will, my birth, my Life, my Death and my Resurrection must be a continuous act, which is never interrupted; otherwise, what would be the difference, the immeasurable distance, from the other sanctities?”

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One Jesus for Each Creature


V35 – 2.20.38

“My little daughter of My Will, you must know that My Love is so Great that It needs to be unleashed, and to entrust Its secrets to the one who Lives in My Will, so that making her aware of everything, we may Love with One Love, and It may repeat in her all that I did within Myself. Listen then, daughter, the Excesses that My Love reached, making Me do things, Unheard-of and incredible to created minds.

“Coming upon earth, I wanted to make Myself into one Jesus for each creature that had existed, was existing, and was going to exist. Therefore, everyone had to have his own Jesus—completely his own—at his disposal. So, each one had to have My Conception to remain conceived in Me—My Birth to be Reborn, My tears to be washed, My infantile age to be Restored and to begin his New Life, My Steps to guide his own, My Works to make rise his works in Mine, My Pains as balm and Strength for his pains, and as repayment of any debt incurred with the Divine Justice; My Death to find again his Life; My Resurrection to Rise Again Completely in My Will, for the Glory he had to give to his Creator…. And all this, with Highest Love, with Reason, with Justice and with Highest Wisdom.

“My Celestial Father had to find in Me as many of My Lives for as many creatures He had given, and was going to give to daylight, in order to be satisfied, Glorified and repaid for His Great Love. Although not everyone would take this Life of Mine, My Celestial Father demanded My Life in order to be Glorified for everything He had done in the Work of Creation and Redemption. I can say that, as soon as man subtracted himself from My Will, the Glory that was due to My Divine Father ceased. So, if I didn’t form from Myself one Jesus for each existing creature, the Glory of the Celestial Father would have been incomplete—and I can not do incomplete Works. My Love would have waged a war against Me, if I hadn’t formed of Myself many Jesuses—first, for Our own Decorum and Glory, and then, to give this Complete Good to each creature.

“Therefore, Our Greatest Pain is that, in spite of the many of My Lives available for each one, some don’t recognize Them, some don’t even look at Them, some do not use Them, some offend Them, some just take the scraps of My Life…. Few are the ones who say: ‘I do the Life of Jesus, with Jesus. I Love like Jesus Loves, and I want what Jesus wants.’ These creatures are, together with Me, the return of the Glory and the Love of Creation and Redemption. But even if not all of these Lives of Mine serve to the creature, they admirably serve to the Glory of My Divine Father, since I did not come on earth only for the creatures, but also to reintegrate the interests and the Glory of My Celestial Father. O, if you could see what a Beautiful court these many Lives of Mine form around Our Divinity. And when Love and Glory pour out of these Lives, you would remain so enraptured that it would be difficult for you to go back into yourself!”

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Prayers of the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, to Visit Jesus 33 Times Each Day in the Sacrament




“And I, Heart of my heart, want to be always with You in each Tabernacle, in all the pyxes and in each consecrated Host which will ever be until the end of the world, to emit my acts of reparation, according to the offenses You receive.”


V1 – “Lord, I beg You to be with me until I acquire the habit of doing them, for I know that with You I can do everything – but without You, what can miserable I do?”

V1 – (Jesus says to Luisa): “As for the visits and the acts of reparation, You Must Know that everything I did in the course of thirty-three years, from when I was Born up to when I died, I AM continuing in the Sacrament of the Altar. Therefore I want you to visit Me thirty-three times a day, Honoring My years and also Uniting with Me in the Sacrament with My Own Intentions – that is, Reparation, Adoration… You will do this at all times: with the first thought of the morning, fly before the Tabernacle in which I AM present for Love of you, and visit Me; and also with the last thought of the evening, while you sleep at night, before and after your meal, at the beginning of each one of your actions, while walking, working…”

While He was saying this to me, I saw myself all confused, not knowing whether I could manage to do them; and I said to him: ‘Lord, I beg You to be with me until I acquire the habit of doing them, for I know that with You I can do everything – but without You, what can miserable I do?’ And He, benignly, added: “Yes, yes, I will content you – when have I ever failed you? I want your Goodwill – whatever you want, I will give to you.” And so He did.

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Enrapturing Beauty of Jesus at His Birth-Jesus Knocks at our Hearts


nativity 5V20 – 12.25.26

“My daughter, do you want to see how My inseparable Mama saw Me when I came out of Her Maternal Womb? Look at Me, and see.”

I looked at Him, and I saw Him as a tiny little Baby, of a Rare and Enrapturing Beauty. From the whole of His little Humanity, from His Eyes, from His Mouth, from His Hands and Feet, came out most Refulgent Rays of Light, that not only enveloped Him, but extended so much as to be able to wound each heart of creature, almost to give them the first greeting of His Coming upon earth—the First Knock, to Knock at the hearts, to have them open and ask for a shelter in them. That Knock was Sweet but Penetrating; however, being a Knock of Light, it made no clamor, and yet it made itself heard strongly, more than any sound.

So, on that night, all felt something unusual in their hearts, but very few were those who opened their hearts to give Him a little accommodation. And the tender Infant, in feeling Himself unrequited in His Greeting, and that no one was opening at His repeated Knocking, began His Crying with His Lips livid and shivering with cold; He Sobbed, Wailed and Sighed. But while the Light that came out of Him was doing all this with creatures, receiving the first rejections, with His Celestial Mama, as soon as He came out of Her Womb, He threw Himself into Her Maternal Arms to give Her the First Embrace, the First Kiss.

And since His little Arms could not reach to embrace Her completely, the Light that came out of His little Hands surrounded all of Her, in such a way that Mother and Son remained Invested with the same Light. Oh! how the Queen Mama requited Her Son with Her Embrace and Kiss; in such a way that They remained so clasped to each other as to seem Fused, one within the other. With Her Love, She compensated for the first rejection that Jesus received from the hearts of creatures, and the Dear and Charming little Baby placed His First Act of being Born, His Graces, His First Sorrow, in the Heart of His Mama, so that what was seen in the Son could be seen in His Mama.

Then, after this, the Gracious little Baby came into my arms, and as He squeezed me so very tightly, I felt Him Entering into me, and I into Him. And then He said to me: “My daughter, I wanted to Embrace you as I Embraced My Dear Mama as Newly Born, so that you too may receive My First Act of being Born and My First Sorrow, My Tears, My tender Wailings, that you may be moved to compassion for My Sorrowful State at My Birth. Had I not had My Mama in whom I could place all the Good of My Birth and Fix in Her the Light of My Divinity that I, Word of the Father, contained, I would have found no one in whom either to place the Infinite Treasure of My Birth, or to Fix the Light of My Divinity that Shone forth from My little Humanity.

“Therefore, see how necessary it is that, when the Supreme Majesty decides for a great Good to be done for creatures, that can serve as Universal Good, We choose one to whom to give so much Grace that she may be able to receive within herself all the Good that all others must receive. In fact, if others do not receive all of it or part of it, Our Work does not remain suspended and without its Fruit, but the chosen soul receives all of that Good within herself, and Our Work receives the return of its Fruit.

“So, My Mama was the depository, not only of My Life, but of all My Acts. Therefore, in all My Acts, first I looked to see whether I could deposit them in Her, and then I did them. In Her I deposited My Tears, My Wailings, the Cold and the Pains that I Suffered; and She Echoed all of My Acts, and with Incessant Thanksgivings She received everything. There was a Contest between Mother and Son—I in Giving, She in Receiving.

“As this little Humanity of Mine made Its First Entrance upon earth, My Divinity wanted to Shine forth from It, in order to go around everywhere and make the First Sensible Visit to all Creation. Heaven and earth—all received this Visit of their Creator, except for man. They had never received so much honor and glory as when they saw their King, their Maker, within their midst; all felt honored, for they were to serve Him from whom they had received their existence, therefore all made Feast. So, My Birth was of great Joy and Glory for Me on the part of My Mama and of all Creation; but it was for Me of great Sorrow on the part of creatures. This is why I have come to you—to feel the Joys of My Mama being Repeated in Me, and to Place in you the Fruit of My Birth.”

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Jesus Came on Earth not only to Redeem Man but to Give back to Man the Divine Will


Nativity-smallV19 – 7.29.26

“My daughter, by sinning, the first man lost a Divine Will, and therefore My Humanity was needed, United with the Eternal Word, which was to sacrifice the human will of My Humanity entirely and completely in order to reacquire this Divine Will, so as to give It back to the creature.  So, My Humanity gave not even a breath of life to Its human will, but kept it only to sacrifice it, and to pay for the freedom that man had taken, of rejecting this Supreme Will with so much ingratitude; and as he lost It, all of Its Goods, Its Happiness, Its Dominion, Its Sanctity, failed him – everything failed him.  If man had lost something human given to him by God, a Saint could have rendered it back to him, but since he lost a Divine Will, another Man and God was needed, who would be able to give It back to him.

Now, had I come upon earth to redeem him, one drop of My Blood, one little pain of Mine would have been enough to put him in safety; but since I came not only to save him, but to give him back My Divine Will, which he had lost, this Divine Will wanted to descend into all My pains, into My tears, into My sighs and moans – into everything I did and suffered, in order to reacquire the Dominion in all and over all human acts, and therefore be able to form, once again, Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.  So, as a little Child, when I cried, wailed, moaned, My Divine Will, more than solar ray, invested all Creation with My tears, with My moans and sighs.

The stars, the sun, the starry sky, the sea, the little flower – all cried, moaned, wailed and sighed, because the Divine Will present in Me was the same as That which Reigned in all Creation, and therefore, as though naturally, the stars cried, the sky moaned, the sun wailed, the sea sighed.  The Light of My Divine Will brought My Echo into all created things, and repeating My Acts, they kept company with their Creator.

Oh, if you knew the assault that the Divine Majesty received in hearing My crying, My moans and sighs in all Creation!  All created things, animated by My Divine Will, prostrate at the foot of the Divine Throne, deafened It with their moans, drew It with their tears, moved It to pity with their sighs and prayers; and my pains, reverberating in them, bound It to surrender the keys of Heaven, and implored that the Kingdom of the Divine Will come upon earth once again.  My Celestial Father, moved to Compassion and Tenderness by His Own Will that cried, moaned, prayed and suffered in all His Works, surrendered the Keys and gave His Kingdom once again.  But in order to be sure, He placed It in My Humanity, so that at the appropriate time He might give It back again to the human family.  Here is the necessity for Me to do the human actions and to descend into the order of the human actions – because My Divine Will was to take Its Dominion and substitute the order of Its Divine Will in all the acts of creatures.  See, then, how much this Kingdom cost Me, with how many pains I ransomed It.  This is why I love It so much, and I want to Establish It in the midst of creatures at any cost.”

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First Purpose of the Incarnation of Jesus was the Kingdom of the Divine Will


Excerpt from V26 – 5.16.29

Nativity 6“My daughter, if you knew the ardor of My Love that I feel, because I want to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth, so as to realize the only purpose for which man was created. In fact, in everything that has been done by the Divine Persons, from the time when the world was created, and in what We will do, Our Principle will always be that one—nor will We ever cease it—that man return into the inheritance of the Kingdom of Our Fiat, that he rejected from Us.

“This is so true, that in My very Incarnation, when I descended from Heaven to earth, the First Purpose was the Kingdom of My Divine Will; it is into Its Kingdom—that is, in My Immaculate Mother who possessed It—that I directed My first steps; My first dwelling was within Her most pure womb, in which My Fiat held Its absolute dominion and Its Kingdom, whole and beautiful. And in this Kingdom of My Will that My Celestial Mama possessed, I began and I formed My Life down here—made of pains, of tears and of expiations. I knew that I was to be the Jesus neglected, unloved, nor sought for, but I wanted to come because I could see through the centuries how My coming upon earth was to serve to form the Kingdom of My Divine Will and, by necessity, I was to redeem them first in order to obtain My first Purpose.

“And so, even from that time, I descended from Heaven in order to come to find, to search for and to clasp to My breast the children of My Kingdom, who would search for Me, love Me, recognize Me, to the point of being unable to be without Me. Therefore, in what I did and suffered, I put a mark and I said: ‘Here I shall wait for the children of My Will; I shall embrace them, we shall love one another with one single love, with one single Will.’ And for love of them, My pains, My tears, My steps, My works, changed for Me into refreshment, into joy for My Heart drowned with love.

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‘Love’ Made Jesus Come from Heaven and be Born in the World

 Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus 2FROM THE BOOK OF HEAVEN

V6 – 12.24.03

This morning, as I was in my usual state, Baby Jesus came, and on seeing Him so very little, as if He were just born, I said to Him: ‘My pretty little one, what was the cause – who made You come from Heaven and be born, so little, in the world?’ And He: “The reason was love; not only this, but my birth in time was the outpouring of love of the Most Holy Trinity toward creatures. In an outpouring of love of my Mother I was born from Her womb, and in an outpouring of love I am reborn in souls. But this outpouring is formed by desire. As soon as the soul begins to desire Me, I am conceived; the more she advances in her desire, the more I keep growing in the soul; and when this desire fills her whole interior and reaches the point of overflowing outside, then I am reborn in the whole of man – in his mind, in his mouth, in his works and steps. In the opposite way, the devil also makes his births in souls. As soon as the soul begins to desire and to want evil, the devil is conceived with his perverted works; and if this desire is nourished, the devil grows and fills all of man’s interior with passions, the most ugly and disgusting ones, and reaches the point of overflowing outside, as man lets all vices rush in. My daughter, how many births the devil makes in these most sad times! If men and demons had the power to do it, they would have destroyed my births in souls.”

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